Ex, didn't we take MY chevalley impala, a fairly nice 75 model, yellow, to the House of the Rising Reddragon? I am sure in any case that we did have a case or 2 of FULL STRENGTH, not 3.2, which eneabled us to walk the Word while driving the Chevy (drink a little wine for thy stomach's sake ...).
I remember our wonderful Jimbo Chevalley tuning my Chevy up in the auto maint bldg at Emporia before leaving. Or maybe that was for a HoHo relo, or some other adventure in learning. No matter, I was indeed proud of the condition and appearance of MY Chevy, compared to what most other in-res had brought with them.
But our first year in res, I had a love machine, a maroon Ford van, with no back seats, only a matress layed with love down on the floor. For HoHo relo our 1st year, I went to Indiana. Coming back (remember, we HAD to be back in Emporia at, like, 5pm on Jan 1st ???), I had to stop in Indy to pick up the Framptons, Esmons, and Deb Gross.
Before leaving Esmons parent's house, we saw a weather report, that a MAJOR winter storm was barrelling west to east and was just west of St. Louis, the exact direction we were heading. This was at 7or 8pm. Since we HAD to be back to Emporia at that specified hour, we HAD to start driving. So, off we headed, west on I-70. We hit the leading edge of the front around the middle of Illinois, with ice falling & sticking to my windshield. By then also, the temp had dropped to a pleasant 25 degrees or so, and of course, my wipers were old & just smeared the ice across the glass, making visibility quite nice. Oh yeah, the heater worked only marginally, so everyone behind me was freezing to death, and I was burning up, hot air from the defrost hitting my eyes, drying them out, and being tired already, trying to stay awake.
The ice changed to snow around St. Louis and the hiway had only one lane open. You had to follow the vehicle in front of you, keeping your tires in the tracks of the cars in front of you. And as you all know, the drive west from St. Louis to KC was picturesque, never a dull moment.
Well, there we were, trudging west, 5am, and approaching Independence, Mo, when all of a sudden my love van jerked right, like I popped a tire. Only the tires looked fine. Perfect. Very little money, 5am, tired, cold, cranky riders, pulled over on the shoulder, 2 inches from the one open lane of traffic, wondering what wonderful miracle we were gonna see.
I walked to the next exit, and found a gas station open. The guy there said Sears at the mall across the street would be open at 8am. So I walked back to the van of God's love, and we waited till 8am. Then drove along the shoulder at 1 mph, jamming up traffic, to get to Sears.
Turned out to be blown wheel bearings. Only took 4 hours and $80 and we were back in the saddle, heading toward Emporia, with only a couple hours to make it on time.
We made it exactly at 5pm. Isn't God good ??
We made it in time for the 5pm meeting, which we all were electrified to be a part of, having not slept for 2 days and going thru many opportunities to believe God.
did sally rude (sp?) hit her belly (hit your bellies!) or something while standing instead of dropping to the muddy cold ground as was suggested by her commanding officer
i know someone got loving reproved by reverend hendley
gosh you'd think someone had called on him to manifest or something ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Oh God - Commando training - I apologize in advance, but it was my fault every had to do commando training.
We had had a twig fun night and for fun I took us out to the back 40 and we playfully ran through the equipment and obstacle course. We took our time, horsed around, saw who could do what - just having fun messing around.
Later, after having let the twig to to do their own thing and have fun, I ran into GH. He asked me what I had done with my twig. I told him we went out to the back 40 and messed around with the obstacle course. He thought that was a friggin' great idea, I thought, oh no....
Sure enough, next night, where do you think we all ended up...? except it had a new name - Commando Training.
