Once upon a time there was a child who looked up at the stars and enjoyed babbling brooks and springs and talked to God as if he was right there.
The the child grew and his prayers were his songs and playing of his musical instrument.
And someone approached a young adult musician and said that the Bible was literal and that it could be taken at face value. Allow me, the tunesmith said, to devote time, money, blood, sweat and tears to learn and apply and then to teach others this news. After doing so, it was apparent to the musician that something was missing between what was taught, "it is written" and serving "god's people" who were still as sick as "unbelievers". So the musician said, well, great creator, what am I missing here because I sure can't figure it out. Although the study of herbs and natural remedies continued to come before the eyes of the musician, it was dismissed.
One day, while being one of the "success" stories of the ministry; a leader; the musician was sick and couldn't "believe" his way out of a brown, paper bag. Couldn't read enough scriptures of deliverance; couldn't get ministered to by a more believing believer, and still, went to the physicians and paid enough money..... only to have the same sickness reoccur weeks later.
It took a believer WITH a medical background to point the musician "Back to Eden". Sickness cured. Several other opportunities to apply these herbs later, it became apparent that there may be a tie between the Creator's written Word and nature. After all, it says we WERE healed; it says that we have already been given "everything pertaining to life and godliness". So why are we sick? In revisiting the Old Testament and looking again at Ephesians (breakfast of champions) it finally went off in the musician's mind. God built the earth and the universe on principle- we work the principle, we reap the benefits; we break the principle, we reap the benefits. What are we doing wrong? Must need KNOWLEDGE! "the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that ye may know..."
Signed up for the School of Natural Healing where Dr. Christopher had the knowledge and the reverence and respect for the Creator. Experimented on friends, family- made tinctures, teas, poultices. Then took nutrition courses and yoga- YOWEEEEEEEE!!!! We are designed by the Creator to live a VITAL life and most of our dis-eases are man-made!
Thought to myself, if ANYONE should be shared this information, it should be those of my spiritual family, whose hearts love the Creator, but lack the knowledge to live ABOVE the circumstances of this world. Living in this world but not OF this world.
Response was slow to this service, at first. But as the media and the medical field have begun to bow to good ole common sense and prove results by going back to basics, response has picked up. And of course, the proof is in the pudding.
Hi! This thread has been dead for awhile, but thought I would add my explanation:
I became involved with TWI in 1992 while managing a coffee shop in Seattle called The Mocha Tree. My first day on the job I met 4 WOWs who worked there - they had just arrived in town. I was slow to get involved, but eventually did because I really enjoyed those WOW's because they seemed so excited about what God was doing in their lives. They even got excited about the little stuff, and weren't afraid to attribute it to God.
A few months later, my roommate and I moved to a new apartment, and out my back door lived another WOW family. I was surrounded! I thought it must have been a God Thing. I became more involved, and eventually took both PFAL and the Intermediate Class.
My story is not long, they left the field after their year was up, and after a half-hearted attempt at attending TWIG after they were gone I walked away from TWI quite silently.
I began posting at Trancechat, and later WayDale, first as Becki, then as Mocha Tree Girl. Even though my involvement was minimal, I am drawn to learn more about TWI and its underworkings. I have stepped back and looked, and can now see some things that in my naivete I missed when in. Hurts and abuses going on around me that were either kept from me, or I was too slow to pick up on. I am drawn to find out what happened to those who I knew, because I truly loved them and I wonder what ever happened to them. I stopped posting after the birth of my first child, and am back three years later after the birth of my second. Funny that that brief period in my life (TWI years) has had such a lasting effect. I do see things differently in each phase. I am now evaluating what it must have been like for my family when I became involved - perhaps because my focus these days is my own.
My icon is representative of my life these days - work at home mom to two beautiful baby girls!
My name comes from that coffee shop (now closed)- and the hope that one of those WOWs who are still in ten years later will be lurking here and recognize me and make contact. I hold them blameless - they were great friends when I needed some! If I can be the same I would like to be there.
