I am embarrassed to write again…I am amazed some one didn’t mention the echo on this sight blaring from my post. Geez. I was correcting my spelling. I am sure you all could put up with some typos and misspelled words over having it on there 3 times…anyway Sorry about that.
Marshal Cheek I am not sure where he was from or that he was an undertaker but I do know he was an incredible artist and did the HUGE ceramic display of the United States in the new VPW auditorium.
Is Dillard and Fay still married? Erik Jenson married a girl from up here in the Detroit area…Amy (My husband and I got married at her parents home on Lake St. Clair…beautiful home and very generous of them) and he was up here for awhile I don’t know if he is still around or not. Where is Dave Hanson, what a wonderful gentle giant he was (probably still is). Chris Gremlec (married Angie 13th WC) and they were my branch leaders for a minute or two up here in the Detroit area before I was “mark and avoid†gee I think that was the second time. Chris really tried to go to bat for me and almost got booted out with me I think. The limb leaders here were just looking for ways to get rid of me and boy they came up with some flimsy dang but oh well. Chris was just stuck in the middle. Bob Sull was a funny guy. He had a real dry sense of humor. I never got to know Charlie Parsons.
I had to laugh at your comment about all men. I noticed that my favorite people were all guys too I put in some woman at the end so it wasn’t so noticeable. I know I had some very dear friends that were girls some how the guys stand out.
Gail Neavers? Or something like that. When I was at IC I was the receptionist and I ....ed Bob Moynihan off on a daily basis because I would page kids…LOL I didn’t know. Eventually they made me the midnight receptionist. Thank God for the bless patrol keeping me awake. It was a great shift though because I had off when everyone else was working. It was a challenging job because it was mental work and I am far better at labor.
Some of my other very favorite guys were. Gordy James. Him and I would get laughing so hard we would both have tears running down our face, for the life of me I don’t know what we talked about. We would just get crazier and crazier about stuff. Marvin Shott, and Dave Smolerack (sp?) I spent so much time with them my last year inresidence traveling the across the US in Marvin’s van and Dave being the “Nagâ€avator. The two of them together were hysterical.
Mike Frithiof was a good friend with my brother before going inresidence. We also could laugh for days together, last I knew of him and his wife they were in Columbus. Brett Linneger (sp?) another VERY entertaining Corps Brother. He was here in MI for 3 years after Graduation. I think he went to Indiana after that, I don’t know where he is now.
Frank I remember you but I am drawing a blank with your last name. Lena is a cutie. She was so small and powerful. Funny I keep referring to everyone in the past tense. I guess that was how I know everyone now, nothing current.
Interesting all my reminiscing revolves around LAUGHTER. I must give great credit to all of them that they were all very amazing people the other way too. I would trust any one of them with my life and I know IF the chips were ever down they would have been there to help…oh, unless I was ‘mark and avoid†and they were still in. Strange how we allowed people we didn’t know personally (BOT) to mandate what we thought and treated people we KNEW. Amazing.
the queen of misspelling here, so never apologize for misspelling or typos,
those of us who power read/type/etc
never notice such things.
Marshall was from MS cause he got involved while I was a wow in Jackson,(75) he had the funniest stories EVER!! I didn't even know he was 11th corpse but a great match for him!
hell I didn't know Vicki was till we re-hooked up here in GS (I knew her also from WA state from the 70's)
what a guy.
anyway Dillard I don't know about, I know other things about Dillard but not of his present condition.....
Erik lives in Charolette NC, so does Amy, not sure of their marital status,
Bob Sull is in CA, home for him, supports a local exwayfer church thingy.
Gail was a hoot, we would get her to sing sometimes, she had a great voice. We all loved her, wonder where she landed. Her daughter LaToysa was Frank Schiff's kid.
Gail was my room mate our last session in rez.
once Chris G came to my room after a late night of "teaching" in the chapel. I offered him coffee, we layed on the bed to talk, I mean where else was there to talk,,,,,,
we BOTH FELL ASLEEP, Gail came in and did the throat huh humm.......
we woke, coffee cold, embarassed, but mostly just, oh well we fell asleep, kind of thing.
funny, my husband knew Chris well also, we laugh about me and Chris, "sleeping together" often.
I also remember much of the laughter.
Chris Newcomb (f7)did the best skits at IC, he was so talented and wonderful. His skits were the best and always a laugh riot.
Joe Phillips(f7) was nice and wonderful too, I loved him and his family.
Alan Jewett (f7) was a doll, his wife reciently died, although she was remarried to someone else but I love/loved Alan.
Hal Smith was my best bud in rez. He was f7 and his wife was 4th corpse grad stuff, Has was always a friend, bud, doll, loved him so much. Slept many a time next to him in class many a night, my husband also speaks of Hal, the other guy I slept with....
Once I was sunbathing in the area in front of the campus, a closed treed area, out by the motes. I woke (in my bikini, minding my own business, sunbathing in little or nothing :D-->)doing my best to hide my body behind the closed treed area.....I awoke just knowing something was wrong....
HAL was ooogoling my foot!!!
