But, Buck-o, precise usage suggests that if Tom's experience was LIKE a live sex show, he was probably dreaming...
It sounds a lot closer than "like"... like reach out and touch someone, eh?
Response from Buck - posted December 12, 2002
Righto Rocko
Yeah, as a young feller in the Corps, I probably would have been crazed by that kind of a thing going on three feet over my head. Yup, it may make me seem a little pre-verted, but then again not really. Sex is powerful stuff...
Say Rocky, are you the same as Rocky Rococo?
Response from Buck
Re Simonzelotes
Oh hey Simon, I see why you ask. Well, Rocky started this thread, and it did seem odd that this thread was started in the Corps section. I was just responding I spose. Maybe we should just let this one fade from popularity and get pushed to the bottom? Who knows, maybe the moderator will delete it...
We certainly wuoldn't want Rock'n Buck to be led down the wrong path..Rocky,when are you going to post on a political thread again so we can find something to argue about....Buck,I think I know who you are,but I don't remember your face....Gee you married guys had all the fun..the only thing us singles could hope for was to cuddle up in a sleeping bag with someone in top floor warhol and watch Papillon.
Well Rocky, you and I had some hellacious arguments a good while back. Arguments about politics, surprisingly enough. Haha! Oh, we were bad to each other for sure. I had a different handle back then and went by the name of "Skookumjoe". Remember me now?
But I'm ok now Rocky. I've joined the Democratic party, am a member of PETA and the ACLU, and make monthly donations to N.O.W.......NOT!
Naw, I don't really want to get into all of that these days. I really have done some thinking about how futile it is to try and figure out what is really going on in politics. The only one that really sees the big picture is God, and that I know I can is for sure...
Simon, if you want to e-mail me, I will tell you who I am. Quid pro quo of course...
Naw, I don't really want to get into all of that these days. I really have done some thinking about how futile it is to try and figure out what is really going on in politics. The only one that really sees the big picture is God, and that I know I can SAY is for sure...
By the way,what in the hell are we doing on a Friday night punching a keyboard,instead of being out carousing,chasing women,and raising hell? Are we getting old or something?
Simon you said," by the way, what in the hell are we doing on a Friday night punching a keyboard,instead of being out....." I used to wrestle with that and now just except it. That is the true sign of aging.
For all of you in NC, I got to shake hands with Johnny Edwards (US Senator from NC, Dem) this evening. He spoke at a political dinner event this evening. You Tar Heels know too well, no doubt that he is prepping to run for President.
Myself, I think John Kerry from Mass. has more of a presidential presence. I've met both, and if I had to bet now, I'd put money on Kerry over Edwards, and probably over Gore (if he wants another run at it, or Leiberman, but Leiberman would be a strong candidate).
Anyway, I remember various times my mother telling me that when I had told someone my age, (late 30s, early 40s, for example) how it made her feel old.
Well, at this dinner, I was at the media table in the back, and a "young" couple came up to me to talk. Now, I already know many of the active Dems in AZ anyway, but did not recognize these two.
The gal asks me something about who I am and if I remember her, Bishop Cornwell's older daughter (anyone who was a wow or corpse in AZ at anytime in the 1970s, 80s, or maybe into the 90s probably knows who Bishop C. is. For those who do not, his is listed in the directory pages on the Cortright fellowship web site (see drop down menu at the top of the page for a link).
Well, I first came back to AZ after "getting into the Word" while overseas, in 1976 or 1977. She was just a kid.
Apparently, she grew up, spent at least a year at the Way C of E, met a guy, married him and ended up (now is) 37 years old (of course, 1977 is 25 years ago), and has three kids, one a teenager already.
Well, her husband works for a large corporation that does business with the State of Arizona and therefore he does some political associating.
Anyway, the former Miss Cornwell is doing very well and both seem quite happy together and content no longer being in twi.
I almost feel guilty saying she's a fox, as if time stood still and she's still a minor. But she's not, and I'm not guilty and it just was interesting and nice to see an old acquaintance.
Hey,he wasn't a real bishop,was he? I think that was his first name....I don't know if the way ordained people to be bishops...If they did it would be Bishop Tim Bishop,or,we would call Lloyd "His Excellency,Bishop Bishop".I think Bishop K.C. Pallai was already a bishop before he got involved with the way.Since the terrorist attacks,have you read "Light Through An Eastern Window"? Maybe some of these ousted bishops in the Catholic Church can find work at TWI....Fellowzipper,nice of you to drop by...."...Well the time slips away mister,leaving you with nothing but boring stories of...glory days..." Bruce Springsteen.
