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10th Corps


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Well if we could chase down Jonny Lingo we could get him to tell another of his hilarious stories.

Then we could all sit around and drink margaritas, or vodka tonics, or whatever. I'm not much of a beer gal. I only like wine with food - hey I could got back in the kitchen and kick out all the help and turn this cafe into an italian restaurant - lasagna anyone?

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  • 1 month later...

Hi! Did I ever tell you of the "Great Emporia Mailroom With The New Yorkers Debacle?" I wrote it in here once, but then the GSCafe changed to the "new" GScafe, and it is now forever gone. In fact, I had a bunch of fun Tenth Corps stories in here at one time. So maybe I'll write it again, but on a document first, and then paste it over here. Those dang New Yorkers roasted me so bad! And with their way cool accents to boot...

And hey, I love to hang out with the girls! Got beer you say? Well to hang with you Lovelies would be my pleasure anytime! Anyhoo, I'll see if I can find the time to write of that mailroom scene one more time, for, it truly was "one for the books"...


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Hey dooj,

Hubby has a continuing ed seminar he has to go to sometime in the latter part of June I think, up in your neck of the woods. Don't know the exact date yet. But, if you are gonna be around I might just have to come along, and we could meet up?


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Get me dates, ex10. I'm almost postive that i'll be able to meet with you. Perhaps we can go dancing!

Basically - that is a YES! just want to make sure that there aren't any conflicts I don't know about - you know how it goes with kids....

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HEY! what's this all about???

  ex10 said:
Hey dooj,

Hubby has a continuing ed seminar he has to go to sometime in the latter part of June I think, up in your neck of the woods. Don't know the exact date yet. But, if you are gonna be around I might just have to come along, and we could meet up?


  doojable said:
Get me dates, ex10. I'm almost postive that i'll be able to meet with you. Perhaps we can go dancing!

Basically - that is a YES! just want to make sure that there aren't any conflicts I don't know about - you know how it goes with kids....

...I see how you guys are... :(

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Well DANG IT!!!

Wish I weren't way over here on the east coast...I'd bring drums and shakers and morroccas (sp?)!!

Have a Texas ho down...with a twist... :dance::dance::dance:

Since I didn't grad-ji-tate from the 10th...do I still count as 10th?

I was 13th too...but didn't grad-ji-tate it either.

Guess I'm an undergrad... :biglaugh::biglaugh:

Yeah...but I got odd and even in; that counts for something!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well who knows, top.

Maybe if dooj and I have enuff of Tommy's snowcones, we might just pile in my van and drive on up to your neck of the woods. Wouldn't that be a hoot if you heard a pounding on your door late at night and we just busted in. :biglaugh:

Oh and we could pick up pipes on the way. :D

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