my second twig coordinator was such a wimp. there was an assistant that took over and liked to tattle on me all the time. Tried to be sneaky but then she would find out and tattle. One time I was called in front of the whole corps and was reamed. I wonder if anyone remembers?
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
did you ever have to go pick rocks up in the field? It was awful. Then I also got to use a pick and try to get some cement sidewalk up. That really sucked....I did get to work in transportation and that was fun. I got to be basically the secretary and kept up with all the info with the vehicles. Got to work with the guys. A lot better than rock picking or picking at cement.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
OMG, I forgot. We get there and its almost harvest time butofcourse, so we take all of us, the whole flam damily and spread out in the field and pick rocks!!
we line up and pick the sob's and put them in piles. thinking we were searching for the holy grail ..... in search of the perfect
I'd forgotten, it was wild with kids running, and us bending and grunting and growning, and piling and pickin....
so they could plant the garden. which of course we ate in later days. we were lucky to have that great garden, we got the BEST food at IC, fresh veggies, fresh beef and pork, honey, homemade sasuage, fresh chickens (whole nother thread killing them chickens....)
I also had a job as secretary for John Neice. He was in charge of Maintenance. When they called MY Name after all the guys names, I was thinkin, damn not sure if I know my screwdrivers, let alone any other tools, wonder what they want with me. It ended up being a great job, had a blast, took care of them menfolk but took care of John too.
thinkin this is our personal thread here Vic,,,,,lol, guessing we are boring the socks off folks. Oh well, boring someone never stopped me
anyway one of my first jobs was garden crew. Tony Kleiwer(Cleaver prounced) was the coordinator, nice guy. One day a week we took our kids to work with us. My two year old ate the dirt and got so messy. Our stone hall smelled like cow manure for a week!!
Remember he was still in diapers and in the process of being potty trained, (doncha think in rez is a great place do to that??) If it wasn't for Troy Watkins in childrens fellowship (his staff job-13 2 yr olds!) my kid probably still wouldn't be pottie trained. I had sooooo much time to teach him don't ya think!. And remember he has to be PERFECT while in rez. We expect that from our little waybots.
Once during tomato picking time, the mosquitos ate me alive, NOTHING would help/stop/cure/keep me from being bite on bite. bitten alive...scratch city.
I picked apples, up a tree, with the thing on my back, it was fun. Then we sorted them and put the ones w/stems in a storage place. Ate, canned and did whatever w/those w/out stems. I loved the work but it was HARDER than you can imagine.
I never got to work in the dept that canned and preserved all the food, it always looked fun. I did get to learn how to make home made sausages tho, once. So when I hear littlehawk talk home made link sausages I know the work it takes. They had some great equiptment at IC for doing everything, so different from Uphoria. We had it all.
I never had the job of cook either, only got to cook when our branch got the job on a sunday once.
IC definately was the place for lots of good food and never leaving hungry or wanting.
I took the advanced class in rome city. Your right the food was fabulous there. Better than emporia. But then I heard that advanced class people got fed a lot better than the corps did. I wonder if that is true with rome city?
I don't think I would have been the kitchen type in the corps. But then that would have been the in to get some good food....hehe
I'm interested in the story with the chickens.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
It was at the end of my second year. They would do these days when you changed your job for a day, just to be with a different group of people I guess. Or maybe to torture the staff so they had to re-train, re-teach, re-work what they had planned and let a novice do whatever it was that needed to be done. And remember IC was a working farm and there was ALWAYS work that needed to be done.
At breakfast they asked, "who here has never slaughtered chickens yet?"
Well I never had before (how did that lovely job slip by me??) So I raised my hand. There was a room in the alley and we all went in there. We got to pick what we wanted to do and it starts off like this.
First there are these funnel things that you put the live chicken into, head comes thru and you get to slice off its neck and let it bleed right there. The next job is putting it into warm water and cleaning it off a little, next the rubber spinning thing, where you hold the dead, warm bird and the feathers get beat off its dead body. Next job pull out its guts, next job clean it up and wrap it...
