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Name that Tune


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This is an unofficial response to WW's unofficial entry. I don't know if the chorus contains the song's name, but if it did, it would be something like "Spill [the] wine, Take that girl". --- at least that's what it sounded like to me, but they could have said something completely different (kinda like "Standing in the Shower With My Love" Hehe.) and don't know who did it.

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  Flow7 said:
This is an unofficial response to WW's unofficial entry. I don't know if the chorus contains the song's name, but if it did, it would be something like "Spill [the] wine, Take that girl". --- at least that's what it sounded like to me, but they could have said something completely different (kinda like "Standing in the Shower With My Love" Hehe.) and don't know who did it.

You're thinking of "Spill the Wine",

by War, with Eric Burdon (of the Animals.)

I got this one right earlier in this thread.

Here's what you were thinking....

"I was once out strolling one very hot summer's day

When I thought I'd lay myself down to rest

in a big field of tall grass

I lay there in the sun and felt it caressing my face

And I fell asleep and dreamed

I dreamed I was in a Hollywood movie

And that I was the star of the movie

This really blew my mind, the fact that me,

an overfed, long-haired leaping gnome

should be the star of a Hollywood movie

But there I was, I was taken to a place, the hall of the mountain kings

I stood high upon a mountain top, naked to the world

In front of every kind of girl, there was

black ones, round ones, big ones, crazy ones...

Out of the middle came a lady

She whispered in my ear something crazy

She said:

Spill the wine and take that pearl, Spill the wine and take that pearl

Spill the wine and take that pearl, Spill the wine and take that pearl


I thought to myself what could that mean

Am I going crazy or is this just a dream

Now, wait a minute

I know I'm lying in a field of grass somewhere

so it's all in my head

and then.. I heard her say one more time:


Spill the wine and take that pearl, Spill the wine and take that pearl

Spill the wine and take that pearl, Spill the wine and take that pearl


I could feel hot flames of fire roaring at my back

As she disappeared, but soon she returned

In her hand was a bottle of wine, in the other, a glass

She poured some of the wine from the bottle into the glass

And raised it to her lips

And just before she drank it, she said:


Spill the wine and take that pearl, Spill the wine and take that pearl

Spill the wine and take that pearl, Spill the wine and take that pearl

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Chic-a-boom(don't you just love it) was done by a one hit wonder(to the best of my knowledge) called Daddy Dewdrop. I still have it on a 45 although I haven't owned a turntable for more than 20 years. I tried to find it, or at least the lyrics on the internet a while back and can't find any mention of the song.


Wordwolf, if you have all the lyrics, would you please post them?

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  QuietThinker said:
I know the song, from college, but I don't know who sang it. Chick-a-boom.

*blink blink*

I'm TRULY impressed.


That is the correct title.

And this is an opportunity for me to tell another song-story.

First, here's the song.

"Last night I had a crazy dream

About a chick in a black bikini

Oh, she looked so good

She couldn't be real

She must be a magic genie

But then she disappeared around the corner

All I saw were three doors

And the top of her bikini

I made it through the first door

There was a party going on

I asked about the chick

But what they said was freaky


Don't ya jes' love it


Don't you jes' love it


Don't ya jes' love it


I found the bottom half

Behind the second door

Which took me to Africa I presume

This really far out cat

Was screaming half crazy

"Bomp boom a loo bom a long bam boo"

I said, hey man

Cut that jive

And tell me where the chick went

But he looked at me

As pleased as could be

And said these words

But I wonder what he meant



Don't ya jes' love it



Don't you jes' love it



Don't ya jes' love it


Aaaah, don't ya jes' love it

Mmm-hum, don't ya jes' love it

Don't ya love it, don't ya love it

Oh yeah, don't ya love it

Don't ya jes' love it now

I opened the third door and there she was

And she whispered so sexy, hello-ooh

I tried to do the same

And impress her with my style

But why I said this

I'll never know



Don't ya jes' love it



Don't you jes' love it



Don't ya jes' love it


Don't ya know I'll



Don't ya jes' love it



Don't you jes' love it



Don't ya jes' love it




Don't ya jes' love it



Don't you jes' love it



Don't ya jes' love it



Here's the story, which is why I've wanted to post this for a while.

From 1971-1976, Saturday morning US cartoons ran one rather early

called "the Groovy Ghoulies." Basically, if you took Rowan and Martin's

"Laugh-In", made it into a cartoon, translated the people into classic

movie-monsters, added some cartoon shorts here and there, and a

music video of them singing and playing, then you'd have the Groovy

Ghoulies. The giveaway that it was like Laugh-In was

"Weird Window Time", which was a ripoff of the opening windows and

one-liners from Laugh-In. It was corny, and dry, and lots of fun to watch

growing up. I know I'm not the only one who remembers it who's my age

because a few years ago someone else was joking about it, and the way

Drac looked when he played the pipe organ. (It was a rather unique look

that can be imitated, but is hard to describe. His face looked really enthused,

his mouth was agape, and he raised each hand above his head and zoomed it

straight down like a dive-bomber as he hit the keys.)

Anyway, the songs can stay with you a VERY long time. Songs like

"At MID-NIGHT!" and "Dumb Ol' Ghoulie" and ones other people remember

better, plus the theme song.