Napkin Lady, I manage a bookstore and recognize your book from our entertaining section. I can happily say that I've personally hand sold two copies of it that I can remember and will make sure to sell even more now! I'm thecafegirl because I ran a cafe for five years, and now a bookstore (thebookstoregirl was just too much to type)
Thecafegirl Napkinlady say's thanks very much! She has been very busy this week with work.Her book has been released in paperback now so its a little cheaper. If would you like any signed just email her at napkinlady@yahoo.com
The incredible shrinking WAY.
[This message was edited by DATWAY on March 10, 2003 at 23:00.]
Here goes. The name of our business is A.C.T. Car Care. Our boat's name is A.C.T.1. So I thought why not Act2? Actually I feel like I am in Act 3 of my life. Act 1 was thru age 18, Act 2 was the 19 years in twi, and now Act 3 is present till who knows, maybe 75, then on to Act 4. My grandmother turns 93 next Tuesday, my other grandmother lived 2b almost 94, so I hope to surpass their ages.....
Oh, and the avatar....I collect and wear vintage hats.
Anothen: greek, trnsl above,from the top,from above,again. "again" from the phrase "born again"
I became an internet junkie about 5 yrs ago and all of the good names were taken. So I started searching through greek words. Someone already got anothen@hotmail.com and all the other greek words did not have as pleasant a sound. The only other one I liked was epourania. But when I became a gamer, "anothen" was virgin territory so I took advantage of it. I'm known at ezboard and gamers.com as "anothen" and have been using it for 5 yrs.
I was still in twi, very unhappy, but trapped by family circumstances. Then the Allen lawsuit hit, I found WayDale, and I couldn't keep quiet any longer. When family members insisted I discuss my grievances with the local leadership, they did their best to talk me into falling back in line and forgetting what I had learned. If not, they didn't want me to attend fellowships any longer.
They said I had a choice, "It's our way or the hiway."
And I replied, "No-way. I'll just take TheHighWay. Bye, Way."
Well, I swing dance. Lindy Hop is one of my favorite dances and it is how I met my wife and it is one of the ways I started getting out and hanging out with non-way folks. Really great people and your not in a smokey bar. So in a way it was my first big step away from the "household" and new ideas.
the icon is Charles Lindenburg (sp?) who made the famous "lindy hop" across the atlantic.
I took the name wytedove from my husband cuz I liked it. I don't know where he got it but its mine now and he has a different name cuz I wouldn't give up wytedove. Suz calls me lovey dovey. Hope I can live up to it.
Oakspear - a correction re Taioseach that is not the name used by Irish presidents but Irish Prime Ministers. The Irish president is An Uchtarain (Uck ter arn) :)-->
As to names well I am myself - I have nothing to hide from TYI "innies" or "exes" or "outies" :)-->
I go by vickles because when I lived with a person I very much admired called me vickles for a nickname. I use it quite a bit on the internet. When I was traveling to roa one year I used vickles as my handle on the cb. It was funny because the truck drivers in the middle of the night would call out to me and call me pickles. Then I went as pickles for a while.....lol
The avatar I picked was because vickles reminds me of don rickles. Who to me tries to be funny and I found this clown on the list of avatars.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
I picked Too Gray Now because I am old enough to know better than fall into another mass movement/cult type thing...
I also stopped by the GS cafe because I wanted to see if anyone was sharing any of the kind of stuff that I believe, now. All I can say about that is "no". I am way... on a different page than most people here... so much so, I don't bring up what my spiritual beliefs are now.
I also stopped into these forums and threads to make sure I was "over it"... and did not still have any twinges of remorse or regrets still lurking. If I found any, I could deal with it once and for all (or so I thought)... "Gonna wash that ministry right out of my hair... " keep whistling South Pacific.
