The food that we had was notorious for that. It was terrible going day after day and not being able to identify what we were eating. Remember the Plurality plate?? With the small portions we recieved I looked at that plate with absolute pure LUST at every meal.
It was strange though, every meal ended up tasting like Cayenne pepper
Enough about the food which we will all admit was just a small step above prison food (yes I remember being told once how people put thier hearts and soul into making it and We should be thankful for it blah blah blah....) I often wondered how many 11th sucumbed to food poisoning while in-res?
It was lousy food but I sure did gain the weight. I went on what was called mrs. wierwille's diet but I think it may have been like the mayo clinics diet...I don't remember what it was but I do remember I hated breakfast.
we never needed the plurality plate at IC, but once when our dinner was baked potatoes and salad, well for some reason there were lots of extra potatoes on everyone's table.
we all decided to take our extra to Alan Jewett.(f7-funny guy)
he said, "thank you" to each and every person and each and every table brought them to him. God it was funny during clean up when he had this platter FULL of baked potatoes.
also once someone made some lousy lemon desert, it was so bad nobody ate it. (we called it lemon rubber) in the kitchen that night me and wilma willman (married charlie parsons) took the left over desert to a lot of our corpse familys room, knocked and said, "room service" left the crap at the door and ran off.
we laughed our butts off of course, but not sure they saw the humor,
it was almost as funny as the time we short sheeted several of their beds!!
we were baaaaaad, baaaaaad girls!!
geeze that is only some of my funny stories.
f7 was as wacky and crazy as 11th!! a great mix of fun!
I just joined the sight again. I was on it a couple years ago but sort of like now the 11th sight was not doing much. But since you want me to do a shout out I will.
Patty probably don't know me because I WAS quiet because I was quite young. Unless you knew me...most everyone could hear me laugh from miles away. I still love to laugh. I LOVED inresidence because I didn't take it so seriously that I didn't enjoy myself. I had some GREAT friends inresidence...Larry Leanord, Gary Padgett, Slim, Jill Ann, Rochelle, Hank many others that made me laugh...Lynn Balough...The 11 the WC had just some incredible people. Hearts of Gold. I spent a block at IC and Suz I know you from there. I got to spend about 48 hours straight slaughtering Chickens while I was there during the Advance class.
I loved Lead...I learned so much on LEAD about myself and breaking through.
I hated being tired ALL THE TIME. That I hated about inresidence.
Gary Padgett and I were going to write a book together about how to make it through the WC with out holy spirit. We laughed all the time about the stupid things we had to do and how to get out of them.
Larry Leanord and I were going to develope a pack of cigarettes for Emporia. They were all different lengths based on where you were walking from on campus. Anywhere from a 2 puff cigarette to a 20 puffer (the Uncle harry to dinning room what was it called??? Who care?)
I will admit I was a butt can picker...I had no pride inresidence (like I do now). The best butt cans to pick were emporia halls because the staffers lived there. the weren't on the same budget as the rest of us.
Oh man Al Goldberg remember him??? Mr. Yellow. He was great. I went on Lead with him and Tony Friary our first year in JANUARY. They were great. We laughed all the way there and back. Not so much while we were there. lol
I loved Tony, I went Lightbearers with him. He would freak people out with his Scottish sayings.
I loved our international gang. I was so sad they weren't there for the final year.
OK enough for now.
quote:Originally posted by Out There:
OK 11th, How about everyone who reads this post spray something, I'd love to know who's Out There (besides me)
It will be interesting to see if some of the others come and check it out.
I got take my hat off to all the 11th Corps that seem to have a life (not that we don't too) but that there isn't more of them lurking around. I guess I take some comfort in knowing that they walked away from the Way and aren't looking back. They are hopefully functioning well and they don't "need" to process their experience here or have found other ways to do that.
I sure wish they would come by and laugh their a$$ off with us for awhile though. : )
Another from the Amen Corner. We "end of the alphabet" were stuck in the back 40. Ya, we all knew each other because no one else knew we were there. Well that is not entirely true. Sue Carol Zola (I finally remembered her first name, yup, 2am in the bathroom...was and still the best place to think in the house) she made our corner noticeable.
So you live in Albuquerque huh? I am living in the Detroit area but I am from Santa Fe. Do you remember Marshall Cheek? He married a santa Fe girl who I took the PFAL class with and she eventually went through the WC...anyway they had moved back to Santa Fe at some point I wonder if they are still there.
