I love what you said about Elvis. When I was a kid, we boarded our horse at Graceland Farms, the property adjoining his in Memphis. He was always really good about letting us ride on his land, and didn't mind us kids bugging him. (There were no fences in those days.) Even though I didn't know anything about or appeciate his music, I always thought he was one of the kindest adults around.
When I first got internet service, it was AOL. When told I couldn't use my actual name (John Spencer) in my email address, in a moment of rebellion, I chose JohnIamnot. So not much later when I discovered waydale the logical choice for a username was johniam. The ironic part of all this is that johniam sounds similar to SamIam the main character in Dr. Seuss' Green eggs and ham who spends the whole story in relentless attempt to get that other guy to try green eggs and ham. Here, I'm one of very few who has anything good to say about VPW and PFAL and everybody else seemingly tries to get me to try the 'green eggs and ham' of abandoning this position.
I've been wanting to let everyone know who I am for a while.
My name is Don Baker and I live in Columbus, Oh.
I was involved in TWI 23 yrs. (I loved 16 yrs of it. '77-'93) Some of you may have known me in San Diego, '89-'92.
I have run Twigs for many years. And then some time around 1994 TWI started making me run a Twig in a cold heartless fashion; So I got out of the Twig business in 1998.
I was puzzled for many years why I had LOST my enthusiasm for THE WORD. Why TWI was so difficult to follow? Why so rule oriented? Why was I questioning everything they did? Why I WAS SO MESSED UP!!!!!!
Then they told me about LCM and his sexual DEVILISHNESS. Then it all started to make sense. It wasn't my problem all those years, it was theirs.
I'm happy to say that I've got back my ENTHUSIASM for the WORD. I don't think everything TWI taught me was bad.
I chose The Cafe Baker, because I wanted people to have an idea who was posting w/o coming right out w/ my name.
Using your own name keeps you more accountable for what you say.
So I want to start signing my posts w/ my real name.
As Laleo said on another thread, I finally have a handle that can be spelled and pronounced!
I initially logged onto Waydale as Taoiseach in April 2000. I had seen the word used in a book I had been reading, and liked the look of it.
It's a gaelic word that means "leader". It is also the title that Irish Prime Ministers use in the Republic of Ireland. It's pronounced Tay-shock.
When Waydale closed, I discovered that my "local user" handle would not work at Grease Spot Cafe, so I inserted a space and logged on as Taoi seach. That caused some confusion, as people were usually reading it as Tao Search. I really didn't want a number after my handle. :P-->
To confuse the WayGB, I added a second handle the next summer: Twyril III. ("Twy" rhymes with "why", "buy", "lie" - "ril" rhymes with "bill", "spill") Twyril was a character in a novel that I wrote in high school. The name derives from "twybil", a two-bladed axe. After a while I dropped the "III" and used Twyril.
To further confuse the WayGB, I added ANOTHER handle, John Oakspear in the fall of 2000. I acted as if it was my real name. Oak is the sacred tree of the Celtic people, and the spear honored the warrior ethic, since I was fighting against twi at the time.
I used the different handles for different things; but settled into using Twyril as my regular handle by the summer of 2001. However the WayGB figured out I was Twyril in August 2001, so I reverted to using Taoiseach, tacking Seoigh(a gaelic version of Joyce, my last name). Taoiseach Seoigh was the name I was using when I first entered the chat room.
I stopped using Taoiseach when an "innie" family member figured out that I was using that handle.
I dropped "John" from Oakspear a year ago this month and adopted it as my sole handle.
After all this changing, I am comfortable with Oakspear! Hardly anyone misspells it, and some GSers this summer used it even when they knew my real name. It is the handle under which I have really gotten to know people here at the Cafe.
I didn't publicize my real name when I first posted this, since I didn't want google searches and the like leading back here, but I have since "outed" myself: I am Thomas James Joyce, Jr. :D-->
[This message was edited by Oakspear on February 14, 2003 at 9:21.]
[This message was edited by Oakspear on July 14, 2003 at 0:43.]
To add a pix...go to your MySpot, then click on Profile. Then choose to "edit your avatar." From here you can choose from a bunch of pre-selected pix for your profile.