Ok, I'll make it up to you. I was the cause of a very positive thing - of not having to get up at 5:30 a.m. anymore, and just be at breakfast at 7:00. That's another story.
yeah well what's your other story sunesis you little sheet
as far as commandos...... you are no longer our wow coordinator
tommy as far as butts go, do you remember jeff ludewig? he was 9th corps and then copped out and came back in the 10th, that sunuvabeech, i missed him so much
he would walk up to me and others doing this little cute clicking -- well rubbing -- type motion with his fingers, as in, do you have a smoke for me? it was so twisted and cute, i had to share of my less than abundance
yes i have seen many a corps digging in coffee cans
Sally's name was Rood, but she became Sarah Myers (changed back after divorce, I think she said on the old trancechat), an AirForce nurse, and mother of 4 daughters... the oldest of which I believe is now grown.
Could that be Sunesis? Mebbe.
Hey, they finally signed Indian gaming compacts again here in AZ... now all the voluntary taxpayers can play one arm bandit for the next 23 years in peace...
Yeah,Tuttle,I'm still puffin' $5.00 worth of Marlboros a day...Helps keep me trim and fit....Hard to light them when I'm jogging,tho.....I used to get the smallest butt out of the ashcan and go ask some sweet,loving soul for a light,..if they had any heart at all,they would give you a whole cig,and you wouldn't have to pay them back a pack (remember that rule?}.....I had thought Sunesis was a he but I guess she's a she.......You guys that brought your wowmobiles in-res missed out on some wonderful hitch-hiking adventures......Cathy Shultz was my favorite thumbing partner...wonder what she's up to...........Mr.,let me off right over there,....underneath that sign so fair,....out on the corner of Wearwill road and highway 29......
Simon as the baby leaped in Elizabeths womb so my heart jumped when you quoted "Mr. let me off right over there....unerneath that sign so fair..
out on the corner of Weiwilly road and highway 69"
You do remember those touching songs of the ministry.
Rocky we have had one armed bandits and bingo on the indian reservations for some time now but the state is not allowed to gamble. I never figured that one out yet, hmmmmmmmm.
It always amused me that we were able to squeeze our smoking habit, in even though we were on a tight budget and still have stamps to write oursponsors. I decided to change to pallmall non-filters. I seemed to always have smokes after that and never ran out. I did cough up chunk-of-lung at times but I had my cigarettes. I haven't smoked for over seven years but I do still dip copenhagen where swallowing is the best part. YUM!!!
Don't you ever fret that swallowing habit of yours, in some circles it is an admirable act ( I am thinking NASCAR, Field & Stream, etc, of course). Besides, as it is written, not that which goeth into a man defileth him, but that which cometh out.
Simon, your cute little stunt of "fetching" a small butt in hopes of one of your brothers noticing it and offering you a WHOLE cig, that is just one more example of how you tried to help others walk the Word in thier daily lives. For if you see your brother have need, and shut up your bowels of compassion, how dwelleth the love of God in you??? You were always teaching.
Ex, I miss our suppers together as a twig in res at Emporia. God gave me the keys to opening the doors to the snack shop, sos that when mah people were hungering after that half baked potato, we could walk boldly into the snack shop and "take inventory".
Jeff Ludwig - is he still on LOA??? Somebody better call him & tell him not to bother with the rest of his corps tuition.
Sunesistern, why didn't you believe to have me , Ex, Simon, Fellowgripper, in your twig our 1st year?? My twig leader was quite stuffy. She didn't like me eating yogurt or ice cream with my hands. And she REALLY didn't like me watching for Brenda's announcement of "Seconds are available".
Yes, I am female, no I'm not Sally Rood. Yes, I would have loved to have all of you in my twig. Actually, my twigites liked me quite a bit. I was very easygoing with them and never "reproved" them 'cause I figured they were adults.
And, I was every bit as horrified by Commando training as you were, another ensample of taking something good and twisting and perverting it.
Now, you want to know why you were able to sleep in your last year in residence?
O.k. I got sent to LEAD my last year in-residence. Well, when it got dark out, since there was no electricity, we all went to bed around 8 p.m. Well, for the first time in my life I was awake and ready to go at 5 or 6 a.m.
