My return hitchicking sign looked like I stole it from a homelss man... bent, crinckled, the letters had started to run from the rain,
.... and yes. I was thrown out with the bath water...
... now on a more respectful, serious note - I did a bit of reading about your picture posting problem.
and this is my conclusion: :blink: :blink: :wacko:
Message boards are filled with these kinds of questions. People are offered a variety of causes.
I do know that linking dynamic (i.e. changing) web addresses to a fixed link is a "no-no" to my IT guy - something about too much chance to be directed to a malicious site.
I guess, you may need to host your pictures somewhere else -
Of course, you could send PAW a note about your problems and see what he says.... but that makes too much sense... actually, I think you are getting better advice from the...
Roswell...Pete somebody and his wife provided a nice warm floor and stew. We all headed there to spend the night before the final trek to Tinnie. Did they do that for you Emporia folk also? We had such a long distance to travel, so I'm wondering if it was just something they did for us Rome City geezers.
I guess we were posting on top of each other. I was editing my post (during that brief period when you actually can edit a post) to include a stab at your picture posting problem.
Your experience DURING hitchicking included.... a nice.... warm..... floor........ HMMMMMM :wub: :wub:
(See, you know you're in a cult when you get all misty eyed when someone offers you a warm floor.)
I don't think us folks from Emporia were given that kind of Roswell info... at least I never heard about it.
gee.... though... makes me wish the wife and I had gone Family Corps -
JUST THINK!! .... a nice.... warm..... floor........ after endangering your lives for 40 hours on the side of a highway!!!!
Now THAT is the More Than Abundant Life I was REALLY looking for!!!
Thanks for your help and for your suggestions...which are tonto-mount to an order.
I think we had 60 hours to get the 1,400-odd miles from RC to Tinnie...if Jardinero is around maybe she can remember...
Out There,
Yep, it was pretty pathetic that we were so grateful for a crowded floor, but we were corpse and that built character (???).
I don't think we had any drinking drivers, but we had at least one offer us a joint (we declined). In fact, he kept trying to roll a fresh one while driving an 18-wheeler full of frozen chickens. Feeling a wee bit unsafe, hubs offered to steer but Mr. Trucker said no. He did, however, let Mr. Tonto roll the J for wasn't pretty because it had been about 10 years since he had any practice rolling, but you did what you must to make that deadline...
Tonto - that is way too funny - now. Of course, I feel like I was right there with ya...
I swear - life in the Way Corps produced many a great Seinfeld story. I mean, the soup Nazzi had nothin' on us -
Have you told your kids all your stories? I still tell mine a few, here and there... and they just wag their heads in a condecending fashion and roll their eyes as if to say "Poor, pathetic, Daddy - He was SOOOOO mis-guided!"
Don't get me wrong, I am glad my kids have not yet taken major steps to screw up their lives! I figure my kids are smarter than I am - no doubt -
... I just don't think they will have nearly as entertaining stories to tell their kids as you and I have
Hey OUtThere -
So... I wondered who that was who pulled up singin' 29 bottles of beer on the wall...
Golly. ya know... you were on to something - I bet the whole inresidence experience could have been enahnced if we could have self-medicated with more beer!
The wife and I got in this one guy's truck with Moi** Kenn** from the 9th corps. Pacco, the driver of the truck - didn't really speak any english - but Moi** said she knew a little spanish - and he would take us right to Tinnie.
In a blinding snow storm, we whipped out onto the freeway ramp in his semi. When we had to merge, he had to slow down - I was perplexed by the fact that Pacco was now looking very distraunt(sp?) and was STANDING and STOMPING on the break pedal to try and get the rig slowed down!!! :o :o :o
Pacco said - (I am sure - in his best broken English) - "No Brake! No Brake!!"
Moi** said something like... "Pacco - just let us out, here. Really. Right here, right now. Please." She was very calm. Pacco, on the other hand, was sweating like a fever of 104 had just broken.
