I looked back over some old posts on this site and see we have lost alot of posters, Are any of you still around? I just recently went wireless so I hope that as I travel maybe I can keep in touch (although I understand I have to find "hotspots" whatever they may be")
methinks most of the 11th have a life and came in, they saw, they vent, they move on in life. methinks (unlike YOUR senior corpse) that us 11th and such don't need to just come in and say things like :D-->, or, ;)--> or _____________.
the f7 I know don't even feel the need to come in here, let alone tell stories of pain, laughter, etc.
Wish I could go wireless. I travel too, but don't make enough $$ to get me a laptop. I also don't understand how/what/who etc to hook- up to TO EVEN GO WIRELESS.
well someday I will have enough $$ and possibly even understand.
methinks most of the 11th have a life and came in, they saw, they vent, they move on in life. methinks (unlike YOUR senior corpse) that us 11th and such don't need to just come in and say things like , or, or _____________.
I've been busy the last few days but today I am back to not having a life. I was going to throw a party this afternoon but I'm sure I am the only one would come.
I am equipted with my coffee, girls scout cookies chasing it all with potato chips and a pepsi...(gee could that be the reason for the second chin? Oh hell, who is counting???) I am ready for the long haul.
Frank you are here in MI with me right?
Pat and Joann Pugh are somewhere over there near you. They use to be in Grand Rapids. I think they are still in.
Chris Gremlick and Angie were here in the Detroit area but I don't know where they are now or if they are in or out.
Alright Out There...it is up to you get this crazy party going. We can play "can you top this story?" If Howard Walker joined in he would win with his Lead 104 story. In true Dave Bedard style we have to start the story...There I was...
I never did real well in that Christian Communications class because I was bloody intimadated because I was so young I didn't have these amazing stories that everyone else had. I remember someone telling this horrible story about their X husband and her having this horrible fight and it had Speghetti flying and someone getting hit and I think she was crying by the end. Geez, I was barely 21, I think the worse thing I could come up with was I THOUGHT I was locked in a bathroom when I was 8. TRAMATIC HUH? Ya, intimidated is what I was.
Anyway...get this party going Out there. I will be waiting for your Out there story or reminiscing.
ps are you in MI?? what part of the state are you in? Geez I thought we were the only ones. Lena and I are still in Grand Rapids and expect to be here for a couple more years.
I haven't talked with the pughs since we graduated. They didn't have the best of reputations while they were here in Grand Rapids. its too bad though, throughout res I really liked them
Do you remember Lisa Wolfe? she is here in GR
I was sitting in my room, in the lower penninsula of Michigan when I said to my wife Lena, Lena..
Naw really, My biggest there I was story was the anger incident we had to have. I remember I wasn't geting mad enough and Davie Bedard started pointing his skinning finger into my chest and yelling at me at the top of his lungs. Quiete honestly I wanted to laugh my A$$ off. It was really hard to get mad when you had that little balding head going beserk on me.
I was kind a young when I started in res, maybe 23, wasn't much older when I graduated. I didn't really have any great "spiritual anger" It was fun though sitting one night with Larry Ramberg trying to make up a good "there I was" incident for the next day. We were masters of some Bull $h*t. I still talk to Larry once and while. He is a Cop now over in Illinois.
I had Meatloaf for dinner so I am really ready for some good junk food, pass the girl scout cookies...
Noticed that you are in IL, yes, no?? Or is your flight crew just based out of ORD?
Anyway, I gota go to CHI-Town, tomorrow and my business dinner date just canceled... so if you are stuck at the airport about 6:30pm - wanna meet for some deep dish?
Of course, you gotta clear this with GEO - but shoot!! I never did anything with ya I couldn't post in an open forum.
Yes I am in the Detroit area. I was sent here with the naylors after we graduated. I was here 3 years and met my husband to be. Then he went wow and I went to Columbus OH for a year also with the Naylors (they didn't stay the whole year though) then I got married in the Detroit area and then we moved to Utah for 7 years and then tried to go inresidence and that is when my life in the Way turned into a Nightmare. We were released after 3 months and we came back up here and Allen Licht seemed to hate me from the day I touched foot here. I have no idea why. I tried to jump through every hoop for him too and it never was good enough. He M&Aed me more times for the most off the wall stuff. Finally broken hearted, defeated, frustrated I quit trying to come back and then the law suits started coming in on Craig from January and I was DONE. It all seemed to make sense...FINALLY. I know pretty slow on my part. I applaud you for leaving so eary on.
