I did run the stairs of kenyon hall and vowed the vow of celebecy to never partake in that practice ever again. The lactic acid in my legs hurt.
Once I had remembered when I came back from lead that my stomach could not be satisfied with fulness and they served Borsch and noone wanted any at the table so they were blessed in giving me theirs. I ate so much borsch that I had to go to our Fran at third aid because I was urinating red liquid. I not being gross just my in-residence experience.
Ex I really enjoyed your housekeeping article. We need more of them so the wifes can know their place as wives. barf,.
Yes,Rock,renaming Squaw peak Piesteawa(sp)Peak was one of the smartest things our Arizona lawmakers did in recent memory.....
Hey,I actually liked borsht too,although I haven't ordered it in a restaurant since WC days.....I remember once having bulgar wheat salad for dinner....The stuff was horrible....When they announced that seconds were available,this guy named Monty was the only guy to go up for more,and he got quite an ovation from the fellow-diners....Then George Hendley got on the mike and nouthetically confronted us for our unloving inappreciation for the dining room menu planners....
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha i remember when we gave him a standing ovation for going back for seconds. still makes me laugh right now. oh george.... would you stand, speak in tongues and interpret!!!ha ha ha ha ha ha
fellowpither (thimon you're killin me) you REALLY pith'd beet juice ? ha ha ha ha ha ha you guys are just too much. stop it. i can't spit coffee on my new computer screen
igotsoused is my guru. he has the ministry of a techwizard. he's unfrikkinbelievable. he helped me order (well he ordered it) a new computer and then set it up so that i literally had to just plug it in. i will worship him forevermore...
mellowfellow, anything you want to share ???
glad y'all liked the article. tommy tuttle sent it to me and titled it "the good wife by vpw" speaking of tuttle....
nika biker, i'm trying to remember if i did the steps in kenyon. i do remember sleeping under a table in the sewing room in kenyon... waiting for the runners to return and then just slipping into the crowd....
Ex, tonight I'll be on a ferry to go over to Tansmania. I wanted to check out the outdated penal colonys there to see if there was any outreach work to be done there or to hold it forth. I'll be there for less than aweek but it is an eleven hour ferry ride from Melbourne.
Fellowshipper, you be careful out there! Have fun; I am so jealous that my keyboard is turning green. Tell us all about it, when you get back. Godspeed.
heh heh, if that means what it seems you are implying, boy oh boy would you be raising kids for a long time.
Quiver full? Sort of... well, niKa, glad you'll have more time to dance.
Glad the job allows you the time. Glad you have a wonderful family.
I'm also glad for my wonderful 13-year old, who about a week ago (she's been dealing with that nasty ol' depression for some time, and I won't go into my understanding of why and how), and about two months into living with me full time, reflected a couple of days after waking up happy, and realizing it... that she was actually happy!
btw, day after tomorrow (May 28th) back in court after the one month continuance.
This time, I am prepared for dealing with a judge that wants to believe my ex; I am prepared for dealing with a steady barrage of nonsensical nonsense from the ex (not to be confused with our resident 9th Corp Ex-Cath) ... but still have apprehension and uncertainty.
But no uncertainty about how my kiddo is doing, and no uncertainty about how to keep her safe and thriving.
Thanks for support from all of you.
And I just got back from spending Memorial Day with my mom and kid. We went to the Veterans' Cemetery. Will try to post a pic.
On a local radio news program today, the director of the National Memorial Cemetery of Northern and Central Arizona said that 37,000 are buried here, both Veterans and eligible family members (mostly spouses).
During a morning ceremony today, Gov. Napolitano announced a committee to design a monument to be placed in a park across the street from the State Capitol, to honor Arizonans who lost their lives in Operation Iraqi Freedom. The most notable and now recognizable name among the approx. half dozen Army and Marine Corps members is Specialist Lori Piestewa, believed to be the first Native American woman soldier to die in battle in service to the United States.
It was a lightly breezy 105 degree afternoon at the Veterans' Cemetery, my brother's final resting place on this earth, here, a shade tree provides occasional respite from the heat for visitors and mourners.
God bless your brother, sweet Rocky. What was his name? I will pray for his soul.
And yes, that's what I meant by the alarm. I'd have been fine with it, either way. They grow up in the blink of an eye, anyway; eighteen years used to sound like a long time to me; now, it's a fingersnap.
His name was Michael. He was younger than me. His kids (now 19 and 25) had a rough time because he died in 1992.