So, the three of us were then on the side of an Interstate somewhere in OK, in a blinding snow storm. We were at least out of the immediate road to hell that we had just been on. We all just sort of stared at each other in wide-eyed wonder. We watched as Pacco pulled his rig back into the flow of traffic in the distance... Then we prayed for Pacco.
In-res Beer was good. As a matter of fact there were many hours spent coming up with ways to beat the two beer system. A couple I found were the really tall glasses at a cowboy bar in the middle of Emporia.
Another was a couple cases that were hidden in the matresses that filled the old pool in Allen gym. one of the first guys to leave the corp stocked up the pool. A few evenings found me after class, between some mattresses soaking up a warm one.
It's really bad now that all these years later, no longer under the law, do I ever drink more than one beer. (except when I am with some guys in South America, and then I am drinking all different kinds of hooch, most of which is totally unidentifiable. If you have ever drunk fermented goats milk you'd know what I mean)
I will always remember my experiences at BLEAD outdoor academy. From a professional point of view it was the most dangerous program out there. I am surprised we didn't see more problems than we did. I said something once and almost got my arse booted out of the corpse for it.
Ok , I'm a bit new to this. SO please be patient with me. I started with the 10th and graduated with the 11th.I just found this site recently and I just got permission to post. I took the class in feb 78 and went into the 10th by Aug "79 (sick HUH?) Anyway, life has gone on and over all things aren't too bad. Just wish I hadn't lost track of so many friends over the years.
I did not know you had experience before LEAD. You mentioned some safety concerns -
Before my Way days, I was pretty active. There was an Outward Bound group that did their winter program a few miles from a ski resort where I used to instruct - I taught their instructors skiing skils in exchange for - ok - truth be known - just some beer.
As far as safety concerns in 1973/4 - They were not ones to baby anyone. I saw students with frostbite pretty regularly. And their "SOLO" was nothing to sneeze at, either.
I thought the LEAD instructors were at least "nicer" to the newbees. The Outward Bound guys wanted to break everyone. And in the cold of a Maine winter - that isn't too hard to do
dooj-able Welcome!!
And before we go one paragraph further in our on-line relationship... ya gotta tell me this - Just what in tarnation is a dooj?
Hello Doojable - Its great to have you with us. The coffee is nice here, rarely bitter.
TGN, I was an AAC certified guide before I entered the 11th (1973) so I knew a bit about what I was doing. Kev!n Smythe made sure I knew he was a superior human to me, after all, God had put him in charge of BLEAD. I mentioned a couple things that needed to be done to make the program safer and was told that I was full of pride and I don't belong in the corps if I couldn't control my pride etc. etc.
I wonder what percentage of BLEAD programs had an injury of some sort on them. I'll bet it was over 35% and probably closer to 50%. Pat lynn once made mention of this at a dinner how alot of us "kids" were getting hurt and we needed to pray more for everyone at lead.
If the staff took ten more minutes to evaluate and do things safer in the first place we could have saved alot of pain.
I am always outspoken about the lead program. I always thought that it was handled very amateurishly except when Skip W00d was there.
Too Gray - Thanks for the welcome ( and I had one other welcome - but I forgot the call name - sorry)
A "dooj" Well - when my first little girl was born we called her a "pookie doodle" As things go. after a while all sorts of things had the term doodle attached to them. e had a friend tht got really intp Paulie Shore and his was of speaking (ie Grindage, Grundage, etc) we tried to get our then 2 year old to say "doodle-age" and it came out "dooj" -
There you go - nothing mysterious. Hope I didn't just mess up a thread.
On that subject though..... Lead was not the worst time in my life - that would have been in the same house as my step monster. I do seem to remember - vaguely - that when one of the corps died on Lead that it became her fault. She obviously wasn't in fellowship.
