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Name that Tune


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"I just can't see no humour

About your way of life

I think I can do more for you

With this here fork and knife"

"Believe in all the good things

That money just can't buy,

Then you won't get no bellyache

From eatin' humble pie.

I believe in rags to riches-

Your inheritance won't last.

So take your Gray Poupon my friend

And shove it up your @$$!"

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Superbowl Sunday and chemo have kept us busy..

Eat the rich by areosmith

I'm pretty sure I'm correct so here's next tune should be pretty ez

18 carat is OK

But 14 carat will make the grade

Yes, I'm a ring pawnbroker

Don't have nothing but the best that's made

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it's Aerosmith's "Eat the Rich."

Those of you who walked into video arcades in the right era

saw Aerosmith's video game, "Revolution X."

The opening section-which ends with Aerosmith being

kidnapped by NON- uses this song, among others.

And Aerosmith's album which was effectively

"Aerosmith's Greatest Hits Volume 2"

was titled "Big Ones."

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The 1970s, I believe, is the original, which is the one I'm quoting.

"Well you're built like a car

You've got a hub-cap diamond-star-halo.

You're built like a car, oh, yeah."


I'm stiiiiilll thinking"

Edited by WordWolf
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  GeorgeStGeorge said:
I can hear the melody; I can remember some of the words; I just can't name that tune! :rolleyes:


Wait a minute...

"Bang the Gong" by T-Rex?



T-Rex did "Get it On(Bang a Gong)".

It was covered by Power Station in the 80s (1/2 of Duran Duran),

with heavy work on the electric guitars.

However, the closing line is only in the original

("but meanwhile, I'm stiiiilll thinking...")

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Just as an adjunct "Bang a Gong" was Just Redone as an exclusive for JCPenney's Oscar's Ad Campaign... by... Get this.... Bob Dylan's boy, Jakob Dylan.. Bob would be spinnin' in his grave 'cept he's still alive :biglaugh:

Click HERE to have a listen. :spy:

Oh, and George, was it "Love" that kept Toni and Darryl together all those years?

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Not a bad remake, actually. Funkier than the original.

And wasway, since this is not the Nostalgia Thread, we don't have to keep hinting at the tune. Yuo obviously know it was "Love Will Keep Us Together" by The Captain and Tenille, so go ahead with teh next tune.


P.S. I thought Toni Tenille was HOT back in the day!

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Ok St George... I just think its fun to answer that way...Makes me have to think a bit..

Here is one that is going to be tough, I think... It was one of those AOR tunes that really made you think.

Between the iron gates of fate,

The seeds of time were sown,

And watered by the deeds of those

Who know and who are known;

Knowledge is a deadly friend

When no one sets the rules.

The fate of all mankind I see

Is in the hands of fools.

I had this verse printed on a note book that I use in my Poli-Sci classes back in the day.

And George, I also have that as a really good MP3 that stripped down WAV file doesn't really do it justice..If you want it let me know and I'll set up a link for you.

Steppenwolf is in concert on PBS so I 'm goin' back Reminisce for a while

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I don't know the tune, which doesn't make me feel bad. I don't know what "AOR" is, which does!

What song do you have the mp3 file for? If it's Capt. & Tenille, I've got all their albums (and, believe it or not, a TURNTABLE to play then on). If it's the tune you gave teh clue for, why not wait until someone guesses it, and then post a link?


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  GeorgeStGeorge said:
I don't know the tune, which doesn't make me feel bad. I don't know what "AOR" is, which does!

What song do you have the mp3 file for? If it's Capt. & Tenille, I've got all their albums (and, believe it or not, a TURNTABLE to play then on). If it's the tune you gave teh clue for, why not wait until someone guesses it, and then post a link?


I was talking about the Jakob Dylan version of "Gong," George.

AOR "Album Oriented Rock" Is what they use to call radio stations back in the day that played Album cuts that weren't top 40 material. :evilshades:

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