I'm here too . NIce to see ya'll....Lifted :) , Rum, Kansas, Marx, etc., etc. . I'm still around....just dodge the bullets like probably a lot of ya . I'll try to keep the thread going too :) . Overall, from knowing MANY Corps from 2 - 13, I think the 8th had more shi$ together then the others...but, of course, no prejudice there or anything...LOL.
Dont get what you are saying...as I see your other post above.
As far as having it all together better than the others, one should not that in the great expansion of corps numbers during that time, we were actually relatively small. Smaller than the 6th, 7th, 9th, and 10th I know. Of course before the 6th they were much smaller. You never hear much about the earlier ones as a unit, though...just individuals who were there. I actuall started the 5th corps thread because my first branch leader was 5th, and you can see how far that has gone.
As for the 9th, which icon os hte blabby icon? Always talking so much, you can't tell what (if anything) are the important things being said.
Oh, there you go, now, blaspheming against the Thread of Threads. Don't you know that you have to take it line by line, word by word, to get the greatness of it?
Sorry that it's been forever since I've been here. Guess I've just been busy. I've moved from Utah, back to Washington State (where I grew up and got involved with TWI). Been here a year now.
Looking over that list of 8th Corps , sure brought back memories. It's amazing though what 29 years does to your memory :( . Some that I remember include Jack Wilson, Tina Abrell (?sp), Wynn and Lorinda Biddle, John and Lin McClellan, Jay ___. Of course I remember Lifted Up and Hawk too. What about the Singing Naval... and Pastor Ponder and Snorky. Peter Qualtiri (?sp). Paul Brooks. Come on guys, I need some help here. I see faces flashing before my eyes but where oh where have their names gone?
We sure had a challenging first year, but there are many things I would not change about it. Hard yes, but worth it to me.
Were any of you out there on that hike in Spring 1978 when it snowed? Brrrrrrrrr.
Not to try to do a sweep right now, but I'll mention one tidbit...One day I was working hard on the famous stripping crew...and through my chance remark of where I spent my school years, I discovered that Steve and Cindy Roberts had later gone to the same high school I spent four years at...which school (Groveton) was later dissolved in massive reorganization.
Hey there - Lifted Up... good to be chatting with you again. Been too long.
I remember times on stripping crew too. Can't remember if it was in Kenyon or where though. Guess those chemicals must have got to my brain. :blink: Fortunately for me I spent most of my time on the grounds crew - oh the great outdoors :)
Funny about you guys going to the same High School at different times. Small world sometimes.
So, how you doing? How's the family? Hope all is well. I'm living here in Washington with mom and my younger brother. We all moved here this past year. I didn't like San Diego (as a place to live), and she didn't like Utah winters (which are not THAT bad). So we ended up here - about 7 miles from where I grew up.
Peg, my e-mail is still the same, and you should find it on my profile, if you want to go beyond public chatting. In the meantime, another memory...
We went on that camping trip in March 1978. The one wherewe did that freedom exercise. Well, we are all set for a night of outdoor snoozing...tents up and all. My two person tent was coed BTW. At one point during the evening lightning starts popping in the northeastern sky. Jack Wilson, who is leading the group, asks me (the professional expert) what it was, and I told him it looked like heavy thunderstorms. Suddenly he takes charge, orders camp to break up, and we hike to this empty farm place where we holed up for a couple days from lightning, rain, and snow. We just made it to safe shelter as the first drops fell, which quickly turned into a deluge. The next day, during a temporary weather break, we organized into teams and slaughtered and cooked our chickens.
In that barn, where we all had to hole up in plain sight of each other to snooze, fellow 8th corps and Way C. of E. choir tenor John Zika announced to the group aloud that he was going to change his pants. When asked why he announced it, he said simply, "So those who want to turn away can do so, and those who want to look can look.
I dont think anyone turned away...or stared. We were too tired at that point to extend much effort at anything.
OMG - how could I forget Zeek the Greek. I loved that guy (as a bro).
Yeah, that was an interesting time on the hike, etc. I remember us all getting to the barn and the sky just letting loose after we were in there. Also, night of silence before communion. And then doing those chickens. I think I was one of the first to chop the head off. Figured I might as well get it over with. Interesting memories to be sure. Were you in the group that stayed in the barn? Or went hiking in the snow? I can't remember who all was in the snow hiking group as I became were hypothermic.
I'm pretty sure I have your email in my address book - so will email later.
My old Indy and lightbearers buddy Phil Colvin, aka General Patton, and I singing a duet to get one of three extra leftover sandwiches for lunch on a stay at the Texas farm. And me stumbling in the dark into the wrong porta john in the middle of the night, and of course getting an unexpected visit.
We were always tops...but as far as the thread at the top, yea. And those 9th corps can get a little sensitive about the being on top thing, since they like to be so blabby.
Yeah, I was noticing that they have us outnumbered by a few thousand posts. Of course that doesn't speak to the quality of their posts......blab, blab, blab
Oh well. It's good to remember an interesting period in our lives. There are many things I wouldn't change.