To me once 11th WC always 11th WC I didn't care what the # on the name tag was or if one ever was there. If they were inresidence with me they were my Corps Family. There was some intense bond I have with that group of people that I don't think I will ever experience again in my life. I don't want to forget any of them either.
Did you read Howard Walkers account of LEAD 104 and the accident? WOW that was amazing. I think amazing I even found it on this sight too.
I find it again I have to type in LEAD accident. I am not up on all the tricks to this sight yet. give me some time I will know them all...that's how I got through the WC
One of the things I learned in that was Kevin Webster was one of the last to see Rochelle alive. I didn't realize his loa and her death were around the same time. I guess there was really no way of knowing being at Emporia and them at HQ.
I wonder how Kevin processed all that? How sad.
Well it sure is fun to see the names again and relive some memories that have been quietly sitting in some safe corner of my mind.
ya know, I threw away all my "diaries" but after reading Howard's story , I wish I hadn' grandkids will have selective memory stories LOL
I remember all of the 11th...and yes, Barb Valentine, Joe Woods, and all the end of the alphabetters....sneaking out the side door near the prayer room on those long stupid phone hook-up put me to sleep teachings.
I still have my diaries but I haven't pulled them out and looked at them. I don't think mine was as good as Howards.
You just might get me curios about that and see what I did write. I think my last year journals were better…not sure though since I haven’t read them in a LONG time. I have been “out of the way†(I guess it might depend on who you ask) for about 7 ½ years now and I have stayed clear of all that Way stuff. I do think I finally went through my file cabinet and through out my notes. Good grief. If I was still in I should have thrown that out. I still WAY to much Way stuff. I never look at it.
I think it was Brenda Valentine, she had a beautiful voice, she was beautiful. She did her apprentice year in St. Louis. I was in Columbia with Donnie Fugit, Al Chase, Gary Cendrowski and Jerry and Margie McSherry (9th WC), Cindy Savatori (sp?) Fay Famularo and Gary Padgett were all in the state too. WOW, I can not believe I came up with those names…where did they come from??? Gee, could I keep going? Fay married Dillard Taylor. Cindy married Frank??? Nope I don’t think that is it. He was our WC. Gary last I heard is in Califonia, Gary in Atlanta area, McSherry’s in NY, Fay in Columbus OH, Al I lost after he left the WC but he was from the Chicago area. I don’t know about Brenda either.
I still have my diaries but I haven't pulled them out and looked at them. I don't think mine was as good as Howards.
You just might get me curious about that and see what I did write. I think my last year journals were better…not sure though since I haven’t read them in a LONG time. I have been “out of the way†(I guess it might depend on who you ask) for about 7 ½ years now and I have stayed clear of all that Way stuff. I do think I finally went through my file cabinet and through out my notes. Good grief. If I was still in I should have thrown that out. I still WAY to much Way stuff. I never look at it.
I think it was Brenda Valentine, she had a beautiful voice, she was beautiful. She did her apprentice year in St. Louis. I was in Columbia with Donnie Fugit, Al Chase, Gary Cendrowski and Jerry and Margie McSherry (9th WC), Cindy Savatori (sp?) Fay Famularo and Gary Padgett were all in the state too. WOW, I can not believe I came up with those names…where did they come from??? Gee, could I keep going? Fay married Dillard Taylor. Cindy married Frank??? Nope I don’t think that is it. He was our WC. Gary last I heard is in Califonia, Gary in Atlanta area, McSherry’s in NY, Fay in Columbus OH, Al I lost after he left the WC but he was from the Chicago area. I don’t know about Brenda either.
I still have my diaries but I haven't pulled them out and looked at them. I don't think mine was as good as Howards.
You just might get me curious about that and see what I did write. I think my last year journals were better…not sure though since I haven’t read them in a LONG time. I have been “out of the way†(I guess it might depend on who you ask) for about 7 ½ years now and I have stayed clear of all that Way stuff. I do think I finally went threw my file cabinet and through out my notes. Good grief. If I was still in I should have thrown that out. I still WAY to much Way stuff. I never look at it.