..and the icon: I have worn Converse Chuck Taylors without interruption since I was bout 8 years old. (I HAVE taken the shoes off - I just don't like other brands)
Funny how they go in and out of style. I've had several teenagers tell me how cool I am for wearing them.
A local punk-rock band pointed me out at a local concert as a cool old dude who knew the best shoes to wear!
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
[This message was edited by Oakspear on August 02, 2002 at 8:39.]
[This message was edited by Oakspear on August 04, 2002 at 18:54.]
I've explained this one before, for I'll do it again for those of you who are new...
ChasUFarley = Chuck U. Farley
The nickname for Charles is Chuck. If you swap around the 'C' and the 'F' it says something not very nice... It's actually from WWII, where the enemy was referred to as "Charlie", which is how I felt about TWI when I left. I didn't want them to know who I was, at first.
Now I could care less.
For professional and personal reasons, I will give you my real first name - Krista.
No, I'm not a guy.
I am married to a former poster, Mathman, and we met via Waydale a little over two years ago. We also have a one year old son, Kristopher (see the BIRTHDAY FORUM for details). Our second wedding anniversary is coming up this month!
See, there is life after TWI!
BTW - I use the black cat icon because I love cats and this icon wasn't being used back when EXTWI (Waydale) taught us how to use the icons back when one of EzBoards fameous upgrades happened. I decided to adopt the little chap because no one else was using him.
I am waygone for GONE from da WAY. Which in a way is a double pun because, as far as those yoyo's are concerned, I am waaaaaaaaygone because I had the audacity to leave TWI.
On waydale I had this cute little kitten icon that Extwi got for me... but when I Waydale shut down the kitty disappeared. So on greasespot cafe I used a yin and yang symbol....
However - I have been unable to get the yin and yang symbol to display on this websight (if anyone out there can help me - I would be greatful) - so until I can get the yin and yang back.... I use the steer skull - since I am from the wild west originally.
I am certain that by now the WayGB has figured out who I am - but I was such a nobody in TWI I doubt they care. I keep my hanle because I am not really interested in using my true name on the internet.
I couldn't get my old "handle"( alpoole )to register.... cause I messed something up when I was trin' ....
I liked using my real name... I have had more than one old friend drop me a line and it is wonderful to hear from them. Like sudo for instance... we were in Memphis together for a year when I lived there... and x10.... sent me an e mail cause she saw my NAME and not a "handle"... Dot Matrix, dropped me a note to say "HI"... she was 11th corpse.... and I thought she was one of the few that had an original thought of her own... liked her a LOT!
SO for me it's a distinct advantage to be "OUT". I've also found some friends too. I think I'll re-register with my name again, kinda like evanpyle
did with his "The Evan"....
AND... BTW... I DO have some "innie" family... my sorta brother Bill... "rev." Bill to be sure... AND if there was ANYTHING I could do to get him m&a'd I'd do it in a NY minute... I would love him to see the TRUE heart of the "ministry".
Hey ex 10 .... lost your e mail addy.... please send again... AND did you REALLY know Elvis????
[This message was edited by call me "Al" on August 01, 2002 at 14:44.]
And no, I didn't KNOW Elvis, although I did meet him once by accident. A friend of mine found a pair of his sunglasses and we returned them. He was really glad cause he said they were his favorite pair and he wondered where he'd lost them. He just was nice enough to let us kids ride our horses through his back yard.
His generosity was legendary around town.
[This message was edited by ex10 on August 01, 2002 at 16:18.]
I am LittleHawk......cause I was tha runt of tha family growing up amongst a whole bunch of big Hawkins. And if'n ya's a wonderin about the e-mail addy...tha Cry stands for Cory.......my youngster.........don't tell him I am using his e-mail addy...lol!
I had a precious co-worker whose husband was stationed in Germany the same time as Elvis -- and the general consenus was was that he was a good soldier who was interested in doing his part and not getting any special favors.
He enjoyed his enlisted time as much as possible (considering, of course, the loss of his mother).
And when Jim Dobson of Focus on the Family wrote in his newsletter something scathing about Elvis,
I wrote him back with
1. list of the over 100 gospel songs he sang,
2. how people had fun at his concerts (I never saw one of his concerts, but from the pictures, the faces on the people were always happy, not twisted and tormented as concertgoers today)
3. Also generated a lot of fun for people -- the flying elvii are a riot! and the Elvis imitators I've seen are always enjoying themselves doing it.
