MissExcommunicator... the voices say thou art fool of borsh*... this new picture looks like the top of a KFC "pie in a cup" and those are potato wedges 2Ts...
Sunday sack suppers were my fave-oh-right... those little baggies of gorp!
Soon I'll have to give notice at work... I'm going WOW this year!
I looked behind the curtain and saw that it was bad
I just talked about you like you are ready to be put in a nursing home.... by talking over your post... right past your nose, and asking EX who you are...like you are some Altzheimer's patient or something.
so... tom... who are U...?? wanna give it up...???
Tried to register my phone number three or four times yesterday; it was loggjammed. Finally got through this morning; registered my # and my parents'.
Who's this too gray person? You are only as gray as you feel. (easy for me to say; my Mom still isn't completely gray, at 73.) Hey, TG, give us some clues as to your secret identity!
HINT 1: I drank while in residence. On grounds. If you were in residence, then you know there were only a few places to do this or you didn’t know it happened at all.
Where would you go to get Moonshine in residence at Emporia? College Division people. Rick Pany_ _ _ usually had something.
Marrian Myster_ _ _ (sp?) used to keep a stash of moonshine in her room, too. If you had a particularly hard day and could handle your liquor, you could go to her room and she would fix you up. Nice girl. Big heart. Had a lot of fun with her and others who just could not stand it without a break sometimes.
Pat L_ _ _ ‘s. apartment was another good watering hole. There weren’t that many drinking buddies that were in residence…. so … you had to be discreet.
HINT 2: Ronnie Wallace was my WOW 2 brother. (that ought to narrow it down. He only had two and one never went in the corpse.)
HINT 3: I went lead with Moira Kinney(sp?)
There. Enough clues.
You said in an older post you were not 9th corps... so what c. were you?
HEY Ex.... so you are behind on your sponsorship... Eh? Need Money, do you??
Let me see your journal. I am sure you are still keeping a journal, right??? Every day?? My bet is you have been writing some negative stuff in your journal and it has acted like a giant “GO BROKE MAGNETâ€. When that magnet gets energized, it is a sure recipe to run OUT-O-CASH in residence.
So here is a little secret. SEXXIE… or EXXIE… sorry…when in residence, there were a bunch of us making our own money. Yup. A book I stole a long time ago taught us how. Got it off the junk table in Advanced Class 77. It had a similar title to something VP had written.
The book off VPW’s junk table was entitled "CHRISTIANS SHOULD BE PHOSPHOROUS". Notice the spelling of the last word. This was a real find . The other book, “Christians Should Be Prosperous†was a joke VP made up just to get people not to read the phosphorous book.
Anyway, here is how we did it.
You make money by buying a whole bunch of kitchen matches and scrapping off the heads of the matches (the phosphorous) and then you turn it into a paste by adding moonshine (available on grounds at the above locations, prior post)… then you add some India Ink that you could steal from Devine Design (they never missed it!!) then get some lawn clippings from in front of Kenyon Hall… and some linen from the bellows off the pipe organ (this stuff was hard to steal because, Steve Un_ _ _ _ _ was there rebuilding it)… convert all to a slurry and then go to the Top of Anderson Lib. and pull out the 3rd brick from the seventh step in the upper area of the turret, and pull out the $20 plates. Put the slurry in, and come back in 3 days, and you had $1,000 in crisp 20s!! True. I lie not. Bill Fury laundered it in poker games off grounds. That is how we got it switched out.
EX - I made money for a lot of people. You should have let me know you needed some… course I don’t know who you are, either.
All,right,TGN,I'll play Lieutenant Colombo here....I have no gray hairs on my head(a few on my chin,tho)so I know you're not me....You must have been one of the younger corps guys or you wouldn't be too gray for your age now....Dark haired people usually turn gray earlier,so I think you have dark hair....You referred to Lead in your second year,so I'm guessing 9th corps,8th loa,or fc-5(altho single guys usually went with single girls}...If you were in good with Pat L---,you were either from New York or Indiana,or worked the head table....I know Davis worked the head table but he didn't look too gray in a somewhat recent photo....And since you took your time before posting on the thread,I suspect you're a little more reserved....so my guess...Jeff Pappas..
