That summer is kinda blurry to me too. But I do know our graduation date was July 27th because it was 2 days before J and I got married.
I remember Living Victoriously was sometime before that, as was our graduating corps week in Gunnison. My recollection of that summer is driving all over the country and sleeping in various tents. At least I didn't have to hitchhike anywhere.
It seems like a lifetime ago, doesn't it? Actually, it was almost half my life ago.
The Deer Mobile was a white 1966 Plymouth Valiant. It had a barn red box on top with the words "The Walk Of Power" in white paint on one side, and the words "He Is Risen" on the other side. Yes, I was kinda zealous at the age of 22 when I came into the corps. I'm sure that there was a bit of a buzz amongst some circles of friends about the "moron" with the weird deermobile car the first few weeks in rez...
Also, on this box was a set of deer antlers on the front. The other unique thing was that the car had an "aoogah" horn that I made sure to honk as often as possible. I used to lend it out alot, and by george the one person who was faithful to always leave it nicer than when he borrowed it and put gas in it was Dick Michaud. Lots of folks left their beer cans in it and then would hand me a dollar for gas...
But I was proud of that dang thing. It transported a good number of us tenth and eighth corps all across the country to either Gunnison, Hq, out on lightbearers to Missouri and Oklahoma, and even over to the Indianna campus one time. Maybe I should put one of my old photos of it on the thread here...
Okay, so I wasn't one of them that had the privilege. I never made it to Emporia in my last residence year before my exit. Did I miss anything by not knowing the 10th???
Ya know, as much as people have complained about how they were treated in The Way Corps, I for one had some of the best times of my life while in Rez. The Tenth Corps was just loaded up with some of the funniest, "brilliantist", gregarious, and heartsiest bunch of folks I ever met. Some are friends to this day. But I am reasonably sure that this was the case in most if not all of the Corps. So, yeah, you may have missed out on some great folks in the Tenth, but no doubt you were around similar folks in your corps...
Although I don't think I ever had the privilege of riding in your deermobile, I do remember it.
By the way, I actually saw Dick and his lovely wife in September. They were here visiting some mutual friends. We had a great time cooking fajitas and drinking beer, telling stories, the usual reminiscing.....
It seems Dick is pretty good at emailing and keeping in touch with folks.
Wasnt the tenth pretty big as far as thos in the first residence year? I remember the sixth was over 300, the 7th even bigger, then we were down at 250 or so I think, then the ninth and tenth were back up there again, I heard...from then on out I dont know. Of course it was all different from the cozy days before the 6th corps and Emporia.
The 10th Corps was humongous. If I'm remembering correctly, we had 444 to start out. An easy number to remember. But we lost alot of people during the first year, and even more on the Interim year. By the time we made it to our last year, it was all mixed up because of the 11th corps being added who were in-rez 2 years straight, mainly the International corps. By the time the dust cleared, I'm not really sure how many who started out 10th actually graduated with the 10th. Maybe Buck or someone knows?
But there were people who I wound up in twig with or working with or whatever our last year, that I didn't know at all our first year. My husband was one of them. We didn't know each other at all our first year. He was sent to Gunnison in March of our 1st year with psychogeer and I spent from May til the Rock at Rome City. Then we (future hubby and me) weren't in the same place again til January of our last year. I guess my point is, there were alot of us in the 10th, and we were pretty much split up most of the time.
Hey there Keynote. Hey, I didn't remember that you were in the orchestra. So you were at HQ for a lot of years? Wow, that must have been interesting. I actually tried out for the WO sometime before we graduated, and when the guy (can't remember who he was) gave me a trumpet audition up in the upper reaches of Kenyon somewhere, he put some sheet music in front of me and said; "go ahead and show me some sight reading". Well, it was in some difficult key, and I failed miserably. He was shaking his head, and I said, but wait! Listen to this: And I played some improvised Dixieland jazz which I was pretty good at, but he shook his head and said; "sorry, you're just not we are looking for". That was a real let down, but going to Alaska was a much better thing to do anyway. Heck, I have nearly spent half my life up here at this point...
And Oak, you have me wondering who those Tenth Corps folk were that you spoke about. Got my curiosity goin. Go ahead, you can tell us :-)
Steve Tompkins (didn't graduate), Kevin Smith, Judy Szumski, Bruce and Ann Drinkwater and a couple who's names I forget who were sent home after a month or two.
LC for POP reading:
Kevin Smith again
Tom Horrocks threw me out!
...goin' down to Rosedale, got my rider by my side...and I'm standin' at the crossroads...
Ahh. I knew alla those folks pretty well. Steve Tompkins, on his way to LEAD was stopped by the cops and detained in Hereford Texas for questioning because he looked like a murderer they were looking for. They finally let him go. Pretty funny though. Bruce and Ann seemed like really nice folks, and Kevin was a nice guy too, although it's hard to tell what people are like until they get into some leadership setting. Then many times their reall colors begin to show. Now Tom Horrocks, he's another story. I always figured him to be a suck up, and his "gung ho ness" was really hard to take. It doesn't surprise me that he is still with The Way. Sorry you had to deal with the likes of "T Tommy Horrocks" as I used to call him. At camp Gunnison, a number of us called him a "Tom Jenkinson clone"...
