Rene was in the 16th WC and I met her first block of my last year in residence. Rene is a funny, sweet and wonderful individual. I found her to be a very refreshing person to be around.
I found Rene though Waydale several years ago. We exchanged letters a couple of times and then she moved and I lost her again. She was living in Florida and happily married. That is all I can remember.
Rene is one of my all time favorite people. She was very funny & made me laugh a lot.
We did some crazy things that year together. Like sneaking out for Big Mac's at McDonald's the night before a "fast" we were supposed to go on. We did some very interesting door-to-door witnessing, too..
Anyway, I'm glad to hear she got married. Hope she is out of TWI. She is just one of the sweetest, funniest people I've known & really loved God.
OLM: In 1996 I was listening to tapes of Vince Finnegan. On one tape she was in the crowd and Vince said her name. He would probably know how to contact her.
I remember Rene...I recall her highlights and her green eyes (if Im not mistaken) and her constant smile and laughter. She was in my Corps (16th) and we spent several blocks together. She was always fun and great person to be around. NEver stuffy!
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Jacqueline Simpson Howley
Rene was in the 16th WC and I met her first block of my last year in residence. Rene is a funny, sweet and wonderful individual. I found her to be a very refreshing person to be around.
I found Rene though Waydale several years ago. We exchanged letters a couple of times and then she moved and I lost her again. She was living in Florida and happily married. That is all I can remember.
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Wow, thanks for the reply Jacqueline.
Rene is one of my all time favorite people. She was very funny & made me laugh a lot.
We did some crazy things that year together. Like sneaking out for Big Mac's at McDonald's the night before a "fast" we were supposed to go on. We did some very interesting door-to-door witnessing, too..
Anyway, I'm glad to hear she got married. Hope she is out of TWI. She is just one of the sweetest, funniest people I've known & really loved God.
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OLM: In 1996 I was listening to tapes of Vince Finnegan. On one tape she was in the crowd and Vince said her name. He would probably know how to contact her.
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I remember Rene...I recall her highlights and her green eyes (if Im not mistaken) and her constant smile and laughter. She was in my Corps (16th) and we spent several blocks together. She was always fun and great person to be around. NEver stuffy!
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I'm not sure where Rene is but we had a lot of fun together at Camp Gunnison.
We used to do coffe commericals together that would leave people in tears.
A wonderful, funny, smart spiritual woman.
Hey Rene..........we named our son Gunnison
Don't worry........we've been out of TWI since Craig's ridiculous ultimatium in 1989.
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