I turned over and asked what the hell he was doing??? He said, "just looking".....
funny guy he was, I would go to his room and his wife would say, "your girlfriend is here".
we were the rebels of f7, I say we, but I was and there was a few who joined in the rebellion, maybe thats why the corpse life didn't adversley affect me so much.
I should tell the story of the swimming pool, but I have told it before....to bad I don't have private messaging or I could relay it to you. (sorry I don't have the "privledge" here on gs...but I am a bad bad girl....)
I wish I remembered you ps....
but alas, I don't and there are many I don't remember anymore...something to do w/age and time.
I need a life. Not really. I have a list a mile long to do and I would rather do this. Oh well. Procrastination can be enjoyable.
At first I thought you were the Suz that married George Aar. I knew George from AL my interm year in B'ham Alabama. He lived with Barry Coffman 13th Wc. I had a great time with Barry. George helped my VERY young helpless WOW family very many times until the Limb Coord. reproved us and George for helping. I see on the sight here that George is in Washington.
I remember Chris Newcomb but I don't remember him being that hysterical. Somehow I must have missed the skits. Alan Jewett I remember. I got their when he did his birthday sharing and he talked about taking PFAL when Donnie Fugit taught the class live and he had all the posters done in deglow paint and when it was time for a chart they would turn off the lights and turn on the black light. I LOVED IT. I was very close with Donnie and had heard about his live PFAL class and how that came about BUT it was so special to hear Alan's story of being in the class. I had a huge crush on him. I never talked to him because I just enjoyed watching him from a far...this is the FIRST TIME I have ever told anyone that. I was only like 20 and he was a lot older then me...everyone was. His wife was beautiful...Chris right?
The Clarks were my special friends of F7. You heard he died right? About a year ago. It was their special mission to get me hooked up with someone it was so cute. Geez, I just went back through the emails I thought that information was in and didn't see it and now I am second guessing myself. I hate that when I do that.
When you bring up names it jogs my mind but I spent a couple months inresidence with F22 I think it was until we were kicked out...ya that is a story in and of itself. Geez. So I get people I know from one mixed in my mind from the early days.
For some reason I don't rmember Joe Phillips or Hal Smith. What were their wives names do you remember? I don't even remember my twig. I was there the end of your first year. We were the first 11th "regular" corps to come to the campus. We worked on the F5 graduation and the Advanced Class. We were there for the whole block though. I am going to have to find those diaries..thisis driving me crazy.
All these names and so many mempries. I have been out of the loop for so long I've forgotten. The last function I was at was where Don Weirwille said the Passing of the patriarch was a lie and CG had pulled the wool over everyones eyes.
I can't tell you what that did to me. I walked out of that meeting ...
It was like hearing the Captain of the Titanic say "The pool is open"
I think that was 1989? GAWD! has it been that many years, Please tell me I haven't aged that much. I stil try to think of myself as a 23 year old wild stallion.
Abissi of course. Were you not the #1 chair alphabetically? Ya, I was 10th from the end or something. I only had Youndblood, Zola, Zylstra behind me and boy did we have fun.
Oh Frank I am sure that Lena sees you the same way you wild stalion you!!
I respect your forsight to walk out that day. I hung around for years and I have got to say nothing much good happened in my life through those years. A lot of frustration and hurt. In depth spiritual perception??? Not so much.
Let me tell you I haven't seen any of them or talked to most of them I mentioned since our 10th Anniversary and some who left before that like you.
I have a list of 11th WC and every now and then I run across it in my never ending quest for organizing and weeding out and I go back over the names. I try to see their faces and It saddens me when no face comes to mind any more. I still see you and Lena. I don't think we ever worked on anything together. Never in the same twig, or work crew. I knew you two though. I knew you two were married too. I had forgotten that though. Did you two get married at the Corps weddings?
Well, thanks for sharing Frank. Geez, what was the guys name Cindy married then? He was one of the younger guys. John??? Gee, every other person was named John huh?
That was Thompson's first name. He was the farmer from MN and had a motorcycle. It is driving me crazy. He was a good man.
Suz has met me a few times and I am quite sure we had some fun together during my brief stint at IC.
I knew who Suz was before I met George. So I knew them both seperate from each other. I know forsure during Corps Week one year her and I partied around some huge table at a farm somewhere around HQ. I have no idea whose house, who I came with and how long I was there BUT I remember walking in and Suz and George were there. I am sure we laughed quite a lot, told stupid stories, drank and left. I can't even tell you who was else there besides suz and George.
I envied anyone who got to sit in the back row. You have no idea how many times I recieved a shower from someone spewing forth from the podium. I now have a phobia about front rows
PS, we were never in a twig together but I remember we talked together on a number of occasions.
Do you remember Slim Dawson? ( I think he later went by Clark Dawson) I never saw him again after we graduated and wondered what ever became of him.
I believe it was ours. Geo (yes same one, I just got a new job as a flight attendant and I changed my profile so others could see I hang with cool dudes like Steve, Cindy and Daryl)
and I had a farm house in Buckland. It was huge and we love living there, far enough away and a nice place for not much money. We did a party once but not many people showed up. If you were laughing it probably was with me at my house, we had a huge kitchen w/a huge table in it, a keg, and party food!