Saimoneon, we just saw Bruce Springsteen in concert. It was great. What a show!
Remember all those 8mm movies Tricia Byrne took? She was forever carrying around her little camera and filming things. This was you first, our last year.
After some digging I finally contacted her in Germany. I asked her if I could get copies of her films so I could convert them to DVD. I offered to pay for it. Regretably she said she lost all her films
[This message was edited by Rocky on December 13, 2002 at 19:42.]
posted December 13, 2002 16:19
Free to Be
Registered: August 20, 2002
Posts: 221
Yo Rocky,
Well yes I do....In fact I'm gonna pick one right now....WHY DO YOU INSIST ON STARTING A NEW THREAD WITH YOUR REPLIES??????? You never listen to me,Rock,..you just don't care,.....you always have to do things your own way,...everybody else is wrong,Rocky's right,...Why can't you be more like the other posters here,.....There, am I sounding like your ex yet???
posted December 13, 2002 16:56
Official GSC Rabble Rouser
From: Chicago, IL
Registered: June 11, 2002
Posts: 426
Oh, so now we're playing "simon sez"?
Rocks can start as many threads as he wants!
As far as Buck, he must be nigh unto insanity by now, what with all these threads that Rocks has started.
posted December 13, 2002 19:32
Free to Be
From: AZ
Registered: June 12, 2002
Posts: 62
I don't know... it must be ______'s fault, I hit the reply button
Now I know why blaming and denial are so epidemic in our society. Even when one wants to be honest with himself, it sounds dorky.
Simon, it must be a conspiracy.!
posted December 13, 2002 19:39
Free to Be
Registered: August 20, 2002
Posts: 221
Rocky, I'm skipping back and forth here trying to figure out what you said last and to whom...
Geez,you keep this up will have to put you on probation....or prohibition,...or....just fix this thing,will ya,.I have a hard enough time saying something stupid on one thread,much less two...
Can I go wow with you all? Do you remember in the early wow days they would send an A wave and a B wave? Maybe I could catch a ride with you on the B wave wagon?
Yeah, I remember that...I think the "A's" went immediately after the rock and the "B's" went right after the anniverary weekend in Oct...In 1974 McDonald's had a promotion,if you could say "two all beef patties,special sauce,lettuce,cheese,pickles,onions,on a sesame seed bun" within four seconds you got a free big mac....Guess what our supper was for three weeks? I can't believe I still remember that......Ohbehave,you may join the 9th corps "b" wave of Wows,as long as you don't post your replies on a new thread like our dear brother Rocky....Regrettably,he is now on probation.....John,I remember Tricia,but not her camera....We also had Michael Heron,who like tricia,haled from Ireland,in the 9th corps...HE seemed like the oldest guy in our corps....
Ok,Rocky, you're off probation, however you must submit your posts to the Crustees for review,so's we can go over them line by line and word by word,because after all, we wouldn't want you to use an improper English wurd....ExCatchatigerbythetail...sorry about that...I'll get Lenny to put the mike down and clean that up for you......Tommy,...uhhh,...that went right over my head,thru the woods,allthe way to gramma's house.....Let one interpret,...that is, the selfsame one,which is a cogent expression,which relates itself to the nearest antecedant,meaning that,in the dative case, the "one" which is italicized,would refer to the nearest noun or pronoun,being modified in the present or past tense,naturally would be the accusative for "that one" prophet,Malachi...
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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I musta hit the wrong button... did not mean to start a new thread... sorry.
It was a goofy tangent anyway.
Buck... yes, I was, through the first in-res year and into the interim year.
I think simon and Tom and Ex knew me, but not in the biblical way.
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From Rocky - posted December 12, 2002 16:53
Not that I could be a professor of English...
But, Buck-o, precise usage suggests that if Tom's experience was LIKE a live sex show, he was probably dreaming...
It sounds a lot closer than "like"... like reach out and touch someone, eh?
Response from Buck - posted December 12, 2002
Righto Rocko
Yeah, as a young feller in the Corps, I probably would have been crazed by that kind of a thing going on three feet over my head. Yup, it may make me seem a little pre-verted, but then again not really. Sex is powerful stuff...
Say Rocky, are you the same as Rocky Rococo?
Response from Buck
Re Simonzelotes
Oh hey Simon, I see why you ask. Well, Rocky started this thread, and it did seem odd that this thread was started in the Corps section. I was just responding I spose. Maybe we should just let this one fade from popularity and get pushed to the bottom? Who knows, maybe the moderator will delete it...