The Pughs are great people BUT they are yes men. They had to do a lot of dirty work for their leadership that you could tell they were totally uncomfortable doing. I hated to see them being used. My brothers WOW sister Elizabeth Smith lives there in Grand Rapids with her husband Randy and their 3 daughters. (She graduated from the 15th wc I think)
Yes I remember Lisa Wolfe. We sat next to each other, we got eachothers mail and I was called Lisa more then Patty. She was always a good friend of mine. It helped having the same last name...a bonding no matter what. We stayed in contact with each other after she left for quite a while. I forgot though that she was from MI. I think I would have guessed WI.
You know Jill Ann Craney-Nebas is in the area too right? She is over here by me. I wonder if Lynn Balough is around.
called your lovely Mrs and gave her my cell number so I hope you call me!!
and for you Grand Rapids folks,
I do overnights there all the time!!
anyone want to hook up with me??
I stay at the Hilton,
sorry you can't private message me w/info but
I am not allowed, only the chosen ones are
and I am a baaaaaaaad baaaaaaad girl who isn't
BUT my email is aegirl@gmail.com
so email me w/your info if you want to hook up
at the Hilton in GRR sometime. They have a great bar we could meet at, or a pool and
hot tub!!
let me know.
OMG Patty talking about Gremlich, I have a story about him,
wonder if I already told it or not??
oh well,
once while he was at IC,,,,,after a long boring
class we went to my room for coffee and cookies,
you 11th were easy to impress...lol
(since I had kidletts we needed such things
for survival)
anyway Chris came to my room, and of course there wern't any chairs, so we layed down in my
bed and fell fast asleep.
My room mate came in, SHOCKED,,,hell it was obvious we were dead tired, our coffee cold,
cookie crumbs on our faces...like 2 dead girl scouts,,,lol,
anyway the story goes I slept w/Chris...
heardtell from the last leadership waycrapolla
that they were still in, he is a leader now!!!
he was in Duluth with my husband for a couple years after corpse.
I also do Marquette layovers in case you MI folks know anyone up that far north. You guys are tough as nails doing the MI gig,,,DAMN its cold. I go through Traverse City but never an overnight yet, but GRR is a common one for me.
Patty what happened to the Naylors?? I had heard they got divorced but didn't know where they landed.
hey also Patty I will be in Detroit in July for a wedding, maybe you could come and find me where I am.
another story???
once i decided i wanted to go to the athletes confrence. (hey i was single and looking at guys butts like the best of them, lol)
so i went and some guy wanted to make out with me,,,,wth, so we were somewhere at euphoria making out,,,,,and we got busted. i tried playing stupid, but whoever it was that was on bust patrol knew me and said, "Suzie you know the rules". Dammit anyway, kind of ruined it for me being nobody believer not knowing the rules. it was funny, the guy had no idea i was corpse. i obviously didn't act like it. loved to break every rule i could if/when possible.
i told you i was a baaaaad baaaaad girl.
and you guys never told me the places to go and make out or anything.
any of you remember Larry Hanson who was CD your last year in rez?? blue van, from PA
Yes part of my exciting life includes Bowling. I bowl every Wednesday AM. 147/153/159. Wow, what a hot dog huh? Yeah right.
Anyway I am home now. Now to work on my Tupperware. I am just the all american at-home-mom who is looking for any outlet to talk someone around my age.
Oh man that cracks me up that you made up some of your stories. Damn that is good. That could go into my book "How to go through the WC without Holy Spirit" Gary Padget and were co-authors of this BIG seller to all Apprentice Corps. Larry Ramburg...he was a funny guy. Wow a cop in Illinois...that is great. I never knew you were such a reprobate...I love that.
OK on to Suz.
