Wow, Buck, all this Oregon history is interesting to me as well. And like you, I haven't thought much about it for the past 2 decades til running into Daggs again.
From your description of the apartment complex, I don't know if it was the exact same place or not. I remember the pizza place although since most of my WOW team couldn't drink legally, we didn't do much beer drinking, there anyway. ;)--> There was no Myrtle, but another nice lady who was the manager. But I do remember Blair A and some of the civilian believers coming over for dinner and mentioned that someone else had run a twig in the same apts. So I'm assuming that would've been you. My other WOW family lived in an apartment complex closer to Steve! at 82nd and Division, across the street from a Burger King? I think with a big parking lot that the teens (us included) used to hang out at.
I've always wanted to go back to Portland for a vacation and really see the city, since we didn't really get to as WOWs. Daggs will remember that we pretty much had to stick to our assigned area of the city. Do you remember the Mt. Hood Cafe, Buck? A great place for breakfast on Sat. mornings. It was just down the street from our apartment complex too.
Our apt. was 2 story, so when you came in the front door, there was a staircase that went upstairs where we had 2 bedrooms and a bath. Seems like our apt was in the back of the complex. Division St. was right outside our back door.
Anyway, I think it's kinda cool that we lived in the same neighborhood anyway, if not the same apts. Daggs and her crew lived all the way across town. And Daggs, I remember Stacy putting the kabash on your camp out. She did the same thing to us, when we planned a tubing adventure. The tubing spot was about 15 minutes from our front door, but out of our designated territory. As I recall, the guys went anyway and we just didn't tell. Sheesh, she wouldn't even let us go to the zoo. Had I been a little older and wiser, I think we would've just done what we pleased more. Then again maybe not, as I did want to graduate from the way corps. :D-->
I never knew you lived in OR, Buck. I actually requested to go there for my interim yr. I had always wanted to see the place. Plus, it was the farthest "Oureach City" from Wayworld. :D--> My only regret is that I didn't get to see more of the West Coast while there.
PS Buck, I grew up in Memphis, got witnessed to by WOWs when I was in high school. But I really got involved in the way while at college at UT Knoxville. My 10th corps sister-in-law (Brenda) is from OK City and knew your wife there. She says hi.
When I met Tom he was already a cop. And damn proud of it. He mentioned how he had no sense of smell, and one of the ways he received revelation was: one time during a traffic stop, he "smelled" alcohol on a driver's breath.
Ahhhh, Mt. Hood cafe, where was it, wayyy south? only open from 5:30 a.m. until about noon, with their 5-egg omelettes. I've since learned how to make *better* omelettes than those. And if you weren't there by 7 a.m., you had to stand in a line halfway down the block.
You did know Beth Warga, right? and that she died of breast cancer back in 82 or 83? She was so wonderful.
Steve! I do remember that Tom had no sense of smell, but I hadn't heard the story about having "nose revelation". Too funny. He was a real friend. He helped me to grow up a bit when it came to taking more responsibility in my life.
And yes, the Mount Hood Cafe! Terry Christian, Tim Fennel and I used to have breakfast there in the mornings before going off to hang sheetrock for the day. Both Terry and I were fond of the "pork chops and eggs" with hash browns and ww toast on the side. Wasn't there a big photo on the wall of Mt. Hood?
And yes, I remember Beth Warga. She was like "Mom" to me over at the big stone limb home at the end of what was it, 129th by what, Foster? I smashed/mangled my pinky finger once and went there with my injury and Beth fixed me up and kept me from hitting my head on the kitchen floor when I passed out. I was so sad when I learned of her passing. A wonderful gal.
And Ex10, I have to give up my computer to the kids to do some home work, but I will respond to your post. Oh yeah, I was in Fargo North Dakota as a twig area coord. Jenelda Williams was there as a wow team coord, and Curtis Hertwig was across the river in Moorhead Minnesota as a twig area coordinator and mime expert :)--> Also in the state was Chip Zika, Kirsteen McDowell, Cathy DeChant, a guy named Anderson (can't remember his first name!) and maybe one other tenth corps person. Can't remember him/her either. We had a fun time that year, and I didn't make too big of a mess of things. ONe of the wow vet uys I lived with got kidnapped for deprogramming that year, and we had quite and adventure getting him back, and of course, Jenelda was all over that situatiuon....