Joe and Bonnie Phillips f7, Short, red haired guy, Bonnie, little petite. Sweet couple.
I knew Clarks well, it was way over a year ago he died, his wife said she thought it was of a broken heart, they both were sweeties, especially him.
Alan was married to Chris and yes she was a looker.
Chris Newcomb was married to a girl named Robin, they had two girls like Joe & Bonnie.
Zylstra, he was a fun guy, George worked with him on staff when we were there.
Hal Smiths wifes name was Nancy, like I said she was like 4th corpse grad. Hal was sweet and quiet, but I love(d) him so!
well he loved me too...lol
The Diaspara's were a kick too, all the NYers were fun.
so you wern't there when we did the pool thing then ps???
a whole nother story...
I am a bbbaaaaaadddd baaaadddd girl.
Do you remember Shelia from AR then ps??
she married a guy named Rod Wedner (non corpse God forbid).
how bout Cindy and husband Moser??
I was a Wickler and so thankful NOT to sit in the front rows.
Once our first year someone passed around a sexually explicit letter during the class where they teach us to cut our hair, that sort of crap, forget what it was called?
anyway that note went around and we were all cracking up so hard, damn felt sorry for the teacher.
I used to sleep so bad during class and Hal would try to wake me ALL the TIME. Once after class Phil Diasparra asked if I need to be ministered to, I asked why and he said from whiplash from my head bobbing so badly in class.
I think God helped me sleep so I didn't listen to the .... on a regular basis.
well getting up at 4am had a lot to do with it too.... :D-->
Nancy Kegley was with me on our intrim year in NJ, did you know that??
she was a beauty. (still is!) she married DJ Moran and they live in NC.
I remember Slim, I also wonder what happened to him, he was a nice guy.
I have a phobia of the front row too. I have never been there and wouldn't know how to act. I don't think I EVER got called on for retemories. I flew under the radar. I think I successfully made it through the WC without John Lynn even knowing I existed. I never got much attention from Tom Jenkins, Micheal Fort somehow remembered me for years...not sure why. Dave Bedard if he squinted MIGHT have remembered me. I am quite positive JAL never knew me. Bob Moynihan only knew me to yell at me to not page kids while I was the receptionist other then that I didn't have much to do with him either while inresidence. Later I got to know them at a Family Camp.
Slim Dawson...very good friend of mine. We were on our interm year together in Alabama. Funny thing about his car though. His radio ONLY played country western music. I couldn't get anything else on it. Of course we were in Alabama I am sure that helped too. Paul Knoff was in the area too. I was a very blessed gal to have those two with me my interm year. They took very good care of me. Slim taught me how to skin a squirrel. PRICELESS huh? I walked into his kitchen and there in the sink was this cute dead squirrel hanging upside down just waiting for the lesson. There was this place in the town he was in "MountainBrook" very classy areas, unbelievable mansions but there was one street Slim called "squirrel lane" because there were always squirrels dead in the road. He would slow up open his door grab their tail and throw it in the floor boards of his car and go home and make squirrel stew...it tasted a lot like chicken.
I am drawing a blank on his wifes name. She was 11th WC and a great seamstress and an older sister who is a corps grad also a great seamstress. I know they had one son named some LONG old testament name. I can only assume they are somewhere in Texas. I can't imagine him anywhere else in the world and be happy. He was very close with his mom who was a very classy LADY (yes in all caps). I sure hope that marriage survived. Geez, Debbie is the only name that keeps coming to my mind for her but I am quite sure that isn't it. It will come to me or one of you. I never got to spend any time with Slim our last year because he was working on the Auditorium the whole year. He barely made it in for Graduation it was that way for so many of our Corps men.
They pressured him into going by Clark. It was never his choice. They were giving him the big picture that when he is ordained clergy and leading a large group it would be more respectful for them to refer to him as Clark. I am sure he promptly went back to Slim. His presence, stature and personality brought him respect not the name on the nametag. He was a good man and a good friend of mine.
I remember when I first saw him on campus I tried talking to him (we were walking back from that drug store across from the campus in Emporia) and he was short with me. Basically he just blew me off. I was not impressed at all with him. I set it in my mind to get to know the heart of Slim. Rochelle and Slim were the only two I really felt like I needed to do that with and it paid off 100 fold with both.
Wow that was your place. I can't remember who I went their with. Were you friends with the Bocks? Cliff and Phylis? Maybe I went with Phylis. She was like a big sister to me. I always stayed at their place during Corps Week. I sure would like to knwo how they are doing.
Now are you and George still married? Do you ever remember meeting Barry Coffman? If so do you know what ever happen to him?
A good George story. My wow family was all girls and none over 21. George came by and got us all and took us to the grocery store and filled the back of his truck with Groceries (his treat). It was wonderful. We were damsels in distress and his household was more then glad to help us any way they could. John McCave our Limb Coord. brought that to a screech halt. Now that I think about it I think he told the WOW's and regular believer that we couldn't be together at all for at least 6 months. We did pretty good about that rule but as the year went on the more disreguard we paid to it. I wasn't to be with my Corps brothers either but Slim and I spent at least one day a month together.