Of course we have all moved on since that time. It's good to remember friends though.
Peg :)
Yea, remembrances can be overdone. But there is nothing wrong with it, as long as we keep it in perspective. Even if we do that, around GS it is hard to publically remember something good without being chopped to bits. There are those who like to belittle someone else's good memories, no matter how much we listen to or acknowledge those who tell about their not so good times.
So true. I understand why many would be angry, etc. Many were betrayed...
I will say this - my WOW years were challenging, but okay. I have no major complaints regarding our first year in res. Now that year was a challenge for me, but I learned a lot and formed some good friendships. It was hard - but good for me. I know that some sickth corps had issues with GW; but was he really the problem? Some seemed pretty rebellious - of course you'll have problems then.
My dad died right before we went back in res for our last year. That just took the rug out from under me. I was not impressed with the Corps Coordinators at emporia that year.That next year, I just no longer had the heart to try and return with the 9th Corps.
My main issues with TWI were after I left. Mainly 1997. Had issues with my Limb Leader and his wife. Talk about thought police. I have nothing good to say about them, so I'll leave it at that.
My good memories revolve around the friends I made and the things I learned. If people have issues with that - so be it. I've left the other crap behind... don't need that .... anymore.
I has a good first residence year. Before then, I had a good apprentice year at Indy. During that year, the guy I replaced in that apartment was having a not so good WOW year. I really wanted to hear more about that year of his, but after showing up here at GS last year for a while, he disappeared.
From the start (Waydale 1999) I have made efforts to learn more about the not so good that happened after I left in december 1979, or even while I was in. I have met with considerable success. However, some of my non-successes have been very telling as well.
Can't remember when the POTP came out from Chris Gear. I had been somewhat involved with twi between 1980-1986 (after leaving the Corps), but in the Fall of 1986 there seemed to be a lot of division within the Corps in California. I ended up leaving then. Got re-involved 1993-1997 in Utah. Left in 1997 - thank goodness.
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I'm here too
. NIce to see ya'll....Lifted :) , Rum, Kansas, Marx, etc., etc.
. I'm still around....just dodge the bullets like probably a lot of ya
. I'll try to keep the thread going too :) . Overall, from knowing MANY Corps from 2 - 13, I think the 8th had more shi$ together then the others...but, of course, no prejudice there or anything...LOL. 
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Lifted Up
I noticed the same thing some time ago when I tried to steal some milestone post on the 9th corpse thread.
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I replied.....not showing me tho
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Lifted Up
Dont get what you are saying...as I see your other post above.
As far as having it all together better than the others, one should not that in the great expansion of corps numbers during that time, we were actually relatively small. Smaller than the 6th, 7th, 9th, and 10th I know. Of course before the 6th they were much smaller. You never hear much about the earlier ones as a unit, though...just individuals who were there. I actuall started the 5th corps thread because my first branch leader was 5th, and you can see how far that has gone.
As for the 9th, which icon os hte blabby icon? Always talking so much, you can't tell what (if anything) are the important things being said.
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Oh, there you go, now, blaspheming against the Thread of Threads. Don't you know that you have to take it line by line, word by word, to get the greatness of it?
It's a walk.
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Jeez - have I been a slacker or what...
Sorry that it's been forever since I've been here. Guess I've just been busy. I've moved from Utah, back to Washington State (where I grew up and got involved with TWI). Been here a year now.
Looking over that list of 8th Corps , sure brought back memories. It's amazing though what 29 years does to your memory :( . Some that I remember include Jack Wilson, Tina Abrell (?sp), Wynn and Lorinda Biddle, John and Lin McClellan, Jay ___. Of course I remember Lifted Up and Hawk too. What about the Singing Naval... and Pastor Ponder and Snorky. Peter Qualtiri (?sp). Paul Brooks. Come on guys, I need some help here. I see faces flashing before my eyes
but where oh where have their names gone?
We sure had a challenging first year, but there are many things I would not change about it. Hard yes, but worth it to me.
Were any of you out there on that hike in Spring 1978 when it snowed? Brrrrrrrrr.
Catch you soon,
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Duh - how could I forget Mike and Cindy Fort, Bill Greene, Tom Lally....
Gene Bianchi had been my WOW bro in Augusta, Georgia in 75-76.
slowly, slowly some of these names are leaking back into my brain
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Lifted Up
Hi Peg.....again...
Not to try to do a sweep right now, but I'll mention one tidbit...One day I was working hard on the famous stripping crew...and through my chance remark of where I spent my school years, I discovered that Steve and Cindy Roberts had later gone to the same high school I spent four years at...which school (Groveton) was later dissolved in massive reorganization.
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Hey there - Lifted Up... good to be chatting with you again. Been too long.
I remember times on stripping crew too. Can't remember if it was in Kenyon or where though. Guess those chemicals must have got to my brain. :blink: Fortunately for me I spent most of my time on the grounds crew - oh the great outdoors :)
Funny about you guys going to the same High School at different times. Small world sometimes.