I got back to Emporia. I run into DM. She asked me how it was. I told her that when I graduated I would never get up at 5:30 a.m. anymore, it was crazy. She said, what do you mean? I said, in the bible, it says they get up early and pray, and we are supposed to do the same. Well, I realized on LEAD, since there was no electricity, we all went to bed at 8 or 9. No wonder none of us had problems getting up - we all had 8 or 9 hours sleep! I told her, no wonder the guys in the Bible all got up so early. I also told her, for us to stay up until 11, 12 or 1, especially at afterglow meetings and then be expected to get through the day with only 4 or 5 hours of sleep, was wrong.
She said, you really feel that way? I said yes, I do. She said she'd talk other people about this. Guess what, the next incoming corps (I think 8th and 10th were able to sleep and just be at breakfast. When I asked her about this change, she said alot had to do with what I had said.
Remember the old joke......This guy goes to heaven and St. Peter is showing him around...The Baptists are all dancing,.The Catholics are all having sex WITH contraception,.The Fundamentalists are all drinking,swearing and gambling,.Then they walk by a room and St. Pete whispers "shhhh,the way corps are in here,and their all sleeping"..........I don't know if Sunesis helped get me any more sleep,maybe she's WayBG trying to woo her way into our confidence.....speaking of which,do you think the WayGB really gives a ratzass of what we,re talking about here?
simon i think you're onto something.... i'm not sure if sunesis is wayGB (still got my hand in the cookie jar but nothing yet), she just may really want to go WOW with us....
i don't think the wayGB gives a ratzass about GS. if they do, they must be really bored. who are the wayGB? i think john reynolds left the way or something like that. john linder is head of bless patrol or something and i heard he is a spy (hi john).
rosie and donna ??? they used to have a police radio in donna's car and the 2 of them would drive around the beauttttifullll area surrounding HQ and run to exciting scenes, perhaps hoping wayfers were involved some crime or scandal.
a lot of those people really need to get off that farm, it's doing something to their heads
tommytuttle will probably be eating in heaven making up for the way corps famine years. i'm not sure what i want to do for eternity. hope it's fun.
Look. It's our Corps brother Mike Rood. Click here.
Damn! I remember when he was hawking car buffing franchises in residence. Interesting site.
Excathedra, since you have put Sunesis on probation maybe you can ask Mike to be the coordinator. He probably knows more of the bible than all of us put together. (Sunesis, this reminds me of that guy from ZZ Top who is an exceptional guitar player?)
[This message was edited by igotout on December 08, 2002 at 23:50.]
I think I'd be more inclined to join Jeff Wendling's group.Get that guy over to divine design,...or third aid,...or plurality palace,....or whatever the hell we used to call the way corps barber shop......What is the minimum required donation to take HIS class?
It was called 'Reflections', although it caused refractions in my mind. In my mind i went to Galilee ... Thanks, Lisa Lockhart-Tracy.
You might be on to something there simon. Maybe the Ashladi Ashlee - Tolsi's successor. And he looks hungry for a snack, like a pack of gum or something, don't ya think???
Looks like he just finished leading one of our old favorites, 'The Lord knows the way through the wilderness ...'
John, you 7th corps were pecfect for us 9th to learn from. We came in, minds shattered and slurred by modern chemistry & such, and you all just booted us in the right direction.
I thought I had written 'reflections', but upon meekly receiving your correction, I now see that I wrote 'reflections'. Stupid me ...
Say, you aren't the same Buck as the one I remember from Gunnijenkinson, are you??? The one who fell off a cliff because of falling asleep on a trail ride??? The one who had a crush on Cinnamon???
I wasn't trying to correct you. By the time I wrote that, you had already jumped in there AHEAD of me to tell the other guy that it wasn't divine design or whatever. Really, I'm sorry if it seemed as if I was being obnoxious.