I still can't place Joe and Bonnie Phillips. Did they have kids?
Chris and Robin...I remember them. I remember Hal and Nancy now too. She was a very pretty woman and very kind.
Diaspara's...what were their first names? Oh I see Phil...what was his wifes name?
I finally remember who I was in Twig with. Jenny and her husband whose name I can't remember...but she was an incredible artist. I really liked them. The twig coordinators was the couple from NY. He was a very successful business man. Their names escape me right now. I really enjoyed being with them. It was great to be at IC.
I don't remember the pool incident...darn you you bad girl. Give me a hint maybe it loosen the cobwebs.
Was Sheila F7? I need more info to remember her.
Cindy and Bob Moser. I don't know where they are but they were great.
Body Soul and Spirit was what that was called. I always enjoyed that.
Hank Zylstra was our sleeper, I was known to fall asleep but Hank was out cold. So Hank and I had this joke going that when ever I went up to him i would shake him like he was sleep walking. I always wondered how he ever learned anything. He was a GREAT man. Karen was a real sweet heart too.
Nancy Kegley was great. No I didn't know you two were together. DJ was 13th WC? She had a beautiful smile. That is good they are doing well.
Well back to real life. I started this earlier and this wonderful contraption froze up on me...:(--> grrr.
He said, "yeah a good deed never got missed as a chance to reem someone."
funny guy,
shelia's maiden name was mc donald. she was 9th corpse.
phil diasparra's wife was also shelia, they had a son named paul, that shelia was also very pretty with long hair.
DeMers, Jenny and Ray geeze they were my corps coordinators when I went to WI. (after graduation) We were there with Roy Sweudland also ( All the Swedulands were a sweet family)
Joe and Bonnie also had 2 girls, they were wonderful. they live in VA now
Chip and Pat Estey were wonderful, they are in ID now I believe.
All the people I knew and loved I have since re-connected with. Life is to short NOT to find the gems in your heart, people who impacted you with a gentle spirit, a kind heart, a true person who loved YOU not IF/WHEN you knew your stupid PFAL books, etc.
Linda Tokash-she had 2 boys in rez, we were always buds and I still talk to her once in a while, also Laura Rellinger, she had one son Chris. I have seen her lately even, what a kick to re-connect with people.
You could go to whitepages.com and look up Slim, just put in TX and see who shows up.
I have found, called and re-connected with many that way.
Do you remember Sam Coburn?? him and his wife had 3 daughters in rez, he found me from posting in here!! Same with Kris Weeks!!
so you never know what/who/when will re-touch your heart in some way or another.
I guess we are hogging this forum!!
oh well, 11th corpses should join in the fun anyway, and I have given up on f7, they are gonners....like you said, we all were the same corpse...just different locations!
Geo and I are still married, my job has only taken me to Chicago, he came to visit me last week and I will go there in a couple weeks to see him and my kidletts, me and Geo had 2, our daughter will be 19 in a few weeks and my BABY--turned 17 in Dec. So Geo is home with the kidlett (jr in hs).
I had to laugh today when I realized you moved from the end of Alphabet WAY to the front with AAR, you are even before Aardvark.
Yes I remember Sheila...she was first twig coordinator inresidence. It seems like whe was Alabama too after she graduated. How did you know Sheila?
Oh man the Diasparra's are driving me crazy along with the Phillips...I know if I saw them I would remember them.
I remember the Estey's and Linda Tokash, Laura Rellinger, Sam Coburn (good looking man) Isn't Kris Weeks 11th WC?
I have been straining the brain on Slim's wifes name. I keep comin up with Robin but not sure if I am right or even close to being right.
Well, I guess hogging is ok when we are the only two. I was hoping Howard would stop in or Frank hang around a bit longer.
I have 3 kids Nick 16, Max 12 and sweet Molly 7. I was thinking I would spread them out so I could thoroughly enjoy each of them...I am thinking now there isn't much to enjoy...LOL...I am joking.
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Maybe I'll buy some more fish someday but for now.. Done!
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lena nardone ?
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Dearest Excie, I am humbled by your presence dear elder corps.....
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Yes, Lena Nardone.
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Vickles - that means that you have an IM identifier listed in your profile.
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Marshall Cheek from MISSISSIPPI??
if its the same one, God he was a funny guy, used to be an undertaker????
same one??
Dillard is still in OH I believe.
He was at IC for quite a while,
tell him I said hi if you talk to him
some of my favorites (llth corpse)
Erik Jenson (drummer) Kris Weeks, David Hanson, Chris Gremlec (sadly still in) Bob Sull, Charlie Parsons (he married my corpse sister Wilma f7)
all guys??? hmmm,
well I know where all but Chris are in case any of you want to know. All great guys.
welcome Patty,
I forgot about the chicken slaughter house, I only had to do it once in rez. kinda stinky in there....
freaked out Gail-(black lady f7)she avoided it till the bitter end of in rez.
anyway fun to laugh about some of these things,
hey btw PS, ya should have written that book!