Let me know when in July and I will hunt you down. I am trying to make my way to Washington State by car with my 3 kids June 15-July 15. My husband is going to fly out to Spokane June 30-July 9th. got any good rate ideas for us? What part of Washington do you live in? We will be in Spokane for awhile and in Coulee Dam on the Columbia river (I went through Grade School in that little town...I love it) and I am going to see my sister in Everett. Then plug my way back home.
Hey, the reason we never told you a good place to make out at is because there weren't any. Every square inch of the campus was taken up with people especially our first year. You definately needed to be inventive there.
The 11th WC was a very inventive group. lol.
OH ya the Naylors. Yes I also heard that they got a divorce. I am sure they still live in the pan handle of Florida. Bruce was from Indiana but Carole was from Florida. Their daughter must be 18 years old now. WOW. How time flys. It is hard to believe they got a divorce. I always wondered what happen.
I am in Chicago currently BUT, our house in WA where Geo is stil w/the 17yr old son..., the house and all that, is close to Everett. You must make sure you call him. HE can get private messaging, get in touch w/him and I am sure he would love to visit w/you. I am not sure when/where the wedding is in Detroit, but I believe its at the end of July, so maybe you will be around.
anticipitating To Grey Now calling me and we can get together. I have known him since 75 so can't wait.
Hey, getting together would be great. I am in Connecticut right now but expect to be back in GRR next week. After I get back we can talk about da tales.
Sorry it didn't work out - but you know what it is like, traveling these days... - :(-->
Hey, but it was great to hear your voice, again. You sound like your young self, to me!!
Anyway, I should probably have told Mrs. Too Gray that I was trying to hook up with you.
She was pretty suprised to get a call from you using your married name - she did not recognize you, at all... our conversation went something like this after I hung up the phone with you;
"So who is this woman trying to meet my husband after hours... in Chicago... HMMMM??? That he neglected to tell me about!!" LOL
After 27 years of marriage I said, "Honey, I told you all about her... she is the one I used to sleep with, you know, like my Sister..." She said, "Oh!! Her! I hope you get to meet up!"
Now, you see, only a cult or a commune could have produced such a situation as this
I still think of poor George meeting you, Dave McQuillin, Hal Smith, Chris Gremlech, Paul Hurlburt,
and I think Hal saying, "oh by the way George, (his first corpse week-lol)we have all slept with Suzie!"
George laughed, remember that at a lunch or something??
the way I asked your wife if she remembered me was, "remember when you were at IC and there was a woman who had the balls to show her birth slides of her son being born during show and tell?" (or whatever the hell they called that gig where you uh,,uh,,
SHARED something....
anyway she said, "oh yeah I sorta remember..."
And you my friend teased me saying, "Suz the things I never knew about you....."
geeze what the hell was I thinking??
keeping us w/out sleep really did skew our thinking obviously.
Hey Suz when you arer in GR let us know. Lena is a tax accountant so she is really busy until April 16th however weekends she is around. I am back in town now and expect to be here for a while
PS - where are the Naylors today. I heard Bruce was selling Real Estate in Detroit? Who else from the 11th is in or around Michigan?? I don't think the Pughs are still here in GR but I could be mistaken.
Do you remember the Saturday morning Fun Runs? The only thing that made them fun was knowing that afterwards we had the rest of the day to ourselves and saturday evening there was a chance of getting a beer at Phils. Therer was another place in Emporia that had a glass that was around 24 inches tall. this made the 2 drink limit tolerable.
The Naylor's and I moved to Columbus OH in 86 and they only stayed there awhile before they moved down to the pan handle of Florida. I think he did some realty there but I know forwure that he wrote for the newspaper about the fishing in the area. My husband was so jealous of his job. "Gee, hun, I need to go do research for my column be back later." and then go an drown some worms. "WHAT A LIFE."
Jill Ann Craney/Nebas is in White Lake which is about an hour from me. Pat Lebomski is in Ann Arbor. I just got a little message from Darrel Hampton yesterday AM he is out in Utah...skiing. I am not sure where Lou Gigou is but his brother is up near Flint with Sara Wierwille Gigou (spelling?). Not sure about anyone else. I wouldn't be surprised if Lynn Balough was around here somewhere because this is where she was from. Her parents lived in Dearborn. Well, I just tried directory asst. and they don't have any Balough's...I am spelling it right aren't I? Denny Rocca is from Flat Rock or something south of the Detroit area. I don't know if he has ever moved back here. He was in Columbus when I was there. There is another guy from the Royal Oak area...oh man what is his name. REAL tall. It will come to me. MANY 11th Corps were from this area.