I got to pull out its warm guts.
Quite an operation. I didn't mind, it was just difficult to eat chicken for dinner that night.
Gail (my room mate and a black lady)absolutley was freaked out when she had to butcher the chickens. It probably pushed her the most in 2 yrs!! Just NOT a job she wanted to EVER in her life do. Wonder what Gail and LaToysa are doing now. She was a blast. She sang all the time, but I don't think she was singing when butchering chickens! The people who did this sort of thing all the time laughed at us novice's cause some were puking, others agahst at the site. Reaching your hand into a warm dead bird was vedddddddddy intesssstinggggggg.
eeewwwwww yuck!!! I don't think I could have eaten that night.
My daughter was helping out a family this last summer. She stayed with them and they had her help with the slaughtering of chickens. They couldn't understand why she wouldn't eat their dinner. She was totally grossed out.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
We're pretty old... vickles... I just visit here once in a while to help you folks with your commitment... speaking of which, I've been quite derelict in my calling of our friend in the NW... I haven't but will... I promise...
now, I'm sorry to say but you folks have bless patrol tonight... but it doesn't start until later so you'll still be able to see Jimmy Kimmel Live... OK?
Tom- here I was awaiting with bated breath to hear from you about our old friend...... --> Hey, I'm a master procrastinator also. We have something in common!!!!! :D--> I'm disappointed your not 11th corpse and your my elder. What is this world coming to?
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
he used to do the "picks" for the Fox football crew on Sundays... if you're up at that time of night (or watch earlier on a satelite feed)... take a look... sometimes he's just plain hilarious... like when Dusty Baker said that African American and Latin players did better at baseball because they "could take the heat" better... he got an african american, latino and caucasian from the audience, put them in fur lined parkas, in a tent on stage with a heater in it to see who lasted the longest... oh well, I guess you had to be there... if you're up, he's irreverent but funny... young lady!
Now you 11th corpsers are gonna have to take this over, I didn't know Pat. My time with JL was to serve at HQ once a champagne breakfast,(during corpse week for clergy) and JL was as pompious and pias as ever, shooing me away to clean up after him.
Heartell Pat was nice, all those guys sure did like the maids and servants stuff tho didn't they?
I know that different people had differnt takes on Dave because of his "unique" approach to Christian Communications, but I did spend a little personal time with both of them and found them to be much more "regular" people when they were not up front.
I was at Indiana when "Chris fu***** Newc***" was getting his butt reamed. I'll never forget his skit singing "Do you know?" in 3 part harmony and they all tossed quarters into the fine jar because Bob Mo***** was going to break people from using that awfull phrase.
It was a riot! I laughed so hard when they did that! I think even Bob was cracking up. Chris had one thing that a lot of people lacked... many people had very good senses of humor, but he didn't mind doing it up in front.
He is a wonderful man, although his ways are different now.
You were also there Gray when for our sharing thingy, (what did they call that when you had to do something in front of the corpse for everyone?)
I showed my birth slides of my Daniel being born. I remember, cause afterward, since you had known me forever, you said, " The things I never knew about you before Suzie...." and we laughed.
Michelle and Rob Ke... after seeing those slides, were so impressed. Michelle who had 3 kids C-section decided then and there, that she now knew how it was done correctly and was determined to have her next one w/out C-section.
Kehoe's were nice folks. (hear they did have 2 more after that and are back in IL)
Did anyone have a job in the corpse being maids and servants to the corpse coordinators?? I never did, only served back stage of the chapel once filling in for one of the pretty girls who couldn't make it that night. (only once tho, just didn't make the cut for whatever it was they were looking for....besides good looks).
I remember Dottie asking me as I served her tea back stage, "Suzie do you plan on getting married again ever?" "I suppose someday Dotty",
I said, "But its most difficult since I don't date anyone ever".
She just looked at me.... I wonder what that was all about.