I was talking to J about some of the things discussed on this thread and he had some interesting insight as to the music scene at Emporia when we were there. He says that the musicians were more or less assigned to different bands or Way Prod groups. The better/more experienced musicians were never all put together in one band. It was as if the powers that ruled didn't want any one band to be too good. So the novices were always placed with the more experienced, and if anybody knew too much about what they were doing, it wasn't neccessarily considered an asset. Those musicians had to be kept humble ya know. I just thought it was an interesting insight. ;)-->
Keynote, J says you were a most excellent trombone player and wonders if you still play that instrument?
I asked J a little about the history of the Orchestra, and he doesn't remember too much, expcept that Ken McC started it. Does anyone remember what year it came to be or any of that? I was just curious. There were so many excellent, talented musicians in our corps era. I can't help but wonder who's still playing, made a career out of their music, etc. and if their Way Prod experience helped or what.
I'm back just to say, Hello and Keynote has read your posts ~ he's madly getting his typing skills up to snuff so he can get responding to everyone.
Hey, Buck, your stories, your stories... Keep 'em comin'!
I was also thinking if some of you want to post some of your 'Way Orchestra' stuff on the music thread ~ I'm sure us 'music thread groupies' would love to hear about it! :D-->
Ya know, I do like to write, and I have a few Tenth Corps stories that I could put down. I'm not going to pound one out now, but stay tuned. It's too bad that the old archives are gone. I wrote a couple of stories that I thought were pretty good, at least I thought, but they are gonoe now...
anyway, I will keep it up and write a story or two...
BTW, we on the Tenth Corps Corps thread are about to eclipse the 7th Corps thread in posts, so, I thought I would mention this as well as put down another post to boost us along....
About the name change. Have you tried e-mailing Paw and finding out or maybe you could just try re-registering under a new name. Many people have done this here at GS. It can be done. I'm just not sure how. -->
But I like you as Buck. I don't think of you as the MCP you started out thinking you wanted to be, but rather the 'outdoorsy - Jeremiah Johnston - rugged, but softy' type you really are. Wrestled any bears lately?
Actually when you started that thread about consensual sex, I did not find you were offensive, just being honest.
Thank you for the compliment re: my trombone playing. J was one of the best players I've ever heard or played with. Only one other guy I knew that played all the woodwinds: alto, tenor, baritone, clarinet and flute besides J.
I am presently not playing but I intend to. I pulled out the horn and dusted it off. Ex10, something I remember you saying about J being more blessed when he is playing got me to think that the same is true for me ... so I'm looking for a group to play with and we'll see what happens. It's so nice to find you guys and chat with you here after all this time.
Hi, Buck. How are you? How the north country?
I found our graduating 10th Corps picture the other day ... WOW. I've been looking at it for a week or so. Buck, you've got some chew tucked into your right cheek and the sun is highlighting it from over your right shoulder - too funny!!!
So, I had a wad of chew in my mouth eh? What a turkey I was (am?) I sure would love to see that pic. I may have it somewhere myself, but we have moved so many times since being out of The Way that I wonder if it hasn't gotten lost in the shuffle somewhere..
But it would be nice to see a pic of all the Tenth. Are most folks faces clear enough? Where was that taken anyway? Emporia?
Hey there Keynote, yeah, get out the old horn and play with some folks. I have played my harmonicas from time to time with people, and it certainly is fun. Gotta do it more..
Tell the Ala Prochaine I said howdy. I owe her a letter by now.....
10th Corps pic - it's a good one - very clear, you can see everybody, except in a couple of cases where the heads are blocked out or turned downward. There are some who are absent. It was taken SE of the barn on the slope that runs down to the old pond at HQ - must have been Corps week '82 - 10th and 6th Family Corps.
Buck, I will send you a copy of the pic. I am planning to make colour photo copies of it; ala and I have done this before and the copies have turned out quite well. So, if anyone who wants one, just let me know and I'll send it.