And, my name Buck, well, that's not really my name. Actually, it's an anonymous type name. I did spend a good amount of time out at Gunnison though, but I must confess, I am an imposter here on your thread. I was in the Corps, but I wasn't in the "Perfect Corps, or "The Dirty Dozen", or the "Sickth Corps" but rather, "The Decade Doulos Corps". So, what was the nickname for the Ninth Corps?
No apologies ever needed here. We as the 9th are all lewd men of the baser sort. Well, all of us except Rev Exexceedra. She's all dat & more...
Our nickname was The Nefarious Ninth, due mostly to the fact we had the most foul-mouthed sailor ever to go in residence. Why, he was head and shoulders above even LCM in his God-given ability to string together numerous lovely, awe-inspiring utterances of profanities. That coupled with the fact our sisters excelled in ministering love and healing, especially during bless patrol or prayer room vigils. Add to that Shelloquipper and his infamous WOW burger bonanzas, Fast-Buck Fury's Ice cream bowl, and Davie-i-somked-pot-with-the-beatles-Bayleaves tunes from across the pond.
Simon, please bring forth a discernment of wisdom...
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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is the death of one of His saints' cars.
Ex, didn't we take MY chevalley impala, a fairly nice 75 model, yellow, to the House of the Rising Reddragon? I am sure in any case that we did have a case or 2 of FULL STRENGTH, not 3.2, which eneabled us to walk the Word while driving the Chevy (drink a little wine for thy stomach's sake ...).
I remember our wonderful Jimbo Chevalley tuning my Chevy up in the auto maint bldg at Emporia before leaving. Or maybe that was for a HoHo relo, or some other adventure in learning. No matter, I was indeed proud of the condition and appearance of MY Chevy, compared to what most other in-res had brought with them.
But our first year in res, I had a love machine, a maroon Ford van, with no back seats, only a matress layed with love down on the floor. For HoHo relo our 1st year, I went to Indiana. Coming back (remember, we HAD to be back in Emporia at, like, 5pm on Jan 1st ???), I had to stop in Indy to pick up the Framptons, Esmons, and Deb Gross.
Before leaving Esmons parent's house, we saw a weather report, that a MAJOR winter storm was barrelling west to east and was just west of St. Louis, the exact direction we were heading. This was at 7or 8pm. Since we HAD to be back to Emporia at that specified hour, we HAD to start driving. So, off we headed, west on I-70. We hit the leading edge of the front around the middle of Illinois, with ice falling & sticking to my windshield. By then also, the temp had dropped to a pleasant 25 degrees or so, and of course, my wipers were old & just smeared the ice across the glass, making visibility quite nice. Oh yeah, the heater worked only marginally, so everyone behind me was freezing to death, and I was burning up, hot air from the defrost hitting my eyes, drying them out, and being tired already, trying to stay awake.
The ice changed to snow around St. Louis and the hiway had only one lane open. You had to follow the vehicle in front of you, keeping your tires in the tracks of the cars in front of you. And as you all know, the drive west from St. Louis to KC was picturesque, never a dull moment.
Well, there we were, trudging west, 5am, and approaching Independence, Mo, when all of a sudden my love van jerked right, like I popped a tire. Only the tires looked fine. Perfect. Very little money, 5am, tired, cold, cranky riders, pulled over on the shoulder, 2 inches from the one open lane of traffic, wondering what wonderful miracle we were gonna see.
I walked to the next exit, and found a gas station open. The guy there said Sears at the mall across the street would be open at 8am. So I walked back to the van of God's love, and we waited till 8am. Then drove along the shoulder at 1 mph, jamming up traffic, to get to Sears.
Turned out to be blown wheel bearings. Only took 4 hours and $80 and we were back in the saddle, heading toward Emporia, with only a couple hours to make it on time.
We made it exactly at 5pm. Isn't God good ??
