Ex-10, I think I was supposed to respond to you a few months ago and never did. Sorry 'bout that. How's life in the warm country? We're freezing up here. Brrr..And how is that musical genious of a husband of yours? I always will remember how he figured out a harmonica/sax harmony "twin solo" for the two of us when we were in the "Tenth Corps Band" (we never had a real name I guess) during our last year in rez. It was cool, because one young lady in the band, a really good vocalist, didn't like me being in the band because I played harmonica which is an instrument "only for blues and bluegrass" as she put it. I know this bevcause at least she said it clearly to all of us that "What's _____ ___ doing in our band? We don't need a harmonica!" Boy, did that make me feel just dandy. But Bob Battersby told her to shut up and so did her husband, and, Jeff came up with this really cool deal that he and I did together on the solo break, which fit nicely with this pop music gals personal taste. I can still play it on my harp and run it through my mind. It was fun.
So, I am really curious as to who Daggoo is. I left her a note in the "private topic" part of this deal here, but I haven't figured out who she is yet. I about died laughing when I read just now how she re-assigned herself. Too funny. That story leaves me to wonder how things went at the Indianna campus when she got there. What did you say when you got there Daggoo? "JAL and PL sent me to get some dental work done"? That's a great story, way to go Daggs...
Love you T - so very very much - you are an especially wonderful human Dear...
Buck - when I got to IN - I just told Bob M's office & he gave me a job as his secy - 40 hours a week - never went to classes or anything - Went to the Dentist in the AM & was Bob M private secy the rest of the time. Drank in the local towns. Never saw any wc training or anything...didnt report to - or wathced by - anyone... free agent... HA!!!!!!!
I figured I didnt go thru that much crap to let JAL or PL throw me out a few months to graduating...
A LA PROCHAINE --- Does your hubby play the TRUMPET/TRONPONE IN TORONTO??????????????????????????
T- Yes all is well here in Maine, my Sweetheart & I will exchange vows in August and go to Montreal for a few days (we are eloping)
I tried to do a nice ceremony at some beautiful waterfalls here in Maine...
BUT I kept saying to friends & relatives - Simple exchange of vows, simple ceremony in the woods...
AND they kept hearing W-E-D-D-I-N-G: Pink & Lavender Bridsmaids, Flower Girls, Catering, Music, Cake Cutting... Holy Smokes
So we are sneaking off & will mail the announcements on our way to Montreal... HEY - Our friend Jan - 10th, from Portland too - still in TWI - is in touch - so wonderful to share her dear friendship again!
Jan? Married to 10th Corps person who's mom was a Dr.????
Hi Buckie! Nice to see you here.
I know who Ex-10 is, I know who Ex-10 is, I know who Ex-10 is... (it only took 4 months to figure it out! :D--> ) And, that's because she e-mailed me this morning and told me! --> I'm such a detective!!!
Ex-10, Thanks for the e-mail! I got it. I called hubby at work and he spewed off all the instruments your hubby could play. He's pulling out the ole' Orchestra picture to point your hubby out tonight. He was always impressed with your hubbies musical abilities!
During ROA's I used to call myself an "Orchestra widow". I know it's a morbid joke, but I never saw him :(-->.
'til the next time...
[This message was edited by A la prochaine on January 10, 2003 at 13:48.]
J came home from work in a grouchy mood. (His assessment, not mine. :)--> ) I had him read this thread and he actually laffed out loud recalling Buck's harmonica incident. (He remembers it well, and might actually be inspired to post here. Geeeze, miracle of miracles. I've been hanging around Waydale and Gs for like, 3 years and he's never taken too much interest til this thread.)
Anyhow, Keynote and ala, he remembers you both fondly and wonders if ypur kids have red hair? :)--> One of ours is a redhead.
Daggs, congrats on your upcoming wedding news, and we would've eloped if we coulda!!!! Sounds like a grand plan to me! (Although I totally understand the wanting to be there thing that your friends have going on.)
Ala inspired me to look up J's orchestra picture, and lo and behold! I found a pictures of you and me, Daggs, along with the rest of my Waydaze pics (all 6 of them) All I can say is, WE WERE DEFINITELY BABES! Jan wasn't in the picture, and if I recall correctly, she took it. So glad to hear ya'll are in touch. Tell her "hey" from me n J.
Steve! probably remembers Jan as well. Which reminds me, Steve! do you know whatever became of Stacy and Alan?
Anyhoo, Oakspear mentioned some names of our beloved bethern in the corps. The only one I knew well was Kevin S, as we had many hitchhicking adventures together.
Geeze, the stories that come to mind.......
Daggs, did you drive from Portland back to corps week with Chris and Jan in that old white van Chris had? I remember we rented that pop-up together....I guess I should consult my diary, if I can find it.
Yes I remember stopping in Utah somewhere at C's house, sooo long ago... thrilled to be out of the goofy politics of OR -
Hey - do you remember being told we had to have our last year fully paid before going back? I believed it & did it... pulled money out of the air I think...