4. How he could sing/say love/lovely/loving/lover etc millions of ways, but never said mean hateful ugly words.
5. One of his last movies, "change of habit," he played a dentist who helps a nun get some work going, and he doesn't get the girl (she decides to become a nun, and actually did become a nun). The closing song he sings in the Catholic church and it was an over all cross-religion movie where having a good time in church was the strongest message.
James Dobson had someone write me back and kind of apologized, and said he had enjoyed Elvis' music and that my letter had given him food for thought.
I am very thankful Elvis lived, and so sorry he died so young.
I started out as GotOutEarly when I first began posting at GS, well, because I left TWI pretty early - in 1982 or so.
Then I began to sign my posts as GOE. Finally some dear folks here began to call me Goey on a silly thread called "Mistaken Post - Please Ignore" and thus "Oops" was born and so was my current handle- Goey.
I've already written a little blurb here, but, it didn't come out ...so, I'll try and do it again
An old Waydaler, listening to me talk about my travels, and things that I do called me "wacky"...and a "funster"...so I put them together. Creative huh?
My icon is Percy the Penguin. I have been trying to get on the Woods Hole Research vessel to Antarctica all year, so, that was my attempt to remind myself about it. Needless to say, the ship just left last week, and I am here. I couldn't have gone this time of year anyways...I wanted Nov. til February.
I guess it's time to change the icon.
I do travel alot, but, not as much as other GSers in here. I dream and plan on travelling. It keeps me going, I think. My next trip is to North Carolina to find someone who wants to just about give me 100 acres of land to start an affordable co-housing community.
Sounds a tad wacky, doesn't it?
Live simple, with simple people. I'm getting tired of the rudeness and greed I'm seeing everywhere...I wanna live my days peacefully, not in this rat race.
Did you know that the Veggie Tales have a Tomato named Bob, and his slogan is, "Hi, My name is Bob, and I'm here to help you." (Veggie Tales makes a button with Bob's picture on it and the saying, I'm here to help you. Also t-shirt as well.
I thought that was so cool.
I got a couple of pins for some friends named Bob. And a t-shirt or two...
(Both my dad and my brother are named Bob. Unfortunately my dad is kind of out-of-communication -- he's gone into old-age vegetation) and my brother Bob thinks I'm too tacky for words, and he asked me not to send him any more cards and stuff. He thinks it's insulting.
I have had other friends named Bob who enjoyed the friendly repartee.
Bxx Mxxxxxxn, however, also told me to never write him again.
Sorry to hear about your dad, I hope his remaining years are quite and peacable. As to your brother, I pray he wakes up in time. As we get older, all the more do I see all we really have in this world is family.
As to Bxx Mx. He was a good man but too much Way hath made him mad.
You have always been a kind and considerate lady and I cannot imagine not being your friend.
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Kit Sober
I love what you said about Elvis. When I was a kid, we boarded our horse at Graceland Farms, the property adjoining his in Memphis. He was always really good about letting us ride on his land, and didn't mind us kids bugging him. (There were no fences in those days.) Even though I didn't know anything about or appeciate his music, I always thought he was one of the kindest adults around.
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Well, it's either very easy or very hard to
The most important aspects of my life are
summed up in 2 syllables.
I've a strong indentification with wolves.
The "Word" part, I presume, needs no explanation.
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When I first got internet service, it was AOL. When told I couldn't use my actual name (John Spencer) in my email address, in a moment of rebellion, I chose JohnIamnot. So not much later when I discovered waydale the logical choice for a username was johniam. The ironic part of all this is that johniam sounds similar to SamIam the main character in Dr. Seuss' Green eggs and ham who spends the whole story in relentless attempt to get that other guy to try green eggs and ham. Here, I'm one of very few who has anything good to say about VPW and PFAL and everybody else seemingly tries to get me to try the 'green eggs and ham' of abandoning this position.
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The Cafe Baker
I've been wanting to let everyone know who I am for a while.
My name is Don Baker and I live in Columbus, Oh.
