Do I have to be some sort of a Christian leader? Maybe I'll just join the priesthood and dedicate my life to blessing altar boys.Will that get my mug posted? And if they shall say go up thou bald head, and mock me,till my heart is waxed feeble and I become as a jewel of gold in a swine's snout,and dwelleth in a wide house with a brawling woman,shall my mouth be filled with gravel?I must needs hear edifying words of prophesy from four virgin daughters. Exca hast thou three sisters?
what mug shot, a real one, or that little counterfeit cartoon one ?
my three sisters, rev. karen endora dewald, rev. kathy mathieson lauchnor, rev. debra jean miss dj folk, and i will prophesy in unison before the cock crows twice thrice shall we prophesy twice
Simon I beggingly implore you to find a good church that practices catholicism for the alter boys of choice. If they kick you out of their congregation they will be glad to have you across the street at another church. Good ole america.
I sure hope it is good for bidness,Rocky.When it rains, I wonder if I'm one of the just or the unjust that is being rained on.Would the church down the street be glad to have me,Fellowshifter? Maybe if I abundantly shared. Well ,my yung'ns are at the flicks with their chicks tonite,so as I sit here alone I've decided to make a confession that I've wanted to make for almost 25 years. So here goes.I have always thought Corps night was the most boring,mind-numbing,confusing night(s) of my life.It was bad enough that we had to listen for three hours to a crackly phone hook-up that sounded like an old black and white news clip of the Hindenberg disaster,but then we had to disperse immediately into our twigs and feign how blessed and spiritually enlightened we were.I dared not say this in-residence,lest someone tell Craig and I become dropped corps.Altho I did figure Dr. and LCM probably had revelation that I wasn't "getting it".I hated how everybody would whoop it up on corps night a la Lloyd Bishoprick and I thought it was such a drag. There, I said it. I feel better now doctor. You guys don't need to respond to this,I just wanted to say this to somebody I know was there.
Prompted by Simon's baring of the soul, you know what? That secret little feeling that we were somehow not getting the greatness of it, or that someone was a complete f-up, or that stirrin' in the loins that we dare not say something we felt, W E W E R E R I G H T !!!!!!!!!!!!
That's why we enjoyed the company of certain ones and honestly laughed with them. That was the most genuine thing about being in the corps.
Simon & Ex & Jelloflipper & Roccoco & others were out front & real. That's who I chose to fellow-slip with.
Thanks guys.This is my third attempt at posting thisA.M.,my reply keeps getting erased.Anyway,didn't the good doctor spend till Christmas in the first three verses of the book of Romans?Does it take two months to explain what "Paul an apostle" really means? I used to think I unwittingly confessed satan as my lord and savior as a kid,and that was why my spirit(s) wasn't enlightened on corps night.And then try to explain to my twig how it jelled in my heart.Times like those you you wonder just what to say to your people.Well,Tuttle,at least my fake laugh was genuinely fake.
Simone I always felt the same as yourself concerning corps night. I used to walk away thinking geez I just don't have that spiritual mindeness that was taught. I did know if I stayed around long enough I would get it like osomosis. When it came to twig sharing time I was always amused how I did not see that aspect of it as someone else did. I did think it was pretty lame to teach only two chapters of Romans for the whole year. Brother!!!I did not care for dressing up in a suit and sit their and be uncomfortable either. Since then I have been to churches that do not care if you wear blue jeans. I know you did not want to talk on this but I always felt the same. I did enjoy sitting next to Adrienne Wagner and Lily Watts though.
Bellyflopper,I appreciate your comments.I don't necessarily want to move the thread to a guts spilling time.I just haven't been in contact with any duo c-corps guys since I saw you at the yashari yashi in Tulsa.People say don't throw out the baby with the bathwater and I'm trying to figure out what is baby and what is bathwater.As I said earlier I had a blast in the corps and some of the training was certainly beneficial.But I absolutely loathed corps night and thought it was a complete waste of time.And considering that it was the creme de le' creme of our training I always wrestled with the notion that I was f'd up in the head .Besides that I had to sit by two homely women.I think corps night would have been much better if we had open seating,were allowed to smoke, and could leave when we got bored.