We made it in time for the 5pm meeting, which we all were electrified to be a part of, having not slept for 2 days and going thru many opportunities to believe God.
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tommy why you do this to me? STOP IT i am at work and i am not supposed to laugh hysterically until i cry
oh god
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i'll take on those 7th heavencorps any day
commandos !!!!!
did sally rude (sp?) hit her belly (hit your bellies!) or something while standing instead of dropping to the muddy cold ground as was suggested by her commanding officer
i know someone got loving reproved by reverend hendley
gosh you'd think someone had called on him to manifest or something ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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I see nothing funny about poor Sally hitting her own belly. Why, out of the belly shall flow rivers, not trickles, of living waters.
Are we all gonna be together at the gathering, and recognizing Simon from Yellowlipper from Texarkana from Robbie Baboon from the rest???
Simon, do you still smoke those god-awful Marlboro's ???
Did anyone else, towards the end of the month, look with lust into the butt pails outside the buildings at Emporia???
My interest was only to see how stressed out our corps was ...
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Oh God - Commando training - I apologize in advance, but it was my fault every had to do commando training.
We had had a twig fun night and for fun I took us out to the back 40 and we playfully ran through the equipment and obstacle course. We took our time, horsed around, saw who could do what - just having fun messing around.
Later, after having let the twig to to do their own thing and have fun, I ran into GH. He asked me what I had done with my twig. I told him we went out to the back 40 and messed around with the obstacle course. He thought that was a friggin' great idea, I thought, oh no....
Sure enough, next night, where do you think we all ended up...? except it had a new name - Commando Training.
Ok, I'll make it up to you. I was the cause of a very positive thing - of not having to get up at 5:30 a.m. anymore, and just be at breakfast at 7:00. That's another story.
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yeah well what's your other story sunesis you little sheet
as far as commandos...... you are no longer our wow coordinator
tommy as far as butts go, do you remember jeff ludewig? he was 9th corps and then copped out and came back in the 10th, that sunuvabeech, i missed him so much
he would walk up to me and others doing this little cute clicking -- well rubbing -- type motion with his fingers, as in, do you have a smoke for me? it was so twisted and cute, i had to share of my less than abundance
yes i have seen many a corps digging in coffee cans
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drop and gimme 20 (dollars?)
Sally's name was Rood, but she became Sarah Myers (changed back after divorce, I think she said on the old trancechat), an AirForce nurse, and mother of 4 daughters... the oldest of which I believe is now grown.
Could that be Sunesis? Mebbe.
Hey, they finally signed Indian gaming compacts again here in AZ... now all the voluntary taxpayers can play one arm bandit for the next 23 years in peace...
And then let Simon reroof their mobile homes.
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Yeah,Tuttle,I'm still puffin' $5.00 worth of Marlboros a day...Helps keep me trim and fit....Hard to light them when I'm jogging,tho.....I used to get the smallest butt out of the ashcan and go ask some sweet,loving soul for a light,..if they had any heart at all,they would give you a whole cig,and you wouldn't have to pay them back a pack (remember that rule?}.....I had thought Sunesis was a he but I guess she's a she.......You guys that brought your wowmobiles in-res missed out on some wonderful hitch-hiking adventures......Cathy Shultz was my favorite thumbing partner...wonder what she's up to...........Mr.,let me off right over there,....underneath that sign so fair,....out on the corner of Wearwill road and highway 29......
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Simon as the baby leaped in Elizabeths womb so my heart jumped when you quoted "Mr. let me off right over there....unerneath that sign so fair..
out on the corner of Weiwilly road and highway 69"
You do remember those touching songs of the ministry.
Rocky we have had one armed bandits and bingo on the indian reservations for some time now but the state is not allowed to gamble. I never figured that one out yet, hmmmmmmmm.