Anyway, I'm a relatively calm basket case today, as court is tomorrow.
I know I'm doing the right thing. The ex gave clues last night that she is far from done fighting me. The judge still favors mothers, but I have a strategy I hope will work (completely legal and ethical, derived from Dale Carnegie...).
Just be sure that you discuss your strategy with your lawyer before implementing it. The judge has likely seen it before, no matter that you thought of it yourself. The judge has likely seen lots of dads in situations just like yours.
If you ask him to do so, will the judge take your daughter in chambers, and simply ask her who she'd rather live with?
No matter what, take advantage of your lawyer's experience. That's what you're paying the big bucks for.
Good luck; I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you, and pray.
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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well, not raining, not at all close to cold here...
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That was me, shooting a flare to see whether anybody's out there.
W-w-w-w-wat's up, doc?
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Oh,sorry....I was out back taking a pistis-I mean taking a look at the word pistis....I want to have the faith of Jethuth Chritht...
Hey Nika,I see you're up to gs regular...Right on....You'll have that thing up to irregular in no time now that school's out....
I would like to take this time to acknowledge my respects for those who died serving our country....May God rest their souls...
Ok,...gentlemen,....start your engines.....
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Btw....I'm glad you explained what booooossshhh was.It sounded like something Howard Allen would say......
I'm reeeeally thankful for our wonderful weeeemen like Treeeeesha,and our President George Boooosh......
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Thanks for reminding us to be thankful for something besides watermelon and grilled hamburgers this weekend.
Here's a prayer said, and a glass raised, for all of the men and women who have died serving this great country.
Just to name a few,
my Dad's best friend and cousin, Buster.
2/3 of the men in my father-in-law's unit, on a certain hill, on a certain day in Korea.
my Dad's next best buddy, who died next to him, but I don't know his name.
Lori Piestewa.
Love and respect to all of them.
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Amen and amen.
And on Monday afternoon, if I can get some help from IGotClout, I will bring you images from Memorial Day rememberences.
But not from Piestewa Peak (there really is a place in Phoenix with that name now...Simon can attest).
And after a moment of silence... Booooossshhh calls to my Memorializing mind...Boooooorrsschht.
Does anyone have a favorite recipe for Borscht that we can use in rememberence of...oh, wait, were NOT in Kansas anymore, Dorothy (sorry)
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I'm a freak, and I admit it . . .
I actually liked booooooooorscht.
OK, got that off of my conscience, now.
I still hate calisthenics and fun runs, though.
Raise your hand if you ever ran the steps in Kenyon.
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I did run the stairs of kenyon hall and vowed the vow of celebecy to never partake in that practice ever again. The lactic acid in my legs hurt.
Once I had remembered when I came back from lead that my stomach could not be satisfied with fulness and they served Borsch and noone wanted any at the table so they were blessed in giving me theirs. I ate so much borsch that I had to go to our Fran at third aid because I was urinating red liquid. I not being gross just my in-residence experience.
Ex I really enjoyed your housekeeping article. We need more of them so the wifes can know their place as wives. barf,.
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Fellowpither,...good to hear from you again....
Yes,Rock,renaming Squaw peak Piesteawa(sp)Peak was one of the smartest things our Arizona lawmakers did in recent memory.....
Hey,I actually liked borsht too,although I haven't ordered it in a restaurant since WC days.....I remember once having bulgar wheat salad for dinner....The stuff was horrible....When they announced that seconds were available,this guy named Monty was the only guy to go up for more,and he got quite an ovation from the fellow-diners....Then George Hendley got on the mike and nouthetically confronted us for our unloving inappreciation for the dining room menu planners....
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ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha i remember when we gave him a standing ovation for going back for seconds. still makes me laugh right now. oh george.... would you stand, speak in tongues and interpret!!!ha ha ha ha ha ha
fellowpither (thimon you're killin me) you REALLY pith'd beet juice ? ha ha ha ha ha ha you guys are just too much. stop it. i can't spit coffee on my new computer screen
igotsoused is my guru. he has the ministry of a techwizard. he's unfrikkinbelievable. he helped me order (well he ordered it) a new computer and then set it up so that i literally had to just plug it in. i will worship him forevermore...
mellowfellow, anything you want to share ???
glad y'all liked the article. tommy tuttle sent it to me and titled it "the good wife by vpw" speaking of tuttle....
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nika biker, i'm trying to remember if i did the steps in kenyon. i do remember sleeping under a table in the sewing room in kenyon... waiting for the runners to return and then just slipping into the crowd....