I was involved in TWI 23 yrs. (I loved 16 yrs of it. '77-'93) Some of you may have known me in San Diego, '89-'92.
I have run Twigs for many years. And then some time around 1994 TWI started making me run a Twig in a cold heartless fashion; So I got out of the Twig business in 1998.
I was puzzled for many years why I had LOST my enthusiasm for THE WORD. Why TWI was so difficult to follow? Why so rule oriented? Why was I questioning everything they did? Why I WAS SO MESSED UP!!!!!!
Then they told me about LCM and his sexual DEVILISHNESS. Then it all started to make sense. It wasn't my problem all those years, it was theirs.
I'm happy to say that I've got back my ENTHUSIASM for the WORD. I don't think everything TWI taught me was bad.
I chose The Cafe Baker, because I wanted people to have an idea who was posting w/o coming right out w/ my name.
Using your own name keeps you more accountable for what you say.
So I want to start signing my posts w/ my real name.
Signed, Agent #37/C,O-f4.ILG
(ha ha)
God bless, Don Baker
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East Carolina University Pirates
Class of 1974
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As Laleo said on another thread, I finally have a handle that can be spelled and pronounced!
I initially logged onto Waydale as Taoiseach in April 2000. I had seen the word used in a book I had been reading, and liked the look of it.
It's a gaelic word that means "leader". It is also the title that Irish Prime Ministers use in the Republic of Ireland. It's pronounced Tay-shock.
When Waydale closed, I discovered that my "local user" handle would not work at Grease Spot Cafe, so I inserted a space and logged on as Taoi seach. That caused some confusion, as people were usually reading it as Tao Search. I really didn't want a number after my handle.
To confuse the WayGB, I added a second handle the next summer: Twyril III. ("Twy" rhymes with "why", "buy", "lie" - "ril" rhymes with "bill", "spill") Twyril was a character in a novel that I wrote in high school. The name derives from "twybil", a two-bladed axe. After a while I dropped the "III" and used Twyril.
To further confuse the WayGB, I added ANOTHER handle, John Oakspear in the fall of 2000. I acted as if it was my real name. Oak is the sacred tree of the Celtic people, and the spear honored the warrior ethic, since I was fighting against twi at the time.
I used the different handles for different things; but settled into using Twyril as my regular handle by the summer of 2001. However the WayGB figured out I was Twyril in August 2001, so I reverted to using Taoiseach, tacking Seoigh(a gaelic version of Joyce, my last name). Taoiseach Seoigh was the name I was using when I first entered the chat room.
I stopped using Taoiseach when an "innie" family member figured out that I was using that handle.
I dropped "John" from Oakspear a year ago this month and adopted it as my sole handle.
After all this changing, I am comfortable with Oakspear! Hardly anyone misspells it, and some GSers this summer used it even when they knew my real name. It is the handle under which I have really gotten to know people here at the Cafe.
I didn't publicize my real name when I first posted this, since I didn't want google searches and the like leading back here, but I have since "outed" myself: I am Thomas James Joyce, Jr.
[This message was edited by Oakspear on February 14, 2003 at 9:21.]
[This message was edited by Oakspear on July 14, 2003 at 0:43.]
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To add a pix...go to your MySpot, then click on Profile. Then choose to "edit your avatar." From here you can choose from a bunch of pre-selected pix for your profile.
Submit/save and you're on your way!
ladda~dee ladee~daa
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..and the icon: I have worn Converse Chuck Taylors without interruption since I was bout 8 years old. (I HAVE taken the shoes off - I just don't like other brands)
Funny how they go in and out of style. I've had several teenagers tell me how cool I am for wearing them.
A local punk-rock band pointed me out at a local concert as a cool old dude who knew the best shoes to wear!
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice...but in practice there is
[This message was edited by Oakspear on August 02, 2002 at 8:39.]
[This message was edited by Oakspear on August 04, 2002 at 18:54.]
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I've explained this one before, for I'll do it again for those of you who are new...
ChasUFarley = Chuck U. Farley
The nickname for Charles is Chuck. If you swap around the 'C' and the 'F' it says something not very nice... It's actually from WWII, where the enemy was referred to as "Charlie", which is how I felt about TWI when I left. I didn't want them to know who I was, at first.