Years in retrospect I realize that we all gave the devil way to much credit for screwing with us and not enough credit to God for caring for us. Of course then there was always ourselves to blame.....Romans 8 be damned (pun intended)
But I have found that all in all my life has not been horribly torn apart. I knew the job was dangerous when I took it concerning the way corps and many other things. Yes there were a lot of those with power that abused that power - but as I move through the wolrd I see that it isn't just a way thing - its a people thing. people are absolutely horrible to each other on occasion.
OK there's my two cents - I see both sides of the thread here and both are right. youcan't excuse people for acting badly. we used to tell our kids - some people don't know how to be careful for you or themselves so you just have to be extra careful. (Jesus said it a bit better with the whole wise as serpents and harless as doves thing)
dooj - thanks for the explanation :P I appreciate it!
(Heck, you could have just as easily told me pi**-off and mind my own business - which would mean that I would have to go back working for AFLAC.)
... also - about messing up this thread... that can't happen. Not on this thread!
The 11th was the biggest corps - but the 9th corps runs this place ;)
If you go over to their thread... they have lots goin' on.
The 11th... well .... anyway... <_<
About your thoughts and such - thanks!
When I came to this site, I knew very little about the deep-dark secrets of The Way Int.
I always saw the Way as a means to an end - helping people with the Word. I NEVER thought of the ministry as an end in itself. So when it became obvious to me that the ministry was being run by people who cared more about the organizaiton than they did who it was created to serve... time to go.
These same people were NOT interested in becoming more Christ-like - evidenced by edicts that put us in a position from which we were made to choose where we stood as corps. I found found their proposition to be insulting and weak.
- I thought, "How absolutly moronic! As corps we were dedicated to "It Is Written" and were supposed to never cop out and, if necessary, have no friends and go out feet first. Now I was being told to re-think THAT and then swear alegiance to LCM ??!"- I don't think so!! - I resigned - FAST.
Heck, If I knew what some of the people on this site had been through - I would like to think I would have stood toe to toe and done the right thing.... but I will never know.
My point is - I really had NO IDEA how hideous an experience some people endured - until I came to Greasespot.
After I left, I could not really get into any of the offshoots - I was too busy. But in the background of my mind, I thought I was still supposed to go out "feet first" in terms of my commitment to "It Is Written". For years, and years, I stayed pretty much true to the Way Int. teachings from the old days....
Some things happened which led me to re-evaluate my whole idea of spirituality, truth, the Bible, etc. etc. and today - well that is an entirely different story.
So, there. Now you know someone else here at GS - at least a bit more -
Ok so what I want to know is HOW some of you know who each other are. This site seems firm on anonymity - but....... that don't seem to always be the case. I don't mind people knowing who I am - but it seems to me that there must be a reason for the secrecy - I seemed to have read somewhere in the archives about lawsuits because of posting on the site - perhaps that's a thing of the past.... I'm looking not only for people to talk to but also to find some of those past acquaintances - I've checked profiles and those are usually blank.
You can private message someone or put names in friend finder...I've only found a couple of folks here (so far) who I knew in my way daze, but I'll bet someone around here has other suggestions...
As far as I'm concerned, the 9th have earned their top position. They kept me laughing through a particularly bad year last year so even though I don't have a clue who they are, they're spa-chul in my book.
too gray, thanks for what you said on my 4 seasons thread and pitter patter of my heart. love
EX ! :wub:
Ya know, you are one of the nicest folks - good lordy pete - you actually were kind enough to come all the way over to this little corner of the Gspot and say "thanks". Pure kindness - that is the only thing I can think of that would motivate you -
Speaking of dropping in for a visit - where in the heck is Tom Strange ??
Doojable - Tonto told ya straight - good advice.
Some people "out" themselves to others and that "outing" is respected and not shared beyond the private topic message.
Some, use their real names when they post.
Some give clues as to who they are, but the clue may be rather cryptic - and then people start to guess - (Personally, i suc* at guessing games - so I don't play)
Just bear in mind, it IS a public forum and you can NOT edit out your posts in the future...
Me? I gotta stick with my username...