It always amused me that we were able to squeeze our smoking habit, in even though we were on a tight budget and still have stamps to write oursponsors. I decided to change to pallmall non-filters. I seemed to always have smokes after that and never ran out. I did cough up chunk-of-lung at times but I had my cigarettes. I haven't smoked for over seven years but I do still dip copenhagen where swallowing is the best part. YUM!!!
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Don't you ever fret that swallowing habit of yours, in some circles it is an admirable act ( I am thinking NASCAR, Field & Stream, etc, of course). Besides, as it is written, not that which goeth into a man defileth him, but that which cometh out.
Simon, your cute little stunt of "fetching" a small butt in hopes of one of your brothers noticing it and offering you a WHOLE cig, that is just one more example of how you tried to help others walk the Word in thier daily lives. For if you see your brother have need, and shut up your bowels of compassion, how dwelleth the love of God in you??? You were always teaching.
Ex, I miss our suppers together as a twig in res at Emporia. God gave me the keys to opening the doors to the snack shop, sos that when mah people were hungering after that half baked potato, we could walk boldly into the snack shop and "take inventory".
Jeff Ludwig - is he still on LOA??? Somebody better call him & tell him not to bother with the rest of his corps tuition.
Sunesistern, why didn't you believe to have me , Ex, Simon, Fellowgripper, in your twig our 1st year?? My twig leader was quite stuffy. She didn't like me eating yogurt or ice cream with my hands. And she REALLY didn't like me watching for Brenda's announcement of "Seconds are available".
Where's John Coscarrelli???
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Yes, I am female, no I'm not Sally Rood. Yes, I would have loved to have all of you in my twig. Actually, my twigites liked me quite a bit. I was very easygoing with them and never "reproved" them 'cause I figured they were adults.
And, I was every bit as horrified by Commando training as you were, another ensample of taking something good and twisting and perverting it.
Now, you want to know why you were able to sleep in your last year in residence?
O.k. I got sent to LEAD my last year in-residence. Well, when it got dark out, since there was no electricity, we all went to bed around 8 p.m. Well, for the first time in my life I was awake and ready to go at 5 or 6 a.m.
I got back to Emporia. I run into DM. She asked me how it was. I told her that when I graduated I would never get up at 5:30 a.m. anymore, it was crazy. She said, what do you mean? I said, in the bible, it says they get up early and pray, and we are supposed to do the same. Well, I realized on LEAD, since there was no electricity, we all went to bed at 8 or 9. No wonder none of us had problems getting up - we all had 8 or 9 hours sleep! I told her, no wonder the guys in the Bible all got up so early. I also told her, for us to stay up until 11, 12 or 1, especially at afterglow meetings and then be expected to get through the day with only 4 or 5 hours of sleep, was wrong.
She said, you really feel that way? I said yes, I do. She said she'd talk other people about this. Guess what, the next incoming corps (I think 8th and 10th were able to sleep and just be at breakfast. When I asked her about this change, she said alot had to do with what I had said.
O.k. Am I forgiven now?
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I do not remember a substantial difference in our sleeping time from the 1st year to the last year in res.
Anyone remember ???
The mind is a terrible thing ...
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Remember the old joke......This guy goes to heaven and St. Peter is showing him around...The Baptists are all dancing,.The Catholics are all having sex WITH contraception,.The Fundamentalists are all drinking,swearing and gambling,.Then they walk by a room and St. Pete whispers "shhhh,the way corps are in here,and their all sleeping"..........I don't know if Sunesis helped get me any more sleep,maybe she's WayBG trying to woo her way into our confidence.....speaking of which,do you think the WayGB really gives a ratzass of what we,re talking about here?
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simon i think you're onto something.... i'm not sure if sunesis is wayGB (still got my hand in the cookie jar but nothing yet), she just may really want to go WOW with us....
i don't think the wayGB gives a ratzass about GS. if they do, they must be really bored. who are the wayGB? i think john reynolds left the way or something like that. john linder is head of bless patrol or something and i heard he is a spy (hi john).
rosie and donna ??? they used to have a police radio in donna's car and the 2 of them would drive around the beauttttifullll area surrounding HQ and run to exciting scenes, perhaps hoping wayfers were involved some crime or scandal.
a lot of those people really need to get off that farm, it's doing something to their heads
tommytuttle will probably be eating in heaven making up for the way corps famine years. i'm not sure what i want to do for eternity. hope it's fun.