Simon, you post as one that has great authority. Yeas, you WERE f'd up in the head. I wrote Craig after one corps noght, hearing your fake laugh after one of his jokes. I said, "What have we here, some kind of counterfeit???".
I empathize with your human sufferings though, having to sit so maany, maany hours on Corps night next to uncomely, unclean women. You woulda thought that if God almighty was anywhere in the picture, seating would happen to have it "a beautiful woman on this side, a bountiful woman on that side, and SIMON in the midst" ... Then the laying on of hands would have been much more "sintillating".
"... it is no more I that sinneth, but sin that dwelleth in me" No wonder Romans was taught. "Happy is the man that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth." Man, doesn't sound religious??? Too bad we didn't "live" that verse as we could "work it" while in res.
You're certainly a sincere man, but you know, it's just no guarantee for truth.Aren't you selling lots in Florida now....Ten feet underground?Myself, I jest vanted ze knowledge,zat was all.I did not care for zee ministry or sumsing,I jest vanted ze knowledge(laughter).Before I took AFPL I could not stop drinking after ze 1st or 2nd beer until I was all fool up or until I run out of money.After LPFA class I learn abundantly and I never run out of money(more laughter).
I have been checking everyday but this thread must have dropped off the cliff. We need some more material. No more gut spilling,gut wrenching sharings from me.
Have been spending most of the week thinking and watching documentarys on 911. It is to much to think about and glad to get some closure of a one year anniversary. I have a lot of friends that got activated I was fortunate along with others that didn't get called.
Good idea,Fellowdipper.Didn't Judas Iscariot pour his guts out on the day of the ascension? Glad to hear you're not activated.I think your kids need you more than Uncle Sam.
Simon, you're going to be in trouble if you were sitting next to ME! Honestly, though, I just tried to remember who used to be my rowmates at Corpsnight, and I can't even recall who those lucky believers were. I must have provided a fair amount of amusement, with my struggles to keep awake. I eventually learned that if I took off my nametag, and stuck myself with the pin, it would wake me up for about ten minutes or so. I also perfected the art of Corpsnight Chair Isometrics. I also drew pictures, wrote poems, and . . .
So she who kristons our thread comes back to visit. How are you NIKA ? First I would like to go on record as saying that I LIED.The girls that I sat between were NOT homely.They were sweet, pretty, and gave great backrubs.I was just trying to make a funny with fellowwisher.So girls if you know who you are, don't waste that money on plastic surgery. As to how I stayed awake, I did some really exciting things. Like...count how many times the letter "a" appeared in the first chapter of Romans. Then the letter "b". Then the letter "c". Then...well,you get the idea. Sometimes I would play word jumble.Like, "lives" can be "elvis", or, "apostle" can become "lost ape" You know, a mind is a terrible thing to waste. My biggest motivator to stay awake,tho,was knowing how natural and peaceful somebody looked while sleeping in a bed, and how utterly ridiculous they looked drooling all over their best tie with their head bobbing up and down while sleeping in a desk chair.
Simon, the Ashladi Ashlee Tolsi told me to tell you that indeed you CAN get as much from sleeping 4 or 5 hours as you can from 15 minutes of speaking in tongues. This is a wonderful truth.
Excatharsis, Pappy said you need to talk to me ...
Hellosniffer, I need your help at the 24 hour WOW Burger stand. We are gonna bless the corps with Tic Burgers tonite ... I can lick any man in town tonite!!!
Although I utilized my only two weeks of vacation time and spent a chunck of money to get there only to work in the August Ohio heat to cook burgers. I will gracefully decline the offer of running to serve and work till midnight and miss all of the teachings just so others could have a famous WOW burger. I just aint in the giving mood anymore.
where all the homeless believers hung out at night.That's why it was so important to stay awake during corps night.So you could stay up all night and flip a burger that even Tic would be proud to eat.Tuttle, I think Fellowshipper is becoming a 5 senses man.Tell him how he can be more blessed than he already is. What's up with excathedra?