Jan is STILL AN UNBELIEVABLE KNOCKOUT, very very beautiful, million dollar smile, kind eyes and that LAUGH!!!!!!!!!
they are still in - so should be protected some from "Other Readers" ?
Now EX10 - I KNOW you just gotta be a REAL BABE STILL - 20 years just cant undo all that good-looks you have!!!
Love to all your Family.
Ala - I sent a private message with my guess, but I dont know if I am correct... Toronto???
yup this is fun...
Hey T - do you remember Sue B. putting the dog turd looking candy bar in the swimming pool in front of Stacey (with her eyesight she just freaked...) HA!!!!!
Okay Daggoo. I finally figured out how to go back to private topics since they changed the format here, and I know who you are. So, cool! Nice to hear that you are tying the knot, and that you are also one who loves the deep salty sea! I have been going to sea since I was sixteen, and just finished up nine years of working with the state of Alaska working on our ocean class ferries. I am a marine engineer, when I am at sea. We sailed primarily between Skagway AK, and Bellingham Washington, as well as intermitent trips across the Gulf of Alaska to Homer, Valdez, Kodiak Island, and the Aleutian Islands. But I'm on the beach for now. Being away from the wife and kids for too long has it's down side. Especially being away from my wife. ;)--> Daggs, over on the "music thread" I told a sea story that you might like. You could look it up by clicking on "posts by Buck" if you want..
Speaking of wives, I see that you are about to become one! Way to go and best wishes! That is so cool, and I like you two's style! Eloping... ;)-->
Well Ex10 make sure to tell J that I said thanks for bailing me out of my "musical experience deficit" situation. That was a great time...
And, you all mention "Jan". Do you mean Jan Goins? If so, do you all remember the time she got up and did her "incident" about "Swamp Fox"? She had the whole of Kenyon auditorium just dying with laughter. What a gal..
And you say that she and Chris Rawlins are still in?
Ya know, this thread has picked up a good bit. Before they changed the format, about a year or so ago, there was some cool posts on here, but then they went and erased it all. Too bad. But at least it's picking up again.
And hey, I want to change my name from "Buck". The only reason I did that is because I wanted to sound like an "mcp" (male chauvinist pig) and stir some things up. But when I started that particular thread (consexual sex in The Way), I toned it all down alot. And, if I was offensive with that thread, I apologize. But now I am stuck with "Buck". Is there a way to change one's name?
Yes, I do remember Jan Goins. So since I knew Jan, and since I knew you, ex10, and since you say Daggoo was in Po'land, too, then it would follow that I knew Daggoo, oh so many years ago.
Stacy and Allen are out East - their email address is listed on the Cortright site, so I would think that they are out.
I think Dagoo was referring to the "other" Portland, that is Portland, Maine....
But yes, Jan was a WOW down around Salem, OREGON back in 1978/79 I think. She, Tonye Koetteritz and a really sweet gal named Karen Bowes. I liked Karen a lot as a matter of fact. Something about her really "tripped my trigger" if ya know what I mean ;)-->
Righto Steve! She married Neil Boel. He was a really nice guy. I hope all is well with them. Ya know, Karen had a very nice "husky" singing voice as a matter of fact. She sang a blues tune with me once and her tone quality was awesome...
Sorry Daggs, Steve, I thought I knew something there. So Ex10 was in Oregon also huh? I was there between 77 and 79, but I am sure things had changed alot by the time you all showed up. It was got pretty weird after that "certain couple" showed up showed up to be the LC's. That rev woman was so dang mean! I am sure that you all sweetened it up a bunch though...
Steve! mentioned that he knew a friend of mine nameded Mark Glazer up in OR, did you, Daggs, or Ex10 know him too?
And Steve, nice pic bro. You are familiar, although I can't recall anytimne when I may have talked with you. Wow, an advanced class in 94 huh? That must have been a heavy time. I was kicked out in 90 or 91 (can't exactly remember when), and never underwent any of the TWI II stuff.
St*c*y and *ll*n R*pk* were okay people when I was there. St*c*y was actually really nice, for the most part. Of course, I wasn't all that close to them. But Karen was - she and Rene (I forget her last name, but you had to have known her) were living at the limb home with them.
I think the baby ruth in the pool is one of the funniest stories from that year. And the way Sue B told it! Stacy all big and pregnant in her frog green bathing suit, swim cap, goggles and all...swimming along and seeing something floating in her lane up ahead. A cruel trick to play on a pregnant lady! LOL.
The ride back from OR in Chris' van and then what was it? a couple of days or so lounging around at his mom's house felt like a much needed vacation before Corps Week and another year of Way Corps drudgery. :)--> Although I thought our last yr at Emporia was like Club Med compared to the Reign of King Richard and the Queen Linda. Geeze, those two argued the entire year.