I work with a few medium sized "wigs" in government - where appearance and perception and implication rules supreme - so, for me, anonimity (sp?) allows me to post more of what I really think. If there was a direct link to my real name, I could not post what I want, here...
So, whatever makes sense for your situation - :)
Now, if you look at OutThere's picture close enough - and Kojak his posts... you will know who he is -
Same with HCW - and Polar Bear, and ... hmmm quite a few actually.
While we are on this topic.... Tonto -
I gotta ax you sumpin'
How in the sam hill did you - a girl - end up with such a guy personna as Tonto? Did you marry Clayton Moore or somethin'?
TG and OT, the Tonto thing is in reference to a line in the Lyle Lovett song "If I Had A Boat" where Tonto tells the Lone ranger to kiss his a$$, he's leaving. I "made it my own" to represent me leaving the way. Sometimes I'll do something that makes perfect sense to me at the time but has no real meaning to anyone else... my ADD in action.
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Too Gray Now
Hey there you guys - - - I know that some of you have been praying for my Cancer situation - and I just got my latest results back last week - (just in time for my 30 anniversary with Mrs. Too Gray.
Posted Images
Too Gray Now
Hey Tonto,
Here's your sign!
Sign for Tonto.
My return hitchicking sign looked like I stole it from a homelss man... bent, crinckled, the letters had started to run from the rain,
.... and yes. I was thrown out with the bath water...

... now on a more respectful, serious note - I did a bit of reading about your picture posting problem.
and this is my conclusion: :blink: :blink: :wacko:
Message boards are filled with these kinds of questions. People are offered a variety of causes.
I do know that linking dynamic (i.e. changing) web addresses to a fixed link is a "no-no" to my IT guy - something about too much chance to be directed to a malicious site.
I guess, you may need to host your pictures somewhere else -
Of course, you could send PAW a note about your problems and see what he says.... but that makes too much sense... actually, I think you are getting better advice from the...
Hey I tried.
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My very own sign...thanks, Too Gray!
Roswell...Pete somebody and his wife provided a nice warm floor and stew. We all headed there to spend the night before the final trek to Tinnie. Did they do that for you Emporia folk also? We had such a long distance to travel, so I'm wondering if it was just something they did for us Rome City geezers.
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Too Gray Now
Tonto -
I guess we were posting on top of each other. I was editing my post (during that brief period when you actually can edit a post) to include a stab at your picture posting problem.
Your experience DURING hitchicking included.... a nice.... warm..... floor........ HMMMMMM :wub: :wub:
(See, you know you're in a cult when you get all misty eyed when someone offers you a warm floor.)
I don't think us folks from Emporia were given that kind of Roswell info... at least I never heard about it.
gee.... though... makes me wish the wife and I had gone Family Corps -
JUST THINK!! .... a nice.... warm..... floor........ after endangering your lives for 40 hours on the side of a highway!!!!
Now THAT is the More Than Abundant Life I was REALLY looking for!!!
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Out There
I never heard of the nice warm cozy floor. Did it have a carpet on it?
My first year down I got picked up, first ride, by a guy who had lots of beer in his car. it helped make the ride shorter
TGN - you looked like such cute baby
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Hey Too Gray,
Thanks for your help and for your suggestions...which are tonto-mount to an order.
I think we had 60 hours to get the 1,400-odd miles from RC to Tinnie...if Jardinero is around maybe she can remember...
Out There,
Yep, it was pretty pathetic that we were so grateful for a crowded floor, but we were corpse and that built character (???).
I don't think we had any drinking drivers, but we had at least one offer us a joint (we declined). In fact, he kept trying to roll a fresh one while driving an 18-wheeler full of frozen chickens. Feeling a wee bit unsafe, hubs offered to steer but Mr. Trucker said no. He did, however, let Mr. Tonto roll the J for wasn't pretty because it had been about 10 years since he had any practice rolling, but you did what you must to make that deadline...