I think excatheda is loaded,you know full of new wine and off babbling something.
Running a burger stand wasn't necessarily a mindless job. The biggest challenge was dealing with all of the excuses the assigned corps would shell out as being legitimate. I would just say Egor get in the back.
Swellolipper, how'd you like to get blessed more than you already are??
In preparation for going into the 99th sunset corps, you can believe to sponsor me. Then, sit back and watch pappy open the windows of the way fecal farm and pour you out a blessin' that will not go unnoticed by anyone. Maybe He will even bring you forth good and faithful believers to help with the grave yard shift in the WOWBURGER stand.
Simon, you're gonna get REAL blessed this year, you have been assigned as the honey wagon coordinator.
I need 5 volunteers to work at the fly pavilion.I'll give you a free shower pass.I'd love to but I gotta go to a meeting.Who's devilish idea was it to have a way night club at the ROA? You guys should be thankful.God Almighty through your twig leader put you in those positions of service to bless you, first and formost ,and God.s people.That's why we don't question,we don't doubt,we just do our volunteering and believe God for the gas money to get back home.God will have a better job waiting for you when you get there.God bless, gotta get back to the schittwagen.
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Never have bought anything from QVC or HSN/C... what a wonderful bunch of kids you have there... and the oldest must be incredibly smart, going to the University of Chicago! :)
[quote name=notinKansasanymore' date='29 July 2009 - 11:15 AM' ti mestamp='1248891304' post='471939] And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer
Oh... (((((((Karmicdebt))))))), I'm SOOOOOO sorry. It is most understandable that you would feel that way.
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Do I have to be some sort of a Christian leader? Maybe I'll just join the priesthood and dedicate my life to blessing altar boys.Will that get my mug posted? And if they shall say go up thou bald head, and mock me,till my heart is waxed feeble and I become as a jewel of gold in a swine's snout,and dwelleth in a wide house with a brawling woman,shall my mouth be filled with gravel?I must needs hear edifying words of prophesy from four virgin daughters. Exca hast thou three sisters?
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what mug shot, a real one, or that little counterfeit cartoon one ?
my three sisters, rev. karen endora dewald, rev. kathy mathieson lauchnor, rev. debra jean miss dj folk, and i will prophesy in unison before the cock crows twice thrice shall we prophesy twice
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Blessed are those wombs that never bare and the Papsworths which never gave suck!
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Simon I beggingly implore you to find a good church that practices catholicism for the alter boys of choice. If they kick you out of their congregation they will be glad to have you across the street at another church. Good ole america.
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Ol' Tommy T,
who says I need to prove myself to you the first time?
Go D'backs...
It's always a crisis in Arizona when it rains.
Power lines down, mobile homes damaged... and finally a little rain.
Good for the roof bidness I spoze?
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I sure hope it is good for bidness,Rocky.When it rains, I wonder if I'm one of the just or the unjust that is being rained on.Would the church down the street be glad to have me,Fellowshifter? Maybe if I abundantly shared. Well ,my yung'ns are at the flicks with their chicks tonite,so as I sit here alone I've decided to make a confession that I've wanted to make for almost 25 years. So here goes.I have always thought Corps night was the most boring,mind-numbing,confusing night(s) of my life.It was bad enough that we had to listen for three hours to a crackly phone hook-up that sounded like an old black and white news clip of the Hindenberg disaster,but then we had to disperse immediately into our twigs and feign how blessed and spiritually enlightened we were.I dared not say this in-residence,lest someone tell Craig and I become dropped corps.Altho I did figure Dr. and LCM probably had revelation that I wasn't "getting it".I hated how everybody would whoop it up on corps night a la Lloyd Bishoprick and I thought it was such a drag. There, I said it. I feel better now doctor. You guys don't need to respond to this,I just wanted to say this to somebody I know was there.