So, how you doing? How's the family? Hope all is well. I'm living here in Washington with mom and my younger brother. We all moved here this past year. I didn't like San Diego (as a place to live), and she didn't like Utah winters (which are not THAT bad). So we ended up here - about 7 miles from where I grew up.
Keep me posted on how things are going for you!
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Lifted Up
Peg, my e-mail is still the same, and you should find it on my profile, if you want to go beyond public chatting. In the meantime, another memory...
We went on that camping trip in March 1978. The one wherewe did that freedom exercise. Well, we are all set for a night of outdoor snoozing...tents up and all. My two person tent was coed BTW. At one point during the evening lightning starts popping in the northeastern sky. Jack Wilson, who is leading the group, asks me (the professional expert) what it was, and I told him it looked like heavy thunderstorms. Suddenly he takes charge, orders camp to break up, and we hike to this empty farm place where we holed up for a couple days from lightning, rain, and snow. We just made it to safe shelter as the first drops fell, which quickly turned into a deluge. The next day, during a temporary weather break, we organized into teams and slaughtered and cooked our chickens.
In that barn, where we all had to hole up in plain sight of each other to snooze, fellow 8th corps and Way C. of E. choir tenor John Zika announced to the group aloud that he was going to change his pants. When asked why he announced it, he said simply, "So those who want to turn away can do so, and those who want to look can look.
I dont think anyone turned away...or stared. We were too tired at that point to extend much effort at anything.
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OMG - how could I forget Zeek the Greek. I loved that guy (as a bro).
Yeah, that was an interesting time on the hike, etc. I remember us all getting to the barn and the sky just letting loose after we were in there. Also, night of silence before communion. And then doing those chickens. I think I was one of the first to chop the head off. Figured I might as well get it over with. Interesting memories to be sure. Were you in the group that stayed in the barn? Or went hiking in the snow? I can't remember who all was in the snow hiking group as I became were hypothermic.
I'm pretty sure I have your email in my address book - so will email later.
Catch you soon,
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Lifted Up
My old Indy and lightbearers buddy Phil Colvin, aka General Patton, and I singing a duet to get one of three extra leftover sandwiches for lunch on a stay at the Texas farm. And me stumbling in the dark into the wrong porta john in the middle of the night, and of course getting an unexpected visit.
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LOL - interesting times we had, eh?
Oh well. It's good to remember an interesting period in our lives. There are many things I wouldn't change.
Of course we have all moved on since that time. It's good to remember friends though.
Peg :)
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Well, there may not been many of us here - but I'm gonna try and get the 8th back on top.
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Lifted Up
We were always tops...but as far as the thread at the top, yea. And those 9th corps can get a little sensitive about the being on top thing, since they like to be so blabby.
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Yeah, I was noticing that they have us outnumbered by a few thousand posts. Of course that doesn't speak to the quality of their posts......blab, blab, blab
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Lifted Up
Yea, remembrances can be overdone. But there is nothing wrong with it, as long as we keep it in perspective. Even if we do that, around GS it is hard to publically remember something good without being chopped to bits. There are those who like to belittle someone else's good memories, no matter how much we listen to or acknowledge those who tell about their not so good times.
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So true. I understand why many would be angry, etc. Many were betrayed...
I will say this - my WOW years were challenging, but okay. I have no major complaints regarding our first year in res. Now that year was a challenge for me, but I learned a lot and formed some good friendships. It was hard - but good for me. I know that some sickth corps had issues with GW; but was he really the problem? Some seemed pretty rebellious - of course you'll have problems then.
My dad died right before we went back in res for our last year. That just took the rug out from under me. I was not impressed with the Corps Coordinators at emporia that year.That next year, I just no longer had the heart to try and return with the 9th Corps.
My main issues with TWI were after I left. Mainly 1997. Had issues with my Limb Leader and his wife. Talk about thought police. I have nothing good to say about them, so I'll leave it at that.
My good memories revolve around the friends I made and the things I learned. If people have issues with that - so be it. I've left the other crap behind... don't need that .... anymore.
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Lifted Up
I has a good first residence year. Before then, I had a good apprentice year at Indy. During that year, the guy I replaced in that apartment was having a not so good WOW year. I really wanted to hear more about that year of his, but after showing up here at GS last year for a while, he disappeared.
From the start (Waydale 1999) I have made efforts to learn more about the not so good that happened after I left in december 1979, or even while I was in. I have met with considerable success. However, some of my non-successes have been very telling as well.
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Can't remember when the POTP came out from Chris Gear. I had been somewhat involved with twi between 1980-1986 (after leaving the Corps), but in the Fall of 1986 there seemed to be a lot of division within the Corps in California. I ended up leaving then. Got re-involved 1993-1997 in Utah. Left in 1997 - thank goodness.
Am thankful for you and other friends though :)
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Lifted Up
Well, Peg your exit was not nearly so abrupt and total as mine.
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Yes... it seems that though I finally left in 1997, I was still involved off and on for quite a while. <_<
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Boy those 9th Corps sure can talk, can't they..... blah, blah, blah
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