probably sometime, I flew over Memphis twice now. the thing is I never know where I am going to go yet. I am still reserve so I am at their beckon call,
Then let me know when you're going to be here.. a little bit of notice.. even a few hours would be helpful when you're dealing with three kids that have to be run hither to and yon. Write down my cell phone number. 901-486-0779. If I'm at the office and have the dnag thing turned off, I'll get my voice mail when I turn it on.
Suz, great to see yer havin fun! You can call anytime yer in the area, cell will get me most times except late in the pm. Perhaps you need to encourage George to git his pilot's liscense so we can have a Greasespot party in the wild blue yonder, I'll bring plenty of pear juice fer tha flight
. I have new teeth now so please bring the peanuts, I like mine still in tha hull, it helps wif rufage fer tha landing jitters one mught acquire after too much pear juice.
If ya wanna stop over fer an overnight stay I can acquire front row parking accomadations for vehicles or planes. I live right across tha creek from Knob Creek International Airport. The county recently painte big white lines across the roads to mark deer crossings. They even now have city drinkin water. Hotel accomadations are right across the creek, travel to an fro are means of 4 wheel ATV's or mules, dependin on amount of luggage involved. The luxury suites range in size from school bus to volkswagon and whether knot security is involved; ie dogs,guns, and concrete block foundations.
You an Yours are always welcome here ! Littlehawk.
Because I am reserve I only find out maybe the day before where the heck I am even going!
So last week I get a call from Schedueling, they say I am going to GRR, then to MAD, Mrq, and back to MAD, but alas, it wasn't so!
the nice thing about the weather is that it changes flights, I know those of you who don't like to hear your flight is cancelled its a bitch, but for us it worked this time.
We went to IAD (Wash Dulles) and it ended up we got to spend the night and had a long wonderful layover. I got to walk down the street from the hotel and see historic Hernandon, VA. It was lovely, an old city about 8 miles from Alexandria, VA. Then after a late start the next afternoon (= no wake-up call and a casual day of whatever I choose) we went a flyin around and ended up in COLOMBUS, to late for me to call the bluzeman, but we talked later. CLM ended up being a short overnighter, got there late, left early, but the next day we went to Madison WI and got there at 3:30pm and didn't have to leave until 7am!
I got to do the treadmill, hot tub and lazzzzz
around the room, early to bed.
So sometimes its good, sometimes its short and just another room.
I still like the job, but then its only been 3 months, I don't see much changing except someday when I know my scheduele more than the night before......
keep sending them phone numbers and places where you live so I can visit you sometime!
(those of you who want to that is,,,lol, like everyone would want me to visit them) Ha
first I went to RDU (Raleigh Durham, NC) and flew all day, I was promised to go home at the end of the flyin day,
it ended up I went to several places and ended up in Newark.
What a joy for me to get to see Plot and family. We visited and walked in the park, a nice diversion for a girl who usually only sees hotel rooms and airports.
Left NJ for NY then flew all day to go to Bangor ME, which I didn't get to see my friend Chris while there, disappointing, but ME was lovely to see in the day and Chris will feel better by the next time I get to do this east coast gig again.
Today I sit back in RDU and when I arrived since several AE flights were here I got to see 2 of the girls I went to flight school with!!
that was fun, the three of us catching up.
Anyway tonight I will be in RI, to bad I don't have anyone to visit there.....
then FINALLY I will end up back in Chicago Monday. whew,
thinkin I was going to do a quick gig for one day, and here I am on a 6 day trip!
Bob told me you called yesterday and was in South Carolina...what part? I LOVE South Carolina!!!!!
I'm sorry I missed you but Bob says he had fun talking with you. Not too often I see a big smile on his face as this one. That means he really likes you... :)-->
now to update my next set of travels, just found out.
Today, 01Apr,I am going to Harrisburg PA and I get to see my friend Laura (Rellinger)Bolin. I don't leave until like 4pm tomorrow (2nd).
then I get to go to Cedar Rapids IA, (is that close enough for you to visit Vic?) WHAHOOO
oh sorry, for those of you who know love IA...
then home again. (Chicago home)
Then I am off to my vacation at the Grand Canyon. I am guessing Z will update on all our fun at the canyon. So no more updates for a week at least for the 3 of you that are watching!!! :D-->
here I am TRYING like hell to get off so I can head to the Grand Canyon for a planned vacation,
Drat and Double Drat
I got re-assigned to go to an overnight w/my fellow room-mate, class-mate from Flight Academy training!!
we were flying the CRJ, Canadian made plane, it is our only plane that has 2 FA's. it was a blast to work with a bud,
anyway we got to Little Rock AR and surprisingly its LOVELY!!!
our Captian and FO and us girls went walking along the river and finally landed in a lousy food but nice place to hang, have a brew in the hot sunshine and just talk. They even had live music, a guy who sounded like John Mayer, good music, just fun. The Captian had to leave after 3+ hrs at the place to go do his taxes so the FO who is a wonderful black man from London with a great accent, went with us girls to just walk along the river and hang in the sunshine.
We even saw drumroll PLEASE
Maybe all of you out there in gsland KNOW that there really is a Little Rock, the town is named after, but I didn't.