I never knew about the "reassignment" thing. Too funny. I guess I sorta reassigned myself as well our last yr. Craiggy told me I was gonna be at HQ for the next block (after lightbearers) I decided I didn't want to go, told PL who called Craiggy and said I was gonna stay at Emporia instead. He yelled, she yelled, I cried and stayed at Emporia. Thank God.
Anyway, I can vouch for Daggs propensity for trouble and her quick wit which saved me from taking things way too seriously. I was right there hiding under the radar as well. My motto our last yr in was: "Lay low and graduate."
Ala, I'll try emailing you again. I know who you and hubby are, but you probably are still guessing who I am. Here's a hint: My hubby also played in the orchestra. His major instrument(s) were sax (all of them) but he also played the flute, clarinet, and bassoon. We got married in the 10th corps wedding.
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Is that when it was?
and then after that Living Victoriously or before?
i am confused about that summer.
love ya ex-10.
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That summer is kinda blurry to me too. But I do know our graduation date was July 27th because it was 2 days before J and I got married.
I remember Living Victoriously was sometime before that, as was our graduating corps week in Gunnison. My recollection of that summer is driving all over the country and sleeping in various tents. At least I didn't have to hitchhike anywhere.
It seems like a lifetime ago, doesn't it? Actually, it was almost half my life ago.
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Hey you guys. We never were very quiet in-rez....
What say you?
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Hi, it's me, the deer mobile guy. Remember that thing?
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Oh, geeeze. Jog my memory....
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The Deer Mobile was a white 1966 Plymouth Valiant. It had a barn red box on top with the words "The Walk Of Power" in white paint on one side, and the words "He Is Risen" on the other side. Yes, I was kinda zealous at the age of 22 when I came into the corps. I'm sure that there was a bit of a buzz amongst some circles of friends about the "moron" with the weird deermobile car the first few weeks in rez...
Also, on this box was a set of deer antlers on the front. The other unique thing was that the car had an "aoogah" horn that I made sure to honk as often as possible. I used to lend it out alot, and by george the one person who was faithful to always leave it nicer than when he borrowed it and put gas in it was Dick Michaud. Lots of folks left their beer cans in it and then would hand me a dollar for gas...
But I was proud of that dang thing. It transported a good number of us tenth and eighth corps all across the country to either Gunnison, Hq, out on lightbearers to Missouri and Oklahoma, and even over to the Indianna campus one time. Maybe I should put one of my old photos of it on the thread here...
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Lifted Up
Okay, so I wasn't one of them that had the privilege. I never made it to Emporia in my last residence year before my exit. Did I miss anything by not knowing the 10th???
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Ya know, as much as people have complained about how they were treated in The Way Corps, I for one had some of the best times of my life while in Rez. The Tenth Corps was just loaded up with some of the funniest, "brilliantist", gregarious, and heartsiest bunch of folks I ever met. Some are friends to this day. But I am reasonably sure that this was the case in most if not all of the Corps. So, yeah, you may have missed out on some great folks in the Tenth, but no doubt you were around similar folks in your corps...
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Geeze, Buck, how could I forget???
Although I don't think I ever had the privilege of riding in your deermobile, I do remember it.
By the way, I actually saw Dick and his lovely wife in September. They were here visiting some mutual friends. We had a great time cooking fajitas and drinking beer, telling stories, the usual reminiscing.....
It seems Dick is pretty good at emailing and keeping in touch with folks.
We did have some great times, didn't we?
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Lifted Up
Wasnt the tenth pretty big as far as thos in the first residence year? I remember the sixth was over 300, the 7th even bigger, then we were down at 250 or so I think, then the ninth and tenth were back up there again, I heard...from then on out I dont know. Of course it was all different from the cozy days before the 6th corps and Emporia.
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The 10th Corps was humongous. If I'm remembering correctly, we had 444 to start out. An easy number to remember. But we lost alot of people during the first year, and even more on the Interim year. By the time we made it to our last year, it was all mixed up because of the 11th corps being added who were in-rez 2 years straight, mainly the International corps. By the time the dust cleared, I'm not really sure how many who started out 10th actually graduated with the 10th. Maybe Buck or someone knows?
But there were people who I wound up in twig with or working with or whatever our last year, that I didn't know at all our first year. My husband was one of them. We didn't know each other at all our first year. He was sent to Gunnison in March of our 1st year with psychogeer and I spent from May til the Rock at Rome City. Then we (future hubby and me) weren't in the same place again til January of our last year. I guess my point is, there were alot of us in the 10th, and we were pretty much split up most of the time.