Ya, I remember the "Fun" runs. I use to run with Mitch Thompson and he had the BOOK of Ephesians memorized and he would quote me it while we ran. It worked well. He was a faster runner and he would push me to run faster which made it so I COULDN'T talk and he would practice Ephesians with me. The farthest we ran together was 11 miles. Still a very proud moment for me to accomplish that. I still am in awe that I made it that far. I learned a lot about myself that day.
Here is a quote for you "Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out if they've got a second. Give your dreams all you've got and you'll be amazed at the energy that comes out of you." William James.
I had 3 or 4 winds that day to get through that race. I was amazing. I stretched and stretched after and didn't even get stiff. It was NOT fun but quite amazing.
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Too Gray Now
Hey there you guys - - - I know that some of you have been praying for my Cancer situation - and I just got my latest results back last week - (just in time for my 30 anniversary with Mrs. Too Gray.
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Out There
I looked back over some old posts on this site and see we have lost alot of posters, Are any of you still around? I just recently went wireless so I hope that as I travel maybe I can keep in touch (although I understand I have to find "hotspots" whatever they may be")
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methinks most of the 11th have a life and came in, they saw, they vent, they move on in life. methinks (unlike YOUR senior corpse) that us 11th and such don't need to just come in and say things like
:D-->, or,
;)--> or _____________.
the f7 I know don't even feel the need to come in here, let alone tell stories of pain, laughter, etc.
Wish I could go wireless. I travel too, but don't make enough $$ to get me a laptop. I also don't understand how/what/who etc to hook- up to TO EVEN GO WIRELESS.
well someday I will have enough $$ and possibly even understand.
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Out There
So thats my problem!! I need a life.
This is straight up pure revelation for my life. Suz , you must be a profitess
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i beg your pardon, ms.......
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Tom Strange
hey! we have a life! we just like each other!
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Out There
I've been busy the last few days but today I am back to not having a life. I was going to throw a party this afternoon but I'm sure I am the only one would come.
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i'll come i don't have a life
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I'd come to your party Out There,
and I'd guess Rev Exxie and Tom will too!!!
a profitess---YOU ARE CORRECT
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Out There
OK heres the plan,
Grab a beer or a nice glass of wine. (or in my case root beer and cream soda, I love this stuff) and sit at your keyboard and spray.
Chips, dip and reminiscing
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Let the reminiscing BEGIN.
I am equipted with my coffee, girls scout cookies chasing it all with potato chips and a pepsi...(gee could that be the reason for the second chin? Oh hell, who is counting???) I am ready for the long haul.
Frank you are here in MI with me right?
Pat and Joann Pugh are somewhere over there near you. They use to be in Grand Rapids. I think they are still in.
Chris Gremlick and Angie were here in the Detroit area but I don't know where they are now or if they are in or out.
Alright Out There...it is up to you get this crazy party going. We can play "can you top this story?" If Howard Walker joined in he would win with his Lead 104 story. In true Dave Bedard style we have to start the story...There I was...
I never did real well in that Christian Communications class because I was bloody intimadated because I was so young I didn't have these amazing stories that everyone else had. I remember someone telling this horrible story about their X husband and her having this horrible fight and it had Speghetti flying and someone getting hit and I think she was crying by the end. Geez, I was barely 21, I think the worse thing I could come up with was I THOUGHT I was locked in a bathroom when I was 8. TRAMATIC HUH? Ya, intimidated is what I was.
Anyway...get this party going Out there. I will be waiting for your Out there story or reminiscing.
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Out There
ps are you in MI?? what part of the state are you in? Geez I thought we were the only ones. Lena and I are still in Grand Rapids and expect to be here for a couple more years.
I haven't talked with the pughs since we graduated. They didn't have the best of reputations while they were here in Grand Rapids. its too bad though, throughout res I really liked them
Do you remember Lisa Wolfe? she is here in GR
I was sitting in my room, in the lower penninsula of Michigan when I said to my wife Lena, Lena..
