O.K. For all you "gringos" out there. "Jardinero" is the Spanish word for "gardener". I love to garden, love all the references in the Bible to sowing seed, harvesting, sowers, etc. Why I chose to say it in Spanish - - hey, I'm Spanish and Mexican, why not?
P.S. I sometimes sign out as "Jardinero - - still weeding my own garden" - - that's just where I am in my own life!
The avatar was the only "fresh" thing from a garden I could find!
OK.. OK... Mees Geenjer Tee... the story of my name is very spiritual (the voices say that you can handle it though, being spiritually mature and all) so here goes...
Way back in the ninth grade I was getting my own phone, one of the new ones with pushbuttons... soon after the installation, I got a phone call, it was someone looking for "Tom", I said "Tom who", they said "Tom Strange" isn't this his number?"... so (after we hung up) I looked up this Tom Strange in the phone book and voila! there was my phone number... thereafter I just told my friends that I was listed as "Tom Strange" when they wanted my number...
They all thought it was very appropriate...
(as for TGN's spiritual beliefs, the voices say he doesn't have any, "he talks to us all the time" they say, and he is a cyclops! that's why he has that avatar! and in the illuminati! and the PTA!)
OAK...it isn't a slur -- honest, it is the southwest/California version of "Yankee." It can be derogatory in the same way that Yankee can be, but most often, it is just a mutual term of understanding.
I am with you Jardinero...I grew up in Northern California when back in the sixties, Spanish as a second language started in third grade so we could communicate with our classmates. That was WAYYYYY before the vehement backlash against the immigrants (illegal or otherwise) took center stage. We Californians recognize that the Mexicans settled CA a long time before the gringos arrived, we are co-mingled to the max.
Flay Minion ~ don't know. I just like Filet Mignon and have been a minion for years to this High Muckety Muck and that High Muckety Muck so I thought it was clever.
So much for thinking. And the icon is supposed to be a phoenix rising from the ashes. That is not so clear I guess but it is what I am trying to do now and I thought it looked cool.
Back to the gringo discussion.
If at first you don't succeed, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it
As in the old hymm by Charles H. Gabriel, I know that He lifted me...from sinking sand, with a tender hand. Except He is still doing it, since I still find ways to get myself deeper into that sand. It is my way of reminding myself.
It is interesting to hear from those here how each chose as hasndle. It is yours...from your mind, your heart.
MikeB... I just find one I like somewhere (anywhere on the web) and right click on it, copy the properties, and paste them in here where it gives you the choice of avatar (I forget, is there a 'custom' choice?)
anyway, find what you like, add to the flavor... although I'd advise against using a pic of Jon Lovitz, Raffy already claimed that one!
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
I came to your church today trying to get out of what I am in (see my username) and all you here did was drive me deeper in to it! If you want to know what lying is all about, I can tell you more than you will ever know.
I'm with you JohnIAm. I love Dr Wierwille and the Word he stood for, died for and bled his heart out for to numskulls like you and I.
God does not waste his time on reprobates. He cannot teach knowitalls because their jug is already full. Remember the capacity problem of those who had rejected the Fountain of Living Waters? Very smart. Not!
But hey, remember the passage where it says look out when people tell you how great you are. that that's how they treated their heroes that got them killed, the false prophets? But hopefully that's how they'll treat me here, LiarLiarPantsOnFire. I tell you I cannot lose!
But all kidding aside I try to respect people here and everywhere. I do not, however, ever have to buy in to their 3 bristle toothbrushes they peddle. I just have to follow the rules. Even my mom made me do that. :(-->
I cannot believe this thread has been around since the dawn of time and I'm just finding it! Sheesh...I need to get out more often! ;)-->
Okie dokie...When I first found GS, I was jezusfreaknut...when I first got involved with TWI my mom told me I was becoming one of those ''jesus freaks'', she was right, and I still am! :D--> The ''nut'' part, well that's pretty darn obvious! I shortened it to jezusfreaky cause t was easier to type. Most folks just call me Freaky or Colleen or Coll.
My icon is a picture I took, it has one a few photography contests and it's a tiger lilly. Just wanted something personal. Thanks Steve-o! :)-->
Peace and Love.
