coupcake...Tom and Lori were both very good friends of mine. I knew them in Rochester and in Colorado. I lost track of both of them years ago...what happened to Tom, pray tell?
Hairy, hello. My husband and I are from and still in Rochester. Tom, I am so sad to say passed away a few years ago. We tracked down his family when we saw the obituary and they told us what happened but had little knowledge of what happened to Lori. We probably know each other if you knew them here in Rochester. You can email me at coupcake@aol.
Still no word on (((Lori))) and that is sad but God Bless here wherever she is and maybe we can all pray we find where this sweet dear person is and some closure can come to those who love her and yeah coupcake ,Tom's passing still hasn't really sunk in yet :(--> Thankful and glad I got to know the both of them in a time when their friendship really did wonderful things for my life/heart and my memories of them are very special. :(-->
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coupcake...Tom and Lori were both very good friends of mine. I knew them in Rochester and in Colorado. I lost track of both of them years ago...what happened to Tom, pray tell?
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Hairy, hello. My husband and I are from and still in Rochester. Tom, I am so sad to say passed away a few years ago. We tracked down his family when we saw the obituary and they told us what happened but had little knowledge of what happened to Lori. We probably know each other if you knew them here in Rochester. You can email me at coupcake@aol.
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Still no word on (((Lori))) and that is sad but God Bless here wherever she is and maybe we can all pray we find where this sweet dear person is and some closure can come to those who love her and yeah coupcake ,Tom's passing still hasn't really sunk in yet
:(--> Thankful and glad I got to know the both of them in a time when their friendship really did wonderful things for my life/heart and my memories of them are very special.
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Tom was a good friend and I am very sad at this news. He was warm, friendly and honest. He had a great heart and I thank God for his life.
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