I've haven't been able to find our original corps list. Does anyone have that? I remember it was on blue paper and I think ex 10 was right 444 people originally. We were waiting for Sangat Bains to clear customs in India or something like that. Would love to find that list.
Hey got Ian Buddke in that pic... :)-->
He was a cutie ;)--> profile doesn't contain your email...and my puter crashed with all my emails on it...among one of which was yours....and..I'm planning a little trip to Nova Scotia end of March...
...thought I'd come up and mess with ya!!! ;)--> if/when you get a chance. Thanks :)-->
Hey all. I was in the Tenth Corps too. I had a good time in the Tenth, really. I guess my best friends that were guys were Bill Berryhill, Dick Michaud, and Dan Puzzo. And I got pretty close with Margurite Smith and Jenelda Mae Williams Puzzo. And Ginny Aston too. Ginny and I were real close pals out in Gunnison. I was also a good friend of Gabriel Ortiz. Anybody know what happened to any of these folks?
Hi Ex10! Thank you for your affable and gregarious salutation. You brought a wonderful feeling to my soul and spirit; therefore, I thank you for your spiritual love. Time permitting… I’ll visit this wonderful site more often and check some of its content. Once again, thank you.
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Wow, Buck, all this Oregon history is interesting to me as well. And like you, I haven't thought much about it for the past 2 decades til running into Daggs again.
From your description of the apartment complex, I don't know if it was the exact same place or not. I remember the pizza place although since most of my WOW team couldn't drink legally, we didn't do much beer drinking, there anyway.
;)--> There was no Myrtle, but another nice lady who was the manager. But I do remember Blair A and some of the civilian believers coming over for dinner and mentioned that someone else had run a twig in the same apts. So I'm assuming that would've been you. My other WOW family lived in an apartment complex closer to Steve! at 82nd and Division, across the street from a Burger King? I think with a big parking lot that the teens (us included) used to hang out at.
I've always wanted to go back to Portland for a vacation and really see the city, since we didn't really get to as WOWs. Daggs will remember that we pretty much had to stick to our assigned area of the city. Do you remember the Mt. Hood Cafe, Buck? A great place for breakfast on Sat. mornings. It was just down the street from our apartment complex too.
Our apt. was 2 story, so when you came in the front door, there was a staircase that went upstairs where we had 2 bedrooms and a bath. Seems like our apt was in the back of the complex. Division St. was right outside our back door.
Anyway, I think it's kinda cool that we lived in the same neighborhood anyway, if not the same apts. Daggs and her crew lived all the way across town. And Daggs, I remember Stacy putting the kabash on your camp out. She did the same thing to us, when we planned a tubing adventure. The tubing spot was about 15 minutes from our front door, but out of our designated territory. As I recall, the guys went anyway and we just didn't tell. Sheesh, she wouldn't even let us go to the zoo. Had I been a little older and wiser, I think we would've just done what we pleased more. Then again maybe not, as I did want to graduate from the way corps.
I never knew you lived in OR, Buck. I actually requested to go there for my interim yr. I had always wanted to see the place. Plus, it was the farthest "Oureach City" from Wayworld.
:D--> My only regret is that I didn't get to see more of the West Coast while there.
Buck, where were you on your interim yr.?
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PS Buck, I grew up in Memphis, got witnessed to by WOWs when I was in high school. But I really got involved in the way while at college at UT Knoxville. My 10th corps sister-in-law (Brenda) is from OK City and knew your wife there. She says hi.
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When I met Tom he was already a cop. And damn proud of it. He mentioned how he had no sense of smell, and one of the ways he received revelation was: one time during a traffic stop, he "smelled" alcohol on a driver's breath.
Ahhhh, Mt. Hood cafe, where was it, wayyy south? only open from 5:30 a.m. until about noon, with their 5-egg omelettes. I've since learned how to make *better* omelettes than those. And if you weren't there by 7 a.m., you had to stand in a line halfway down the block.
You did know Beth Warga, right? and that she died of breast cancer back in 82 or 83? She was so wonderful.
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Steve! I do remember that Tom had no sense of smell, but I hadn't heard the story about having "nose revelation". Too funny. He was a real friend. He helped me to grow up a bit when it came to taking more responsibility in my life.