Funny ideas!
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I am embarrassed to write again…I am amazed some one didn’t mention the echo on this sight blaring from my post. Geez. I was correcting my spelling. I am sure you all could put up with some typos and misspelled words over having it on there 3 times…anyway Sorry about that.
Marshal Cheek I am not sure where he was from or that he was an undertaker but I do know he was an incredible artist and did the HUGE ceramic display of the United States in the new VPW auditorium.
Is Dillard and Fay still married? Erik Jenson married a girl from up here in the Detroit area…Amy (My husband and I got married at her parents home on Lake St. Clair…beautiful home and very generous of them) and he was up here for awhile I don’t know if he is still around or not. Where is Dave Hanson, what a wonderful gentle giant he was (probably still is). Chris Gremlec (married Angie 13th WC) and they were my branch leaders for a minute or two up here in the Detroit area before I was “mark and avoid†gee I think that was the second time. Chris really tried to go to bat for me and almost got booted out with me I think. The limb leaders here were just looking for ways to get rid of me and boy they came up with some flimsy dang but oh well. Chris was just stuck in the middle. Bob Sull was a funny guy. He had a real dry sense of humor. I never got to know Charlie Parsons.
I had to laugh at your comment about all men. I noticed that my favorite people were all guys too I put in some woman at the end so it wasn’t so noticeable. I know I had some very dear friends that were girls some how the guys stand out.
Gail Neavers? Or something like that. When I was at IC I was the receptionist and I ....ed Bob Moynihan off on a daily basis because I would page kids…LOL I didn’t know. Eventually they made me the midnight receptionist. Thank God for the bless patrol keeping me awake. It was a great shift though because I had off when everyone else was working. It was a challenging job because it was mental work and I am far better at labor.
Some of my other very favorite guys were. Gordy James. Him and I would get laughing so hard we would both have tears running down our face, for the life of me I don’t know what we talked about. We would just get crazier and crazier about stuff. Marvin Shott, and Dave Smolerack (sp?) I spent so much time with them my last year inresidence traveling the across the US in Marvin’s van and Dave being the “Nagâ€avator. The two of them together were hysterical.
Mike Frithiof was a good friend with my brother before going inresidence. We also could laugh for days together, last I knew of him and his wife they were in Columbus. Brett Linneger (sp?) another VERY entertaining Corps Brother. He was here in MI for 3 years after Graduation. I think he went to Indiana after that, I don’t know where he is now.
Frank I remember you but I am drawing a blank with your last name. Lena is a cutie. She was so small and powerful. Funny I keep referring to everyone in the past tense. I guess that was how I know everyone now, nothing current.
Interesting all my reminiscing revolves around LAUGHTER. I must give great credit to all of them that they were all very amazing people the other way too. I would trust any one of them with my life and I know IF the chips were ever down they would have been there to help…oh, unless I was ‘mark and avoid†and they were still in. Strange how we allowed people we didn’t know personally (BOT) to mandate what we thought and treated people we KNEW. Amazing.
OK, this is it. I promise no echos.
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you misspelled something?? hmfff,
you don't expect ME to notice do you?? lol
the queen of misspelling here, so never apologize for misspelling or typos,
those of us who power read/type/etc
never notice such things.
Marshall was from MS cause he got involved while I was a wow in Jackson,(75) he had the funniest stories EVER!! I didn't even know he was 11th corpse but a great match for him!
hell I didn't know Vicki was till we re-hooked up here in GS (I knew her also from WA state from the 70's)
what a guy.
anyway Dillard I don't know about, I know other things about Dillard but not of his present condition.....
Erik lives in Charolette NC, so does Amy, not sure of their marital status,
Bob Sull is in CA, home for him, supports a local exwayfer church thingy.
Gail was a hoot, we would get her to sing sometimes, she had a great voice. We all loved her, wonder where she landed. Her daughter LaToysa was Frank Schiff's kid.
Gail was my room mate our last session in rez.
once Chris G came to my room after a late night of "teaching" in the chapel. I offered him coffee, we layed on the bed to talk, I mean where else was there to talk,,,,,,
we BOTH FELL ASLEEP, Gail came in and did the throat huh humm.......
we woke, coffee cold, embarassed, but mostly just, oh well we fell asleep, kind of thing.
funny, my husband knew Chris well also, we laugh about me and Chris, "sleeping together" often.
I also remember much of the laughter.
Chris Newcomb (f7)did the best skits at IC, he was so talented and wonderful. His skits were the best and always a laugh riot.
Joe Phillips(f7) was nice and wonderful too, I loved him and his family.
Alan Jewett (f7) was a doll, his wife reciently died, although she was remarried to someone else but I love/loved Alan.
Hal Smith was my best bud in rez. He was f7 and his wife was 4th corpse grad stuff, Has was always a friend, bud, doll, loved him so much. Slept many a time next to him in class many a night, my husband also speaks of Hal, the other guy I slept with....