Anyhow, Buck, J says that the female vocalist you mentioned had the annoying habit of thinking she was a prima donna of some sort. Your incident with her was only one among many that made him (and everybody else in the band including her husband) roll his eyes. He wonders if she ever got over herself? ;)-->
Daggs, did you go to Blair A's wedding? Steve! was the best man-in-charge I believe. The politics in OR were quite an interesting story, one which I never heard the other side of til Steve S (branch leader in Eugene) told me years later. Seems he and our dear Stacy didn't exactly see eye to eye most of the time. Surprise, surprise. I hope our beloved Jan and Chris are doing well in spite of being still stuck in. I'll never figure that one out. :(-->
When I was seeing Chirs' mom when pg with our 2nd child, (this was in 89) we had pretty much left TWI, but were not officially dropped corps yet. Wow, that's another long story.....Dr. R was so incredibly good to us, and a fantastic doctor as well. But I'm rambling.....There were so many good folks in TWI. It's really a shame how things have ended up. :(-->
Daggs, I'm quite sure if we'd still be hanging out if we lived remotely near each other. I well remember having to get our money together. That's another story maybe I'll tell sometime.
Buck, from your recollections, I'm really sorry we didn't know each other a little better. Seems you were where the action was. :D--> I love your stories.
Oh and AlaP, I can totally relate to the "orchestra widow" thing. But by some stoke of good fortune, my corps assignment for corps week and ROA was back stage main tent. I usually ended up working in the Tech Crew Tent, which eventually evolved into the "Orchestra Tent." So at least J and I got to hang out together during the teachings and stuff during the Rock. Did Keynote play in the Dance Band? That's the time I was wishing J and I could dance. He's actually a pretty good dancer. ;)-->
After we got out of TWI, J was in another cool band, and worked as a band director. That's when I really found out what the "band widow" life was about. Sigh....As of about a year ago, he's not playing or teaching or anything and just today he mentioned how he misses his music, especially playing. So I have a feeling he's gonna get involved with another band here soon. And that's a good thing, since he seems to be much happier when he's performing on at least a semi-regular basis. ;)-->
Buck, I actually have talked J into playing the harmonica on occasion. He sounds pretty good to me, but since he can't play like Stevie Wonder, he thinks he can't play. --> Sheesh, I can't even get a sound to come out of his flute. If I could, I think I'd claim to be able to play, a little anyway. :)-->
Hi EX10 - Yes -- if we were closer I sure would love to kiss on your kids and sit at your kitchen table laughing...
I was in OR only 80-81 interim year...I dont think I remember Blair????
At the end of the year we were going to go camping at a woodsy spot nearby, where we camped when we first arrived...we were ready to go and Stacey called and forbade it - we had a real screaming match, she won. I was rather aggravated at the 10th wc who called her & ratted on our plans... we set up the tents in the living room and proceeded to have a loud drinking party just to .... her off...
for a little bitty girl she sure had a big damn stick...
I put together the reception for them. I got an exceptional deal on a couple of cases of champagne, only to be told that we couldn't bring it into the hotel - we had to buy from them.
So we snuck it in.
It was such a low-budget affair, since Blair and Cary were funding it.
Wow, J can play the harmonica too huh? NO surprise I guess.You know, the guy who really plays hot is that guy from that band the "Blues Travellers". He is amazing, and if J has ever heard him I am sure he will agree. I still play here and there, but not as often as I'd like to. It's most fun when there is someone who backs me up with some kind of rythm, usually a guitar.
And Daggs, why does your story about Stacey seem so familiar? Ya know, I ran a twig on the southeast side of Portland the year A and S got there, and amazingly, while out going door to door by myself, I witnessed to this beautiful, educated/sophisticated black lady. It was something, with me being a mere sheetrocker, and certainly not very polished. At first she wouldn't even open the door and I had to give my "spiel" through the crack of the door with her chain lock on it. She said she wasn't interested, but when I said; "ok, God bless you" and started to walk off, she undid the chain lock, whipped the door open, and said; "What did you just say?" I said; "Uh, God bless you?" She said; "Yes, you did say God bless you. And when I heard you say that I knew that I wanted to talk to you. Come on in". So, I went in to her very nicely decorated apartment (which made this single 21 year old feel like a fish out a water), and she poured her heart out and asked lots of cool questions about the bible, to which I happily supplied easy answers from her own bible. Lots of her questions centered around "do you go to heaven when you die, and if so, then why does the Bible say that Jesus is coming back to wake up the dead?" She was very sweet and sincere, and I really felt as if I was in the right place at the right time. So, when I invited her to twig, she happily accepted the invitation, and she asked if she could bring her little boy along too. So, she came. Our place was just off of 129th and Division. And when she came, her little boy, a four year old, who was bright and handsome in a little suit, just loved it also. He liked to sing the songs and was very inquisitive. This gal came two times, and then the third time "S" came to teach at my twig, which I had thought would be a blessing. Well, this gal and her little boy came, full of expectation, but while I was leading songs, the little boy piped up with a request for a song, and as I began to reciprocate, "S" interrupted, and said; (this is a paraphrase)"Wait a minute, you shouldn't let him interrupt your twig like this. The Word of God is at stake here! And you, mam, need to keep your little boy quiet, no matter how cute he is!" Well, you talk about dumping a five gallon bucket of water on a campfire. That just deadened everything, and my new found friend never said a word during the rest of the fellowship, but if looks could kill, I think that "S" woulda been a goner. And after the fellowship, this gal, whose name I don't even remember, took me aside and said; "Kevin, I love this fellowship, I love you and the others here whom I have met, but if that woman (read "that woman" in italics) is your leader, then I can have no more to do with this. I will go to Otter Crest for the New Years Advance with you, but that's going to be the end of it, I'm sorry". And after the New Years Advance, she never came back. Man, was I confused. Here was this reverend woman, and her life had the exact opposite effect on the believers that I thought she was supposed to have. ..."for the edifting of the body of Christ" I think the Bible still says.
