you shall be whipped into worthiness goddangit (in the love of god in the renewed mind in manifestation of course of course) while you crawl up and down kenyon steps ;)-->
Sexie, wouldn't it be fun to go to a twig incognito?? We could take all of us; Simon the Sorcerer, Rocky the redeemed, Nika the newbie in the word, Tom the strange one ...
I would love to manifest BOLDLY. I would be sure to take a numerous hits of Viagra beforehand sos the rest of the twig can see how blessed I really am as I stand to manifest.
Sexie, you can lead songs with the swaying boo-sums.
i was talking to simon the sorcerer and it's on his heart to rove around the country during our sunset years like the winegarner couple. (are you available?)
we are still trying to figure out which one was gail / gale and which one was francis / frances.... what deeefrince does it make ?
got a Gail and Frances Winegarner story for you. I hadn't even had pfil yet, I think I was like 16 years old. Well the Winegarner's came to OKC during one of their roves. After the teaching I helped with refreshments. I was cruising around with a plate of cookies, came up to Gail/Frances (the man) and offered to him. Well he says "get thee behind me satan." Wow man, totally freaked me out. He was teasing but I had no idea what the he!! I had done to get a response like that from him.
Karmic, you're cosmic. You can hang with us any day.
'Cause if not, I think that I read something somewhere about us all hanging separately that has me a bit concerned.
Oh, yes. The children were watching "Liberty's Kids," and that's a Franklin saying.
Speaking of going incognito to a twig, how many times over the years since you've been out of TWI have you been witnessed to by folks who don't know you, and are in? It's happened to me a couple of times.
I must have a gullible face.
Does anybody want a cat? He's nice. He hates dogs like nobody's beezwax. He needs to be the first cat in a household, because otherwise he'll grapple for dominance.
I gotta get rid of this cat, man. Too many!
The Chinese say that if a black cat chooses to make its home with you, you will be lucky.
Ohbehalved...Get thee hence,...but leave the cookies...Nika,you're not saying we're clique-ish,are you?....
We had our beloved dog,Gizmo put to sleep about a month ago....The vet who came and did the deed witnessed to me and left a pamphlet...He wasn't a way guy....My oldest daughter was witnessed to by some wayfers this summer...nobody I knew....
I don't know if I want to be Gail or Francis,but I call "shotgun!"
simonzemostest, i don't feel it was right-on for the vet to witness at poor gizmo's going away party unless i suppose the pamphlet was "all dogs go to heaven"
beehive that is realllllly funny maybe gail/frances was trying to lose weight
karminique, you must stay, you were almost spouse9
nikanique, my neighbor wants to me to ask around if anyone wants her cat, it's pure white and deaf
Simon, I am sorry to hear about your dog, but maybe it was God's primary will, because you took the covenant of sugar with the rest of us 9th, and ole Gizmo just kept you from being your BEST for His highest (highest WHAT???).
Rover, Rover, sounds like "Roll over!!! Roll over !!!" Maybe we should get our twig slopper and move about the southeastern part of this our country, walking and leaping and praising God, all to be billed as "Get a tan caravan".
Wouldn't it be sumthin if we gave all the twig girls rides on the slopper?? We could drive real fast-like sos they have to wrap their arms around us, pressing urgently into us...
OK... I'm back from the political thread and sooooo worn out from trying to be serious....
I say we start getting our sponsorship (read: bleeving) together in time for the RightReverend2Ts "Get a Tan Caravan" for the year of 2004... I think if we do... I mean when we do... we will see the blessed abundance of "Tan over the World" (or "Ecru over the World" if you like that better)...
I'm on board with you guys, I'll share in the driving (I like to drive fast and not wear a seat belt), TheRock will be in charge of pictures...
Can this be combined with "Vote for Tom Strange"???? I don't know why people want to get a tan, but I'd go along with it if it'll help me get more elected... personally I think tan is kind of bland and prefer the red of seestorEx's hair, or the teal of ...
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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Exer, hows about we go to Kenyon with some handcuffs and a gag?? I will recite scripture such as "Let your women keep silent in the church"...
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behold the handmaid of the lord be it done unto me according to they word
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can I take pictures?
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absolutely rockstar, we're a family are we not ?
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I'm not worthy... I'm not worthy!
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you shall be whipped into worthiness goddangit (in the love of god in the renewed mind in manifestation of course of course) while you crawl up and down kenyon steps
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Young & firm .... Ahhh, the good ole days ...
Sexie, wouldn't it be fun to go to a twig incognito?? We could take all of us; Simon the Sorcerer, Rocky the redeemed, Nika the newbie in the word, Tom the strange one ...
I would love to manifest BOLDLY. I would be sure to take a numerous hits of Viagra beforehand sos the rest of the twig can see how blessed I really am as I stand to manifest.
Sexie, you can lead songs with the swaying boo-sums.