Once I was sunbathing in the area in front of the campus, a closed treed area, out by the motes. I woke (in my bikini, minding my own business, sunbathing in little or nothing
:D-->)doing my best to hide my body behind the closed treed area.....I awoke just knowing something was wrong....
HAL was ooogoling my foot!!!
I turned over and asked what the hell he was doing??? He said, "just looking".....
funny guy he was, I would go to his room and his wife would say, "your girlfriend is here".
we were the rebels of f7, I say we, but I was and there was a few who joined in the rebellion, maybe thats why the corpse life didn't adversley affect me so much.
I should tell the story of the swimming pool, but I have told it before....to bad I don't have private messaging or I could relay it to you. (sorry I don't have the "privledge" here on gs...but I am a bad bad girl....)
I wish I remembered you ps....
but alas, I don't and there are many I don't remember anymore...something to do w/age and time.
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I need a life. Not really. I have a list a mile long to do and I would rather do this. Oh well. Procrastination can be enjoyable.
At first I thought you were the Suz that married George Aar. I knew George from AL my interm year in B'ham Alabama. He lived with Barry Coffman 13th Wc. I had a great time with Barry. George helped my VERY young helpless WOW family very many times until the Limb Coord. reproved us and George for helping. I see on the sight here that George is in Washington.
I remember Chris Newcomb but I don't remember him being that hysterical. Somehow I must have missed the skits. Alan Jewett I remember. I got their when he did his birthday sharing and he talked about taking PFAL when Donnie Fugit taught the class live and he had all the posters done in deglow paint and when it was time for a chart they would turn off the lights and turn on the black light. I LOVED IT. I was very close with Donnie and had heard about his live PFAL class and how that came about BUT it was so special to hear Alan's story of being in the class. I had a huge crush on him. I never talked to him because I just enjoyed watching him from a far...this is the FIRST TIME I have ever told anyone that. I was only like 20 and he was a lot older then me...everyone was. His wife was beautiful...Chris right?
The Clarks were my special friends of F7. You heard he died right? About a year ago. It was their special mission to get me hooked up with someone it was so cute. Geez, I just went back through the emails I thought that information was in and didn't see it and now I am second guessing myself. I hate that when I do that.
When you bring up names it jogs my mind but I spent a couple months inresidence with F22 I think it was until we were kicked out...ya that is a story in and of itself. Geez. So I get people I know from one mixed in my mind from the early days.
For some reason I don't rmember Joe Phillips or Hal Smith. What were their wives names do you remember? I don't even remember my twig. I was there the end of your first year. We were the first 11th "regular" corps to come to the campus. We worked on the F5 graduation and the Advanced Class. We were there for the whole block though. I am going to have to find those diaries..thisis driving me crazy.
More too soon I am sure.
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Out There
All these names and so many mempries. I have been out of the loop for so long I've forgotten. The last function I was at was where Don Weirwille said the Passing of the patriarch was a lie and CG had pulled the wool over everyones eyes.
I can't tell you what that did to me. I walked out of that meeting ...
It was like hearing the Captain of the Titanic say "The pool is open"
I think that was 1989? GAWD! has it been that many years, Please tell me I haven't aged that much. I stil try to think of myself as a 23 year old wild stallion.
Oh PS - It's Abissi
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Abissi of course. Were you not the #1 chair alphabetically? Ya, I was 10th from the end or something. I only had Youndblood, Zola, Zylstra behind me and boy did we have fun.
Oh Frank I am sure that Lena sees you the same way you wild stalion you!!
I respect your forsight to walk out that day. I hung around for years and I have got to say nothing much good happened in my life through those years. A lot of frustration and hurt. In depth spiritual perception??? Not so much.
Let me tell you I haven't seen any of them or talked to most of them I mentioned since our 10th Anniversary and some who left before that like you.
I have a list of 11th WC and every now and then I run across it in my never ending quest for organizing and weeding out and I go back over the names. I try to see their faces and It saddens me when no face comes to mind any more. I still see you and Lena. I don't think we ever worked on anything together. Never in the same twig, or work crew. I knew you two though. I knew you two were married too. I had forgotten that though. Did you two get married at the Corps weddings?
Well, thanks for sharing Frank. Geez, what was the guys name Cindy married then? He was one of the younger guys. John??? Gee, every other person was named John huh?
That was Thompson's first name. He was the farmer from MN and had a motorcycle. It is driving me crazy. He was a good man.
Enough of all that. Back to real life. : )
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John Alspaw...That was his name.
Ron Thompson...wow I am on a roll.
Amazing. I can't even tell you them names of children in a pinch but I got these out of my system now.
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PS - she is!
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Suz has met me a few times and I am quite sure we had some fun together during my brief stint at IC.
I knew who Suz was before I met George. So I knew them both seperate from each other. I know forsure during Corps Week one year her and I partied around some huge table at a farm somewhere around HQ. I have no idea whose house, who I came with and how long I was there BUT I remember walking in and Suz and George were there. I am sure we laughed quite a lot, told stupid stories, drank and left. I can't even tell you who was else there besides suz and George.
Do I know you Steve?