I remember seeing "pretty young women" backstage. I only thought of their assignment sort of like the SNS flowers. You had to have good looking flowers, so that everything that surrounded leadership was sufficiently "pretty"... you know... to bless THEM, since THEY were so IMPORTANT. -->
I can't remember one person that served backstage...and I was back there a lot doing Way Prod. Hmmm. Maybe I am just too damn old, now.
All of the people I remember had some quirk of personality that made them memorable. I wasn't high up enough to garner any fawning. Not that I regret that, at ALL!
I remember you, Suz, cuz you were fun! And I was always a sucker for long blond hair... if the truth was known. :o-->
Thanks again Too Gray again for your kind words. I prefer being fun over being a religious geek.
I think having kids helped that, cause you'd be swamped in a million things that needed to be done and pressures everywhere, and this cute little boy with big brown eyes would come and snuggle in my lap. (or the blue eyed boy-although in the corpse he was much to big to snuggle my lap) BTW TGN, he now is 6'4", remember he always wanted to be as tall as Stephen (6'5")---HE almost made it!
I still have long blond hair!! You'd think I'd grow up, but NO,,,,
anyway I also remember the ladies who worked back stage always being pretty. At IC of course they were usually married. Wonder if that put a damper on any of the Back Stage activities...
I wonder about the people who were always chosen to lets say be the servants for the leadership, like the people who's job it was to clean Kehoe's apartment, or Moynihans house....those type jobs.
Maybe they are to hurt to talk about it, maybe they don't post, maybe nobody in the gs community had such a prestigious job!!!
I was housekeeping, beauty shop, maintenance, and of course the garden crew which I spoke of in an earlier thread.
I went to uphoria once for the athletes confrence, went to Madison WI for lightbearers & also went to Brown Cnty IN, went lead 2X of course, we did HQ for a week, went to Dayton to do witnessing gigs, we were gone a lot.
We had such a fun group in f7, I am glad you remember the kewel folks TGN, like Chris, he was such a kick. Lots of talent there too. Remember the guy who played the slide guitar?? Tom Clark??? he died a couple years ago. such a sweet man.
I hate to even mention the ones that are still in, kind of like a "continued death". Its a loss anyway.
suz :D-->
Is this thread lost now?? doesn't anybody want to post anymore?? I will leave and let you guys reminiss about the greatness of uphoria if you want to. I honestly wasn't there enough to "love it".
Well, suz, I'm giving up on this thread. We have both tried to get it going but obviously the rest of the 11th corps ones don't want to. I thought it would be interesting to share what our experiences were and learn but guess not. I loved your posts, btw.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
its a sad day :(--> when the 11th corpse and f7 have to go into the 9th corpse thread to have any fun. whats this world coming to....???
I agree Vic, time to move on (maybe thats what they are all waiting for, us to leave, so they can post again?????????)
I do know that there are seasons for posting, "to everything there is a season, a time to post a time to chat, a time to leave a time to heal, a time for love, a time for hate a time to cast away posting
(to the tune of turn turn turn....) sing along chillins,lol
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Hey there you guys - - - I know that some of you have been praying for my Cancer situation - and I just got my latest results back last week - (just in time for my 30 anniversary with Mrs. Too Gray.
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my second twig coordinator was such a wimp. there was an assistant that took over and liked to tattle on me all the time. Tried to be sneaky but then she would find out and tattle. One time I was called in front of the whole corps and was reamed. I wonder if anyone remembers?
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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hey suz,
did you ever have to go pick rocks up in the field? It was awful. Then I also got to use a pick and try to get some cement sidewalk up. That really sucked....I did get to work in transportation and that was fun. I got to be basically the secretary and kept up with all the info with the vehicles. Got to work with the guys. A lot better than rock picking or picking at cement.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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OMG, I forgot. We get there and its almost harvest time butofcourse, so we take all of us, the whole flam damily and spread out in the field and pick rocks!!
we line up and pick the sob's and put them in piles. thinking we were searching for the holy grail ..... in search of the perfect
I'd forgotten, it was wild with kids running, and us bending and grunting and growning, and piling and pickin....
so they could plant the garden. which of course we ate in later days. we were lucky to have that great garden, we got the BEST food at IC, fresh veggies, fresh beef and pork, honey, homemade sasuage, fresh chickens (whole nother thread killing them chickens....)