Well, one song-with a video like always-

was written by Dick Monda, who had written others for the show.

But, this time, he didn't let the song just die with the cartoon.

So, he made a single of it.

"Daddy Dewdrop was a fictitious name of an artist, now known as a One Hit Wonder with the song "Chick-A-Boom", written by Dick Monda.

Dick Monda is a songwriter living in California, but originally from Cleveland. While in a group of studio musicians from the Sunflower label, namely, Bill Perry, Tom Hensley, Steve Rillera, and Larry Brown and calling themselves the the "Torrance Cookers" they recorded an album with the one hit wonder "Chick-A-Boom (Don't Ya Jes' Love It)", in 1971. The single reached number 9, but follow-up releases by Daddy Dewdrop failed to chart.

Monda worked as a songwriter for the television series "Sabrina And The Groovy Ghoulies", a USA cartoon."

""Daddy Dewdrop" was actually Dick Monda, a songwriter originally from Cleveland, along with some studio musicians calling themselves the "Torrance Cookers." The musicians were Bill Perry, Tom Hensley, Steve Rillera, and Larry Brown. The single and subsequent album were recorded in Torrance, California. Surprisingly, the song "Chick-A-Boom," a wry sexual fantasy put to music, jumped into the national top-10, the biggest hit the label ever had. The Daddy Dewdrop album, which followed the successful single, was a light-hearted, if not lightweight, effort that sealed the fate of Daddy Dewdrop as a one-hit wonder, never to be heard from again. The followup single, "The March of the White Corpuscles"/"Fox Huntin'" [sunflower 111], sank without a trace.

Dick Monda provided us with a little more background. He explained in a note to us, "I was born in Cleveland, but I lived in California from the time I was five. The interesting thing about 'Chick-A-Boom' is that I originally did it for the TV cartoon show Sabrina and the Groovie Goolies. You were right about the lack of success of the second single. It wasn't the record I wanted to release, but [MGM honcho] Mike Curb would not give my choice a chance. The song I wanted, entitled 'I Ain't Never Seen a White Man,' was later released as the lead cut on an album I produced on Wolfman Jack. The song was a total departure from 'Chick-A-Boom,' as I never thought the hit could be followed up. No songs of that genre have ever been followed up successfully, so it remains to be seen if 'Who Let the Dogs Out' will break the jinx. Anyway, it still feels good to know that someone still remembers my one hit wonder after all these years.""

"Dick Monda has one of the more out-there resumes you’ll find. He produced the music for the great 70’s Saturday morning cartoon Groovy Goolies, and enjoyed his 15 minutes of fame with a charting single actually written for that show, Chick-A-Boom, which he performed under the nom-de-plume Daddy Dewdrop (backed by a group of session dudes named…The Torrance Cookers.) In addition to this, he apparently was in a Troma movie about dismembered strippers (natch) called Body Parts. More recently he worked on a Ringo Starr Christmas album. Like I said, out there."

I hadn't remembered the song until I was reading some stuff about the cartoon.

But, when I read the title, I found I could sing the chorus on-key, and remember part

of the video, with the doors opening and shutting.

Of course, the chorus is an "ear worm", and I can't STOP singing the chorus on-key now.....

If anyone finds the cartoons, or the entire song somewhere, I might be able to clear it from my brain....

Anyway, I found this to be a FAScinating story, but I suppose none of you did-unless you watched the



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Gonna Thow this one in ....sorry I was late...

Here come the dancers 1 by 1

Your mama's callin' But you're havin' fun

You find you're dancin' on that number 9 cloud

Put your head together and sing it out loud

This one brings back fond memories of the Famous "Wonder Bar" in Casper, WY. Iin 1979 this band used the venue to get ready for their upcoming tour...it was amazing to watch these guys play in a bar that only held a couple hundred people...God was it loud!!!


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  Flow7 said:
"The Isrealites" by Desmond Decker good Reggae :)

Is there a difference between Reggae and Ska? (that's what the site said it was)

Nevertheless, he's the "Desmond" in Ob-Bla-Di, Ob-Bla-Da...

yes Was I imagine they were... did you ever see the picture of the stadium full of people when you opened up the "Fandango" album? I was in that picture... somewhere... it was the first ZZ Top Barn Dance and Bar-B-Q and one of the bands was Bad Company and I'm pretty sure they might have played Rock and Roll Fantasy but I'm not positive as it was very hot that day and the brownies and mushrooms were in full effect...

Edited by Tom Strange
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This song might be too obscure although the artist isn't...

Sometimes I think I'm the only person who ever bought this album...

Or, at least, bought it and thought it was one of the finest albums ever made...

And this song... a masterpiece...

So I'll give you a bunch of lines:

Me and my good partners

We were riding back to our camp

We were feeling very fine

The air was clear and slightly damp

We were riding back to have ourselves a party

To celebrate the robbing of the train

We were talking kind of low and lazy

'bout not having to go out soon again

...but then again, you folks surprise me sometimes (though I should expect it!)

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Sorry Sharon, I am going to jump in here for now.

Here is an older song.

Isn't that the way they say it goes

But let's forget all that

And give me the number if you can find it


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