Hey Ex... sorry about the "pamphlet" thing, that was a cut and paste error on my part. Meant nothing. I can't spell worth a shi_ so I gotta cut and paste from MSWord so I can spell check... you are lucky I don't post engineering specifications by mistake. Engineers can't spell. Hell, we can barely add.
Now you are on to something about the good seed thing.... That is how I got to know Rick P. I was in one of those music groups back in residence. I am not George Kelly, but George did record a song with us on one of our tapes.
But the question about what corps you were in was directed towards you, Ex.. I thought I read in another post that you were NOT in the 9th... maybe the 7th??... Do you know Barbara Crane/Bennett?
But as we close in on who I am... I gotta find out who some of you guys are... seems only fair.
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
Posted Images
Look very carefully at your pic of bs and notice:
1. It is not in a Way C of E bowl (plain white)
2. The counterfeit bowl is not on a WCofE table
3. Are those 2 yellow thingies apple slices,
pieces of bread, or stale potato chips??
4. Ubiquitously missing is the head-table fork,
which had an ensign of a wheat chaff on
either side one, and Jesus in the
midst. The word "one" here is not in any
Iron sharpeneth iron and bone and wood and so on ...
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Now, we're talkin'. I can here Ron "Calvary" Hill announcing seconds, right now.
George Hendley is approaching the microphone to begin his announcements, shaking his head that anybody would go back for more of this glorious repast.
Sunday sack suppers are available on the way out.
Oh, I forgot . . . we are all way out.
Exie, thank you for the picture.
What meanest thou to deny that you know us? Was that the cock crowing thrice?
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Tom Strange
MissExcommunicator... the voices say thou art fool of borsh*... this new picture looks like the top of a KFC "pie in a cup" and those are potato wedges 2Ts...
Sunday sack suppers were my fave-oh-right... those little baggies of gorp!
Soon I'll have to give notice at work... I'm going WOW this year!
I looked behind the curtain and saw that it was bad
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Too Gray Now
Hey Ex...Who is Tom Strange?
Have you figured out who this guy is, yet?... his writing reminds me of the way Bill Fury looked. Kind o wild. But very funny.
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Too Gray Now
Sorry Tom Strange...
I just talked about you like you are ready to be put in a nursing home.... by talking over your post... right past your nose, and asking EX who you are...like you are some Altzheimer's patient or something.
so... tom... who are U...?? wanna give it up...???
I don't know anyone here either...
Tell you what...
You show me yours...
and I'll...
never mind.
keep your screen name. I ain't tellin either.
Solidarity, brother!
Annonimity for ever!
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what door'd you come in ?
not bill fury... although we guessed that at one point
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oh yeah too gray
jesus i know and paul i know......
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Tom Strange
thank you OurLadyoftheEx for those kind words...
so Grayt One, hasn't this game been played...
Simonbarsinister outted me a couple of pages ago... but as for you!
Do you wanna sponsor me for WOW?
I looked behind the curtain and saw that it was bad
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D _ V _ W _ L S _ N
Uhhh,....I'd like to buy a vowel,Pat.....
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Tom, How bad is it behind the curtain?
And SimonVanna, you may not have a U.
And who is this too gray character?
And btw, TS, do you know who any of us are?
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too gray, can i have some money too ? i owe somebody some sponsorship
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early reports had it receiving 1K hits/sec.
I got through about an hour ago. YeaH!!!
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Tried to register my phone number three or four times yesterday; it was loggjammed. Finally got through this morning; registered my # and my parents'.
Who's this too gray person? You are only as gray as you feel. (easy for me to say; my Mom still isn't completely gray, at 73.) Hey, TG, give us some clues as to your secret identity!
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Too Gray Now
HINTS You want, hmmmm?
HINT 1: I drank while in residence. On grounds. If you were in residence, then you know there were only a few places to do this or you didn’t know it happened at all.
Where would you go to get Moonshine in residence at Emporia? College Division people. Rick Pany_ _ _ usually had something.
Marrian Myster_ _ _ (sp?) used to keep a stash of moonshine in her room, too. If you had a particularly hard day and could handle your liquor, you could go to her room and she would fix you up. Nice girl. Big heart. Had a lot of fun with her and others who just could not stand it without a break sometimes.
Pat L_ _ _ ‘s. apartment was another good watering hole. There weren’t that many drinking buddies that were in residence…. so … you had to be discreet.