Naw really, My biggest there I was story was the anger incident we had to have. I remember I wasn't geting mad enough and Davie Bedard started pointing his skinning finger into my chest and yelling at me at the top of his lungs. Quiete honestly I wanted to laugh my A$$ off. It was really hard to get mad when you had that little balding head going beserk on me.
I was kind a young when I started in res, maybe 23, wasn't much older when I graduated. I didn't really have any great "spiritual anger" It was fun though sitting one night with Larry Ramberg trying to make up a good "there I was" incident for the next day. We were masters of some Bull $h*t. I still talk to Larry once and while. He is a Cop now over in Illinois.
I had Meatloaf for dinner so I am really ready for some good junk food, pass the girl scout cookies...
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Too Gray Now
Hey, SUZ!!
Noticed that you are in IL, yes, no?? Or is your flight crew just based out of ORD?
Anyway, I gota go to CHI-Town, tomorrow and my business dinner date just canceled... so if you are stuck at the airport about 6:30pm - wanna meet for some deep dish?
Of course, you gotta clear this with GEO - but shoot!! I never did anything with ya I couldn't post in an open forum.
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Yes I am in the Detroit area. I was sent here with the naylors after we graduated. I was here 3 years and met my husband to be. Then he went wow and I went to Columbus OH for a year also with the Naylors (they didn't stay the whole year though) then I got married in the Detroit area and then we moved to Utah for 7 years and then tried to go inresidence and that is when my life in the Way turned into a Nightmare. We were released after 3 months and we came back up here and Allen Licht seemed to hate me from the day I touched foot here. I have no idea why. I tried to jump through every hoop for him too and it never was good enough. He M&Aed me more times for the most off the wall stuff. Finally broken hearted, defeated, frustrated I quit trying to come back and then the law suits started coming in on Craig from January and I was DONE. It all seemed to make sense...FINALLY. I know pretty slow on my part. I applaud you for leaving so eary on.
The Pughs are great people BUT they are yes men. They had to do a lot of dirty work for their leadership that you could tell they were totally uncomfortable doing. I hated to see them being used. My brothers WOW sister Elizabeth Smith lives there in Grand Rapids with her husband Randy and their 3 daughters. (She graduated from the 15th wc I think)
Yes I remember Lisa Wolfe. We sat next to each other, we got eachothers mail and I was called Lisa more then Patty. She was always a good friend of mine. It helped having the same last name...a bonding no matter what. We stayed in contact with each other after she left for quite a while. I forgot though that she was from MI. I think I would have guessed WI.
You know Jill Ann Craney-Nebas is in the area too right? She is over here by me. I wonder if Lynn Balough is around.
I will continue when I get home. Bye for now
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Oh To Grey, sooooo kewel,
called your lovely Mrs and gave her my cell number so I hope you call me!!
and for you Grand Rapids folks,
I do overnights there all the time!!
anyone want to hook up with me??
I stay at the Hilton,
sorry you can't private message me w/info but
I am not allowed, only the chosen ones are
and I am a baaaaaaaad baaaaaaad girl who isn't
BUT my email is aegirl@gmail.com
so email me w/your info if you want to hook up
at the Hilton in GRR sometime. They have a great bar we could meet at, or a pool and
hot tub!!
let me know.
OMG Patty talking about Gremlich, I have a story about him,
wonder if I already told it or not??
oh well,
once while he was at IC,,,,,after a long boring
class we went to my room for coffee and cookies,
you 11th were easy to impress...lol
(since I had kidletts we needed such things
for survival)
anyway Chris came to my room, and of course there wern't any chairs, so we layed down in my
bed and fell fast asleep.
My room mate came in, SHOCKED,,,hell it was obvious we were dead tired, our coffee cold,
cookie crumbs on our faces...like 2 dead girl scouts,,,lol,
anyway the story goes I slept w/Chris...
heardtell from the last leadership waycrapolla
that they were still in, he is a leader now!!!
he was in Duluth with my husband for a couple years after corpse.
I also do Marquette layovers in case you MI folks know anyone up that far north. You guys are tough as nails doing the MI gig,,,DAMN its cold. I go through Traverse City but never an overnight yet, but GRR is a common one for me.
