Imbus, name.. I for one had been trying to figure out what it meant.. Thanks for telling us. Sorry to hear of your past troubles.. hope things improve soon.
I am ladycat.......because...........I am a lady... and my name is lady+cat...
I read more than I post. Someday I may tell my story. I am just happy I got out when I did (late 80's) before all the really horrible stuff went around. I was M&A before there was an M&A as not only was I a "dominering wife" but I liked to say "chapter and verse?" too much.
When I would occasionally post on WayDale, I used the pseudonymn lantrn because Green lantrn was always my favorite comic book hero. I had my '67 Chevelle painted green with his insignia on the hood. Unfortunately, Texas only allows six letters or numbers on a license plate, so I went for LANTRN. (The beauty of that, for comic-book afficionados, is that it can be pronounced "lantern" or "lantrin," as the 1940's Green Lantern was called by his sidekick.)
But I digress. I now simply use my own name. (Yes, that really IS my name!) I picked what to me looks like a spaceman avatar, because it was the most comic-book-y. If I figure out how to use the Green Lantern insignia (and hopefully avoid copyright issues), I'll probably change to that.
I haven't picked an icon yet. I'm still working on getting a picture of Alex, my cat, to the right size etc., that it will work as an icon.
My name, ExWayDaryl, was thought up on the spot when I discovered Grease Spot Cafe.
My name really is Daryl. And I really do live in Franklin Park Illinois with my cat, and his name really is Alex. (His picture is posted in the "Every Picture Tells a Story" forum.
He's a good looking cat, too. Take a peek when you get the chance. He still thinks he's a tough little street cat, and that's fine. I know him better however. He's a total sweetheart when you get to know him.
Lives in Franklin Park, Illinois with Alex, his cat (or is that "Alex lives with Daryl, his human"?)
I was relatively new anyway, and the old login was not good for anything, now I'm smurfette. I always liked those silly things. Figured that would work for a name. Catch you all around the forums.
I got the name DefCon 5 from a Grade B sci-fi flick. But when I signed up at ezboard it was taken.
So I added a number. Which is my birth year.
The name's Jim *••••••• no last names cuz the wife want's nothing to do with twi. So I will protect her privacy.
I'm Belle because I'm southern and my mama always wanted me to be a Southern Belle. Since I'm more red neck than anything else, I figure this way I can at least partially fulfill her dream. :D-->
MATILDA is the first name of Matilda Hooligan, a name foisted upon me (in my childhood by my older sinister brother, Smut) with no less intention than to tease, torment, and antagonize me. Much to the great Smuterion's chagrin, I heard the song "Waltzing Matilda" sometime after he was mercilessly assaulting me with the name-calling...loved the song...changed my mind about the onus of being "Matilda."
Even now, a thousand years later, I embrace my tilderiffic heritage by giving it my sole cyber-identity. Viva la Smut!
p.s the reason MATILDA is in caps is becuz I was an incredible cyberflubup in daze of Waydale long gone...didn't know how to change it once I fell into the rabbit
Indeed. I've enjoyed all the various Green Lantern manifestations, though Hal Jordan was the one I grew up with. It would appear that DC is bringing him back as Green Lantern again (after destroying all time, space, and dimension as Parallax and then redeeming himself as the Spectre :)-->).
Really, coming back? Cool. I just remember the old DC Green Lantern.
What did you think of the movie "Unbreakable"? I liked it a lot. I noticed very young how all the super heroes were misplaced out of context people trying to balance their lives out. But then I always wondered where Caspar came from since he was obviously a kid.
socks - a computer term, with a phisophical component hard wired in, made of cotton. Washable, interminable, lost, but found.
well, when I first got on line, I owned 2 Alfa Romeos (the cars) and we had 2 cats and I really enjoy jazz so that all added up to alfakat(s) as a user name and email address. Now I own 3 Alfas and we had 3 cats a couple of times but are back at 2 now.
Sudo helped me with my avatar initially and after playing around with different looks I settled on this pic of an Alfa show car grille.
Second James to me is just a simple way of using my initials...JJ...I'm Jim Jackemeyer from Ft wayne Indiana..have nuthin' to hide from any WAYGB..I'm on a small farm and have three grown kids. I realize that james was the brother of Jesus & since I do follow Christ ..I too am his brother...a "second james"...kniw nuthin' about whipping an icon under it! I enjoy many many of your posts & your honesty btw..very stimulating at times.JJ
I can never think of anything witty or imaginative, so I tend to stick with things that are fairly obvious or to the point. g and c are my initials, hence gc. My initials will be changing within the year to g.n. :D--> but I think I'll stick with the gc since I've had them for so long.
When I began on the internet and frequented irc my nick was Esther, after Queen Esther, and CajunPrincess. The CajunPrincess was for the way I wanted to be treated if I ever started dating again (after my divorce).
I haven't chosen an avatar yet. I have a picture that I use normally, but not sure if it is possible to use it here.
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Imbus, name.. I for one had been trying to figure out what it meant.. Thanks for telling us. Sorry to hear of your past troubles.. hope things improve soon.
The decisions we make today form our future.
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I am ladycat.......because...........I am a lady... and my name is lady+cat...
I read more than I post. Someday I may tell my story. I am just happy I got out when I did (late 80's) before all the really horrible stuff went around. I was M&A before there was an M&A as not only was I a "dominering wife" but I liked to say "chapter and verse?" too much.
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Hi, i'm mostly a lurker. Lurked around the Waydale and EZ board site, but recently felt a little more like posting.
Anyway, Bramble. Gotta protect the flower. Mind picture for boundaries, ptotection, that sort of stuff.