Yeah, it was good to get out of Oregon, and I think it happened at the right time. Now, our friend Steve! here says that A and S were pretty ok when he was there, and maybe they were, but some of the many other things I witnessed while I was there made even this story seem tame. Glad you all went there to sweeten it up!
I just read your post and you'll never believe this, but my WOW family also lived in SE Portland at 129th and Division. We lived in that townhome apartment complex right on Division Street. I can't remember the name of it. After we had been there a couple of months, we found out that someone had lived there previously and run a twig. Could that have been you???? Wouldn't it be wierd if we lived in the same apartment???
I remember having the coolest view from my bedroom. Mt. Hood out one window, and Mt. St. Helens out the other.
Wow, what a small exway world it is, huh?
Daggs, Blair A was the branch coordinator for the civilian believers in Portland, and a heck of a great guy as well. Steve! I thought I remembered drinking champagne at the wedding. It was a good time, despite the low budget. :)-->
Since I have had no time to respond to you Ex-10 (I mean e-mail wise I'm posting to say hello.) Keynote says hello and loved hearing about your wonderful J.
Keynote is doing computers now, but his first love is music of course. Still plays alot of piano and has recently taken his horn out of the closet. Should be interesting to see what happens in the near future. I think I'm going to invest in some good earplugs for the first while. :D-->
That is kinda wild! Well now. First of all, I WANT it to be that we lived in the same apartment complex, and even the same apartment, so that we can both say; "Whoa! That is so wild!" But, it was the way it was. BUT maybe, after my description of the place we will descover that we lived in the same place. But maybe not. I can't remember the exact apartment number.
Ok. A little geographic description here: If we were driving north on 129th and came to the intersection of 129th and Division, on the left BEFORE you go throught the light (sorry I don't know how to do italics), would be the Fred Myers department store. On the right would be a pizza place called "The Pizza Baron" where I and my girlfriend at the time (Madelaine Smith-identical twin of Margurite Smith of the Tenth Corps) ate pizza and drank a fair amount of beer. If you were to take a right on Division at the light, immediately after that on the right was the apartment complex that I and Terry Christian-of the 11th Corps-lived in. Now, if you lived in that same apartment complex, you will remember our very memorable landlord: Her name was "Myrtle". We thought it was a sign from God to live there because "Myrtlewood" only grows in Israel and Oregon ya know. Anyway, Myrtle was this older gal with an obvious black wig, talked with a cigarette hanging mfrom her lip, and had that telltale "whiskey voice". She always like me, Terry, and a guy named Tim Fennel, because we always paid our rent in time.
So, let me know if it's the same place. Even if it is not the exact same apartment complex, it's still kinda cool that we lived so close. As for the twig that was run there, it just HAD to be us because it was only one year before that that we had been there, and if there had been THREE twigs in that area in such a close proximity of time "by coincidence" then that would REALLY be something. But I doubt it. Maybe someone told you that it was the same complex to make it seem more "spiritual?" I do remember a view of Mt. St. Helens and Mount Hood from our apartment for shore. Mighty pretty up there eh Ex10? By the way, where are you originally from?
Anybody know how to change one's Grease Spot name? I'm really not the redneck that this name "Buck" makes me seem to be...
When coming into the front door of the apartment, did you have the bedroom on the left or the right?
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Hey there you guys. Hi A la, Hi Ex-10.
Ex-10, I think I was supposed to respond to you a few months ago and never did. Sorry 'bout that. How's life in the warm country? We're freezing up here. Brrr..And how is that musical genious of a husband of yours? I always will remember how he figured out a harmonica/sax harmony "twin solo" for the two of us when we were in the "Tenth Corps Band" (we never had a real name I guess) during our last year in rez. It was cool, because one young lady in the band, a really good vocalist, didn't like me being in the band because I played harmonica which is an instrument "only for blues and bluegrass" as she put it. I know this bevcause at least she said it clearly to all of us that "What's _____ ___ doing in our band? We don't need a harmonica!" Boy, did that make me feel just dandy. But Bob Battersby told her to shut up and so did her husband, and, Jeff came up with this really cool deal that he and I did together on the solo break, which fit nicely with this pop music gals personal taste. I can still play it on my harp and run it through my mind. It was fun.
