As a MAJOR Dr. Seuss fan (I use his books when I teach...ALL the time) I am NOT attending this movie.
I like Mike Myers in Austin Powers, and that ilk....but whatever dimwitted mongloid picked him to play the Cat in the Hat deserves permanent earwigs with serious gas.
With the notable exception of the older, brilliant "Grinch" cartoon (what could the 2 hour, long-winded Jim Carrey/Ron Howard abortion that came out a couple years ago accomplish, that the old 25 minute cartoon couldn't?) , Dr. Suess absolutely sucks in the live action format.
And how long does it take to read the original "Cat in the Hat" - 5 minutes?
With Dr.Suess pushing up daisies, naturally they have to hire a team of no-talent writers to come up with superfluous garbage to pad the original short story, and to kill an hour and a half.
Got conned into taking my son and his cousin to see this turkey and it just might be the absolutely worst movie I've ever seen in my life. Unbelievably awful
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To paraphrase a great movie reviewer:
This movie is a pooptacular poopfest of poopy poop.
I didn't see it. Don't wanna.
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George Aar
I can't say that the trailers are even much of an incentive.
Could the costumes be anymore repellent?
Seriously creepy looking stuff.
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As a MAJOR Dr. Seuss fan (I use his books when I teach...ALL the time) I am NOT attending this movie.
I like Mike Myers in Austin Powers, and that ilk....but whatever dimwitted mongloid picked him to play the Cat in the Hat deserves permanent earwigs with serious gas.
Robin Williams would have been MUCH better.
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With the notable exception of the older, brilliant "Grinch" cartoon (what could the 2 hour, long-winded Jim Carrey/Ron Howard abortion that came out a couple years ago accomplish, that the old 25 minute cartoon couldn't?) , Dr. Suess absolutely sucks in the live action format.
And how long does it take to read the original "Cat in the Hat" - 5 minutes?
With Dr.Suess pushing up daisies, naturally they have to hire a team of no-talent writers to come up with superfluous garbage to pad the original short story, and to kill an hour and a half.
What a waste of money - and time.
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Got conned into taking my son and his cousin to see this turkey and it just might be the absolutely worst movie I've ever seen in my life. Unbelievably awful
Did the kids like it?
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"Did the kids like it?"
What a wonderful, poignant, pithy response that only a female could conjure.
Makes me glad I married one myself.
Shellon, I bet you're a great mom.
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Pithy: what a word. At first I thought of the way my 8 year old gets away with saying shi+ by holding her tongue and saying sit.
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"Did the kids like it?"
The 7-year old enjoyed the farts and booger jokes and dog pee stuff.
The 11-year old thought it was stupid.
It would be a shame if a kid's only knowledge of Dr. Seuss came from this mess.
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