LOL, dot I didn't say she looked like that I said it reminded me of her when we were doing bless patrol and the wind was whipping her around. She was such an iddy biddy little thing doncha know!!!! ;)-->
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
one year I lived with a foster family in the North end of town (went to Roosevelt that year) and me and my foster sister (who was my brothers girlfriend and someone I had known since 5th grade and we were 17 at this time) decided to go to the tree and cheat and look at gifts. Alice opened a present from a friend of hers and the gift was white go go boots!!
We were hippies--not go go-type girls, but when we saw them we started laughing hysterically!!!
We were TRYING to be quiet but what were we to do???? Her moms bedroom was close so we ran upstairs and laughed till wee hours of the morning....But lucky we pre-saw the gift cause when the girl that gave her the boots came over we could FINALLY keep a straight face. Alice was gracious and thanked her and made out like she liked them.... Laughed it all out. (luckyly)
Bet them stupid boots are worth a fortune now....that was 1967....
geeze where did all that time go??????????
anyway kids do look, my kids just tell me what they want, its so much easier. I am not much of a holiday person.....cept for the eggnog part.
So far, our trip has consisted of, flying into JFK and renting a car, going to the Jersey side and having a wonderful dinner with Mr & Mrs Plotinus, then off to Freeland NJ for the company party, which was kind of flaky. They gave out Psudo awards to almost everyone and who they didn't give awards to they said, sorry, we also wanted to make fun of you also....
anyway back to the Plots for one day, we then rented a car to look for America...
we hooked up with Master Pawtucket himself and spent a night, the REAL NEWS HERE FOLKS
He is re-married (to a younger woman), about to have his second daughter. (his other child is about 11ish) It was so much fun being with him, he still has the same quick wit and funny sense of humor. I haven't seen David since we figured my last ROA/corpse week, which was 88' so I was thrilled beyond measure to see him. I sent him all your love, well those of you that I know by real name anyway, Vickels, To Gray, Dot, also gave him news of Erik Jensen, Bob Sull and other people whom we both knew who were f7 and apprentice corpse in CA with us. Anyway it was a blast to see him.
The next day we went to Boston to have lunch (Geo and I) then we spent NYE in Plymouth MA. The next day we went to Cape Cod. It was lovely. Then we went back to NJ, turned in the rented car and spent the night with the Plots again.
Since then we have been in NYC. Doing all the tourist stuff, having a blast. Staying in an apartment in NYC and just hanging until Tuesday when we fly out that night.
OH BTW, the weather here has been LOVELY. We are walking around in sweaters, no coats and its been so much fun. I keep calling home and hearing about 20 degree weather and snow and ugly....ewwwww, so glad I am in the warm part of the USA ??????? >>>>?????
I'll take the unusual weather anyday. I am loving it.
So tomorrow we will do the NY Public Library, go up 5th ave...(shop...HA) go to times square again, hopefully get to Greenwich Village again just to hang.
Loving the trip so far, but still.....
There's no place like home,
There's no place like home,
and I am sure my 16 & 17 yr old miss their mom......yeah surah (now that surah is true NY!)
Sounds like you had a lot of fun suz!!! I have never been in that part of the states. Have always wanted to but each time I went wow it was sent to somewhere else but the northeast area.
Miss you though!!!
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
We do have lots of pictures, but I am to stupid to know how to reduce them to 50k or less, so Paw put up the ones of me and Geo all spruced up for the party the company had.
so you'll have to look into that thread of pictures and look for the one Paw posted.
I tried, I failed,
oh well...
wish I could post Cape Cod, Boston and some of Providence RI and the ones on NYC, they are a blast to me.
Our weather was so perfect so 99% of the pictures are good.
well maybe someday I will figure this stuff out.....naw, I'm lying. (i never will)
since you allowed ME to invade this forum I'll have you know that I never no not once considered the 9th as anything elder to me!
Heckaroni I guess I never considered f5 as anything much either except those that were struggling to survive like the rest of us, THEY just had more time under their belts,
or was it more insanity????
