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"Secular Literature"


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I was thinking about my involement in the Way when it came to "secular literature." The area I was in, highly discouraged reading anything outside of the Way ministry especially when it came to self help books even if they contained scripture in it. It got to the point that anything you wanted to know about life the Way claimed to have the corner of truth on it! To be totally honest during my whole time in the ministry I never once purchased a self help book, it even got so bad that I would feel guilty walking into a Christian book store just to look at the books and if I even purchased a secular magazine to read, I would make sure I had them well hidden in my house before leadership came over for a visit.

But I do remember for a time when I first got involved, the leadership did encourage some of those books, the only ones I can think of right now is "See You at the Top by Zig Ziglar" and "How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie" and one on memorization. Then as the years went by, all those kind of books, even magazines on parenting were looked down upon and again if you had that stuff in your home you would be inviting devil spirits into your life. I remember hearing in the advanced class something along the lines of "devil spirits can have a ride in to your home via words" How retarded !!! So what about Weirwille and his "JUNK TABLE" at the advanced classes (talk about secular literature!!) how come they were never concerned about devil spirits having a "ride in" into one of those classes?!!! Sheeeesh!!!

I tell you when I left the Way, the first thing I did was go buy a pile of those "self-help books and it had to be one of the most uplifting moments in my life at that time, talk about freedom!!



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The Way talked out of both sides of their mouth on this, non-Way literature would be referred to, and then we would be told to stick with the PFAL materials.

Much depended on the local leader. After all, Wierwille was obviously well-read, and Martindale used to brag about all the books he read, and even displayed the Harvard Classics on the WayAP set.

In my area the biggest opponent of "secular" literature was my ex-wife. She interpreted Wierwille's statement in PFAL to put aside all your secular reading materials as a lifelong thing. She nagged me when I read books or newspapers, and eventually nagged me into dumping my LP collection.

A few weeks ago my oldest son told me that it was painful for him to watch me throw those records out.

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Just another way for them to get us to depend on them for everything. Heck, you couldn't go to the bathroom by yourself unless you got permission from your local leadership. icon_rolleyes.gif:rolleyes:-->

They recommended the 6-point plan for happy families and built for pleasure or something like that and another marriage book, but yes, self-help books, even Christian ones were heavily shunned by craig. I think, like Oak said, the rest depended on your local leadership.

The key, imo, was to read the things you wanted to but to not make too much of a big deal about what you read and certainly don't elevate it above anything TWI taught. THAT would get you in trouble, but it was okay in my area to read and quote from things like that. In fact our RC's wife was a prolific reader and the last wc couple I was under, the wife had tons of magazines around the house all the time, especially those family oriented ones.

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