So, I am really curious as to who Daggoo is. I left her a note in the "private topic" part of this deal here, but I haven't figured out who she is yet. I about died laughing when I read just now how she re-assigned herself. Too funny. That story leaves me to wonder how things went at the Indianna campus when she got there. What did you say when you got there Daggoo? "JAL and PL sent me to get some dental work done"? That's a great story, way to go Daggs...
Well, I have to get to work...
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Hi all..
Love you T - so very very much - you are an especially wonderful human Dear...
Buck - when I got to IN - I just told Bob M's office & he gave me a job as his secy - 40 hours a week - never went to classes or anything - Went to the Dentist in the AM & was Bob M private secy the rest of the time. Drank in the local towns. Never saw any wc training or anything...didnt report to - or wathced by - anyone... free agent... HA!!!!!!!
I figured I didnt go thru that much crap to let JAL or PL throw me out a few months to graduating...
A LA PROCHAINE --- Does your hubby play the TRUMPET/TRONPONE IN TORONTO??????????????????????????
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T- Yes all is well here in Maine, my Sweetheart & I will exchange vows in August and go to Montreal for a few days (we are eloping)
I tried to do a nice ceremony at some beautiful waterfalls here in Maine...
BUT I kept saying to friends & relatives - Simple exchange of vows, simple ceremony in the woods...
AND they kept hearing W-E-D-D-I-N-G: Pink & Lavender Bridsmaids, Flower Girls, Catering, Music, Cake Cutting... Holy Smokes
So we are sneaking off & will mail the announcements on our way to Montreal... HEY - Our friend Jan - 10th, from Portland too - still in TWI - is in touch - so wonderful to share her dear friendship again!
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A la prochaine
Yes, keynote played Trombone in Way Orchestra for many years. Tall and bearded too with glasses.
Who are you?
Getting married in Montréal, can I come? Please, please, please.
Jan? Married to 10th Corps person who's mom was a Dr.????
Hi Buckie! Nice to see you here.
I know who Ex-10 is, I know who Ex-10 is, I know who Ex-10 is... (it only took 4 months to figure it out!
:D--> ) And, that's because she e-mailed me this morning and told me! 
--> I'm such a detective!!!
Ex-10, Thanks for the e-mail! I got it. I called hubby at work and he spewed off all the instruments your hubby could play. He's pulling out the ole' Orchestra picture to point your hubby out tonight. He was always impressed with your hubbies musical abilities!
During ROA's I used to call myself an "Orchestra widow". I know it's a morbid joke, but I never saw him
'til the next time...
[This message was edited by A la prochaine on January 10, 2003 at 13:48.]
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This thread is too fun!
J came home from work in a grouchy mood. (His assessment, not mine.
:)--> ) I had him read this thread and he actually laffed out loud recalling Buck's harmonica incident. (He remembers it well, and might actually be inspired to post here. Geeeze, miracle of miracles. I've been hanging around Waydale and Gs for like, 3 years and he's never taken too much interest til this thread.)
Anyhow, Keynote and ala, he remembers you both fondly and wonders if ypur kids have red hair?
:)--> One of ours is a redhead.
Daggs, congrats on your upcoming wedding news, and we would've eloped if we coulda!!!! Sounds like a grand plan to me! (Although I totally understand the wanting to be there thing that your friends have going on.)
Ala inspired me to look up J's orchestra picture, and lo and behold! I found a pictures of you and me, Daggs, along with the rest of my Waydaze pics (all 6 of them) All I can say is, WE WERE DEFINITELY BABES! Jan wasn't in the picture, and if I recall correctly, she took it. So glad to hear ya'll are in touch. Tell her "hey" from me n J.
Steve! probably remembers Jan as well. Which reminds me, Steve! do you know whatever became of Stacy and Alan?
Anyhoo, Oakspear mentioned some names of our beloved bethern in the corps. The only one I knew well was Kevin S, as we had many hitchhicking adventures together.
Geeze, the stories that come to mind.......
Daggs, did you drive from Portland back to corps week with Chris and Jan in that old white van Chris had? I remember we rented that pop-up together....I guess I should consult my diary, if I can find it.
What fun reminiscing can be!
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Hi T Dear uhh Ex10...
Yes I remember stopping in Utah somewhere at C's house, sooo long ago... thrilled to be out of the goofy politics of OR -
Hey - do you remember being told we had to have our last year fully paid before going back? I believed it & did it... pulled money out of the air I think...
Jan is STILL AN UNBELIEVABLE KNOCKOUT, very very beautiful, million dollar smile, kind eyes and that LAUGH!!!!!!!!!
they are still in - so should be protected some from "Other Readers" ?
Now EX10 - I KNOW you just gotta be a REAL BABE STILL - 20 years just cant undo all that good-looks you have!!!
Love to all your Family.
Ala - I sent a private message with my guess, but I dont know if I am correct... Toronto???
yup this is fun...
Hey T - do you remember Sue B. putting the dog turd looking candy bar in the swimming pool in front of Stacey (with her eyesight she just freaked...) HA!!!!!