Now I could care less.
For professional and personal reasons, I will give you my real first name - Krista.
No, I'm not a guy.
I am married to a former poster, Mathman, and we met via Waydale a little over two years ago. We also have a one year old son, Kristopher (see the BIRTHDAY FORUM for details). Our second wedding anniversary is coming up this month!
See, there is life after TWI!
BTW - I use the black cat icon because I love cats and this icon wasn't being used back when EXTWI (Waydale) taught us how to use the icons back when one of EzBoards fameous upgrades happened. I decided to adopt the little chap because no one else was using him.
It's also sort of a warning not to cross me.
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I am waygone for GONE from da WAY. Which in a way is a double pun because, as far as those yoyo's are concerned, I am waaaaaaaaygone because I had the audacity to leave TWI.
On waydale I had this cute little kitten icon that Extwi got for me... but when I Waydale shut down the kitty disappeared. So on greasespot cafe I used a yin and yang symbol....
However - I have been unable to get the yin and yang symbol to display on this websight (if anyone out there can help me - I would be greatful) - so until I can get the yin and yang back.... I use the steer skull - since I am from the wild west originally.
I am certain that by now the WayGB has figured out who I am - but I was such a nobody in TWI I doubt they care. I keep my hanle because I am not really interested in using my true name on the internet.
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call me "Al"
"call me Al".... Paul Simon....
when you call me... you can "call me Al"
I couldn't get my old "handle"( alpoole )to register.... cause I messed something up when I was trin' ....
I liked using my real name... I have had more than one old friend drop me a line and it is wonderful to hear from them. Like sudo for instance... we were in Memphis together for a year when I lived there... and x10.... sent me an e mail cause she saw my NAME and not a "handle"... Dot Matrix, dropped me a note to say "HI"... she was 11th corpse.... and I thought she was one of the few that had an original thought of her own... liked her a LOT!
SO for me it's a distinct advantage to be "OUT". I've also found some friends too. I think I'll re-register with my name again, kinda like evanpyle
did with his "The Evan"....
AND... BTW... I DO have some "innie" family... my sorta brother Bill... "rev." Bill to be sure... AND if there was ANYTHING I could do to get him m&a'd I'd do it in a NY minute... I would love him to see the TRUE heart of the "ministry".
Hey ex 10 .... lost your e mail addy.... please send again... AND did you REALLY know Elvis????
[This message was edited by call me "Al" on August 01, 2002 at 14:44.]
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Al, I'll email you again.
And no, I didn't KNOW Elvis, although I did meet him once by accident. A friend of mine found a pair of his sunglasses and we returned them. He was really glad cause he said they were his favorite pair and he wondered where he'd lost them. He just was nice enough to let us kids ride our horses through his back yard.
His generosity was legendary around town.
[This message was edited by ex10 on August 01, 2002 at 16:18.]
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I am LittleHawk......cause I was tha runt of tha family growing up amongst a whole bunch of big Hawkins. And if'n ya's a wonderin about the e-mail addy...tha Cry stands for Cory.......my youngster.........don't tell him I am using his e-mail addy...lol!
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"... Now that's a name I haven't gone by for a long time..."
Made Ya Look!!!!!!!
"What's in a name..."
Okay someone had to say it...
TheSongRemainsTheSame is sponsored by oneyedjackswild1 as in ps.....
Any suggestions an "icon" for me (& of course, have all the fun ya want LOL)...
I would have preferred Elvis... but sweet soul Kit Sober got the gig...
ROK ON !!!!!!!
[This message was edited by TheSongRemainsTheSame on December 06, 2003 at 23:32.]
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train for train of thoughts.
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Kit Sober
Thanks so much ex10,
I had a precious co-worker whose husband was stationed in Germany the same time as Elvis -- and the general consenus was was that he was a good soldier who was interested in doing his part and not getting any special favors.
He enjoyed his enlisted time as much as possible (considering, of course, the loss of his mother).
And when Jim Dobson of Focus on the Family wrote in his newsletter something scathing about Elvis,
I wrote him back with
1. list of the over 100 gospel songs he sang,
2. how people had fun at his concerts (I never saw one of his concerts, but from the pictures, the faces on the people were always happy, not twisted and tormented as concertgoers today)
3. Also generated a lot of fun for people -- the flying elvii are a riot! and the Elvis imitators I've seen are always enjoying themselves doing it.