Love y'all,
''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''
Spent the past hour reading up on all the fine folk here!
Well I will add to it. dmiller is me, David Miller. I wanted an e-mail address that had my name in it. David Miller was already taken, so I went with dmiller1112 as my e-mail address (1112 is my street address). I used that for the longest time as a s/n, then realized I could add extra s/n's. --> (yes -- I am SLOW at times!) :D-->
There are several others I have gone under, but the other names besides dmiller that I am known by, are DustyWanderer, and FiddlePicker
I chose DustyWanderer because it described my search for truth both BEFORE twi, and AFTER twi. Dusty from Wandering, looking for a place to "hang my hat". :(--> FiddlePicker, because even though I play several Bluegrass instruments, the fiddle is my favourite. It depends on where I am, as to which name I use, and here at GSCafe, it has always been dmiller.
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Well, I guess I will make this my first post, even though I have been lurking since WayDale. I just never have much to say. heh!
This name is mostly due to the fact that I work for a wrestling federation.
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood"..........but hey, I love to see a good Clothesline once in a while
[This message was edited by WrestlenotAgainst on January 31, 2004 at 2:51.]
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O.K. For all you "gringos" out there. "Jardinero" is the Spanish word for "gardener". I love to garden, love all the references in the Bible to sowing seed, harvesting, sowers, etc. Why I chose to say it in Spanish - - hey, I'm Spanish and Mexican, why not?
P.S. I sometimes sign out as "Jardinero - - still weeding my own garden" - - that's just where I am in my own life!
The avatar was the only "fresh" thing from a garden I could find!
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Tom Strange
OK.. OK... Mees Geenjer Tee... the story of my name is very spiritual (the voices say that you can handle it though, being spiritually mature and all) so here goes...
Way back in the ninth grade I was getting my own phone, one of the new ones with pushbuttons... soon after the installation, I got a phone call, it was someone looking for "Tom", I said "Tom who", they said "Tom Strange" isn't this his number?"... so (after we hung up) I looked up this Tom Strange in the phone book and voila! there was my phone number... thereafter I just told my friends that I was listed as "Tom Strange" when they wanted my number...
They all thought it was very appropriate...
(as for TGN's spiritual beliefs, the voices say he doesn't have any, "he talks to us all the time" they say, and he is a cyclops! that's why he has that avatar! and in the illuminati! and the PTA!)
... big hitter, the lama...
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What exactly is a "gringo"? It sounds vaguely insulting.
Here's what Merriam-Webster says:
Main Entry: grin·go
Pronunciation: 'gri[ng]-(")gO
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural gringos
Etymology: Spanish, alteration of griego Greek, stranger, from Latin Graecus Greek
Date: 1849
often disparaging : a foreigner in Spain or Latin America especially when of English or American origin; broadly : a non-Hispanic person
In theory there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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"often disparaging"
My dearest Oakspear;
No offence meant. When we use it in the SouthWest, we just mean folks who may not know the Spanish language, nothing more.
Sorry, coming from Calif. to Indianapolis, I still cringe when folks out here call that flat, round bread we eat "TOR - TILL- ***".
Pues, te amo, mi hermanito! Dios te bendiga!
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Radar OReilly
OAK...it isn't a slur -- honest, it is the southwest/California version of "Yankee." It can be derogatory in the same way that Yankee can be, but most often, it is just a mutual term of understanding.
I am with you Jardinero...I grew up in Northern California when back in the sixties, Spanish as a second language started in third grade so we could communicate with our classmates. That was WAYYYYY before the vehement backlash against the immigrants (illegal or otherwise) took center stage. We Californians recognize that the Mexicans settled CA a long time before the gringos arrived, we are co-mingled to the max.
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i'm a gringo and a yankee.....
never bothered me
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Thanks Jardinero.
¡no te preocupes mi hermanita!
In theory there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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Gracias, Oakspear. Tu eres mas afable.
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Tom Strange
I'm a yanko and a gringee
... big hitter, the lama...
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Flay Minion
Flay Minion ~ don't know. I just like Filet Mignon and have been a minion for years to this High Muckety Muck and that High Muckety Muck so I thought it was clever.