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We certainly wuoldn't want Rock'n Buck to be led down the wrong path..Rocky,when are you going to post on a political thread again so we can find something to argue about....Buck,I think I know who you are,but I don't remember your face....Gee you married guys had all the fun..the only thing us singles could hope for was to cuddle up in a sleeping bag with someone in top floor warhol and watch Papillon.
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... in June that year.
and Buck... why do you ask?
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Well Rocky, you and I had some hellacious arguments a good while back. Arguments about politics, surprisingly enough. Haha! Oh, we were bad to each other for sure. I had a different handle back then and went by the name of "Skookumjoe". Remember me now?
But I'm ok now Rocky. I've joined the Democratic party, am a member of PETA and the ACLU, and make monthly donations to N.O.W.......NOT!
Naw, I don't really want to get into all of that these days. I really have done some thinking about how futile it is to try and figure out what is really going on in politics. The only one that really sees the big picture is God, and that I know I can is for sure...
Simon, if you want to e-mail me, I will tell you who I am. Quid pro quo of course...
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Naw, I don't really want to get into all of that these days. I really have done some thinking about how futile it is to try and figure out what is really going on in politics. The only one that really sees the big picture is God, and that I know I can SAY is for sure...
I left out the word "say" in the above post...
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I suppose there's still hope fer ya...
now, Simon Z, that's another story.
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Please see Rocky,s wonderfully enlightening "oh,well" thread.....
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I really had only been hitting the post reply button here...
after all, how can you be two places at once, when you're not anywhere at all.
(I'm checking the thread name on replies from now on...I hope)
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By the way,what in the hell are we doing on a Friday night punching a keyboard,instead of being out carousing,chasing women,and raising hell? Are we getting old or something?
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Simon you said," by the way, what in the hell are we doing on a Friday night punching a keyboard,instead of being out....." I used to wrestle with that and now just except it. That is the true sign of aging.
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For all of you in NC, I got to shake hands with Johnny Edwards (US Senator from NC, Dem) this evening. He spoke at a political dinner event this evening. You Tar Heels know too well, no doubt that he is prepping to run for President.
Myself, I think John Kerry from Mass. has more of a presidential presence. I've met both, and if I had to bet now, I'd put money on Kerry over Edwards, and probably over Gore (if he wants another run at it, or Leiberman, but Leiberman would be a strong candidate).
Anyway, I remember various times my mother telling me that when I had told someone my age, (late 30s, early 40s, for example) how it made her feel old.
Well, at this dinner, I was at the media table in the back, and a "young" couple came up to me to talk. Now, I already know many of the active Dems in AZ anyway, but did not recognize these two.
The gal asks me something about who I am and if I remember her, Bishop Cornwell's older daughter (anyone who was a wow or corpse in AZ at anytime in the 1970s, 80s, or maybe into the 90s probably knows who Bishop C. is. For those who do not, his is listed in the directory pages on the Cortright fellowship web site (see drop down menu at the top of the page for a link).
Well, I first came back to AZ after "getting into the Word" while overseas, in 1976 or 1977. She was just a kid.
Apparently, she grew up, spent at least a year at the Way C of E, met a guy, married him and ended up (now is) 37 years old (of course, 1977 is 25 years ago), and has three kids, one a teenager already.
Well, her husband works for a large corporation that does business with the State of Arizona and therefore he does some political associating.
Anyway, the former Miss Cornwell is doing very well and both seem quite happy together and content no longer being in twi.
I almost feel guilty saying she's a fox, as if time stood still and she's still a minor. But she's not, and I'm not guilty and it just was interesting and nice to see an old acquaintance.
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Hey,he wasn't a real bishop,was he? I think that was his first name....I don't know if the way ordained people to be bishops...If they did it would be Bishop Tim Bishop,or,we would call Lloyd "His Excellency,Bishop Bishop".I think Bishop K.C. Pallai was already a bishop before he got involved with the way.Since the terrorist attacks,have you read "Light Through An Eastern Window"? Maybe some of these ousted bishops in the Catholic Church can find work at TWI....Fellowzipper,nice of you to drop by...."...Well the time slips away mister,leaving you with nothing but boring stories of...glory days..." Bruce Springsteen.
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Saimoneon, we just saw Bruce Springsteen in concert. It was great. What a show!
Remember all those 8mm movies Tricia Byrne took? She was forever carrying around her little camera and filming things. This was you first, our last year.
After some digging I finally contacted her in Germany. I asked her if I could get copies of her films so I could convert them to DVD. I offered to pay for it. Regretably she said she lost all her films
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oh well
I suppose there is still hope for you Skookums.