I think it was Brenda Valentine, she had a beautiful voice, she was beautiful. She did her apprentice year in St. Louis. I was in Columbia with Donnie Fugit, Al Chase, Gary Cendrowski and Jerry and Margie McSherry (9th WC), Cindy Savatori (sp?) Fay Famularo and Gary Padgett were all in the state too. WOW, I can not believe I came up with those names…where did they come from??? Gee, could I keep going? Fay married Dillard Taylor. Cindy married Frank??? Nope I don’t think that is it. He was our WC. Gary last I heard is in Califonia, Gary in Atlanta area, McSherry’s in NY, Fay in Columbus OH, Al I lost after he left the WC but he was from the Chicago area. I don’t know about Brenda either.
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Hey there you guys - - - I know that some of you have been praying for my Cancer situation - and I just got my latest results back last week - (just in time for my 30 anniversary with Mrs. Too Gray.
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Out There
The food that we had was notorious for that. It was terrible going day after day and not being able to identify what we were eating. Remember the Plurality plate?? With the small portions we recieved I looked at that plate with absolute pure LUST at every meal.
It was strange though, every meal ended up tasting like Cayenne pepper
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Out There
I might be traveling through Minnesota in May. I am supposed to be just north of Minneapolis, are you near there?
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i don't like cayenne pepper
or fig pep
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Out There
Remember SPIKE ? Why couldn't we have had good ol' Salt and Pepper?
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YEAH !!!!
i'll be they had salt and pepper along with their damn water and coffee at the head table
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Out There
Enough about the food which we will all admit was just a small step above prison food (yes I remember being told once how people put thier hearts and soul into making it and We should be thankful for it blah blah blah....) I often wondered how many 11th sucumbed to food poisoning while in-res?
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It was lousy food but I sure did gain the weight. I went on what was called mrs. wierwille's diet but I think it may have been like the mayo clinics diet...I don't remember what it was but I do remember I hated breakfast.
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Out There
Whatever became of Dave Bedard. I was in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan two weeks ago and didn't see him anywhere?
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for Dave Bedard, you may try and look in New York State or People Search ...
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we never needed the plurality plate at IC, but once when our dinner was baked potatoes and salad, well for some reason there were lots of extra potatoes on everyone's table.
we all decided to take our extra to Alan Jewett.(f7-funny guy)
he said, "thank you" to each and every person and each and every table brought them to him. God it was funny during clean up when he had this platter FULL of baked potatoes.
also once someone made some lousy lemon desert, it was so bad nobody ate it. (we called it lemon rubber) in the kitchen that night me and wilma willman (married charlie parsons) took the left over desert to a lot of our corpse familys room, knocked and said, "room service" left the crap at the door and ran off.
we laughed our butts off of course, but not sure they saw the humor,
it was almost as funny as the time we short sheeted several of their beds!!
we were baaaaaad, baaaaaad girls!!
geeze that is only some of my funny stories.
f7 was as wacky and crazy as 11th!! a great mix of fun!
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I just joined the sight again. I was on it a couple years ago but sort of like now the 11th sight was not doing much. But since you want me to do a shout out I will.
Patty probably don't know me because I WAS quiet because I was quite young. Unless you knew me...most everyone could hear me laugh from miles away. I still love to laugh. I LOVED inresidence because I didn't take it so seriously that I didn't enjoy myself. I had some GREAT friends inresidence...Larry Leanord, Gary Padgett, Slim, Jill Ann, Rochelle, Hank many others that made me laugh...Lynn Balough...The 11 the WC had just some incredible people. Hearts of Gold. I spent a block at IC and Suz I know you from there. I got to spend about 48 hours straight slaughtering Chickens while I was there during the Advance class.
I loved Lead...I learned so much on LEAD about myself and breaking through.
I hated being tired ALL THE TIME. That I hated about inresidence.
Gary Padgett and I were going to write a book together about how to make it through the WC with out holy spirit. We laughed all the time about the stupid things we had to do and how to get out of them.
Larry Leanord and I were going to develope a pack of cigarettes for Emporia. They were all different lengths based on where you were walking from on campus. Anywhere from a 2 puff cigarette to a 20 puffer (the Uncle harry to dinning room what was it called??? Who care?)
I will admit I was a butt can picker...I had no pride inresidence (like I do now). The best butt cans to pick were emporia halls because the staffers lived there. the weren't on the same budget as the rest of us.
Oh man Al Goldberg remember him??? Mr. Yellow. He was great. I went on Lead with him and Tony Friary our first year in JANUARY. They were great. We laughed all the way there and back. Not so much while we were there. lol
I loved Tony, I went Lightbearers with him. He would freak people out with his Scottish sayings.
I loved our international gang. I was so sad they weren't there for the final year.
