Ok if we can't keep the thread going at least we will carry on a conversation between us.
Hope you get to GR sometime soon. Lena's busy season just ended yesterday (she's an accountant) and I am between busy seasons (I'm a climber). We live about ten minutes from the Hilton in East Grand Rapids. We've been here around 19 years now (wow, makes me think I'm old)
I read all these stories of sexual misconduct amongst the top Twiters and have started to come to a couple conclusions
I am a professional athlete but don't have near the libido demonstrated by some of the limb guys and country guys. I've determined that this is why I never made it into the upper leadership category.
Had I been able to $cr*w like a rabbit I could have been a country leader or even better, maybe prez of the whole darn shabang
SnowBoy (aka - Out There) I see you posting here on this thread (11th) and I am trying for the life of me to remember anyone from the 11th corps who was a professional climber -
I am stumped.
Now do you mean Rock, Cliff, Mountain, Tree? Just what sort of professional climbing do you do? As for me, just getting up on the roof off a steady ladder is an accomplishment, today!!
47 years old, own a rock climbing gym (Higher Ground Rock Climbing Centre www.higround.com ) and a guide service. I climb Rock, Ice, Mountains, Volcanos (sorry, no trees). If someone will pay me to climb it I go up it. It's a fun job, I was able to make a career out of what I like doing best. I'm not old, just aging well. Life is good.
Out there: Tell him what you did on opening night of the GR Griffin's hockey season few years back. LCM in his AOS glory would have looked funny trying to duplicate that feat.
I've almost forgotten about these? I'm glad you remembered.I've been involved in several opening nights of hockey teams and football teams. Here are a couple
For the opening of the team the Mascot - a bird called a griffen - half lion half eagle needed to make a dramatic entrance so I set it up where I was hanging from the rafters of the arena (94feet up) and lowered him into the arena. the timing had to be perfect because as soon as he touched the ice a fireworks display went off. If I was off by a second the mascot (a griffen) would have become a Phoenix.
The following year I had the mascot jump off the bridge and fly through the gate (the area where the zamboni goes through) and swing 100feet over the ice and then back. he made three swings through the gate (8 feet wide) where if he was off just a little bit you would have seen a splat against the wall (Much like an egg against a wall). At one point of the swing he was less than 3 inches off the ice. after the third swing there was a quick release and he touched down then screamed across the ice.
All the while the mascots are unable to see whats going on through the masks so they need to trust me 100% - poor guys
Besides these I have rigged mascots to rappel from the ceiling through the score board.
One of the nicest things about these was afterwards I got to watch the games while hanging from slings 94 feet above the ice. a vantage point nobody ever gets to have. Too bad the concessions people wouldn't come up to sell me a hotdog or a beer.
These are some of the really fun parts of what I do. actually, most of its fun (except the endless paperwork of insurance and liability forms and advertising and....)
So if you were the rigger, but not the performer - my guess is the only thing that kept the wearer from "Greasing his Griffen" was a few dry runs (no pun intended) with like bags of sand.
You don't have to satisfy my curiosity and - it may be a trade secret! Don't wanna give out something like that on an open forum!!
Iwas just reading the post on Dr. Phil in the open forum and it brought back a hysterical memory.
Do you remember when we had to watch the werewille home movies during Christian family with the emphasis on sex class? I will never forget how quiet the room was while we were being shown the porno flicks when suddenly some young gal says "WOW!"
I can't tell you what that did to me. I walked out of that meeting that night and I told God .. Hahahahaha....... I guess you had to be there.
So sorry for the disappearance act I pulled. Running like a wild lady.
I had a cool thing happen the other day. I sell Tupperware and the other day I got a guest list from a host and on it was a name of a "believer"...Camilla Hall. Not a common name but I was too afraid to get too excited about it until I actually knew if it was really her or not and then I forgot...The host was white and camilla is black so that was another reason I thought it probably was a long shot. I had been thinking about Camilla sooooooooo much through the years too and didn't know what had happen to her and her husband and blah blah blah. One of my biggest fears in calling people is getting that in your face rejection because they are still in and don't want to defile themselves with the likes of ME. It ended up being Camilla and it was a wonderful reunion. What a blessing. It is funny too because neither one of us has called each other since BUT it is such a blessing to know I can if I want. I love that.