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Too Gray Now
Tonto - that is way too funny - now. Of course, I feel like I was right there with ya...
I swear - life in the Way Corps produced many a great Seinfeld story. I mean, the soup Nazzi had nothin' on us -
Have you told your kids all your stories? I still tell mine a few, here and there... and they just wag their heads in a condecending fashion and roll their eyes as if to say "Poor, pathetic, Daddy - He was SOOOOO mis-guided!"
Don't get me wrong, I am glad my kids have not yet taken major steps to screw up their lives! I figure my kids are smarter than I am - no doubt -
... I just don't think they will have nearly as entertaining stories to tell their kids as you and I have

Hey OUtThere -
So... I wondered who that was who pulled up singin' 29 bottles of beer on the wall...
Golly. ya know... you were on to something - I bet the whole inresidence experience could have been enahnced if we could have self-medicated with more beer!
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Too Gray Now
The wife and I got in this one guy's truck with Moi** Kenn** from the 9th corps. Pacco, the driver of the truck - didn't really speak any english - but Moi** said she knew a little spanish - and he would take us right to Tinnie.
In a blinding snow storm, we whipped out onto the freeway ramp in his semi. When we had to merge, he had to slow down - I was perplexed by the fact that Pacco was now looking very distraunt(sp?) and was STANDING and STOMPING on the break pedal to try and get the rig slowed down!!! :o :o :o
Pacco said - (I am sure - in his best broken English) - "No Brake! No Brake!!"
Moi** said something like... "Pacco - just let us out, here. Really. Right here, right now. Please." She was very calm. Pacco, on the other hand, was sweating like a fever of 104 had just broken.
So, the three of us were then on the side of an Interstate somewhere in OK, in a blinding snow storm. We were at least out of the immediate road to hell that we had just been on. We all just sort of stared at each other in wide-eyed wonder. We watched as Pacco pulled his rig back into the flow of traffic in the distance... Then we prayed for Pacco.
He needed it worse than we did!!!
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Out There
In-res Beer was good. As a matter of fact there were many hours spent coming up with ways to beat the two beer system. A couple I found were the really tall glasses at a cowboy bar in the middle of Emporia.
Another was a couple cases that were hidden in the matresses that filled the old pool in Allen gym. one of the first guys to leave the corp stocked up the pool. A few evenings found me after class, between some mattresses soaking up a warm one.
It's really bad now that all these years later, no longer under the law, do I ever drink more than one beer. (except when I am with some guys in South America, and then I am drinking all different kinds of hooch, most of which is totally unidentifiable. If you have ever drunk fermented goats milk you'd know what I mean)
I will always remember my experiences at BLEAD outdoor academy. From a professional point of view it was the most dangerous program out there. I am surprised we didn't see more problems than we did. I said something once and almost got my arse booted out of the corpse for it.
Mommas, don't let your babies go LEAD
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Ok , I'm a bit new to this. SO please be patient with me. I started with the 10th and graduated with the 11th.I just found this site recently and I just got permission to post. I took the class in feb 78 and went into the 10th by Aug "79 (sick HUH?) Anyway, life has gone on and over all things aren't too bad. Just wish I hadn't lost track of so many friends over the years.
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Too Gray Now
Up There -
I did not know you had experience before LEAD. You mentioned some safety concerns -
Before my Way days, I was pretty active. There was an Outward Bound group that did their winter program a few miles from a ski resort where I used to instruct - I taught their instructors skiing skils in exchange for - ok - truth be known - just some beer.
As far as safety concerns in 1973/4 - They were not ones to baby anyone. I saw students with frostbite pretty regularly. And their "SOLO" was nothing to sneeze at, either.
I thought the LEAD instructors were at least "nicer" to the newbees. The Outward Bound guys wanted to break everyone. And in the cold of a Maine winter - that isn't too hard to do
dooj-able Welcome!!
And before we go one paragraph further in our on-line relationship... ya gotta tell me this - Just what in tarnation is a dooj?