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uh-yah....SZ, of course us "young adults" (translated, brainless anyway) were often "blessed" simply by virtue of talkin ourselves into it...
Ah, maybe that's why they say youth is wasted on the young?
And, there's the always good - if I knew then what I know now?
How many of us needed toothpicks just to keep our eyes open?
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Prompted by Simon's baring of the soul, you know what? That secret little feeling that we were somehow not getting the greatness of it, or that someone was a complete f-up, or that stirrin' in the loins that we dare not say something we felt, W E W E R E R I G H T !!!!!!!!!!!!
That's why we enjoyed the company of certain ones and honestly laughed with them. That was the most genuine thing about being in the corps.
Simon & Ex & Jelloflipper & Roccoco & others were out front & real. That's who I chose to fellow-slip with.
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Thanks guys.This is my third attempt at posting thisA.M.,my reply keeps getting erased.Anyway,didn't the good doctor spend till Christmas in the first three verses of the book of Romans?Does it take two months to explain what "Paul an apostle" really means? I used to think I unwittingly confessed satan as my lord and savior as a kid,and that was why my spirit(s) wasn't enlightened on corps night.And then try to explain to my twig how it jelled in my heart.Times like those you you wonder just what to say to your people.Well,Tuttle,at least my fake laugh was genuinely fake.
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Simone I always felt the same as yourself concerning corps night. I used to walk away thinking geez I just don't have that spiritual mindeness that was taught. I did know if I stayed around long enough I would get it like osomosis. When it came to twig sharing time I was always amused how I did not see that aspect of it as someone else did. I did think it was pretty lame to teach only two chapters of Romans for the whole year. Brother!!!I did not care for dressing up in a suit and sit their and be uncomfortable either. Since then I have been to churches that do not care if you wear blue jeans. I know you did not want to talk on this but I always felt the same. I did enjoy sitting next to Adrienne Wagner and Lily Watts though.
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Bellyflopper,I appreciate your comments.I don't necessarily want to move the thread to a guts spilling time.I just haven't been in contact with any duo c-corps guys since I saw you at the yashari yashi in Tulsa.People say don't throw out the baby with the bathwater and I'm trying to figure out what is baby and what is bathwater.As I said earlier I had a blast in the corps and some of the training was certainly beneficial.But I absolutely loathed corps night and thought it was a complete waste of time.And considering that it was the creme de le' creme of our training I always wrestled with the notion that I was f'd up in the head .Besides that I had to sit by two homely women.I think corps night would have been much better if we had open seating,were allowed to smoke, and could leave when we got bored.
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Simon, you post as one that has great authority. Yeas, you WERE f'd up in the head. I wrote Craig after one corps noght, hearing your fake laugh after one of his jokes. I said, "What have we here, some kind of counterfeit???".
I empathize with your human sufferings though, having to sit so maany, maany hours on Corps night next to uncomely, unclean women. You woulda thought that if God almighty was anywhere in the picture, seating would happen to have it "a beautiful woman on this side, a bountiful woman on that side, and SIMON in the midst" ... Then the laying on of hands would have been much more "sintillating".
"... it is no more I that sinneth, but sin that dwelleth in me" No wonder Romans was taught. "Happy is the man that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth." Man, doesn't sound religious??? Too bad we didn't "live" that verse as we could "work it" while in res.
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You're certainly a sincere man, but you know, it's just no guarantee for truth.Aren't you selling lots in Florida now....Ten feet underground?Myself, I jest vanted ze knowledge,zat was all.I did not care for zee ministry or sumsing,I jest vanted ze knowledge(laughter).Before I took AFPL I could not stop drinking after ze 1st or 2nd beer until I was all fool up or until I run out of money.After LPFA class I learn abundantly and I never run out of money(more laughter).
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Hello.....anybody there?Where did everybody go,Shipper?
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I have been checking everyday but this thread must have dropped off the cliff. We need some more material. No more gut spilling,gut wrenching sharings from me.