That is what is going on on my side of Michigan.
Hey, I got a great deal on Air fare to Seattle flying on Independence Air. They fly out of DC so I fly from here to DC and then fly coast to coast. $99 going and $124 coming home. Suzy what do you know about them? I was so thankful to find something under $300. Anyway I am going June 22-July 12. I am so excited. Renting a car in Seattle unless someone has an extra Mini van I can rack up HUGE miles on...lol. Suzy if you or George know of any good deals for renting cars I would appreciate that. I need to do that pretty soon. I also still have to get my husbands flight into Spokane on the 23 of June and flying home on the 9 of July. Hmmm. plotting, planning, and schemeing always...somethings never change.
call Geo and ask if you can use the van that is sitting in the front yard in vain.....
I think the place I recommend is called $8 day car rental in Everett-on Evergreen way- is good, seems to be the cheapest.
Leave the airport to rent tho, that I know is cheaper.
you will be getting there on my birthday so celebrate for me cause I can't, I will probably be working, but won't celebrate anyway, been there, done that, lol
anyway have fun in Seattle, I am not sure if/when I will get there......
I am glad you got a cheap flight!!
independance air is a lowfair airlines, good deal, glad you got it, amazing price, write me @
my only email these days,
if you would, that would be great.
anyway have fun, hopefully you will get good weather, June is always so iffy,
btw NO I haven't been back to GRR for your info Out There...
drat too, its a great overnight,
May has been dismal, not a whole lot of good flying, my June check will be quite dismal.
life is vedddddy interessssssssssssting for me these days.
I just dropped in to see if anybody know about a 9-13 corps guy Paul Knopf? I am posting on all these threads at the suggestion of Notacanceranymore, notacamperanymore, oh yeah! notinkansas anymore. (thanks for the suggestation by the by}. I am kinda desparate to find a familiar face after 23 years of wandering
Last I heard Paul was working in his families Diamond Mines in South Africa. Drives a mercedes with a Mercedes with a pistol always close by. (Pauls family was always well off)
I was in the 11 corps. My name is Ed (Canadian). Even though there were many screw ups I'm thankful for any friends that I made. My biggest regret was that I didn't keep in touch. If I hurt anyone, I give my deepest apology and I would love the chance to apologize personaly to anyone who wants one. You Americans are the greatest people on earch and I truly enjoyed being there. Anyone who wants to visit us here in Toronto you are welcome.
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Dot Matrix 153 posts
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Too Gray Now
Hey there you guys - - - I know that some of you have been praying for my Cancer situation - and I just got my latest results back last week - (just in time for my 30 anniversary with Mrs. Too Gray.
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Outthere, just click on someone's screen name, and a box pops up. One of the options is "invite so-and-so to a private topic".
Of course, you can't do that with Suz because she is a naughty girl. But you should be able to do that with just about anyone else.
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Out There
Ok Suz - What did you do that was so bad that we can't send you a private message?
Learning how to work Private messaging is like learning ...... well something good!!
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OutThere - got it and responded.
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Out There
We do a pitiful job when it comes to keeping this thread going.
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since getting your info I have not even done a trip to GRR!!!
dammmmmmmit anyway!!
forget keeping this thread going, I mean how many times can you say
ya know??
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Out There
Ok if we can't keep the thread going at least we will carry on a conversation between us.
Hope you get to GR sometime soon. Lena's busy season just ended yesterday (she's an accountant) and I am between busy seasons (I'm a climber). We live about ten minutes from the Hilton in East Grand Rapids. We've been here around 19 years now (wow, makes me think I'm old)
Anyway, call us when you are in town sometime
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Out There
I read all these stories of sexual misconduct amongst the top Twiters and have started to come to a couple conclusions
I am a professional athlete but don't have near the libido demonstrated by some of the limb guys and country guys. I've determined that this is why I never made it into the upper leadership category.