4. How he could sing/say love/lovely/loving/lover etc millions of ways, but never said mean hateful ugly words.
5. One of his last movies, "change of habit," he played a dentist who helps a nun get some work going, and he doesn't get the girl (she decides to become a nun, and actually did become a nun). The closing song he sings in the Catholic church and it was an over all cross-religion movie where having a good time in church was the strongest message.
James Dobson had someone write me back and kind of apologized, and said he had enjoyed Elvis' music and that my letter had given him food for thought.
I am very thankful Elvis lived, and so sorry he died so young.
Thanks for the story, ex10.
Sincerely and soberly,
Kit Sober
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Goey is sort of an evolved name.
I started out as GotOutEarly when I first began posting at GS, well, because I left TWI pretty early - in 1982 or so.
Then I began to sign my posts as GOE. Finally some dear folks here began to call me Goey on a silly thread called "Mistaken Post - Please Ignore" and thus "Oops" was born and so was my current handle- Goey.
My Icon? ... Thats really me.
Or is it?
Bill Roth
Milano, Texas
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A friend started calling me Bobba.
I didn't like it.
I started playing around with it;
got to da-bobba.
Kinda liked it but it sounded incomplete.
After playing around with it a while,
I came up with Da-bobba-da.
I liked it, my friend didn't.
It got forgotten for a few years.
Then I got a computer,
and it said I needed a username.
Hmmmmmm... said I
It is unique,
and for your knowledge,
It is pronounced;
(Now say it several times fast til you get the hang of it.
Funny, now I like Bobba too.
Way II much fun for one man.
Bob Hansen
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A toast to living life!! Breathing air is a good thing!!!
So... raise your glasses.............
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I'm glad to be out of TWI and I'm very glad to be out of the splinter group that I was in.
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Wacky Funster
I've already written a little blurb here, but, it didn't come out ...so, I'll try and do it again
An old Waydaler, listening to me talk about my travels, and things that I do called me "wacky"...and a "funster"...so I put them together. Creative huh?
My icon is Percy the Penguin. I have been trying to get on the Woods Hole Research vessel to Antarctica all year, so, that was my attempt to remind myself about it. Needless to say, the ship just left last week, and I am here. I couldn't have gone this time of year anyways...I wanted Nov. til February.
I guess it's time to change the icon.
I do travel alot, but, not as much as other GSers in here. I dream and plan on travelling. It keeps me going, I think. My next trip is to North Carolina to find someone who wants to just about give me 100 acres of land to start an affordable co-housing community.
Sounds a tad wacky, doesn't it?
Live simple, with simple people. I'm getting tired of the rudeness and greed I'm seeing everywhere...I wanna live my days peacefully, not in this rat race.
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Kit Sober
Dear Bob,
Did you know that the Veggie Tales have a Tomato named Bob, and his slogan is, "Hi, My name is Bob, and I'm here to help you." (Veggie Tales makes a button with Bob's picture on it and the saying, I'm here to help you. Also t-shirt as well.
I thought that was so cool.
I got a couple of pins for some friends named Bob. And a t-shirt or two...
(Both my dad and my brother are named Bob. Unfortunately my dad is kind of out-of-communication -- he's gone into old-age vegetation) and my brother Bob thinks I'm too tacky for words, and he asked me not to send him any more cards and stuff. He thinks it's insulting.
I have had other friends named Bob who enjoyed the friendly repartee.
Bxx Mxxxxxxn, however, also told me to never write him again.
I guess Bob can be adamant or nice, depending.
Glad you like bobba now.
Daughter of Bob,
Sister of Bob,
Kit Sober
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Oh Kit,
How poignant... sweet and sad at the sametime.
Sorry to hear about your dad, I hope his remaining years are quite and peacable. As to your brother, I pray he wakes up in time. As we get older, all the more do I see all we really have in this world is family.
As to Bxx Mx. He was a good man but too much Way hath made him mad.
You have always been a kind and considerate lady and I cannot imagine not being your friend.
Way II much fun for one man.
Bob Hansen
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