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Okay Daggoo. I finally figured out how to go back to private topics since they changed the format here, and I know who you are. So, cool! Nice to hear that you are tying the knot, and that you are also one who loves the deep salty sea! I have been going to sea since I was sixteen, and just finished up nine years of working with the state of Alaska working on our ocean class ferries. I am a marine engineer, when I am at sea. We sailed primarily between Skagway AK, and Bellingham Washington, as well as intermitent trips across the Gulf of Alaska to Homer, Valdez, Kodiak Island, and the Aleutian Islands. But I'm on the beach for now. Being away from the wife and kids for too long has it's down side. Especially being away from my wife.
;)--> Daggs, over on the "music thread" I told a sea story that you might like. You could look it up by clicking on "posts by Buck" if you want..
Speaking of wives, I see that you are about to become one! Way to go and best wishes! That is so cool, and I like you two's style! Eloping...
Well Ex10 make sure to tell J that I said thanks for bailing me out of my "musical experience deficit" situation. That was a great time...
And, you all mention "Jan". Do you mean Jan Goins? If so, do you all remember the time she got up and did her "incident" about "Swamp Fox"? She had the whole of Kenyon auditorium just dying with laughter. What a gal..
And you say that she and Chris Rawlins are still in?
Ya know, this thread has picked up a good bit. Before they changed the format, about a year or so ago, there was some cool posts on here, but then they went and erased it all. Too bad. But at least it's picking up again.
And hey, I want to change my name from "Buck". The only reason I did that is because I wanted to sound like an "mcp" (male chauvinist pig) and stir some things up. But when I started that particular thread (consexual sex in The Way), I toned it all down alot. And, if I was offensive with that thread, I apologize. But now I am stuck with "Buck". Is there a way to change one's name?
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Yes, I do remember Jan Goins. So since I knew Jan, and since I knew you, ex10, and since you say Daggoo was in Po'land, too, then it would follow that I knew Daggoo, oh so many years ago.
Stacy and Allen are out East - their email address is listed on the Cortright site, so I would think that they are out.
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I think Dagoo was referring to the "other" Portland, that is Portland, Maine....
But yes, Jan was a WOW down around Salem, OREGON back in 1978/79 I think. She, Tonye Koetteritz and a really sweet gal named Karen Bowes. I liked Karen a lot as a matter of fact. Something about her really "tripped my trigger" if ya know what I mean
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Ah, yeah, Karen.
She was super sweet. She really did a lot for my self esteem.
Then she went and married a man named Boel. Karen Sue Bowes Boel - go figger.
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Righto Steve! She married Neil Boel. He was a really nice guy. I hope all is well with them. Ya know, Karen had a very nice "husky" singing voice as a matter of fact. She sang a blues tune with me once and her tone quality was awesome...
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I was in Portland OR with EX10 and the crew -
and now I live near Portland MAINE... once I learn to spell a word, I stick with it...
Do I know Steve! ? Any clues?
What a great job Buck - interesting waters -
a marine challenge to me was dinghy-captaining the charter people to the onshore bar in the Bahamian moonlight... yes I got paid to go sailing...
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This was the stick, er, twig fellowdang I was in at the Advanced Class '84 in emporia.
I'm the one in the middle wearing sunglasses.
[This message was edited by Steve! on January 12, 2003 at 14:07.]
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Sorry Daggs, Steve, I thought I knew something there. So Ex10 was in Oregon also huh? I was there between 77 and 79, but I am sure things had changed alot by the time you all showed up. It was got pretty weird after that "certain couple" showed up showed up to be the LC's. That rev woman was so dang mean! I am sure that you all sweetened it up a bunch though...
Steve! mentioned that he knew a friend of mine nameded Mark Glazer up in OR, did you, Daggs, or Ex10 know him too?
And Steve, nice pic bro. You are familiar, although I can't recall anytimne when I may have talked with you. Wow, an advanced class in 94 huh? That must have been a heavy time. I was kicked out in 90 or 91 (can't exactly remember when), and never underwent any of the TWI II stuff.
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Sorry, Buck, typo. It should have said '84.
I have been out since about 89.
St*c*y and *ll*n R*pk* were okay people when I was there. St*c*y was actually really nice, for the most part. Of course, I wasn't all that close to them. But Karen was - she and Rene (I forget her last name, but you had to have known her) were living at the limb home with them.
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I think the baby ruth in the pool is one of the funniest stories from that year. And the way Sue B told it! Stacy all big and pregnant in her frog green bathing suit, swim cap, goggles and all...swimming along and seeing something floating in her lane up ahead. A cruel trick to play on a pregnant lady! LOL.
The ride back from OR in Chris' van and then what was it? a couple of days or so lounging around at his mom's house felt like a much needed vacation before Corps Week and another year of Way Corps drudgery.
:)--> Although I thought our last yr at Emporia was like Club Med compared to the Reign of King Richard and the Queen Linda. Geeze, those two argued the entire year.
Anyhow, Buck, J says that the female vocalist you mentioned had the annoying habit of thinking she was a prima donna of some sort. Your incident with her was only one among many that made him (and everybody else in the band including her husband) roll his eyes. He wonders if she ever got over herself?