Had I been able to $cr*w like a rabbit I could have been a country leader or even better, maybe prez of the whole darn shabang
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Too Gray Now
SnowBoy (aka - Out There) I see you posting here on this thread (11th) and I am trying for the life of me to remember anyone from the 11th corps who was a professional climber -
I am stumped.
Now do you mean Rock, Cliff, Mountain, Tree? Just what sort of professional climbing do you do? As for me, just getting up on the roof off a steady ladder is an accomplishment, today!!
And I even liked LEAD!!!
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Too Gray Now
Out there -
I just checked your profile - (shoulda done that first -
It says, plain as the letters on this page, "Rock Climber".
Hmmmm now, if you were of average age in the 11th corps, that would make you about a 50 year old climber.
Good Job, man!
"On belay, ONE???!!!" "Belay on ONE!!!" "CLimbing ONE!!"
"Oh $%^* - !! (Cuss, cuss - huff puff) F&%k that hand JAM hurts!)
"SLACK!!" "Give me FUC***G SLACK!!"
Ah yes... the fun times at LEAD
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Out There
47 years old, own a rock climbing gym (Higher Ground Rock Climbing Centre www.higround.com ) and a guide service. I climb Rock, Ice, Mountains, Volcanos (sorry, no trees). If someone will pay me to climb it I go up it. It's a fun job, I was able to make a career out of what I like doing best. I'm not old, just aging well. Life is good.
BLEAD Outdoor academy was fun,
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Out there: Tell him what you did on opening night of the GR Griffin's hockey season few years back. LCM in his AOS glory would have looked funny trying to duplicate that feat.
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Too Gray Now
Congrats SnoBoy!! Doing what you love - is wonderful.
...better than striving to like what you hate - right from the get-go.
I have had both experiences. Right now I am in this mode
About 10 years ago I was in this mode...
Tell us about your hockey opening night...
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Out There
I've almost forgotten about these? I'm glad you remembered.I've been involved in several opening nights of hockey teams and football teams. Here are a couple
For the opening of the team the Mascot - a bird called a griffen - half lion half eagle needed to make a dramatic entrance so I set it up where I was hanging from the rafters of the arena (94feet up) and lowered him into the arena. the timing had to be perfect because as soon as he touched the ice a fireworks display went off. If I was off by a second the mascot (a griffen) would have become a Phoenix.
The following year I had the mascot jump off the bridge and fly through the gate (the area where the zamboni goes through) and swing 100feet over the ice and then back. he made three swings through the gate (8 feet wide) where if he was off just a little bit you would have seen a splat against the wall (Much like an egg against a wall). At one point of the swing he was less than 3 inches off the ice. after the third swing there was a quick release and he touched down then screamed across the ice.
All the while the mascots are unable to see whats going on through the masks so they need to trust me 100% - poor guys
Besides these I have rigged mascots to rappel from the ceiling through the score board.
One of the nicest things about these was afterwards I got to watch the games while hanging from slings 94 feet above the ice. a vantage point nobody ever gets to have. Too bad the concessions people wouldn't come up to sell me a hotdog or a beer.
These are some of the really fun parts of what I do. actually, most of its fun (except the endless paperwork of insurance and liability forms and advertising and....)
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Too Gray Now
So if you were the rigger, but not the performer - my guess is the only thing that kept the wearer from "Greasing his Griffen" was a few dry runs (no pun intended) with like bags of sand.
You don't have to satisfy my curiosity and - it may be a trade secret! Don't wanna give out something like that on an open forum!!
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Out There
Hey Suz, have you touched down in GR yet?
Too Gray - I used a folding chair. that way if I was off it would make alot of noise but not hurt anything and there was just one dry run.
Patti - how is everything on the "otherside" of Michigan?
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Out There
Iwas just reading the post on Dr. Phil in the open forum and it brought back a hysterical memory.
Do you remember when we had to watch the werewille home movies during Christian family with the emphasis on sex class? I will never forget how quiet the room was while we were being shown the porno flicks when suddenly some young gal says "WOW!"