I also had a job as secretary for John Neice. He was in charge of Maintenance. When they called MY Name after all the guys names, I was thinkin, damn not sure if I know my screwdrivers, let alone any other tools, wonder what they want with me. It ended up being a great job, had a blast, took care of them menfolk but took care of John too.
How bout our jobs....I had some doozies....
did I tell you about the garden crew???
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I thought that only emporia folk picked rocks. LOL
So, tell us about the garden crew!!!
Hey you other 11th corps and family corps what jobs did you have? Would love to hear.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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thinkin this is our personal thread here Vic,,,,,lol, guessing we are boring the socks off folks. Oh well, boring someone never stopped me
anyway one of my first jobs was garden crew. Tony Kleiwer(Cleaver prounced) was the coordinator, nice guy. One day a week we took our kids to work with us. My two year old ate the dirt and got so messy. Our stone hall smelled like cow manure for a week!!
Remember he was still in diapers and in the process of being potty trained, (doncha think in rez is a great place do to that??) If it wasn't for Troy Watkins in childrens fellowship (his staff job-13 2 yr olds!) my kid probably still wouldn't be pottie trained. I had sooooo much time to teach him don't ya think!. And remember he has to be PERFECT while in rez. We expect that from our little waybots.
Once during tomato picking time, the mosquitos ate me alive, NOTHING would help/stop/cure/keep me from being bite on bite. bitten alive...scratch city.
I picked apples, up a tree, with the thing on my back, it was fun. Then we sorted them and put the ones w/stems in a storage place. Ate, canned and did whatever w/those w/out stems. I loved the work but it was HARDER than you can imagine.
I never got to work in the dept that canned and preserved all the food, it always looked fun. I did get to learn how to make home made sausages tho, once. So when I hear littlehawk talk home made link sausages I know the work it takes. They had some great equiptment at IC for doing everything, so different from Uphoria. We had it all.
I never had the job of cook either, only got to cook when our branch got the job on a sunday once.
IC definately was the place for lots of good food and never leaving hungry or wanting.
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I took the advanced class in rome city. Your right the food was fabulous there. Better than emporia. But then I heard that advanced class people got fed a lot better than the corps did. I wonder if that is true with rome city?
I don't think I would have been the kitchen type in the corps. But then that would have been the in to get some good food....hehe
I'm interested in the story with the chickens.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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ahhh, the chickens.
It was at the end of my second year. They would do these days when you changed your job for a day, just to be with a different group of people I guess. Or maybe to torture the staff so they had to re-train, re-teach, re-work what they had planned and let a novice do whatever it was that needed to be done. And remember IC was a working farm and there was ALWAYS work that needed to be done.
At breakfast they asked, "who here has never slaughtered chickens yet?"
Well I never had before (how did that lovely job slip by me??) So I raised my hand. There was a room in the alley and we all went in there. We got to pick what we wanted to do and it starts off like this.
First there are these funnel things that you put the live chicken into, head comes thru and you get to slice off its neck and let it bleed right there. The next job is putting it into warm water and cleaning it off a little, next the rubber spinning thing, where you hold the dead, warm bird and the feathers get beat off its dead body. Next job pull out its guts, next job clean it up and wrap it...
I got to pull out its warm guts.
Quite an operation. I didn't mind, it was just difficult to eat chicken for dinner that night.
Gail (my room mate and a black lady)absolutley was freaked out when she had to butcher the chickens. It probably pushed her the most in 2 yrs!! Just NOT a job she wanted to EVER in her life do. Wonder what Gail and LaToysa are doing now. She was a blast. She sang all the time, but I don't think she was singing when butchering chickens! The people who did this sort of thing all the time laughed at us novice's cause some were puking, others agahst at the site. Reaching your hand into a warm dead bird was vedddddddddy intesssstinggggggg.