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Ex, tonight I'll be on a ferry to go over to Tansmania. I wanted to check out the outdated penal colonys there to see if there was any outreach work to be done there or to hold it forth. I'll be there for less than aweek but it is an eleven hour ferry ride from Melbourne.
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Fellowshipper, you be careful out there! Have fun; I am so jealous that my keyboard is turning green. Tell us all about it, when you get back. Godspeed.
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Umm,...hey,..uhhh,..Shipper,like.....what time is it over there?
Dang,...I should start thinking about what I'm gonna type before I start typing...
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Simone just add sixteen hours to where your time zone is and you can be pretty close.
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Well, I was thinking.
It seems that my family was pretty wide-spread, age- and education-wise, during this past school year.
I teach at the college.
My stepson was in high school.
My stepdaughter was in middle school.
My son was in elementary school.
My daughter was in nursery school.
A couple of months ago, we had a "false alarm."
Next year, two at the high school. Instead of picking up precious cargo at four different schools, only three!
More time to dance in the kitchen.
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False alarm?
heh heh, if that means what it seems you are implying, boy oh boy would you be raising kids for a long time.
Quiver full? Sort of... well, niKa, glad you'll have more time to dance.
Glad the job allows you the time. Glad you have a wonderful family.
I'm also glad for my wonderful 13-year old, who about a week ago (she's been dealing with that nasty ol' depression for some time, and I won't go into my understanding of why and how), and about two months into living with me full time, reflected a couple of days after waking up happy, and realizing it... that she was actually happy!
btw, day after tomorrow (May 28th) back in court after the one month continuance.
This time, I am prepared for dealing with a judge that wants to believe my ex; I am prepared for dealing with a steady barrage of nonsensical nonsense from the ex (not to be confused with our resident 9th Corp Ex-Cath) ... but still have apprehension and uncertainty.
But no uncertainty about how my kiddo is doing, and no uncertainty about how to keep her safe and thriving.
Thanks for support from all of you.
And I just got back from spending Memorial Day with my mom and kid. We went to the Veterans' Cemetery. Will try to post a pic.
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Here is the pic you asked me to post for you Rocky. Please elaborate. Hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day.

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Thank you Mr. I.G.Out,
On a local radio news program today, the director of the National Memorial Cemetery of Northern and Central Arizona said that 37,000 are buried here, both Veterans and eligible family members (mostly spouses).
During a morning ceremony today, Gov. Napolitano announced a committee to design a monument to be placed in a park across the street from the State Capitol, to honor Arizonans who lost their lives in Operation Iraqi Freedom. The most notable and now recognizable name among the approx. half dozen Army and Marine Corps members is Specialist Lori Piestewa, believed to be the first Native American woman soldier to die in battle in service to the United States.
It was a lightly breezy 105 degree afternoon at the Veterans' Cemetery, my brother's final resting place on this earth, here, a shade tree provides occasional respite from the heat for visitors and mourners.
(In case anyone wonders, I took the pic)
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God bless your brother, sweet Rocky. What was his name? I will pray for his soul.
And yes, that's what I meant by the alarm. I'd have been fine with it, either way. They grow up in the blink of an eye, anyway; eighteen years used to sound like a long time to me; now, it's a fingersnap.
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Thanks niKa.
His name was Michael. He was younger than me. His kids (now 19 and 25) had a rough time because he died in 1992.
Anyway, I'm a relatively calm basket case today, as court is tomorrow.
I know I'm doing the right thing. The ex gave clues last night that she is far from done fighting me. The judge still favors mothers, but I have a strategy I hope will work (completely legal and ethical, derived from Dale Carnegie...).
Anyway, I just ask for your prayers. thanks
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Fingers crossed for you,Rocky...Hope your nephews(nieces?)are doing ok....Glad to know you know you're doing the right thing....
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My friend RockaroundtheClock:
Just be sure that you discuss your strategy with your lawyer before implementing it. The judge has likely seen it before, no matter that you thought of it yourself. The judge has likely seen lots of dads in situations just like yours.
If you ask him to do so, will the judge take your daughter in chambers, and simply ask her who she'd rather live with?
No matter what, take advantage of your lawyer's experience. That's what you're paying the big bucks for.
Good luck; I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you, and pray.
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rocky, thank you for sharing memorial resting place for michael. i'm so sorry.
saying a prayer for today. let us know how it goes.
love, ex
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