I can't tell you what that did to me. I walked out of that meeting that night and I told God .. Hahahahaha....... I guess you had to be there.
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So sorry for the disappearance act I pulled. Running like a wild lady.
I had a cool thing happen the other day. I sell Tupperware and the other day I got a guest list from a host and on it was a name of a "believer"...Camilla Hall. Not a common name but I was too afraid to get too excited about it until I actually knew if it was really her or not and then I forgot...The host was white and camilla is black so that was another reason I thought it probably was a long shot. I had been thinking about Camilla sooooooooo much through the years too and didn't know what had happen to her and her husband and blah blah blah. One of my biggest fears in calling people is getting that in your face rejection because they are still in and don't want to defile themselves with the likes of ME. It ended up being Camilla and it was a wonderful reunion. What a blessing. It is funny too because neither one of us has called each other since BUT it is such a blessing to know I can if I want. I love that.
That is what is going on on my side of Michigan.
Hey, I got a great deal on Air fare to Seattle flying on Independence Air. They fly out of DC so I fly from here to DC and then fly coast to coast. $99 going and $124 coming home. Suzy what do you know about them? I was so thankful to find something under $300. Anyway I am going June 22-July 12. I am so excited. Renting a car in Seattle unless someone has an extra Mini van I can rack up HUGE miles on...lol. Suzy if you or George know of any good deals for renting cars I would appreciate that. I need to do that pretty soon. I also still have to get my husbands flight into Spokane on the 23 of June and flying home on the 9 of July. Hmmm. plotting, planning, and schemeing always...somethings never change.
Hope all is well with everyone.
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Out There
Hi Patti-
Where are you going in WA? I've been wanting to get out there and go up a few peaks with a friend of mine but we never seem to find the time to go.
I'm glad you found your old pal Camilla. Its always nice to find an old friend here and there. I've found a couple through these forums.
Hey, whenever I fly I look at Expedia. cheaptickets and priceline. I always seem to get a really good deal through them as long as I check all three.
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call Geo and ask if you can use the van that is sitting in the front yard in vain.....
I think the place I recommend is called $8 day car rental in Everett-on Evergreen way- is good, seems to be the cheapest.
Leave the airport to rent tho, that I know is cheaper.
you will be getting there on my birthday so celebrate for me cause I can't, I will probably be working, but won't celebrate anyway, been there, done that, lol
anyway have fun in Seattle, I am not sure if/when I will get there......
I am glad you got a cheap flight!!
independance air is a lowfair airlines, good deal, glad you got it, amazing price, write me @
my only email these days,
if you would, that would be great.
anyway have fun, hopefully you will get good weather, June is always so iffy,
btw NO I haven't been back to GRR for your info Out There...
drat too, its a great overnight,
May has been dismal, not a whole lot of good flying, my June check will be quite dismal.
life is vedddddy interessssssssssssting for me these days.
Edited by Shellon Fockler-NorthLink to comment
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Out There
HELLO 11th Corpuscles. Just checking in and saying hi to anyone out there
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Dan Carlson
Hi there!
I just dropped in to see if anybody know about a 9-13 corps guy Paul Knopf? I am posting on all these threads at the suggestion of Notacanceranymore, notacamperanymore, oh yeah! notinkansas anymore. (thanks for the suggestation by the by}. I am kinda desparate to find a familiar face after 23 years of wandering
Who would have thunk it? Jesus Christ!
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Out There
Last I heard Paul was working in his families Diamond Mines in South Africa. Drives a mercedes with a Mercedes with a pistol always close by. (Pauls family was always well off)
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Out There
Hey 11th. Yesterday was the 22nd anniversary of our graduation. I miss you all
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polar bear
I was in the 11 corps. My name is Ed (Canadian). Even though there were many screw ups I'm thankful for any friends that I made. My biggest regret was that I didn't keep in touch. If I hurt anyone, I give my deepest apology and I would love the chance to apologize personaly to anyone who wants one. You Americans are the greatest people on earch and I truly enjoyed being there. Anyone who wants to visit us here in Toronto you are welcome.
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