Have been spending most of the week thinking and watching documentarys on 911. It is to much to think about and glad to get some closure of a one year anniversary. I have a lot of friends that got activated I was fortunate along with others that didn't get called.
Will check in from time to time here.
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Good idea,Fellowdipper.Didn't Judas Iscariot pour his guts out on the day of the ascension? Glad to hear you're not activated.I think your kids need you more than Uncle Sam.
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Simon, you're going to be in trouble if you were sitting next to ME! Honestly, though, I just tried to remember who used to be my rowmates at Corpsnight, and I can't even recall who those lucky believers were. I must have provided a fair amount of amusement, with my struggles to keep awake. I eventually learned that if I took off my nametag, and stuck myself with the pin, it would wake me up for about ten minutes or so. I also perfected the art of Corpsnight Chair Isometrics. I also drew pictures, wrote poems, and . . .
well, what did YOU do to stay awake in meetings?
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So she who kristons our thread comes back to visit. How are you NIKA ? First I would like to go on record as saying that I LIED.The girls that I sat between were NOT homely.They were sweet, pretty, and gave great backrubs.I was just trying to make a funny with fellowwisher.So girls if you know who you are, don't waste that money on plastic surgery. As to how I stayed awake, I did some really exciting things. Like...count how many times the letter "a" appeared in the first chapter of Romans. Then the letter "b". Then the letter "c". Then...well,you get the idea. Sometimes I would play word jumble.Like, "lives" can be "elvis", or, "apostle" can become "lost ape" You know, a mind is a terrible thing to waste. My biggest motivator to stay awake,tho,was knowing how natural and peaceful somebody looked while sleeping in a bed, and how utterly ridiculous they looked drooling all over their best tie with their head bobbing up and down while sleeping in a desk chair.
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Simon, the Ashladi Ashlee Tolsi told me to tell you that indeed you CAN get as much from sleeping 4 or 5 hours as you can from 15 minutes of speaking in tongues. This is a wonderful truth.
Excatharsis, Pappy said you need to talk to me ...
Hellosniffer, I need your help at the 24 hour WOW Burger stand. We are gonna bless the corps with Tic Burgers tonite ... I can lick any man in town tonite!!!
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Although I utilized my only two weeks of vacation time and spent a chunck of money to get there only to work in the August Ohio heat to cook burgers. I will gracefully decline the offer of running to serve and work till midnight and miss all of the teachings just so others could have a famous WOW burger. I just aint in the giving mood anymore.
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where all the homeless believers hung out at night.That's why it was so important to stay awake during corps night.So you could stay up all night and flip a burger that even Tic would be proud to eat.Tuttle, I think Fellowshipper is becoming a 5 senses man.Tell him how he can be more blessed than he already is. What's up with excathedra?
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I think excatheda is loaded,you know full of new wine and off babbling something.
Running a burger stand wasn't necessarily a mindless job. The biggest challenge was dealing with all of the excuses the assigned corps would shell out as being legitimate. I would just say Egor get in the back.
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Swellolipper, how'd you like to get blessed more than you already are??
In preparation for going into the 99th sunset corps, you can believe to sponsor me. Then, sit back and watch pappy open the windows of the way fecal farm and pour you out a blessin' that will not go unnoticed by anyone. Maybe He will even bring you forth good and faithful believers to help with the grave yard shift in the WOWBURGER stand.
Simon, you're gonna get REAL blessed this year, you have been assigned as the honey wagon coordinator.
Wouldn't it be sumthin if ...
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I need 5 volunteers to work at the fly pavilion.I'll give you a free shower pass.I'd love to but I gotta go to a meeting.Who's devilish idea was it to have a way night club at the ROA? You guys should be thankful.God Almighty through your twig leader put you in those positions of service to bless you, first and formost ,and God.s people.That's why we don't question,we don't doubt,we just do our volunteering and believe God for the gas money to get back home.God will have a better job waiting for you when you get there.God bless, gotta get back to the schittwagen.
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