The avatar was Tom Strange's idea. Sort of a joke, really. Just an "Eye" for an "I".
i used to post under a couple of other handles but i was too ashamed because of sharing stuff about wierwille and motorcoach
when i was picking this handle there were all kinds of ex's around ex-twi, ex10, ex-this ex-that and i wanted to be an ex too. so i thought excathedra. remember wierwille talking about that in the pfal class. when the pope speaks.... you know from the chair.... and since the pope and i go way back it seemed even more appropriate. kinda summed up my life's history in a very strange way. ha ha ha ha ha (i was going to change this handle also but by then too many people kinda knew me by this one)
my picture is because of you, gingie. you told me to pick an avatar and i picked the gray train because of my fondness for derailing threads (choo choo). but you told me i should pick a nice one. i changed to a little flying nun for a while but someone dear to me told me they missed my regular avatar so i switched back.
With all due respect, and I mean that, I do not plan to explain my spiritual beliefs. Heck, I would probably have to start my own thread... and I simply do not have the time to devote to that sort of forum. People would feel ignored. That would never be my intention.
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We (wife & I) got out of twiTLand Dec of 2000...don't post our names 'cause we don't want the wayGB hassling the innies we contact from time to time.
The icon is similar to the unit patch of a Army unit I belonged to. (1/141FA-256InfBDE-5MECINDIV-Served With Distinction...decode that, wayGB)
Ridin' The 3rd Rock From the Sun...& Lovin'It!!!
[This message was edited by Weout1200 on October 31, 2002 at 7:23.]
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Once upon a time there was a child who looked up at the stars and enjoyed babbling brooks and springs and talked to God as if he was right there.
The the child grew and his prayers were his songs and playing of his musical instrument.
And someone approached a young adult musician and said that the Bible was literal and that it could be taken at face value. Allow me, the tunesmith said, to devote time, money, blood, sweat and tears to learn and apply and then to teach others this news. After doing so, it was apparent to the musician that something was missing between what was taught, "it is written" and serving "god's people" who were still as sick as "unbelievers". So the musician said, well, great creator, what am I missing here because I sure can't figure it out. Although the study of herbs and natural remedies continued to come before the eyes of the musician, it was dismissed.
One day, while being one of the "success" stories of the ministry; a leader; the musician was sick and couldn't "believe" his way out of a brown, paper bag. Couldn't read enough scriptures of deliverance; couldn't get ministered to by a more believing believer, and still, went to the physicians and paid enough money..... only to have the same sickness reoccur weeks later.
It took a believer WITH a medical background to point the musician "Back to Eden". Sickness cured. Several other opportunities to apply these herbs later, it became apparent that there may be a tie between the Creator's written Word and nature. After all, it says we WERE healed; it says that we have already been given "everything pertaining to life and godliness". So why are we sick? In revisiting the Old Testament and looking again at Ephesians (breakfast of champions) it finally went off in the musician's mind. God built the earth and the universe on principle- we work the principle, we reap the benefits; we break the principle, we reap the benefits. What are we doing wrong? Must need KNOWLEDGE! "the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that ye may know..."
Signed up for the School of Natural Healing where Dr. Christopher had the knowledge and the reverence and respect for the Creator. Experimented on friends, family- made tinctures, teas, poultices. Then took nutrition courses and yoga- YOWEEEEEEEE!!!! We are designed by the Creator to live a VITAL life and most of our dis-eases are man-made!
Thought to myself, if ANYONE should be shared this information, it should be those of my spiritual family, whose hearts love the Creator, but lack the knowledge to live ABOVE the circumstances of this world. Living in this world but not OF this world.
Response was slow to this service, at first. But as the media and the medical field have begun to bow to good ole common sense and prove results by going back to basics, response has picked up. And of course, the proof is in the pudding.
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Kit Sober
for people who want to let others know how their Greasespot forum name came to be.
Kit Sober
I love to hear you laugh -- God
bringing this back to the top to help new people get oriented! (hopefully)
[This message was edited by Kit Sober on December 07, 2002 at 9:05.]
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I was wondering where you were!