[This message was edited by Rocky on December 13, 2002 at 19:42.]
posted December 13, 2002 16:19
Free to Be
Registered: August 20, 2002
Posts: 221
Yo Rocky,
Well yes I do....In fact I'm gonna pick one right now....WHY DO YOU INSIST ON STARTING A NEW THREAD WITH YOUR REPLIES??????? You never listen to me,Rock,..you just don't care,.....you always have to do things your own way,...everybody else is wrong,Rocky's right,...Why can't you be more like the other posters here,.....There, am I sounding like your ex yet???
posted December 13, 2002 16:56
Official GSC Rabble Rouser
From: Chicago, IL
Registered: June 11, 2002
Posts: 426
Oh, so now we're playing "simon sez"?
Rocks can start as many threads as he wants!
As far as Buck, he must be nigh unto insanity by now, what with all these threads that Rocks has started.
posted December 13, 2002 19:32
Free to Be
From: AZ
Registered: June 12, 2002
Posts: 62
I don't know... it must be ______'s fault, I hit the reply button
Now I know why blaming and denial are so epidemic in our society. Even when one wants to be honest with himself, it sounds dorky.
Simon, it must be a conspiracy.!
posted December 13, 2002 19:39
Free to Be
Registered: August 20, 2002
Posts: 221
Rocky, I'm skipping back and forth here trying to figure out what you said last and to whom...
Geez,you keep this up will have to put you on probation....or prohibition,...or....just fix this thing,will ya,.I have a hard enough time saying something stupid on one thread,much less two...
posted December 13, 2002 21:39
Free to Be
Registered: August 20, 2002
Posts: 221
Were you a wayfer in Chitown before '84? that used to be my old stomping grounds....
posted December 13, 2002 21:54
Official GSC Rabble Rouser
From: Chicago, IL
Registered: June 11, 2002
Posts: 426
Yes, but only for a few months in 79, from May until the rocka, when I went out WOW.
Then I came back in 84 after the advanced piffle class, and I've been here ever since. Left TWIt in 89 or so.
posted December 14, 2002 05:00
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Can I go wow with you all? Do you remember in the early wow days they would send an A wave and a B wave? Maybe I could catch a ride with you on the B wave wagon?
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you must come
we can be roomies
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Yeah, I remember that...I think the "A's" went immediately after the rock and the "B's" went right after the anniverary weekend in Oct...In 1974 McDonald's had a promotion,if you could say "two all beef patties,special sauce,lettuce,cheese,pickles,onions,on a sesame seed bun" within four seconds you got a free big mac....Guess what our supper was for three weeks? I can't believe I still remember that......Ohbehave,you may join the 9th corps "b" wave of Wows,as long as you don't post your replies on a new thread like our dear brother Rocky....Regrettably,he is now on probation.....John,I remember Tricia,but not her camera....We also had Michael Heron,who like tricia,haled from Ireland,in the 9th corps...HE seemed like the oldest guy in our corps....
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OMG, Mr.Z, you must be Joe K'ing!
I humbly apologize for having so offended you. There, does that help?
Now, wasn't Mr. Frank M (who now hales from Sam Walton country) the 9th Corpse elder?
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"two all beef patties,special sauce,lettuce,cheese,pickles,onions,on a sesame seed bun"
now that's the best retemory i've heard so far
si, every sow ought to be able to make her own choices....
cleaning friggin coffee off screen again, thank you very much, my friend
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Weasels ripped my flesh...
Was our Dr REALLY a little sweet on his sister?
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Ok,Rocky, you're off probation, however you must submit your posts to the Crustees for review,so's we can go over them line by line and word by word,because after all, we wouldn't want you to use an improper English wurd....ExCatchatigerbythetail...sorry about that...I'll get Lenny to put the mike down and clean that up for you......Tommy,...uhhh,...that went right over my head,thru the woods,allthe way to gramma's house.....Let one interpret,...that is, the selfsame one,which is a cogent expression,which relates itself to the nearest antecedant,meaning that,in the dative case, the "one" which is italicized,would refer to the nearest noun or pronoun,being modified in the present or past tense,naturally would be the accusative for "that one" prophet,Malachi...
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good ol mick heron herron heroin sp? he certainly did look the oldest but perhaps it was that fair weathered irish skin
tricia byrne, not burns, as in kenneth
and our dear zsa zsa gabore of the 9th corps, the scottish lass kathleen, the only gal who brought a suitcase full of cosmetics on LEAD
there was an 11th corps irish lad, martin reilly (?), wife nanette. he was a bit cranky
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On this day we d-d-d-emember you(him?}
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