Daggs, did you go to Blair A's wedding? Steve! was the best man-in-charge I believe. The politics in OR were quite an interesting story, one which I never heard the other side of til Steve S (branch leader in Eugene) told me years later. Seems he and our dear Stacy didn't exactly see eye to eye most of the time. Surprise, surprise. I hope our beloved Jan and Chris are doing well in spite of being still stuck in. I'll never figure that one out.
When I was seeing Chirs' mom when pg with our 2nd child, (this was in 89) we had pretty much left TWI, but were not officially dropped corps yet. Wow, that's another long story.....Dr. R was so incredibly good to us, and a fantastic doctor as well. But I'm rambling.....There were so many good folks in TWI. It's really a shame how things have ended up.
Daggs, I'm quite sure if we'd still be hanging out if we lived remotely near each other.
I well remember having to get our money together. That's another story maybe I'll tell sometime.
Buck, from your recollections, I'm really sorry we didn't know each other a little better. Seems you were where the action was.
:D--> I love your stories.
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Oh and AlaP, I can totally relate to the "orchestra widow" thing. But by some stoke of good fortune, my corps assignment for corps week and ROA was back stage main tent. I usually ended up working in the Tech Crew Tent, which eventually evolved into the "Orchestra Tent." So at least J and I got to hang out together during the teachings and stuff during the Rock. Did Keynote play in the Dance Band? That's the time I was wishing J and I could dance. He's actually a pretty good dancer.
After we got out of TWI, J was in another cool band, and worked as a band director. That's when I really found out what the "band widow" life was about. Sigh....As of about a year ago, he's not playing or teaching or anything and just today he mentioned how he misses his music, especially playing. So I have a feeling he's gonna get involved with another band here soon. And that's a good thing, since he seems to be much happier when he's performing on at least a semi-regular basis.
Buck, I actually have talked J into playing the harmonica on occasion. He sounds pretty good to me, but since he can't play like Stevie Wonder, he thinks he can't play.
--> Sheesh, I can't even get a sound to come out of his flute. If I could, I think I'd claim to be able to play, a little anyway.
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Hi EX10 - Yes -- if we were closer I sure would love to kiss on your kids and sit at your kitchen table laughing...
I was in OR only 80-81 interim year...I dont think I remember Blair????
At the end of the year we were going to go camping at a woodsy spot nearby, where we camped when we first arrived...we were ready to go and Stacey called and forbade it - we had a real screaming match, she won. I was rather aggravated at the 10th wc who called her & ratted on our plans... we set up the tents in the living room and proceeded to have a loud drinking party just to .... her off...
for a little bitty girl she sure had a big damn stick...
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You remember Blair and Cary's wedding?
I put together the reception for them. I got an exceptional deal on a couple of cases of champagne, only to be told that we couldn't bring it into the hotel - we had to buy from them.
So we snuck it in.
It was such a low-budget affair, since Blair and Cary were funding it.
Ah, yes, good times.
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Wow, J can play the harmonica too huh? NO surprise I guess.You know, the guy who really plays hot is that guy from that band the "Blues Travellers". He is amazing, and if J has ever heard him I am sure he will agree. I still play here and there, but not as often as I'd like to. It's most fun when there is someone who backs me up with some kind of rythm, usually a guitar.
And Daggs, why does your story about Stacey seem so familiar? Ya know, I ran a twig on the southeast side of Portland the year A and S got there, and amazingly, while out going door to door by myself, I witnessed to this beautiful, educated/sophisticated black lady. It was something, with me being a mere sheetrocker, and certainly not very polished. At first she wouldn't even open the door and I had to give my "spiel" through the crack of the door with her chain lock on it. She said she wasn't interested, but when I said; "ok, God bless you" and started to walk off, she undid the chain lock, whipped the door open, and said; "What did you just say?" I said; "Uh, God bless you?" She said; "Yes, you did say God bless you. And when I heard you say that I knew that I wanted to talk to you. Come on in". So, I went in to her very nicely decorated apartment (which made this single 21 year old feel like a fish out a water), and she poured her heart out and asked lots of cool questions about the bible, to which I happily supplied easy answers from her own bible. Lots of her questions centered around "do you go to heaven when you die, and if so, then why does the Bible say that Jesus is coming back to wake up the dead?" She was very sweet and sincere, and I really felt as if I was in the right place at the right time. So, when I invited her to twig, she happily accepted the invitation, and she asked if she could bring her little boy along too. So, she came. Our place was just off of 129th and Division. And when she came, her little boy, a four year old, who was bright and handsome in a little suit, just loved it also. He liked to sing the songs and was very inquisitive. This gal came two times, and then the third time "S" came to teach at my twig, which I had thought would be a blessing. Well, this gal and her little boy came, full of expectation, but while I was leading songs, the little boy piped up with a request for a song, and as I began to reciprocate, "S" interrupted, and said; (this is a paraphrase)"Wait a minute, you shouldn't let him interrupt your twig like this. The Word of God is at stake here! And you, mam, need to keep your little boy quiet, no matter how cute he is!" Well, you talk about dumping a five gallon bucket of water on a campfire. That just deadened everything, and my new found friend never said a word during the rest of the fellowship, but if looks could kill, I think that "S" woulda been a goner. And after the fellowship, this gal, whose name I don't even remember, took me aside and said; "Kevin, I love this fellowship, I love you and the others here whom I have met, but if that woman (read "that woman" in italics) is your leader, then I can have no more to do with this. I will go to Otter Crest for the New Years Advance with you, but that's going to be the end of it, I'm sorry". And after the New Years Advance, she never came back. Man, was I confused. Here was this reverend woman, and her life had the exact opposite effect on the believers that I thought she was supposed to have. ..."for the edifting of the body of Christ" I think the Bible still says.
