Tommy,wasn't Bar-Jesus the prisoner they released instead of Jesus of Nazereth? Or was that Jesus Barrabas? God,Jesus must have been a popular name back then....I wonder if there was a JesusZelotes.....
That is right Simon I need to read my bible more. We were wondering what it would be like fishing on the beach and all of a sudden it started raining pigs. The other guys out hanging waves were tipped over by pig carcasses other seashell fans were disturbed by the froth of pig stew on their favorite seashell sites. Now I recall.
quote:Ex, wilt thou again at this time restore unto us a 9th corps reunion? Have we enough yet for a REAL believer's meeting, with Dana but a stone's throw from the kingdom of our tread??
whose heart is it on to manifest ?
please submit the title of your teachings for approval
as well as areas of responsibilities (concern, interest, need) which you are believing for
I'd like to share on the art of sharing. I learned maany things at the feet of Len while in res, and I know my corps bro's & sis's would be blessed more than they already are to hear me share of what Len shared with me.
Sharing comes from the hebrew word, meaning one whose bowels gush out. We are to let our hearts explode out to the hearers that which is burning as a chile pepper in the innermost parts of our being.
And this is how, with a capital 'H' and a capital 'O' and a capital 'W', our very own Shallowdipper got his name ...
Tommyknocker......Aren't you talking about Judas Iscariat,who fell on his sword and was burst asunder(not to be confused with burst of thunder)and all his bowels gushed out?...Eeeewwww,gross.....Did you look up in the Pe....ta text?
C'mon,Exinthecity,reunions aren't for word studies....Just read what's written....If it's wrong,I'll tell you.....See that word "him" in italics? Scratch it out...You leave it in there and it blows your whole Bible to smithereens....How about the Pope in Rome,when he speaks,Excathedra?...It's STILL private interpretation....
I might be able to host a couple of families, say, the first weekend in August (Aug. 2nd and 3rd).
We could set up a flatbed in the backyard, and get Pressed Down to shake out a few tunes. (geez, are they all even still alive?) Mebbe we'd better go with a sound system, instead.
There will be a tolerable number of homegrown tomatoes in the garden at that time, and the yard cat will let you hold him in your lap.
But this time, let's be really sure before we say "Amen," and then let's really do it.
So, should we say that the floor is open for suggestions as to places and times? I could travel on that weekend, and come to your place, if that's better.
I live in Norman, OK, which is about twenty minutes from the OKC airport. The Heartland Flyer train stops here, as well.
great idea niKa, I'm going to have trial run on the reunion thing with first union of sorts with some in Tucson next month... simon has also sounded like he would be there.... weekend of July 20, I think.
And simon, you think the POPE is private interpretation, don't even talk about the head guy in Phoenix...
These people are giving folks who scoff at God more and more amunition. I have to say that even though his pre-Kindergarten teacher was wonderful, I'm a bit relieved that my son is no longer attending Catholic school.
quote:O'Brien admitted he allowed priests to work with minors after he knew of sexual misconduct allegations against them, and that he transferred them to ministries without telling their new supervisors.
He has denied committing any crimes and has apologized for any "misconduct, hardship or harm" caused to victims by priests in the diocese.
If there's any justice in the world, there is a very special Hell for people like the Phoenix guy. Maybe when he ends up there, he can give our regards to VPW.
Sorry for sugarcoating that; it's a bad habit of mine.
Oh, niKa, really. How DO you feel about it? (just kidding).
Actually, comparatively speaking, the hit and run was probably mostly carelessness (just guessing, not trying to justify or minimize).
I'm mainly glad I don't have to listen to His Arrogance (double entendre, intended) on the news anymore.
They say the new sheriff in town, er, bishop, has a no tolerance policy for the sexual misconduct and cleaned things up (NOT the way Tom O'Brien did) in Santa Fe, firing about 20 priests and NOT placing them in work elsewhere.
Of course, there is still the question of whether those bozos should have been prosecuted...
One of my greatest sports-spectating thrills was to see Sammy Sosa break a bat in Candlestick Park, the last year the park was open; we were there for my husband's work. Now, I'm wondering if the reason some of those bat pieces flew all the way past the pitcher's mound was because they were cork!
One of my former students just got drafted by the NY Yankees; he's a pitcher. I hope that he gets to pitch to Sosa next season.
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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Tommy,wasn't Bar-Jesus the prisoner they released instead of Jesus of Nazereth? Or was that Jesus Barrabas? God,Jesus must have been a popular name back then....I wonder if there was a JesusZelotes.....
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That is right Simon I need to read my bible more. We were wondering what it would be like fishing on the beach and all of a sudden it started raining pigs. The other guys out hanging waves were tipped over by pig carcasses other seashell fans were disturbed by the froth of pig stew on their favorite seashell sites. Now I recall.