And yes, the Mount Hood Cafe! Terry Christian, Tim Fennel and I used to have breakfast there in the mornings before going off to hang sheetrock for the day. Both Terry and I were fond of the "pork chops and eggs" with hash browns and ww toast on the side. Wasn't there a big photo on the wall of Mt. Hood?
And yes, I remember Beth Warga. She was like "Mom" to me over at the big stone limb home at the end of what was it, 129th by what, Foster? I smashed/mangled my pinky finger once and went there with my injury and Beth fixed me up and kept me from hitting my head on the kitchen floor when I passed out. I was so sad when I learned of her passing. A wonderful gal.
And Ex10, I have to give up my computer to the kids to do some home work, but I will respond to your post. Oh yeah, I was in Fargo North Dakota as a twig area coord. Jenelda Williams was there as a wow team coord, and Curtis Hertwig was across the river in Moorhead Minnesota as a twig area coordinator and mime expert
:)--> Also in the state was Chip Zika, Kirsteen McDowell, Cathy DeChant, a guy named Anderson (can't remember his first name!) and maybe one other tenth corps person. Can't remember him/her either. We had a fun time that year, and I didn't make too big of a mess of things. ONe of the wow vet uys I lived with got kidnapped for deprogramming that year, and we had quite and adventure getting him back, and of course, Jenelda was all over that situatiuon....
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Hey ya'll.
I was talking to J about some of the things discussed on this thread and he had some interesting insight as to the music scene at Emporia when we were there. He says that the musicians were more or less assigned to different bands or Way Prod groups. The better/more experienced musicians were never all put together in one band. It was as if the powers that ruled didn't want any one band to be too good. So the novices were always placed with the more experienced, and if anybody knew too much about what they were doing, it wasn't neccessarily considered an asset. Those musicians had to be kept humble ya know. I just thought it was an interesting insight.
Keynote, J says you were a most excellent trombone player and wonders if you still play that instrument?
I asked J a little about the history of the Orchestra, and he doesn't remember too much, expcept that Ken McC started it. Does anyone remember what year it came to be or any of that? I was just curious. There were so many excellent, talented musicians in our corps era. I can't help but wonder who's still playing, made a career out of their music, etc. and if their Way Prod experience helped or what.
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A la prochaine
Hello 10th Corps,
I'm back just to say, Hello and Keynote has read your posts ~ he's madly getting his typing skills up to snuff so he can get responding to everyone.
Hey, Buck, your stories, your stories... Keep 'em comin'!
I was also thinking if some of you want to post some of your 'Way Orchestra' stuff on the music thread ~ I'm sure us 'music thread groupies' would love to hear about it!
'til the next time...
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Ya know, I do like to write, and I have a few Tenth Corps stories that I could put down. I'm not going to pound one out now, but stay tuned. It's too bad that the old archives are gone. I wrote a couple of stories that I thought were pretty good, at least I thought, but they are gonoe now...
anyway, I will keep it up and write a story or two...
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BTW, we on the Tenth Corps Corps thread are about to eclipse the 7th Corps thread in posts, so, I thought I would mention this as well as put down another post to boost us along....
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Maybe I will send an e-mail to one of our favorite Tenth Corps bros, Dick Michaud. Maybe he will come back and say hi here. He's the greatest...
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A la prochaine
About the name change. Have you tried e-mailing Paw and finding out or maybe you could just try re-registering under a new name. Many people have done this here at GS. It can be done. I'm just not sure how.
But I like you as Buck. I don't think of you as the MCP you started out thinking you wanted to be, but rather the 'outdoorsy - Jeremiah Johnston - rugged, but softy' type you really are. Wrestled any bears lately?
Actually when you started that thread about consensual sex, I did not find you were offensive, just being honest.
'til the next time...
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ex10, J and all y'all,
Thank you for the compliment re: my trombone playing. J was one of the best players I've ever heard or played with. Only one other guy I knew that played all the woodwinds: alto, tenor, baritone, clarinet and flute besides J.