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eeewwwwww yuck!!! I don't think I could have eaten that night.
My daughter was helping out a family this last summer. She stayed with them and they had her help with the slaughtering of chickens. They couldn't understand why she wouldn't eat their dinner. She was totally grossed out.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Tom Strange
but Suz... aren't we older than you?
We're pretty old... vickles... I just visit here once in a while to help you folks with your commitment... speaking of which, I've been quite derelict in my calling of our friend in the NW... I haven't but will... I promise...
now, I'm sorry to say but you folks have bless patrol tonight... but it doesn't start until later so you'll still be able to see Jimmy Kimmel Live... OK?
... confusion will be my epitath...
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who is jimmy kimmel?
Tom- here I was awaiting with bated breath to hear from you about our old friend......
--> Hey, I'm a master procrastinator also. We have something in common!!!!!
:D--> I'm disappointed your not 11th corpse and your my elder. What is this world coming to?
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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I also wonder who Jimmy Kimmel is,
older than me Tom--LOL
maybe I can help you find that NW friend
since I am right here in the beautiful
lovely PNW which btw is making breaking
weather. SUNSHINE (an object we don't
usually see here) has been making appearances
quite regular and even making a stay!!
Its a miracle, thinking maybe the PNW IS
the right place to be living IF Global Warming
really is happening. I loved it being 84*
on Sept 28th, nice, nice.
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Tom Strange
Jimmy Kimmel on ABC late at night.
Irreverent, sometimes stupid, usually funny.
Jimmy Kimmel Live
... confusion will be my epitath...
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Tom Strange
...AND you folks have bless patrol for the month of October as well... but we'll put some cider and cookies out for you...!!!
... confusion will be my epitath...
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Now I know I am old, I don't recognize Jimmy OR any of his guests......
And I have a 17 yr old who tries hard to keep her old mom hip,,,,,maybe I have heard one of the bands it mentions in the home page.
I see also why I wouldn't recognize him, he is on at a wierd time, if in the middle of the day then hell, if at midnight then double hell.
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Tom Strange
he used to do the "picks" for the Fox football crew on Sundays... if you're up at that time of night (or watch earlier on a satelite feed)... take a look... sometimes he's just plain hilarious... like when Dusty Baker said that African American and Latin players did better at baseball because they "could take the heat" better... he got an african american, latino and caucasian from the audience, put them in fur lined parkas, in a tent on stage with a heater in it to see who lasted the longest... oh well, I guess you had to be there... if you're up, he's irreverent but funny... young lady!
... confusion will be my epitath...
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Don't watch any kind of sports on tv even if its funny.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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I sure did like pat powell. I found him to be a very nice guy with full of heart. A lot more than jl or pl that is for sure!!!!!
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Now you 11th corpsers are gonna have to take this over, I didn't know Pat. My time with JL was to serve at HQ once a champagne breakfast,(during corpse week for clergy) and JL was as pompious and pias as ever, shooing me away to clean up after him.
Heartell Pat was nice, all those guys sure did like the maids and servants stuff tho didn't they?
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Too Gray Now
Speaking of asst. corps coords...
What ever happend to Dave and Judy Bed***?
I know that different people had differnt takes on Dave because of his "unique" approach to Christian Communications, but I did spend a little personal time with both of them and found them to be much more "regular" people when they were not up front.
I was at Indiana when "Chris fu***** Newc***" was getting his butt reamed. I'll never forget his skit singing "Do you know?" in 3 part harmony and they all tossed quarters into the fine jar because Bob Mo***** was going to break people from using that awfull phrase.
It was a riot! I laughed so hard when they did that! I think even Bob was cracking up. Chris had one thing that a lot of people lacked... many people had very good senses of humor, but he didn't mind doing it up in front.
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I LOVE Chris, what talent he has!! (still)
His skits were the best.
He is a wonderful man, although his ways are different now.
You were also there Gray when for our sharing thingy, (what did they call that when you had to do something in front of the corpse for everyone?)