Yeah, it was good to get out of Oregon, and I think it happened at the right time. Now, our friend Steve! here says that A and S were pretty ok when he was there, and maybe they were, but some of the many other things I witnessed while I was there made even this story seem tame. Glad you all went there to sweeten it up!
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Geeze, Buck.
I just read your post and you'll never believe this, but my WOW family also lived in SE Portland at 129th and Division. We lived in that townhome apartment complex right on Division Street. I can't remember the name of it. After we had been there a couple of months, we found out that someone had lived there previously and run a twig. Could that have been you???? Wouldn't it be wierd if we lived in the same apartment???
I remember having the coolest view from my bedroom. Mt. Hood out one window, and Mt. St. Helens out the other.
Wow, what a small exway world it is, huh?
Daggs, Blair A was the branch coordinator for the civilian believers in Portland, and a heck of a great guy as well. Steve! I thought I remembered drinking champagne at the wedding. It was a good time, despite the low budget.
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A la prochaine
Since I have had no time to respond to you Ex-10 (I mean e-mail wise I'm posting to say hello.) Keynote says hello and loved hearing about your wonderful J.
Keynote is doing computers now, but his first love is music of course. Still plays alot of piano and has recently taken his horn out of the closet. Should be interesting to see what happens in the near future. I think I'm going to invest in some good earplugs for the first while.
Daggoo: Yes, you are correct. Go past go, collect $200.00 dollars. Congrats and I was serious about Montréal!
Keynote was also overjoyed to hear from you and I'll send an e-mail off soon.
Buck, you're still here? Hee, hee!
Steve, I know what you look like now!
It's payback time for what you did to me on the invisible thread....
I'll type later...
'til the next time...
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Hey Ex10!
That is kinda wild! Well now. First of all, I WANT it to be that we lived in the same apartment complex, and even the same apartment, so that we can both say; "Whoa! That is so wild!" But, it was the way it was. BUT maybe, after my description of the place we will descover that we lived in the same place. But maybe not. I can't remember the exact apartment number.
Ok. A little geographic description here: If we were driving north on 129th and came to the intersection of 129th and Division, on the left BEFORE you go throught the light (sorry I don't know how to do italics), would be the Fred Myers department store. On the right would be a pizza place called "The Pizza Baron" where I and my girlfriend at the time (Madelaine Smith-identical twin of Margurite Smith of the Tenth Corps) ate pizza and drank a fair amount of beer. If you were to take a right on Division at the light, immediately after that on the right was the apartment complex that I and Terry Christian-of the 11th Corps-lived in. Now, if you lived in that same apartment complex, you will remember our very memorable landlord: Her name was "Myrtle". We thought it was a sign from God to live there because "Myrtlewood" only grows in Israel and Oregon ya know. Anyway, Myrtle was this older gal with an obvious black wig, talked with a cigarette hanging mfrom her lip, and had that telltale "whiskey voice". She always like me, Terry, and a guy named Tim Fennel, because we always paid our rent in time.
So, let me know if it's the same place. Even if it is not the exact same apartment complex, it's still kinda cool that we lived so close. As for the twig that was run there, it just HAD to be us because it was only one year before that that we had been there, and if there had been THREE twigs in that area in such a close proximity of time "by coincidence" then that would REALLY be something. But I doubt it. Maybe someone told you that it was the same complex to make it seem more "spiritual?" I do remember a view of Mt. St. Helens and Mount Hood from our apartment for shore. Mighty pretty up there eh Ex10? By the way, where are you originally from?
Anybody know how to change one's Grease Spot name? I'm really not the redneck that this name "Buck" makes me seem to be...
When coming into the front door of the apartment, did you have the bedroom on the left or the right?
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Tim Fennel? or was it Tom? or was Tom Tim's brother?
And in 82 or 83 he married Carol someone-or-other, a wonderful gal, you'd probably know her, too.
My first year in Po'land I lived with Blair and Cary and a few others in a house at 62nd and . . .
Ah, good old Fred Meyer, a Walmart wannabe.
And that guy from Blues Traveler, John Popper, sounds so much like Bob Stanley, especially when playing the harmonica.
And Au revior, that's what I looked like 19 years ago. I've changed somewhat.
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