OutThere knows if a mountain is climb-able
my son knows if something is destroy-able...
so just curious - what does it mean "to Dooj"?
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Out There
Hello Doojable - Its great to have you with us. The coffee is nice here, rarely bitter.
TGN, I was an AAC certified guide before I entered the 11th (1973) so I knew a bit about what I was doing. Kev!n Smythe made sure I knew he was a superior human to me, after all, God had put him in charge of BLEAD. I mentioned a couple things that needed to be done to make the program safer and was told that I was full of pride and I don't belong in the corps if I couldn't control my pride etc. etc.
I wonder what percentage of BLEAD programs had an injury of some sort on them. I'll bet it was over 35% and probably closer to 50%. Pat lynn once made mention of this at a dinner how alot of us "kids" were getting hurt and we needed to pray more for everyone at lead.
If the staff took ten more minutes to evaluate and do things safer in the first place we could have saved alot of pain.
I am always outspoken about the lead program. I always thought that it was handled very amateurishly except when Skip W00d was there.
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Too Gray - Thanks for the welcome ( and I had one other welcome - but I forgot the call name - sorry)
A "dooj" Well - when my first little girl was born we called her a "pookie doodle" As things go. after a while all sorts of things had the term doodle attached to them. e had a friend tht got really intp Paulie Shore and his was of speaking (ie Grindage, Grundage, etc) we tried to get our then 2 year old to say "doodle-age" and it came out "dooj" -
There you go - nothing mysterious. Hope I didn't just mess up a thread.
On that subject though..... Lead was not the worst time in my life - that would have been in the same house as my step monster. I do seem to remember - vaguely - that when one of the corps died on Lead that it became her fault. She obviously wasn't in fellowship.
Years in retrospect I realize that we all gave the devil way to much credit for screwing with us and not enough credit to God for caring for us. Of course then there was always ourselves to blame.....Romans 8 be damned (pun intended)
But I have found that all in all my life has not been horribly torn apart. I knew the job was dangerous when I took it concerning the way corps and many other things. Yes there were a lot of those with power that abused that power - but as I move through the wolrd I see that it isn't just a way thing - its a people thing. people are absolutely horrible to each other on occasion.
OK there's my two cents - I see both sides of the thread here and both are right. youcan't excuse people for acting badly. we used to tell our kids - some people don't know how to be careful for you or themselves so you just have to be extra careful. (Jesus said it a bit better with the whole wise as serpents and harless as doves thing)
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Too Gray Now
dooj - thanks for the explanation :P I appreciate it!
(Heck, you could have just as easily told me pi**-off and mind my own business - which would mean that I would have to go back working for AFLAC.)
... also - about messing up this thread... that can't happen. Not on this thread!
The 11th was the biggest corps - but the 9th corps runs this place ;)
If you go over to their thread... they have lots goin' on.
The 11th... well .... anyway... <_<
About your thoughts and such - thanks!
When I came to this site, I knew very little about the deep-dark secrets of The Way Int.
I always saw the Way as a means to an end - helping people with the Word. I NEVER thought of the ministry as an end in itself. So when it became obvious to me that the ministry was being run by people who cared more about the organizaiton than they did who it was created to serve... time to go.
These same people were NOT interested in becoming more Christ-like - evidenced by edicts that put us in a position from which we were made to choose where we stood as corps. I found found their proposition to be insulting and weak.
- I thought, "How absolutly moronic! As corps we were dedicated to "It Is Written" and were supposed to never cop out and, if necessary, have no friends and go out feet first. Now I was being told to re-think THAT and then swear alegiance to LCM ??!"- I don't think so!! - I resigned - FAST.
Heck, If I knew what some of the people on this site had been through - I would like to think I would have stood toe to toe and done the right thing.... but I will never know.
My point is - I really had NO IDEA how hideous an experience some people endured - until I came to Greasespot.