Patty what happened to the Naylors?? I had heard they got divorced but didn't know where they landed.
hey also Patty I will be in Detroit in July for a wedding, maybe you could come and find me where I am.
another story???
once i decided i wanted to go to the athletes confrence. (hey i was single and looking at guys butts like the best of them, lol)
so i went and some guy wanted to make out with me,,,,wth, so we were somewhere at euphoria making out,,,,,and we got busted. i tried playing stupid, but whoever it was that was on bust patrol knew me and said, "Suzie you know the rules". Dammit anyway, kind of ruined it for me being nobody believer not knowing the rules. it was funny, the guy had no idea i was corpse. i obviously didn't act like it. loved to break every rule i could if/when possible.
i told you i was a baaaaad baaaaad girl.
and you guys never told me the places to go and make out or anything.
any of you remember Larry Hanson who was CD your last year in rez?? blue van, from PA
just wonderin.....
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Yes part of my exciting life includes Bowling. I bowl every Wednesday AM. 147/153/159. Wow, what a hot dog huh? Yeah right.
Anyway I am home now. Now to work on my Tupperware. I am just the all american at-home-mom who is looking for any outlet to talk someone around my age.
Oh man that cracks me up that you made up some of your stories. Damn that is good. That could go into my book "How to go through the WC without Holy Spirit" Gary Padget and were co-authors of this BIG seller to all Apprentice Corps. Larry Ramburg...he was a funny guy. Wow a cop in Illinois...that is great. I never knew you were such a reprobate...I love that.
OK on to Suz.
Let me know when in July and I will hunt you down. I am trying to make my way to Washington State by car with my 3 kids June 15-July 15. My husband is going to fly out to Spokane June 30-July 9th. got any good rate ideas for us? What part of Washington do you live in? We will be in Spokane for awhile and in Coulee Dam on the Columbia river (I went through Grade School in that little town...I love it) and I am going to see my sister in Everett. Then plug my way back home.
Hey, the reason we never told you a good place to make out at is because there weren't any. Every square inch of the campus was taken up with people especially our first year. You definately needed to be inventive there.
The 11th WC was a very inventive group. lol.
OH ya the Naylors. Yes I also heard that they got a divorce. I am sure they still live in the pan handle of Florida. Bruce was from Indiana but Carole was from Florida. Their daughter must be 18 years old now. WOW. How time flys. It is hard to believe they got a divorce. I always wondered what happen.
Well, I guess I better get back to my life.
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I am in Chicago currently BUT, our house in WA where Geo is stil w/the 17yr old son..., the house and all that, is close to Everett. You must make sure you call him. HE can get private messaging, get in touch w/him and I am sure he would love to visit w/you. I am not sure when/where the wedding is in Detroit, but I believe its at the end of July, so maybe you will be around.
anticipitating To Grey Now calling me and we can get together. I have known him since 75 so can't wait.
btw, I also remember Lisa Wolfe.
bring her along if/when you see me in GRR.
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Out There
Hey, getting together would be great. I am in Connecticut right now but expect to be back in GRR next week. After I get back we can talk about da tales.
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Too Gray Now
Sorry it didn't work out - but you know what it is like, traveling these days... -
Hey, but it was great to hear your voice, again. You sound like your young self, to me!!
Anyway, I should probably have told Mrs. Too Gray that I was trying to hook up with you.
She was pretty suprised to get a call from you using your married name - she did not recognize you, at all... our conversation went something like this after I hung up the phone with you;
"So who is this woman trying to meet my husband after hours... in Chicago... HMMMM??? That he neglected to tell me about!!" LOL
After 27 years of marriage I said, "Honey, I told you all about her... she is the one I used to sleep with, you know, like my Sister..." She said, "Oh!! Her! I hope you get to meet up!"
Now, you see, only a cult or a commune could have produced such a situation as this
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our spouses!! lucky they understand.
I still think of poor George meeting you, Dave McQuillin, Hal Smith, Chris Gremlech, Paul Hurlburt,
and I think Hal saying, "oh by the way George, (his first corpse week-lol)we have all slept with Suzie!"