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Nope, don't think so!
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Out There
I envied anyone who got to sit in the back row. You have no idea how many times I recieved a shower from someone spewing forth from the podium. I now have a phobia about front rows
PS, we were never in a twig together but I remember we talked together on a number of occasions.
Do you remember Slim Dawson? ( I think he later went by Clark Dawson) I never saw him again after we graduated and wondered what ever became of him.
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that farm you mentioned PS???
I believe it was ours. Geo (yes same one, I just got a new job as a flight attendant and I changed my profile so others could see I hang with cool dudes like Steve, Cindy and Daryl)
and I had a farm house in Buckland. It was huge and we love living there, far enough away and a nice place for not much money. We did a party once but not many people showed up. If you were laughing it probably was with me at my house, we had a huge kitchen w/a huge table in it, a keg, and party food!
Joe and Bonnie Phillips f7, Short, red haired guy, Bonnie, little petite. Sweet couple.
I knew Clarks well, it was way over a year ago he died, his wife said she thought it was of a broken heart, they both were sweeties, especially him.
Alan was married to Chris and yes she was a looker.
Chris Newcomb was married to a girl named Robin, they had two girls like Joe & Bonnie.
Zylstra, he was a fun guy, George worked with him on staff when we were there.
Hal Smiths wifes name was Nancy, like I said she was like 4th corpse grad. Hal was sweet and quiet, but I love(d) him so!
well he loved me too...lol
The Diaspara's were a kick too, all the NYers were fun.
so you wern't there when we did the pool thing then ps???
a whole nother story...
I am a bbbaaaaaadddd baaaadddd girl.
Do you remember Shelia from AR then ps??
she married a guy named Rod Wedner (non corpse God forbid).
how bout Cindy and husband Moser??
I was a Wickler and so thankful NOT to sit in the front rows.
Once our first year someone passed around a sexually explicit letter during the class where they teach us to cut our hair, that sort of crap, forget what it was called?
anyway that note went around and we were all cracking up so hard, damn felt sorry for the teacher.
I used to sleep so bad during class and Hal would try to wake me ALL the TIME. Once after class Phil Diasparra asked if I need to be ministered to, I asked why and he said from whiplash from my head bobbing so badly in class.
I think God helped me sleep so I didn't listen to the .... on a regular basis.
well getting up at 4am had a lot to do with it too....
Nancy Kegley was with me on our intrim year in NJ, did you know that??
she was a beauty. (still is!) she married DJ Moran and they live in NC.
I remember Slim, I also wonder what happened to him, he was a nice guy.
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Hmmm, where to start.
I have a phobia of the front row too. I have never been there and wouldn't know how to act. I don't think I EVER got called on for retemories. I flew under the radar. I think I successfully made it through the WC without John Lynn even knowing I existed. I never got much attention from Tom Jenkins, Micheal Fort somehow remembered me for years...not sure why. Dave Bedard if he squinted MIGHT have remembered me. I am quite positive JAL never knew me. Bob Moynihan only knew me to yell at me to not page kids while I was the receptionist other then that I didn't have much to do with him either while inresidence. Later I got to know them at a Family Camp.
Slim Dawson...very good friend of mine. We were on our interm year together in Alabama. Funny thing about his car though. His radio ONLY played country western music. I couldn't get anything else on it. Of course we were in Alabama I am sure that helped too. Paul Knoff was in the area too. I was a very blessed gal to have those two with me my interm year. They took very good care of me. Slim taught me how to skin a squirrel. PRICELESS huh? I walked into his kitchen and there in the sink was this cute dead squirrel hanging upside down just waiting for the lesson. There was this place in the town he was in "MountainBrook" very classy areas, unbelievable mansions but there was one street Slim called "squirrel lane" because there were always squirrels dead in the road. He would slow up open his door grab their tail and throw it in the floor boards of his car and go home and make squirrel stew...it tasted a lot like chicken.
I am drawing a blank on his wifes name. She was 11th WC and a great seamstress and an older sister who is a corps grad also a great seamstress. I know they had one son named some LONG old testament name. I can only assume they are somewhere in Texas. I can't imagine him anywhere else in the world and be happy. He was very close with his mom who was a very classy LADY (yes in all caps). I sure hope that marriage survived. Geez, Debbie is the only name that keeps coming to my mind for her but I am quite sure that isn't it. It will come to me or one of you. I never got to spend any time with Slim our last year because he was working on the Auditorium the whole year. He barely made it in for Graduation it was that way for so many of our Corps men.
They pressured him into going by Clark. It was never his choice. They were giving him the big picture that when he is ordained clergy and leading a large group it would be more respectful for them to refer to him as Clark. I am sure he promptly went back to Slim. His presence, stature and personality brought him respect not the name on the nametag. He was a good man and a good friend of mine.
I remember when I first saw him on campus I tried talking to him (we were walking back from that drug store across from the campus in Emporia) and he was short with me. Basically he just blew me off. I was not impressed at all with him. I set it in my mind to get to know the heart of Slim. Rochelle and Slim were the only two I really felt like I needed to do that with and it paid off 100 fold with both.