I need to call Eric Jensen again too, pray for his health to improve.
glad to be home at least a week so I can also help bring this thread TO THE TOP, ;)-->
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Dot Matrix
I love Rita and she did not look like that.
Tssssk Tssssk
He looks Isaac Hayes....
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LOL, dot I didn't say she looked like that I said it reminded me of her when we were doing bless patrol and the wind was whipping her around. She was such an iddy biddy little thing doncha know!!!!
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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hey Vic,
one year I lived with a foster family in the North end of town (went to Roosevelt that year) and me and my foster sister (who was my brothers girlfriend and someone I had known since 5th grade and we were 17 at this time) decided to go to the tree and cheat and look at gifts. Alice opened a present from a friend of hers and the gift was white go go boots!!
We were hippies--not go go-type girls, but when we saw them we started laughing hysterically!!!
We were TRYING to be quiet but what were we to do???? Her moms bedroom was close so we ran upstairs and laughed till wee hours of the morning....But lucky we pre-saw the gift cause when the girl that gave her the boots came over we could FINALLY keep a straight face. Alice was gracious and thanked her and made out like she liked them.... Laughed it all out. (luckyly)
Bet them stupid boots are worth a fortune now....that was 1967....
geeze where did all that time go??????????
anyway kids do look, my kids just tell me what they want, its so much easier. I am not much of a holiday person.....cept for the eggnog part.
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hey suz,
I need a drink!!!! Care to join me?
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Happy DAY AFTER Christmas all!!!!!!!!!!!!
We got snow here in the beautiful PNW!! (1")
only up north of Seattle where I live we
have it. Funny driving home from my sisters
house and seeing snow here and not their.
Wish someone's dreams would be kept to themselves (whoever the hell it was that was dreaming of a white Christmas that is)
Hey I heard from Wilma (Willman f7)Parsons yesterday who married Charlie Parsons 11th Corpse. Anyone remember him (or them?)
fun to find folks from the old days.
THEY must be old!!
My husband and I are heading for the East Coast to play until Jan 6th so talk to you all next year,
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when you see the film of Times Square we will be there!!
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Have a great time on the east coast but don't get too cold!!!
Snow? Really? And my mother didn't even mention it when I talked to her yesterday!!!
I remember charlie. At least his name. Can't put a face to it though.
Everyone-I hope everyone had a great christmas!!!!
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Times Square for New Years Eve? Sounds like the place to be! I'll be thinking of you as the ball drops! Happy New Year!
B - Better
O - Off
W - Without
t - the
w - way
i - international
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So far, our trip has consisted of, flying into JFK and renting a car, going to the Jersey side and having a wonderful dinner with Mr & Mrs Plotinus, then off to Freeland NJ for the company party, which was kind of flaky. They gave out Psudo awards to almost everyone and who they didn't give awards to they said, sorry, we also wanted to make fun of you also....
anyway back to the Plots for one day, we then rented a car to look for America...
we hooked up with Master Pawtucket himself and spent a night, the REAL NEWS HERE FOLKS
He is re-married (to a younger woman), about to have his second daughter. (his other child is about 11ish) It was so much fun being with him, he still has the same quick wit and funny sense of humor. I haven't seen David since we figured my last ROA/corpse week, which was 88' so I was thrilled beyond measure to see him. I sent him all your love, well those of you that I know by real name anyway, Vickels, To Gray, Dot, also gave him news of Erik Jensen, Bob Sull and other people whom we both knew who were f7 and apprentice corpse in CA with us. Anyway it was a blast to see him.
The next day we went to Boston to have lunch (Geo and I) then we spent NYE in Plymouth MA. The next day we went to Cape Cod. It was lovely. Then we went back to NJ, turned in the rented car and spent the night with the Plots again.
Since then we have been in NYC. Doing all the tourist stuff, having a blast. Staying in an apartment in NYC and just hanging until Tuesday when we fly out that night.
OH BTW, the weather here has been LOVELY. We are walking around in sweaters, no coats and its been so much fun. I keep calling home and hearing about 20 degree weather and snow and ugly....ewwwww, so glad I am in the warm part of the USA ??????? >>>>?????