OK enough for now.
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Hey patty, I remember you!!!
Welcome back and welcome to the 11th corps threads.
Maybe we can get the others to come in here too. We can beat the 9th corps and thats because we can....

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Patty, I sent you a private message.
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Ya I saw that. I wrote you back.
It will be interesting to see if some of the others come and check it out.
I got take my hat off to all the 11th Corps that seem to have a life (not that we don't too) but that there isn't more of them lurking around. I guess I take some comfort in knowing that they walked away from the Way and aren't looking back. They are hopefully functioning well and they don't "need" to process their experience here or have found other ways to do that.
I sure wish they would come by and laugh their a$$ off with us for awhile though. : )
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PS I do agree with you. There are a lot of 11th corps that are here in gs...they just don't post here.
There are a couple of them that have tried to get this thread going but for some reason it just didn't take off.
I am also hoping they come in here. We could have some fun!!!
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Im Lianne Van Wormer....11th that went into 12th with like 30 of us...
Ruthie Ratner/Ramos
Kevin Webster
and a whole bunch more I cant remember
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welcome lianne, good to see ya around...I do remember your name. Hope you enjoy it around in these parts!!!!
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Hey Lianne
Another from the Amen Corner. We "end of the alphabet" were stuck in the back 40. Ya, we all knew each other because no one else knew we were there. Well that is not entirely true. Sue Carol Zola (I finally remembered her first name, yup, 2am in the bathroom...was and still the best place to think in the house) she made our corner noticeable.
So you live in Albuquerque huh? I am living in the Detroit area but I am from Santa Fe. Do you remember Marshall Cheek? He married a santa Fe girl who I took the PFAL class with and she eventually went through the WC...anyway they had moved back to Santa Fe at some point I wonder if they are still there.
To me once 11th WC always 11th WC I didn't care what the # on the name tag was or if one ever was there. If they were inresidence with me they were my Corps Family. There was some intense bond I have with that group of people that I don't think I will ever experience again in my life. I don't want to forget any of them either.
Did you read Howard Walkers account of LEAD 104 and the accident? WOW that was amazing. I think amazing I even found it on this sight too.
I find it again I have to type in LEAD accident. I am not up on all the tricks to this sight yet. give me some time I will know them all...that's how I got through the WC
One of the things I learned in that was Kevin Webster was one of the last to see Rochelle alive. I didn't realize his loa and her death were around the same time. I guess there was really no way of knowing being at Emporia and them at HQ.
I wonder how Kevin processed all that? How sad.
Well it sure is fun to see the names again and relive some memories that have been quietly sitting in some safe corner of my mind.
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ya know, I threw away all my "diaries" but after reading Howard's story , I wish I hadn' grandkids will have selective memory stories LOL
I remember all of the 11th...and yes, Barb Valentine, Joe Woods, and all the end of the alphabetters....sneaking out the side door near the prayer room on those long stupid phone hook-up put me to sleep teachings.
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I still have my diaries but I haven't pulled them out and looked at them. I don't think mine was as good as Howards.
You just might get me curios about that and see what I did write. I think my last year journals were better…not sure though since I haven’t read them in a LONG time. I have been “out of the way†(I guess it might depend on who you ask) for about 7 ½ years now and I have stayed clear of all that Way stuff. I do think I finally went through my file cabinet and through out my notes. Good grief. If I was still in I should have thrown that out. I still WAY to much Way stuff. I never look at it.
I think it was Brenda Valentine, she had a beautiful voice, she was beautiful. She did her apprentice year in St. Louis. I was in Columbia with Donnie Fugit, Al Chase, Gary Cendrowski and Jerry and Margie McSherry (9th WC), Cindy Savatori (sp?) Fay Famularo and Gary Padgett were all in the state too. WOW, I can not believe I came up with those names…where did they come from??? Gee, could I keep going? Fay married Dillard Taylor. Cindy married Frank??? Nope I don’t think that is it. He was our WC. Gary last I heard is in Califonia, Gary in Atlanta area, McSherry’s in NY, Fay in Columbus OH, Al I lost after he left the WC but he was from the Chicago area. I don’t know about Brenda either.
Ok enough of all that.
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Radar OReilly
Please check your private topics.
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Out There
Hi Patty:
If I remember right I was the only Frank in our Corps. I married Lena. We have two boys, (19 and 16) and a dog.
All the names you brought sure bring back a lot of fond memories.
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