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Look. It's our Corps brother Mike Rood. Click here.
Damn! I remember when he was hawking car buffing franchises in residence. Interesting site.
Excathedra, since you have put Sunesis on probation maybe you can ask Mike to be the coordinator. He probably knows more of the bible than all of us put together. (Sunesis, this reminds me of that guy from ZZ Top who is an exceptional guitar player?)
[This message was edited by igotout on December 08, 2002 at 23:50.]
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michael looks a little different from when he was in the military
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Good thing it hasn't happened to the rest of us!!!!!!!!!??
Sara (Sally) had said that Michael had gone kinda off the deep end, spending time in Israel proclaiming the apocalype or something like that.
He's not the way I remember him. (clean shaven!)
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Is that really Michael???
Is he posing for some sort of play???
If not, a case could be made against TWI, that involvement therein can cause fanatical results.
I bet he looks good in a Lil' Bo Peep outfit ...
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I think I'd be more inclined to join Jeff Wendling's group.Get that guy over to divine design,...or third aid,...or plurality palace,....or whatever the hell we used to call the way corps barber shop......What is the minimum required donation to take HIS class?
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It was called 'Reflections', although it caused refractions in my mind. In my mind i went to Galilee ... Thanks, Lisa Lockhart-Tracy.
You might be on to something there simon. Maybe the Ashladi Ashlee - Tolsi's successor. And he looks hungry for a snack, like a pack of gum or something, don't ya think???
Looks like he just finished leading one of our old favorites, 'The Lord knows the way through the wilderness ...'
John, you 7th corps were pecfect for us 9th to learn from. We came in, minds shattered and slurred by modern chemistry & such, and you all just booted us in the right direction.
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I think you mean "Reflections".
Hey there Fellowshipper! How's that dam job of yours? Still got that "R" tatoo on your shoulder? And how is "B?"
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I thought I had written 'reflections', but upon meekly receiving your correction, I now see that I wrote 'reflections'. Stupid me ...
Say, you aren't the same Buck as the one I remember from Gunnijenkinson, are you??? The one who fell off a cliff because of falling asleep on a trail ride??? The one who had a crush on Cinnamon???
From whence hath this man these things?
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I wasn't trying to correct you. By the time I wrote that, you had already jumped in there AHEAD of me to tell the other guy that it wasn't divine design or whatever. Really, I'm sorry if it seemed as if I was being obnoxious.
And, my name Buck, well, that's not really my name. Actually, it's an anonymous type name. I did spend a good amount of time out at Gunnison though, but I must confess, I am an imposter here on your thread. I was in the Corps, but I wasn't in the "Perfect Corps, or "The Dirty Dozen", or the "Sickth Corps" but rather, "The Decade Doulos Corps". So, what was the nickname for the Ninth Corps?
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No apologies ever needed here. We as the 9th are all lewd men of the baser sort. Well, all of us except Rev Exexceedra. She's all dat & more...
Our nickname was The Nefarious Ninth, due mostly to the fact we had the most foul-mouthed sailor ever to go in residence. Why, he was head and shoulders above even LCM in his God-given ability to string together numerous lovely, awe-inspiring utterances of profanities. That coupled with the fact our sisters excelled in ministering love and healing, especially during bless patrol or prayer room vigils. Add to that Shelloquipper and his infamous WOW burger bonanzas, Fast-Buck Fury's Ice cream bowl, and Davie-i-somked-pot-with-the-beatles-Bayleaves tunes from across the pond.
Simon, please bring forth a discernment of wisdom...
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