I showed my birth slides of my Daniel being born. I remember, cause afterward, since you had known me forever, you said, " The things I never knew about you before Suzie...." and we laughed.
Michelle and Rob Ke... after seeing those slides, were so impressed. Michelle who had 3 kids C-section decided then and there, that she now knew how it was done correctly and was determined to have her next one w/out C-section.
Kehoe's were nice folks. (hear they did have 2 more after that and are back in IL)
Did anyone have a job in the corpse being maids and servants to the corpse coordinators?? I never did, only served back stage of the chapel once filling in for one of the pretty girls who couldn't make it that night. (only once tho, just didn't make the cut for whatever it was they were looking for....besides good looks).
I remember Dottie asking me as I served her tea back stage, "Suzie do you plan on getting married again ever?" "I suppose someday Dotty",
I said, "But its most difficult since I don't date anyone ever".
She just looked at me.... I wonder what that was all about.
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Too Gray Now
I remember seeing "pretty young women" backstage. I only thought of their assignment sort of like the SNS flowers. You had to have good looking flowers, so that everything that surrounded leadership was sufficiently "pretty"... you know... to bless THEM, since THEY were so IMPORTANT.
I can't remember one person that served backstage...and I was back there a lot doing Way Prod. Hmmm. Maybe I am just too damn old, now.
All of the people I remember had some quirk of personality that made them memorable. I wasn't high up enough to garner any fawning. Not that I regret that, at ALL!
I remember you, Suz, cuz you were fun! And I was always a sucker for long blond hair... if the truth was known.
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Thanks again Too Gray again for your kind words. I prefer being fun over being a religious geek.
I think having kids helped that, cause you'd be swamped in a million things that needed to be done and pressures everywhere, and this cute little boy with big brown eyes would come and snuggle in my lap. (or the blue eyed boy-although in the corpse he was much to big to snuggle my lap) BTW TGN, he now is 6'4", remember he always wanted to be as tall as Stephen (6'5")---HE almost made it!
I still have long blond hair!! You'd think I'd grow up, but NO,,,,
anyway I also remember the ladies who worked back stage always being pretty. At IC of course they were usually married. Wonder if that put a damper on any of the Back Stage activities...
I wonder about the people who were always chosen to lets say be the servants for the leadership, like the people who's job it was to clean Kehoe's apartment, or Moynihans house....those type jobs.
Maybe they are to hurt to talk about it, maybe they don't post, maybe nobody in the gs community had such a prestigious job!!!
I was housekeeping, beauty shop, maintenance, and of course the garden crew which I spoke of in an earlier thread.
I went to uphoria once for the athletes confrence, went to Madison WI for lightbearers & also went to Brown Cnty IN, went lead 2X of course, we did HQ for a week, went to Dayton to do witnessing gigs, we were gone a lot.
We had such a fun group in f7, I am glad you remember the kewel folks TGN, like Chris, he was such a kick. Lots of talent there too. Remember the guy who played the slide guitar?? Tom Clark??? he died a couple years ago. such a sweet man.
I hate to even mention the ones that are still in, kind of like a "continued death". Its a loss anyway.
Is this thread lost now?? doesn't anybody want to post anymore?? I will leave and let you guys reminiss about the greatness of uphoria if you want to. I honestly wasn't there enough to "love it".
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Well, suz, I'm giving up on this thread. We have both tried to get it going but obviously the rest of the 11th corps ones don't want to. I thought it would be interesting to share what our experiences were and learn but guess not. I loved your posts, btw.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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its a sad day
:(--> when the 11th corpse and f7 have to go into the 9th corpse thread to have any fun. whats this world coming to....???
I agree Vic, time to move on (maybe thats what they are all waiting for, us to leave, so they can post again?????????)
I do know that there are seasons for posting, "to everything there is a season, a time to post a time to chat, a time to leave a time to heal, a time for love, a time for hate a time to cast away posting
(to the tune of turn turn turn....) sing along chillins,lol
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