I'll take the unusual weather anyday. I am loving it.
So tomorrow we will do the NY Public Library, go up 5th ave...(shop...HA) go to times square again, hopefully get to Greenwich Village again just to hang.
Loving the trip so far, but still.....
There's no place like home,
There's no place like home,
and I am sure my 16 & 17 yr old miss their mom......yeah surah (now that surah is true NY!)
so off I go,
love you all,
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suz, so glad you have had a good time!!!! But where did you go for new year's eve?
Did david hanson remember any of us?
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Just read your pt...thanks
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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New Years Eve was spent in a hotel room in Plymouth MA.
We went to see the rock too that is a joke!!
heartell the pilgrims landed on the cod anyway, thats
why we went there!! Besides it was a lovely day, a lovely drive and we stopped in Sandwich for guess what??
We got a picture of the pilgrims
monument even, although we didn't know what it was, we
took the picture and Plot told us the next day that it
was the monument we were looking at.
I would love to be on the cod in the summer, BUT guessing
it is a drivers nightmare. Heck it was in the 50's while
we were there, NO complaints.
NYC gets cold the day after we leave, whew, leaving just
in time. And Seattle will warm up after we get there too,
we like it that way!! Seattle has been in the 20's while
we are basking in the city.
I get home late Tues night and have to be at work early
Thur morning, so not sure when I can update the rest of our
trip. Oh well you guys got the gist anyway. You are the
ONLY ones who know!!! wow, s p e c i a l.
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Sounds like you had a lot of fun suz!!! I have never been in that part of the states. Have always wanted to but each time I went wow it was sent to somewhere else but the northeast area.
Miss you though!!!
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Dot Matrix
Got pictures?
Dorothy Thompson:
Fear grows in darkness; if you think there's a bogeyman around, turn on the light.
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We do have lots of pictures, but I am to stupid to know how to reduce them to 50k or less, so Paw put up the ones of me and Geo all spruced up for the party the company had.
so you'll have to look into that thread of pictures and look for the one Paw posted.
I tried, I failed,
oh well...
wish I could post Cape Cod, Boston and some of Providence RI and the ones on NYC, they are a blast to me.
Our weather was so perfect so 99% of the pictures are good.
well maybe someday I will figure this stuff out.....naw, I'm lying. (i never will)
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Dot Matrix
I just saw your pics and you guys are gorgeous!
Love the whole look with the hat and all!
Glad you had fun!
Dorothy Thompson:
Fear grows in darkness; if you think there's a bogeyman around, turn on the light.
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Having trouble finding the reply button so am trying it this way.
How is everyone doing? I miss you guys!!!!!!
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
virginia woolfe
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OH good the reply button is back....hooray!!!!
So guys how do we get this thread going again? Our elders are beating us like crazy!!!!!
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
virginia woolfe
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Soooooo, I'm still here, waiting!!!! LOL I'm bringing this to the top in case you 11th corps buddies didn't see it.
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
virginia woolfe
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Dot Matrix
i'm here
I was just thinking about things I missed.
I miss Leslie Olsen singing. I just loved her.
I miss Martha Jacobsen Fury and Howard Walker.
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So glad to see you here, dot...
I was a wow with leslie.
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
virginia woolfe
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Tom Strange
what are you youngsters doing on top?
She's the kind of a girl that makes the "News of the World" Yes you could say she was attractively built.
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Dot Matrix
The more energetic always take top
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Why tom we are number one of course!!!!
If you do not tell the truth about yourself you can not tell it about other people.
virginia woolfe
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what you mean OUR elders kemosabe??
since you allowed ME to invade this forum I'll have you know that I never no not once considered the 9th as anything elder to me!
Heckaroni I guess I never considered f5 as anything much either except those that were struggling to survive like the rest of us, THEY just had more time under their belts,
or was it more insanity????
I need to call Eric Jensen again too, pray for his health to improve.
glad to be home at least a week so I can also help bring this thread TO THE TOP,
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