After I left, I could not really get into any of the offshoots - I was too busy. But in the background of my mind, I thought I was still supposed to go out "feet first" in terms of my commitment to "It Is Written". For years, and years, I stayed pretty much true to the Way Int. teachings from the old days....
Some things happened which led me to re-evaluate my whole idea of spirituality, truth, the Bible, etc. etc. and today - well that is an entirely different story.
So, there. Now you know someone else here at GS - at least a bit more -
peace :)
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yes i run the place, thank you (simon, tuttles, et al SHUT UP)
;) :wub: :wub:
laughing my .... offtoo gray, thanks for what you said on my 4 seasons thread and pitter patter of my heart. love
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Ok so what I want to know is HOW some of you know who each other are. This site seems firm on anonymity - but....... that don't seem to always be the case. I don't mind people knowing who I am - but it seems to me that there must be a reason for the secrecy - I seemed to have read somewhere in the archives about lawsuits because of posting on the site - perhaps that's a thing of the past.... I'm looking not only for people to talk to but also to find some of those past acquaintances - I've checked profiles and those are usually blank.
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Out There
A little birdie tells me who everyone is....
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Ok but is there a way for me to find out who I am talking to - just in case I know some of you - which I am certain I do.
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Hi Doojable and welcome,
You can private message someone or put names in friend finder...I've only found a couple of folks here (so far) who I knew in my way daze, but I'll bet someone around here has other suggestions...
As far as I'm concerned, the 9th have earned their top position. They kept me laughing through a particularly bad year last year so even though I don't have a clue who they are, they're spa-chul in my book.
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Too Gray Now
EX ! :wub:
Ya know, you are one of the nicest folks - good lordy pete - you actually were kind enough to come all the way over to this little corner of the Gspot and say "thanks". Pure kindness - that is the only thing I can think of that would motivate you -
Speaking of dropping in for a visit - where in the heck is Tom Strange ??
Doojable - Tonto told ya straight - good advice.
Some people "out" themselves to others and that "outing" is respected and not shared beyond the private topic message.
Some, use their real names when they post.
Some give clues as to who they are, but the clue may be rather cryptic - and then people start to guess - (Personally, i suc* at guessing games - so I don't play)
Just bear in mind, it IS a public forum and you can NOT edit out your posts in the future...
Me? I gotta stick with my username...
I work with a few medium sized "wigs" in government - where appearance and perception and implication rules supreme - so, for me, anonimity (sp?) allows me to post more of what I really think. If there was a direct link to my real name, I could not post what I want, here...
So, whatever makes sense for your situation - :)
Now, if you look at OutThere's picture close enough - and Kojak his posts... you will know who he is -
Same with HCW - and Polar Bear, and ... hmmm quite a few actually.
While we are on this topic.... Tonto -
I gotta ax you sumpin'
How in the sam hill did you - a girl - end up with such a guy personna as Tonto? Did you marry Clayton Moore or somethin'?
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Out There
Tonto I was thinking the same thing? Do you ride with a Loan Ranger?
Any idea how many 11th Corps have recently been posting here?
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TG and OT, the Tonto thing is in reference to a line in the Lyle Lovett song "If I Had A Boat" where Tonto tells the Lone ranger to kiss his a$$, he's leaving. I "made it my own" to represent me leaving the way. Sometimes I'll do something that makes perfect sense to me at the time but has no real meaning to anyone else... my ADD in action.
Doojable, how long have you been in Ft. Worth?
Peace, love, and tenderness to all.
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Tom Strange
SisterTonto... Doojabobble is in FW? The place of my first appearance on this planet?
The rest of you... please pay your proper respect and drop money at the feet of your elders and leaders: the 9th Corps
...otherwise, carry on with the plan of the day...
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A little birdie by the name of the 10th corps thread told me of Doojie's whereabouts. ;)
Tom, you were born in the Worthy Fort?
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Tom Strange
why yes... in the large brick structure known as Harris Hospital...
...there's a 10th corps thread?
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