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Wow, talk about the sixties . . ..
You folks are having a psychodelic porkodelic physiological phantasy.
Just reading that makes me reach for another cup of coffee . . ..
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whose heart is it on to manifest ?
please submit the title of your teachings for approval
as well as areas of responsibilities (concern, interest, need) which you are believing for
ronaldo, song leading perhaps ?
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I'd like to share on the art of sharing. I learned maany things at the feet of Len while in res, and I know my corps bro's & sis's would be blessed more than they already are to hear me share of what Len shared with me.
Sharing comes from the hebrew word, meaning one whose bowels gush out. We are to let our hearts explode out to the hearers that which is burning as a chile pepper in the innermost parts of our being.
And this is how, with a capital 'H' and a capital 'O' and a capital 'W', our very own Shallowdipper got his name ...
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Tommyknocker......Aren't you talking about Judas Iscariat,who fell on his sword and was burst asunder(not to be confused with burst of thunder)and all his bowels gushed out?...Eeeewwww,gross.....Did you look up in the Pe....ta text?
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you guys are pistis-ing me off
okay now seriously, at our reunion, i will be doing a word study on all the italicized words in the king james version
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C'mon,Exinthecity,reunions aren't for word studies....Just read what's written....If it's wrong,I'll tell you.....See that word "him" in italics? Scratch it out...You leave it in there and it blows your whole Bible to smithereens....How about the Pope in Rome,when he speaks,Excathedra?...It's STILL private interpretation....
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So, when's the reunion?
I might be able to host a couple of families, say, the first weekend in August (Aug. 2nd and 3rd).
We could set up a flatbed in the backyard, and get Pressed Down to shake out a few tunes. (geez, are they all even still alive?) Mebbe we'd better go with a sound system, instead.
There will be a tolerable number of homegrown tomatoes in the garden at that time, and the yard cat will let you hold him in your lap.
But this time, let's be really sure before we say "Amen," and then let's really do it.
So, should we say that the floor is open for suggestions as to places and times? I could travel on that weekend, and come to your place, if that's better.
I live in Norman, OK, which is about twenty minutes from the OKC airport. The Heartland Flyer train stops here, as well.
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great idea niKa, I'm going to have trial run on the reunion thing with first union of sorts with some in Tucson next month... simon has also sounded like he would be there.... weekend of July 20, I think.
And simon, you think the POPE is private interpretation, don't even talk about the head guy in Phoenix...
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FORMER head guy in Phoenix, as of late yesterday.
These people are giving folks who scoff at God more and more amunition. I have to say that even though his pre-Kindergarten teacher was wonderful, I'm a bit relieved that my son is no longer attending Catholic school.
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who, the guy who hit a 6 ft. 230 lb. cat ?
from today's news
so the hit-and-run, is that misconduct too ?
jesus christ
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I'm sure he wishes he were the man he knew to be....
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don't they all....
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If there's any justice in the world, there is a very special Hell for people like the Phoenix guy. Maybe when he ends up there, he can give our regards to VPW.
Sorry for sugarcoating that; it's a bad habit of mine.
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Oh, niKa, really. How DO you feel about it? (just kidding).
Actually, comparatively speaking, the hit and run was probably mostly carelessness (just guessing, not trying to justify or minimize).
I'm mainly glad I don't have to listen to His Arrogance (double entendre, intended) on the news anymore.
They say the new sheriff in town, er, bishop, has a no tolerance policy for the sexual misconduct and cleaned things up (NOT the way Tom O'Brien did) in Santa Fe, firing about 20 priests and NOT placing them in work elsewhere.
Of course, there is still the question of whether those bozos should have been prosecuted...
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you know, i would go on with this, but i can't
too many sheriffs, so little, actually so many.... triggers
that's me
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simonzelotes about those Cubs.....
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One of my greatest sports-spectating thrills was to see Sammy Sosa break a bat in Candlestick Park, the last year the park was open; we were there for my husband's work. Now, I'm wondering if the reason some of those bat pieces flew all the way past the pitcher's mound was because they were cork!
One of my former students just got drafted by the NY Yankees; he's a pitcher. I hope that he gets to pitch to Sosa next season.
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i love you "guys" all inclusive
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What mean ye to weep, and to break mine heart?
How about them Gino's pizzas Simonion???
Where is mellowtripper?? Do mushroom grow outta the cow manure in OK ???
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what possessed you to visit tommytootles
and ps. simonsezurit, i'm gonna smack ya
(group hug ha ha ha ha ha ha) i know you think i'm being girlie girl
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We don't mind if you're being a girlie girl Ex just as long as you don't start talking about your girlie desires to this congregation.
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