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Mocha Tree Girl
Hi! This thread has been dead for awhile, but thought I would add my explanation:
I became involved with TWI in 1992 while managing a coffee shop in Seattle called The Mocha Tree. My first day on the job I met 4 WOWs who worked there - they had just arrived in town. I was slow to get involved, but eventually did because I really enjoyed those WOW's because they seemed so excited about what God was doing in their lives. They even got excited about the little stuff, and weren't afraid to attribute it to God.
A few months later, my roommate and I moved to a new apartment, and out my back door lived another WOW family. I was surrounded! I thought it must have been a God Thing. I became more involved, and eventually took both PFAL and the Intermediate Class.
My story is not long, they left the field after their year was up, and after a half-hearted attempt at attending TWIG after they were gone I walked away from TWI quite silently.
I began posting at Trancechat, and later WayDale, first as Becki, then as Mocha Tree Girl. Even though my involvement was minimal, I am drawn to learn more about TWI and its underworkings. I have stepped back and looked, and can now see some things that in my naivete I missed when in. Hurts and abuses going on around me that were either kept from me, or I was too slow to pick up on. I am drawn to find out what happened to those who I knew, because I truly loved them and I wonder what ever happened to them. I stopped posting after the birth of my first child, and am back three years later after the birth of my second. Funny that that brief period in my life (TWI years) has had such a lasting effect. I do see things differently in each phase. I am now evaluating what it must have been like for my family when I became involved - perhaps because my focus these days is my own.
My icon is representative of my life these days - work at home mom to two beautiful baby girls!
My name comes from that coffee shop (now closed)- and the hope that one of those WOWs who are still in ten years later will be lurking here and recognize me and make contact. I hold them blameless - they were great friends when I needed some! If I can be the same I would like to be there.
DeColores! B-
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Hope R.
BECKI - I had no idea that was you! I remember your Trancechat posts! I was "Amie Friend" on Trancechat. Glad you're here again.
Hope R. color>size>face>
"Try to see it my way, only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong" - Lennon/McCartney size>
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Seems there is another Frank .Oh well,Frankly
speaking it is my name the 123 is what twi did
to me ,threw me for a loop just about took me out for the count,I am still here so I am laughing out loud. Though I was born with Frank
I like it as it means to speak plain,also there
is ole blue eyes Frank Sinurta."I did it my way"
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Napkin Lady, I manage a bookstore and recognize your book from our entertaining section. I can happily say that I've personally hand sold two copies of it that I can remember and will make sure to sell even more now! I'm thecafegirl because I ran a cafe for five years, and now a bookstore (thebookstoregirl was just too much to type)
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Thecafegirl Napkinlady say's thanks very much! She has been very busy this week with work.Her book has been released in paperback now so its a little cheaper. If would you like any signed just email her at napkinlady@yahoo.com
The incredible shrinking WAY.
[This message was edited by DATWAY on March 10, 2003 at 23:00.]
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Here goes. The name of our business is A.C.T. Car Care. Our boat's name is A.C.T.1. So I thought why not Act2? Actually I feel like I am in Act 3 of my life. Act 1 was thru age 18, Act 2 was the 19 years in twi, and now Act 3 is present till who knows, maybe 75, then on to Act 4. My grandmother turns 93 next Tuesday, my other grandmother lived 2b almost 94, so I hope to surpass their ages.....
Oh, and the avatar....I collect and wear vintage hats.
Now you know....for anyone who cares!!!!
The decisions we make today form our future.
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[This message was edited by Shellon on May 30, 2003 at 2:52.]
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My turn
(oh cool, another place I can post)
Anothen: greek, trnsl above,from the top,from above,again. "again" from the phrase "born again"
I became an internet junkie about 5 yrs ago and all of the good names were taken. So I started searching through greek words. Someone already got anothen@hotmail.com and all the other greek words did not have as pleasant a sound. The only other one I liked was epourania. But when I became a gamer, "anothen" was virgin territory so I took advantage of it. I'm known at ezboard and gamers.com as "anothen" and have been using it for 5 yrs.