So much for thinking. And the icon is supposed to be a phoenix rising from the ashes. That is not so clear I guess but it is what I am trying to do now and I thought it looked cool.
Back to the gringo discussion.
If at first you don't succeed, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it
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Tom Strange
Flay... hello... thanks for clearing up the avatar thing... it is a phoenix! I thought it was a golf ball on a tee!
... big hitter, the lama...
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very cool thinking flay
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Someone's looking for this thread. It's here.
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Lifted Up
As in the old hymm by Charles H. Gabriel, I know that He lifted me...from sinking sand, with a tender hand. Except He is still doing it, since I still find ways to get myself deeper into that sand. It is my way of reminding myself.
It is interesting to hear from those here how each chose as hasndle. It is yours...from your mind, your heart.
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Mr Incredible
Hey all -
I am still figuring out how to add another type of icon for my pic - anyone got any tips?
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My screenname is no big secret. My name is Charles L. Knapp, III. Everyone who knows me just calls me Chuck. Thus, CKnapp3.
I chose Bugs Bunny as my avitar because he represents the might that arises from amongst the weak.
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Tom Strange
MikeB... I just find one I like somewhere (anywhere on the web) and right click on it, copy the properties, and paste them in here where it gives you the choice of avatar (I forget, is there a 'custom' choice?)
anyway, find what you like, add to the flavor... although I'd advise against using a pic of Jon Lovitz, Raffy already claimed that one!
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
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I came to your church today trying to get out of what I am in (see my username) and all you here did was drive me deeper in to it! If you want to know what lying is all about, I can tell you more than you will ever know.
I'm with you JohnIAm. I love Dr Wierwille and the Word he stood for, died for and bled his heart out for to numskulls like you and I.
God does not waste his time on reprobates. He cannot teach knowitalls because their jug is already full. Remember the capacity problem of those who had rejected the Fountain of Living Waters? Very smart. Not!
But hey, remember the passage where it says look out when people tell you how great you are. that that's how they treated their heroes that got them killed, the false prophets? But hopefully that's how they'll treat me here, LiarLiarPantsOnFire. I tell you I cannot lose!
But all kidding aside I try to respect people here and everywhere. I do not, however, ever have to buy in to their 3 bristle toothbrushes they peddle. I just have to follow the rules. Even my mom made me do that.
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Ginger Tea
cool names~~
[This message was edited by Ginger Tea on February 13, 2004 at 22:09.]
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I chose Meshugginer because its more fun than Schlmiehl. And it might get the atention of other Jewish ex-wayfers out there in cyberland.
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Oy veh, Meshugginer, you got my attention.
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
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I cannot believe this thread has been around since the dawn of time and I'm just finding it! Sheesh...I need to get out more often!
Okie dokie...When I first found GS, I was jezusfreaknut...when I first got involved with TWI my mom told me I was becoming one of those ''jesus freaks'', she was right, and I still am!
:D--> The ''nut'' part, well that's pretty darn obvious! I shortened it to jezusfreaky cause t was easier to type. Most folks just call me Freaky or Colleen or Coll.
My icon is a picture I took, it has one a few photography contests and it's a tiger lilly. Just wanted something personal. Thanks Steve-o!
Peace and Love.
Love y'all,
''...show a little faith, there's magic in the night, you ain't a beauty, but hey, you're alright, oh, and that's alright with me...''
-Bruce Springsteen
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Spent the past hour reading up on all the fine folk here!
Well I will add to it. dmiller is me, David Miller. I wanted an e-mail address that had my name in it. David Miller was already taken, so I went with dmiller1112 as my e-mail address (1112 is my street address). I used that for the longest time as a s/n, then realized I could add extra s/n's.
--> (yes -- I am SLOW at times!)
There are several others I have gone under, but the other names besides dmiller that I am known by, are DustyWanderer, and FiddlePicker
I chose DustyWanderer because it described my search for truth both BEFORE twi, and AFTER twi. Dusty from Wandering, looking for a place to "hang my hat".
:(--> FiddlePicker, because even though I play several Bluegrass instruments, the fiddle is my favourite. It depends on where I am, as to which name I use, and here at GSCafe, it has always been dmiller.
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