I am presently not playing but I intend to. I pulled out the horn and dusted it off. Ex10, something I remember you saying about J being more blessed when he is playing got me to think that the same is true for me ... so I'm looking for a group to play with and we'll see what happens. It's so nice to find you guys and chat with you here after all this time.
Hi, Buck. How are you? How the north country?
I found our graduating 10th Corps picture the other day ... WOW. I've been looking at it for a week or so. Buck, you've got some chew tucked into your right cheek and the sun is highlighting it from over your right shoulder - too funny!!!
No orchestra pic yet, still looking.
Must go, I'm at work.
Bye for now,
... things are seldom what they seem ...
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Hey there Keynote,
So, I had a wad of chew in my mouth eh? What a turkey I was (am?) I sure would love to see that pic. I may have it somewhere myself, but we have moved so many times since being out of The Way that I wonder if it hasn't gotten lost in the shuffle somewhere..
But it would be nice to see a pic of all the Tenth. Are most folks faces clear enough? Where was that taken anyway? Emporia?
Hey there Keynote, yeah, get out the old horn and play with some folks. I have played my harmonicas from time to time with people, and it certainly is fun. Gotta do it more..
Tell the Ala Prochaine I said howdy. I owe her a letter by now.....
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Hi Buck,
10th Corps pic - it's a good one - very clear, you can see everybody, except in a couple of cases where the heads are blocked out or turned downward. There are some who are absent. It was taken SE of the barn on the slope that runs down to the old pond at HQ - must have been Corps week '82 - 10th and 6th Family Corps.
Buck, I will send you a copy of the pic. I am planning to make colour photo copies of it; ala and I have done this before and the copies have turned out quite well. So, if anyone who wants one, just let me know and I'll send it.
I've haven't been able to find our original corps list. Does anyone have that? I remember it was on blue paper and I think ex 10 was right 444 people originally. We were waiting for Sangat Bains to clear customs in India or something like that. Would love to find that list.
PS - I might try to scan it and post it here.
... things are seldom what they seem ...
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Wacky Funster
Hey got Ian Buddke in that pic...
He was a cutie
;)--> profile doesn't contain your email...and my puter crashed with all my emails on it...among one of which was yours....and..I'm planning a little trip to Nova Scotia end of March...
...thought I'd come up and mess with ya!!!
;)--> if/when you get a chance. Thanks
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J0nny Ling0
Hey all. I was in the Tenth Corps too. I had a good time in the Tenth, really. I guess my best friends that were guys were Bill Berryhill, Dick Michaud, and Dan Puzzo. And I got pretty close with Margurite Smith and Jenelda Mae Williams Puzzo. And Ginny Aston too. Ginny and I were real close pals out in Gunnison. I was also a good friend of Gabriel Ortiz. Anybody know what happened to any of these folks?
Jonny Lingo
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A la prochaine
Dick Michaud... check out Atlanta Bible link... Dick and Sue's picture is up there with kids too.
'til the next time...
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:)--> Hi All! Que Pasa? A warm heartfelt greetings to all
Brady Brockway, M.S.
Computer Science and Business Technology Education Instructor
Computer Science Club Sponsor/Coordinator at FVSH
The Academy of Business and Information Technology
Felix Varela Senior High School
15255 SW 96th Street
Miami, Florida 33196
Phone: 305.752.7900 Ext. 2145
Room: 145 - Computer Lab
Web Site:
[This message was edited by Brady on July 13, 2003 at 0:27.]
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Hi Brady!
How very nice to see you again after all these years!
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Hi Ex10! Thank you for your affable and gregarious salutation. You brought a wonderful feeling to my soul and spirit; therefore, I thank you for your spiritual love. Time permitting… I’ll visit this wonderful site more often and check some of its content. Once again, thank you.
As always, the very best to God’s best!
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Brady is getting his PhD. (who woulda thunk it, and I am proud of him for it...a REAL PhD unlike vpw).
This explains the 3 and 4 syllable words, and complex sentence structures...heh.
Brady!!!! You be a good guy, and ya know I luv ya! delray beach. I figure you got me pegged now.
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Seems you've been quite busy since leaving TWI. Congrats on your accomplishments!
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Hi engine Rob. Good to see your name round these parts.
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