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When I would occasionally post on WayDale, I used the pseudonymn lantrn because Green lantrn was always my favorite comic book hero. I had my '67 Chevelle painted green with his insignia on the hood. Unfortunately, Texas only allows six letters or numbers on a license plate, so I went for LANTRN. (The beauty of that, for comic-book afficionados, is that it can be pronounced "lantern" or "lantrin," as the 1940's Green Lantern was called by his sidekick.)
But I digress. I now simply use my own name. (Yes, that really IS my name!) I picked what to me looks like a spaceman avatar, because it was the most comic-book-y. If I figure out how to use the Green Lantern insignia (and hopefully avoid copyright issues), I'll probably change to that.
George St. George
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I haven't picked an icon yet. I'm still working on getting a picture of Alex, my cat, to the right size etc., that it will work as an icon.
My name, ExWayDaryl, was thought up on the spot when I discovered Grease Spot Cafe.
My name really is Daryl. And I really do live in Franklin Park Illinois with my cat, and his name really is Alex. (His picture is posted in the "Every Picture Tells a Story" forum.
He's a good looking cat, too. Take a peek when you get the chance. He still thinks he's a tough little street cat, and that's fine. I know him better however. He's a total sweetheart when you get to know him.
Lives in Franklin Park, Illinois with Alex, his cat (or is that "Alex lives with Daryl, his human"?)
Ha! Go figger!!!
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I've been born again!! hahaha
I was relatively new anyway, and the old login was not good for anything, now I'm smurfette. I always liked those silly things. Figured that would work for a name. Catch you all around the forums.
Edited by smurfetteLink to comment
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Def is for defense condition
I got the name DefCon 5 from a Grade B sci-fi flick. But when I signed up at ezboard it was taken.
So I added a number. Which is my birth year.
The name's Jim *••••••• no last names cuz the wife want's nothing to do with twi. So I will protect her privacy.
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Trefor Heywood
I didn;t actually intend to use my real name when I signed up!
Somehow I must have got something mixed up!
It was meant to be Cleftref which is a play on the Welsh spelling of Clever Trevor.
As to the icon - it was the best I could find at the time that hadn't already been used!
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Eagle is just the bird I admire the most. The earliest large bird from my memory. It also was a sign off on my handle in Vietnam.
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Well, my new handle is pretty obvious, but I said in my post on page one that I would type this on page 7.
I was chinson...then I married theloveofmylifemysoulmatemyonetruelove, Steve!
So now I'm Cindy! in every connotation available!!!
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I'm Belle because I'm southern and my mama always wanted me to be a Southern Belle. Since I'm more red neck than anything else, I figure this way I can at least partially fulfill her dream.
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Why I do delare! Sometimes it gets so dreadfully hot, a girl needs a mint julep while sitting on the front porch.
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"In brightest day
In blackest night
No evil shall escape my sight.
Let those who worship evil's might
Beware my power
Green Lantern's light!"
Green Lantern rocks!
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MATILDA is the first name of Matilda Hooligan, a name foisted upon me (in my childhood by my older sinister brother, Smut) with no less intention than to tease, torment, and antagonize me. Much to the great Smuterion's chagrin, I heard the song "Waltzing Matilda" sometime after he was mercilessly assaulting me with the name-calling...loved the song...changed my mind about the onus of being "Matilda."
Even now, a thousand years later, I embrace my tilderiffic heritage by giving it my sole cyber-identity. Viva la Smut!
p.s the reason MATILDA is in caps is becuz I was an incredible cyberflubup in daze of Waydale long gone...didn't know how to change it once I fell into the rabbit
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Indeed. I've enjoyed all the various Green Lantern manifestations, though Hal Jordan was the one I grew up with. It would appear that DC is bringing him back as Green Lantern again
(after destroying all time, space, and dimension as Parallax
and then redeeming himself as the Spectre
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Really, coming back? Cool. I just remember the old DC Green Lantern.
What did you think of the movie "Unbreakable"? I liked it a lot. I noticed very young how all the super heroes were misplaced out of context people trying to balance their lives out. But then I always wondered where Caspar came from since he was obviously a kid.
socks - a computer term, with a phisophical component hard wired in, made of cotton. Washable, interminable, lost, but found.
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well, when I first got on line, I owned 2 Alfa Romeos (the cars) and we had 2 cats and I really enjoy jazz so that all added up to alfakat(s) as a user name and email address. Now I own 3 Alfas and we had 3 cats a couple of times but are back at 2 now.
Sudo helped me with my avatar initially and after playing around with different looks I settled on this pic of an Alfa show car grille.
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Second James
Second James to me is just a simple way of using my initials...JJ...I'm Jim Jackemeyer from Ft wayne Indiana..have nuthin' to hide from any WAYGB..I'm on a small farm and have three grown kids. I realize that james was the brother of Jesus & since I do follow Christ ..I too am his brother...a "second james"...kniw nuthin' about whipping an icon under it! I enjoy many many of your posts & your honesty btw..very stimulating at times.JJ
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You can add an avatar by using Go (upper left corner of page), My Space, Profile. You can add (or edit) an avatar there.
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I can never think of anything witty or imaginative, so I tend to stick with things that are fairly obvious or to the point. g and c are my initials, hence gc. My initials will be changing within the year to g.n.
:D--> but I think I'll stick with the gc since I've had them for so long.
When I began on the internet and frequented irc my nick was Esther, after Queen Esther, and CajunPrincess. The CajunPrincess was for the way I wanted to be treated if I ever started dating again (after my divorce).
I haven't chosen an avatar yet. I have a picture that I use normally, but not sure if it is possible to use it here.
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i choose coolchef 'cause thats just what i am
and i am what i am!
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Out There
I chose Out There because with my job (I'm a climber) thats where I am most of the time - Out There.
Whenever you don't see me post its because I am Out There
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