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A sling shot is my favorite toy
[This message was edited by SlingShot on April 06, 2003 at 22:52.]
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Okay, my turn...
I was still in twi, very unhappy, but trapped by family circumstances. Then the Allen lawsuit hit, I found WayDale, and I couldn't keep quiet any longer. When family members insisted I discuss my grievances with the local leadership, they did their best to talk me into falling back in line and forgetting what I had learned. If not, they didn't want me to attend fellowships any longer.
They said I had a choice, "It's our way or the hiway."
And I replied, "No-way. I'll just take TheHighWay. Bye, Way."
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Well, I swing dance. Lindy Hop is one of my favorite dances and it is how I met my wife and it is one of the ways I started getting out and hanging out with non-way folks. Really great people and your not in a smokey bar. So in a way it was my first big step away from the "household" and new ideas.
the icon is Charles Lindenburg (sp?) who made the famous "lindy hop" across the atlantic.
It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing.
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I took the name wytedove from my husband cuz I liked it. I don't know where he got it but its mine now and he has a different name cuz I wouldn't give up wytedove. Suz calls me lovey dovey. Hope I can live up to it.
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Trefor Heywood
Oakspear - a correction re Taioseach that is not the name used by Irish presidents but Irish Prime Ministers. The Irish president is An Uchtarain (Uck ter arn)
As to names well I am myself - I have nothing to hide from TYI "innies" or "exes" or "outies"
Trefor Heywood
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I go by vickles because when I lived with a person I very much admired called me vickles for a nickname. I use it quite a bit on the internet. When I was traveling to roa one year I used vickles as my handle on the cb. It was funny because the truck drivers in the middle of the night would call out to me and call me pickles. Then I went as pickles for a while.....lol
The avatar I picked was because vickles reminds me of don rickles. Who to me tries to be funny and I found this clown on the list of avatars.
Ok!! I will not try to be a nice person...ok? I will not!!
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Thanks Trefor, for the correction
In theory there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
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Too Gray Now
I picked Too Gray Now because I am old enough to know better than fall into another mass movement/cult type thing...
I also stopped by the GS cafe because I wanted to see if anyone was sharing any of the kind of stuff that I believe, now. All I can say about that is "no". I am way... on a different page than most people here... so much so, I don't bring up what my spiritual beliefs are now.
I also stopped into these forums and threads to make sure I was "over it"... and did not still have any twinges of remorse or regrets still lurking. If I found any, I could deal with it once and for all (or so I thought)... "Gonna wash that ministry right out of my hair... " keep whistling South Pacific.
The avatar was Tom Strange's idea. Sort of a joke, really. Just an "Eye" for an "I".
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Okay, toogreyt...now I am forced to search your posts and see what you have revealed about your personal beliefs!
Ah, a mission!
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2gray i would love to hear about your spiritual beliefs
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ok ginge
i used to post under a couple of other handles but i was too ashamed because of sharing stuff about wierwille and motorcoach
when i was picking this handle there were all kinds of ex's around ex-twi, ex10, ex-this ex-that and i wanted to be an ex too. so i thought excathedra. remember wierwille talking about that in the pfal class. when the pope speaks.... you know from the chair.... and since the pope and i go way back it seemed even more appropriate. kinda summed up my life's history in a very strange way. ha ha ha ha ha (i was going to change this handle also but by then too many people kinda knew me by this one)
my picture is because of you, gingie. you told me to pick an avatar and i picked the gray train because of my fondness for derailing threads (choo choo). but you told me i should pick a nice one. i changed to a little flying nun for a while but someone dear to me told me they missed my regular avatar so i switched back.
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Too Gray Now
Ex and all:
With all due respect, and I mean that, I do not plan to explain my spiritual beliefs. Heck, I would probably have to start my own thread... and I simply do not have the time to devote to that sort of forum. People would feel ignored. That would never be my intention.
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