HINT 2: Ronnie Wallace was my WOW 2 brother. (that ought to narrow it down. He only had two and one never went in the corpse.)
HINT 3: I went lead with Moira Kinney(sp?)
There. Enough clues.
You said in an older post you were not 9th corps... so what c. were you?
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Too Gray Now
HEY Ex.... so you are behind on your sponsorship... Eh? Need Money, do you??
Let me see your journal. I am sure you are still keeping a journal, right??? Every day?? My bet is you have been writing some negative stuff in your journal and it has acted like a giant “GO BROKE MAGNETâ€. When that magnet gets energized, it is a sure recipe to run OUT-O-CASH in residence.
So here is a little secret. SEXXIE… or EXXIE… sorry…when in residence, there were a bunch of us making our own money. Yup. A book I stole a long time ago taught us how. Got it off the junk table in Advanced Class 77. It had a similar title to something VP had written.
The book off VPW’s junk table was entitled "CHRISTIANS SHOULD BE PHOSPHOROUS". Notice the spelling of the last word. This was a real find . The other book, “Christians Should Be Prosperous†was a joke VP made up just to get people not to read the phosphorous book.
Anyway, here is how we did it.
You make money by buying a whole bunch of kitchen matches and scrapping off the heads of the matches (the phosphorous) and then you turn it into a paste by adding moonshine (available on grounds at the above locations, prior post)… then you add some India Ink that you could steal from Devine Design (they never missed it!!) then get some lawn clippings from in front of Kenyon Hall… and some linen from the bellows off the pipe organ (this stuff was hard to steal because, Steve Un_ _ _ _ _ was there rebuilding it)… convert all to a slurry and then go to the Top of Anderson Lib. and pull out the 3rd brick from the seventh step in the upper area of the turret, and pull out the $20 plates. Put the slurry in, and come back in 3 days, and you had $1,000 in crisp 20s!! True. I lie not. Bill Fury laundered it in poker games off grounds. That is how we got it switched out.
EX - I made money for a lot of people. You should have let me know you needed some… course I don’t know who you are, either.
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TGN.....I went lead with Moira Kenney our first year in-res.,and you're not me so that must have been our second year....
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Too Gray Now
Bingo! Year 2.
But how do you KNOW I am not you? Are you too gray for your age? If not, then you're right. You aren't me.
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the gray man said:
??? please expoundand who are you asking what corps they were in ? and... what corps were you in ?
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All,right,TGN,I'll play Lieutenant Colombo here....I have no gray hairs on my head(a few on my chin,tho)so I know you're not me....You must have been one of the younger corps guys or you wouldn't be too gray for your age now....Dark haired people usually turn gray earlier,so I think you have dark hair....You referred to Lead in your second year,so I'm guessing 9th corps,8th loa,or fc-5(altho single guys usually went with single girls}...If you were in good with Pat L---,you were either from New York or Indiana,or worked the head table....I know Davis worked the head table but he didn't look too gray in a somewhat recent photo....And since you took your time before posting on the thread,I suspect you're a little more reserved....so my guess...Jeff Pappas..
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jeff pappas.... moonshine.... nah
let's see
11the corps, did they go lead with 9th ? george kelly ?
i liked the "davis" guess
wait ..... pany*rd.... good seed.... p l*nn indiana. hmmmmmmmmm
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Too Gray Now
You guys are pretty good at the Colombo thing!
I was 11th corps.
There. It's out. You squeezed me.
Hey Ex... sorry about the "pamphlet" thing, that was a cut and paste error on my part. Meant nothing. I can't spell worth a shi_ so I gotta cut and paste from MSWord so I can spell check... you are lucky I don't post engineering specifications by mistake. Engineers can't spell. Hell, we can barely add.
Now you are on to something about the good seed thing.... That is how I got to know Rick P. I was in one of those music groups back in residence. I am not George Kelly, but George did record a song with us on one of our tapes.
But the question about what corps you were in was directed towards you, Ex.. I thought I read in another post that you were NOT in the 9th... maybe the 7th??... Do you know Barbara Crane/Bennett?
But as we close in on who I am... I gotta find out who some of you guys are... seems only fair.
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another.... jeff
nicely ???
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oops we posted at same time
okayyyyyyyyyyyyy 11th corps !!!!!
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you were not a monk once, were you ?
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