Good times Frank Thanks.
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Hey Suz,
Wow that was your place. I can't remember who I went their with. Were you friends with the Bocks? Cliff and Phylis? Maybe I went with Phylis. She was like a big sister to me. I always stayed at their place during Corps Week. I sure would like to knwo how they are doing.
Now are you and George still married? Do you ever remember meeting Barry Coffman? If so do you know what ever happen to him?
A good George story. My wow family was all girls and none over 21. George came by and got us all and took us to the grocery store and filled the back of his truck with Groceries (his treat). It was wonderful. We were damsels in distress and his household was more then glad to help us any way they could. John McCave our Limb Coord. brought that to a screech halt. Now that I think about it I think he told the WOW's and regular believer that we couldn't be together at all for at least 6 months. We did pretty good about that rule but as the year went on the more disreguard we paid to it. I wasn't to be with my Corps brothers either but Slim and I spent at least one day a month together.
I still can't place Joe and Bonnie Phillips. Did they have kids?
Chris and Robin...I remember them. I remember Hal and Nancy now too. She was a very pretty woman and very kind.
Diaspara's...what were their first names? Oh I see Phil...what was his wifes name?
I finally remember who I was in Twig with. Jenny and her husband whose name I can't remember...but she was an incredible artist. I really liked them. The twig coordinators was the couple from NY. He was a very successful business man. Their names escape me right now. I really enjoyed being with them. It was great to be at IC.
I don't remember the pool incident...darn you you bad girl. Give me a hint maybe it loosen the cobwebs.
Was Sheila F7? I need more info to remember her.
Cindy and Bob Moser. I don't know where they are but they were great.
Body Soul and Spirit was what that was called. I always enjoyed that.
Hank Zylstra was our sleeper, I was known to fall asleep but Hank was out cold. So Hank and I had this joke going that when ever I went up to him i would shake him like he was sleep walking. I always wondered how he ever learned anything. He was a GREAT man. Karen was a real sweet heart too.
Nancy Kegley was great. No I didn't know you two were together. DJ was 13th WC? She had a beautiful smile. That is good they are doing well.
Well back to real life. I started this earlier and this wonderful contraption froze up on me...
:(--> grrr.
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Geo remembered you and all you girls in AL,
he said you were all so young
He said, "yeah a good deed never got missed as a chance to reem someone."
funny guy,
shelia's maiden name was mc donald. she was 9th corpse.
phil diasparra's wife was also shelia, they had a son named paul, that shelia was also very pretty with long hair.
DeMers, Jenny and Ray geeze they were my corps coordinators when I went to WI. (after graduation) We were there with Roy Sweudland also ( All the Swedulands were a sweet family)
Joe and Bonnie also had 2 girls, they were wonderful. they live in VA now
Chip and Pat Estey were wonderful, they are in ID now I believe.
All the people I knew and loved I have since re-connected with. Life is to short NOT to find the gems in your heart, people who impacted you with a gentle spirit, a kind heart, a true person who loved YOU not IF/WHEN you knew your stupid PFAL books, etc.
Linda Tokash-she had 2 boys in rez, we were always buds and I still talk to her once in a while, also Laura Rellinger, she had one son Chris. I have seen her lately even, what a kick to re-connect with people.
You could go to whitepages.com and look up Slim, just put in TX and see who shows up.
I have found, called and re-connected with many that way.
Do you remember Sam Coburn?? him and his wife had 3 daughters in rez, he found me from posting in here!! Same with Kris Weeks!!
so you never know what/who/when will re-touch your heart in some way or another.
I guess we are hogging this forum!!
oh well, 11th corpses should join in the fun anyway, and I have given up on f7, they are gonners....like you said, we all were the same corpse...just different locations!
Geo and I are still married, my job has only taken me to Chicago, he came to visit me last week and I will go there in a couple weeks to see him and my kidletts, me and Geo had 2, our daughter will be 19 in a few weeks and my BABY--turned 17 in Dec. So Geo is home with the kidlett (jr in hs).
works for me
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Give George my love.
I had to laugh today when I realized you moved from the end of Alphabet WAY to the front with AAR, you are even before Aardvark.
Yes I remember Sheila...she was first twig coordinator inresidence. It seems like whe was Alabama too after she graduated. How did you know Sheila?
Oh man the Diasparra's are driving me crazy along with the Phillips...I know if I saw them I would remember them.
I remember the Estey's and Linda Tokash, Laura Rellinger, Sam Coburn (good looking man) Isn't Kris Weeks 11th WC?
I have been straining the brain on Slim's wifes name. I keep comin up with Robin but not sure if I am right or even close to being right.
Well, I guess hogging is ok when we are the only two. I was hoping Howard would stop in or Frank hang around a bit longer.
I have 3 kids Nick 16, Max 12 and sweet Molly 7. I was thinking I would spread them out so I could thoroughly enjoy each of them...I am thinking now there isn't much to enjoy...LOL...I am joking.
well until we write again.
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And what would you be talking about?
As I scroll back the last thing you said was something about a flag.
Care to share?
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