George laughed, remember that at a lunch or something??
the way I asked your wife if she remembered me was, "remember when you were at IC and there was a woman who had the balls to show her birth slides of her son being born during show and tell?" (or whatever the hell they called that gig where you uh,,uh,,
SHARED something....
anyway she said, "oh yeah I sorta remember..."
And you my friend teased me saying, "Suz the things I never knew about you....."
geeze what the hell was I thinking??
keeping us w/out sleep really did skew our thinking obviously.
anyway hopefully the next time we WILL hook-up.
so close too,
love ya MR GRAY
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Out There
Hey Suz when you arer in GR let us know. Lena is a tax accountant so she is really busy until April 16th however weekends she is around. I am back in town now and expect to be here for a while
PS - where are the Naylors today. I heard Bruce was selling Real Estate in Detroit? Who else from the 11th is in or around Michigan?? I don't think the Pughs are still here in GR but I could be mistaken.
Do you remember the Saturday morning Fun Runs? The only thing that made them fun was knowing that afterwards we had the rest of the day to ourselves and saturday evening there was a chance of getting a beer at Phils. Therer was another place in Emporia that had a glass that was around 24 inches tall. this made the 2 drink limit tolerable.
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The Naylor's and I moved to Columbus OH in 86 and they only stayed there awhile before they moved down to the pan handle of Florida. I think he did some realty there but I know forwure that he wrote for the newspaper about the fishing in the area. My husband was so jealous of his job. "Gee, hun, I need to go do research for my column be back later." and then go an drown some worms. "WHAT A LIFE."
Jill Ann Craney/Nebas is in White Lake which is about an hour from me. Pat Lebomski is in Ann Arbor. I just got a little message from Darrel Hampton yesterday AM he is out in Utah...skiing. I am not sure where Lou Gigou is but his brother is up near Flint with Sara Wierwille Gigou (spelling?). Not sure about anyone else. I wouldn't be surprised if Lynn Balough was around here somewhere because this is where she was from. Her parents lived in Dearborn. Well, I just tried directory asst. and they don't have any Balough's...I am spelling it right aren't I? Denny Rocca is from Flat Rock or something south of the Detroit area. I don't know if he has ever moved back here. He was in Columbus when I was there. There is another guy from the Royal Oak area...oh man what is his name. REAL tall. It will come to me. MANY 11th Corps were from this area.
Ya, I remember the "Fun" runs. I use to run with Mitch Thompson and he had the BOOK of Ephesians memorized and he would quote me it while we ran. It worked well. He was a faster runner and he would push me to run faster which made it so I COULDN'T talk and he would practice Ephesians with me. The farthest we ran together was 11 miles. Still a very proud moment for me to accomplish that. I still am in awe that I made it that far. I learned a lot about myself that day.
Here is a quote for you "Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out if they've got a second. Give your dreams all you've got and you'll be amazed at the energy that comes out of you." William James.
I had 3 or 4 winds that day to get through that race. I was amazing. I stretched and stretched after and didn't even get stiff. It was NOT fun but quite amazing.
Good ole Phils...tipsy time. Yippee.
Well gotta go.
more soon.
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Out There, sorry I can't private message to get your info,,,,,hmmm
well my email is
please send phone numbers or whatever you like to help me find you!
you now know where I stay, they have a pool, a bar, a resturant, its next to smokey bones on that busy street in town...lol
anyway I would love to hook up,
I believe I have re-hooked up with more people than anyone on GS!!
I not only am not afraid to meet old friends, but also NOW have the means to see people being an FA nowdays,
sometimes we are in GRR for long overnights, other times for short ones,
so if/when I have your numbers, info...etc
we could meet and hook up and talk old times or just visit, swim, eat, whatever.
I am not as scary as you might have heard,
nor as evil.....
(well maybe just a little....)
anyway let me know,
ps-hey Patty I told Geo you would be around in the summer and he would love to see you.
our info is in whitepages.com or however you want to get in touch w/him
the wedding in Detroit is the end of July at some big hotel. I will be easy to find!
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Out There
SUZ I sent you an EMail w/ info
You don't sound very evil, well maybe just a little bit...
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She ain't evil at all! She was at our place last Saturday, along with ExWayDarryl, and was absolutely delightful!
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