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yes the good old days my tuttles....
i was talking to simon the sorcerer and it's on his heart to rove around the country during our sunset years like the winegarner couple. (are you available?)
we are still trying to figure out which one was gail / gale and which one was francis / frances.... what deeefrince does it make ?
first twig we bless, i say maybe harvey's ?
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got a Gail and Frances Winegarner story for you. I hadn't even had pfil yet, I think I was like 16 years old. Well the Winegarner's came to OKC during one of their roves. After the teaching I helped with refreshments. I was cruising around with a plate of cookies, came up to Gail/Frances (the man) and offered to him. Well he says "get thee behind me satan." Wow man, totally freaked me out. He was teasing but I had no idea what the he!! I had done to get a response like that from him.
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at least he didn't say, "aren't THEY gorgeous!"
tee hee...okay I'll go back to my all but dead F12 thread. Sorry to disturb!
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Karmic, you're cosmic. You can hang with us any day.
'Cause if not, I think that I read something somewhere about us all hanging separately that has me a bit concerned.
Oh, yes. The children were watching "Liberty's Kids," and that's a Franklin saying.
Speaking of going incognito to a twig, how many times over the years since you've been out of TWI have you been witnessed to by folks who don't know you, and are in? It's happened to me a couple of times.
I must have a gullible face.
Does anybody want a cat? He's nice. He hates dogs like nobody's beezwax. He needs to be the first cat in a household, because otherwise he'll grapple for dominance.
I gotta get rid of this cat, man. Too many!
The Chinese say that if a black cat chooses to make its home with you, you will be lucky.
Anybody out there wanna be lucky?
"Be just, and fear not."
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Hey, let's take some chips and dip over to the F12 thread!
"Be just, and fear not."
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Ohbehalved...Get thee hence,...but leave the cookies...Nika,you're not saying we're clique-ish,are you?....
We had our beloved dog,Gizmo put to sleep about a month ago....The vet who came and did the deed witnessed to me and left a pamphlet...He wasn't a way guy....My oldest daughter was witnessed to by some wayfers this summer...nobody I knew....
I don't know if I want to be Gail or Francis,but I call "shotgun!"
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Does it count if I used to have a winchester 20-20? (got rid of it before I even met youse guys for the first time)
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simonzemostest, i don't feel it was right-on for the vet to witness at poor gizmo's going away party unless i suppose the pamphlet was "all dogs go to heaven"
beehive that is realllllly funny maybe gail/frances was trying to lose weight
karminique, you must stay, you were almost spouse9
nikanique, my neighbor wants to me to ask around if anyone wants her cat, it's pure white and deaf
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Simon, I am sorry to hear about your dog, but maybe it was God's primary will, because you took the covenant of sugar with the rest of us 9th, and ole Gizmo just kept you from being your BEST for His highest (highest WHAT???).
Rover, Rover, sounds like "Roll over!!! Roll over !!!" Maybe we should get our twig slopper and move about the southeastern part of this our country, walking and leaping and praising God, all to be billed as "Get a tan caravan".
Wouldn't it be sumthin if we gave all the twig girls rides on the slopper?? We could drive real fast-like sos they have to wrap their arms around us, pressing urgently into us...
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laughing too hard to reply
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well i did reply didn't i ?
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Tom Strange
OK... I'm back from the political thread and sooooo worn out from trying to be serious....
I say we start getting our sponsorship (read: bleeving) together in time for the RightReverend2Ts "Get a Tan Caravan" for the year of 2004... I think if we do... I mean when we do... we will see the blessed abundance of "Tan over the World" (or "Ecru over the World" if you like that better)...
I'm on board with you guys, I'll share in the driving (I like to drive fast and not wear a seat belt), TheRock will be in charge of pictures...
Can this be combined with "Vote for Tom Strange"???? I don't know why people want to get a tan, but I'd go along with it if it'll help me get more elected... personally I think tan is kind of bland and prefer the red of seestorEx's hair, or the teal of ...
... big hitter, the lama...
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or the teal of ...
tick ?
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Thank you sister sex, mah mind wasn't stayed. I had forgotten one valuable ingredient: A chick-magneto, Tick by name.
Nothing cuter than a couple old guys slobbing aroung on a cycle with a horny hound dog in tow. I know, I can get a tee-shirt that says on the back:
"If you can read this, the BITCH fell off!!!"
Simon, should we recruit Elrod as our maintenance manager? Did you ever french with his mother?? You always did have a way with the motherly types ...
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Tom Strange
you two guys go on the slopper... me 'n X 'n niKa 'n Rockabye 'n fellowsleeper 'n vicki del negro 'n...
will follow along in the winderbaygo...
... big hitter, the lama...
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Who's gonna surf on top of the Winnebago, and get bugs in their teeth?
"Be just, and fear not."
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you are picked dear sis but i am NOT picking the buggies out of your teeth. i love ya...... but......
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