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I answered your post a little while ago, but somehow it's hung up in the queue. Maybe it will appear in a little while.
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You asked if any of us 10th Corps are out there ...
Well here I am!
... things are seldom what they seem ...
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I was never in the Way Corps, but had plenty of interaction with the 10th.
My WOW year coincided with your interim year, so my WOW coordinator was 10th, as well as four other WOW coordiantors in Nebraska.
A 10th grad was limb coordinator when the POP was read.
John Reynolds was my region coordinator for awhile, and I talked with him a few times before my exit from twi.
It was also a 10th Corps grad who kicked me out over a year ago.
...goin' down to Rosedale, got my rider by my side...and I'm standin' at the crossroads...
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Hey there Keynote. Hey, I didn't remember that you were in the orchestra. So you were at HQ for a lot of years? Wow, that must have been interesting. I actually tried out for the WO sometime before we graduated, and when the guy (can't remember who he was) gave me a trumpet audition up in the upper reaches of Kenyon somewhere, he put some sheet music in front of me and said; "go ahead and show me some sight reading". Well, it was in some difficult key, and I failed miserably. He was shaking his head, and I said, but wait! Listen to this: And I played some improvised Dixieland jazz which I was pretty good at, but he shook his head and said; "sorry, you're just not we are looking for". That was a real let down, but going to Alaska was a much better thing to do anyway. Heck, I have nearly spent half my life up here at this point...
And Oak, you have me wondering who those Tenth Corps folk were that you spoke about. Got my curiosity goin. Go ahead, you can tell us :-)
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Hey I am HERE too!!!!!!!
Lots of wonderful people in the tenth, I remember laughing & laughing (in the face of some nastyness too I guess)
So nice to see you folks - although I cant quite guess who Buck is, even with the antlered car hint...
Happiest of new year's to all...
XO Dags
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Hi Daggoo, I left you a message in your "private Topics" deal. Check it out...
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Daggs - I have a feeling that you may be nigh unto the truth.
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Yes, it is true, Daggs is near. She only needs to check her private topics deal, or read the heavy clues here..
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WOWs in Nebraska:
Steve Tompkins (didn't graduate), Kevin Smith, Judy Szumski, Bruce and Ann Drinkwater and a couple who's names I forget who were sent home after a month or two.
LC for POP reading:
Kevin Smith again
Tom Horrocks threw me out!
...goin' down to Rosedale, got my rider by my side...and I'm standin' at the crossroads...
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Ahh. I knew alla those folks pretty well. Steve Tompkins, on his way to LEAD was stopped by the cops and detained in Hereford Texas for questioning because he looked like a murderer they were looking for. They finally let him go. Pretty funny though. Bruce and Ann seemed like really nice folks, and Kevin was a nice guy too, although it's hard to tell what people are like until they get into some leadership setting. Then many times their reall colors begin to show. Now Tom Horrocks, he's another story. I always figured him to be a suck up, and his "gung ho ness" was really hard to take. It doesn't surprise me that he is still with The Way. Sorry you had to deal with the likes of "T Tommy Horrocks" as I used to call him. At camp Gunnison, a number of us called him a "Tom Jenkinson clone"...
So, whatever happened to Daggoo?
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A la prochaine
I am Keynotes wife (spouse corps). I have tried to contact you but you have no e-mail addy. Please help!
Buck I know, but who is Daggoo?
Keynote and I are very curious!
'til the next time...
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I stayed under the radar (tried to) in-residence...
I have a great propensity for getting into trouble - just ask Ex 10...
Worked on the Grounds crew with Rademaker & Heikki, I was the only girl on the Road Building Crew for Delbert...that was great fun
was often asked to bake cinnamon rolls for VPW visits...
pitiful little clues, sorry...
I was the one who - our last year in - got sick of JAL & PL and sent JAL an inter-office memo that I was going to Indiana for dental work.
Just drove away from Emporia - stayed in IN for 2 months! I surprised the dentist!
I just reassigned myself before living victoriously...
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LOL, Daggs!!!
I never knew about the "reassignment" thing. Too funny. I guess I sorta reassigned myself as well our last yr. Craiggy told me I was gonna be at HQ for the next block (after lightbearers) I decided I didn't want to go, told PL who called Craiggy and said I was gonna stay at Emporia instead. He yelled, she yelled, I cried and stayed at Emporia. Thank God.
Anyway, I can vouch for Daggs propensity for trouble and her quick wit which saved me from taking things way too seriously. I was right there hiding under the radar as well. My motto our last yr in was: "Lay low and graduate."
Ala, I'll try emailing you again. I know who you and hubby are, but you probably are still guessing who I am. Here's a hint: My hubby also played in the orchestra. His major instrument(s) were sax (all of them) but he also played the flute, clarinet, and bassoon. We got married in the 10th corps wedding.
Daggs, I hope all is well with you and yours.
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