Its more of a joke than Plymouth Rock!!!
anyway we walked along and enjoyed the sunshine, lovely breeze, and hanging.
Little Rock is a lovely town. We took a trolly car thru the old part of town and they tell you what the old buildings are.
there was a free museum but we didn't make it AND
we wanted to do the Clinton Library ($7) but we ran out of time, its limited on Sundays when its open. So heckaroony, I hope to go back sometime and enjoy such a lovely part of the South.
On my ride home I sat next to a guy who is from
CONWAY!!!! oh ArkieRon come out come out wherever you are!!!!
still trying to get the hell out of town and those dirty rats re-assigned me again tonight to go back to Cedar Rapids....
but at least I will be DONE tomorrow mornin and I can hop that flight to Phoenix and have Zshot rescue me!!!
fingers and toes crossed I can get away with it tomorrow!
The Grand Canyon (not to be compared to watching a baby be born at all!!! :D--> but now I have seen both!)
What do you say to the Grand Canyon?? Diane, Zshot and me, drive up to the canyon at sunrise, watch the sun come over the hills, breathless!! The sun shining on the different rocks, showing different colors EVERYWHERE, Every view is breathtaking, speachless, awesome!!
Hard to describe, me and Z decided it must have been God's artistic moment. And what an ARTIST!!! so many colors, so many views, I of course was the geek tourist taking more pictures of the was just amazing I must say.
And kewlness of all kewlness, we saw a longhorned sheep sunbathing at one of the lookout points!!
Anyway spent two days there, looking, gawking and hiking-well only went down 1100 feet-1 1/2 miles cause Z is out of shape :D-->. (the upward climb--a whole nother story!) The mule trains went by us as we step to the side, (the mountain side butofcourse) and watch them pass. the whole canyon is just an amazing thing. Our cabin in Flagstaff was sweet, Flagstaff reminds me of Eastern Washington with the Pondersosa Pines, the hills, the mountians, the weather. LOVED Flagstaff.
The day we left the canyon we went to Sedona.
Damn, what a beautiful town, sitting at the foot of the mountians, surrounded by their own mountians, mini canyon style. Sedona with the red clay surrounding it, and of course since its April still mucho-greeno, the main town on a curvey, hillside and every view surrounding you is beauty!! just wonderful.
We took Diane to Phoenix and went to visit some old friends of mine in Phoenix, they had oranges growing in the back yard, yum, fresh off the tree oranges and lemons, my my.
my friends took me and Z out to dinner at an all you can eat Chinese food, it was good to see them and their new lovely house in oldfolkstown (sun city west, surprise) all built for the 55+ crowd.
Phoenix is a very busy city!!
Left Tuscon and headed down to Zshots part of the world. Sierra Vista
It sets at the bottom of the State of AZ, in the valley of the mountians. Its a quiet town, and easy to navigate thru, nice and sweet. Ft Huachuacha where Z works is LOVELY. It sits right at the bottom of the mountians, amongst trees, green, hills. The fort of the old Buffalo Soldiers (sing along chilins, Buffalo Soldiers, in the heart of la la)
Anyway it is a beautiful work setting. The base is still a woking base for military and of course civy's such as Zshot.
I took the flight out of Tuscon and had to detour to Dallas to get to Chicago (eww-Dallas) and got to take my first jump seat flight!!
(whole nother story there, but it was fun and that part was free!- plus the guy brought me food from first class!)
all in all a wonderful trip, I am tired, a little sore (the hike up the "hill" is a workout) lots of driving and seeing the lovely state of Arizona. The cactus were AWESOME!!
The look like soldiers guarding the hills of Arizona.
Such a pretty time of the year to visit AZ, I highly recommend that if any of you haven't ever seen the canyon to do it, its speachless of describing the textures, colors, scenes, sky, stars, views, the green of the mountians, (remember April and early-before the mobs of people and before everything turns brown)
So someday when I get my pictures back I will have my trusty companion of posting pictures Daryl post them for me.
I am back on call now, so my travels will continue to be just work, which will seem boring compared to the canyon.
hopefully I won't get my hands slapped TOOOOO bad for calling in sick to do this trip :(--> -->
hey I planned this with Z I believe back in September, I can't help it if a little JOB got in the way!!!
This last trip I didn't get to see anyone, drat anyway,
getting into Memphis was to late to visit Sudo and I called him and he and I agreed it was much to late,
no biggie, next time, Memphis was warm and lovely. would love to see the city someday, well the sites anyway.
Then off to Colombus, actually the hotel was in Delaware, I called my youngest to tell him I was in the state of his birth, he thought that was cool.
WasWay and Jazzman were also to busy to see me, well MAYBE next time,
then to Knoxville TN, was there a goodly amount of time, but I have JezusFreaky's number in Seattle so I couldn't see her, and dammed if I can remember her last name, I knew her ex last name, not this one.
well maybe someday I will have all my info organized.
I did try to call a Woodall in the phone book to SEE if Virginia and Glenn possibly moved back there, but guessing wayworld made them sell it and give the money to the greater cause...yeah, the greater cause (sadly but who knows). Last I heard they were still in anyway.
Home now (Chicago home) on call. Helped a Captian get his car towed out of our employee parking lot. So we are going to get back to the airport. He too is on call.
This not having a life of your own is most miserable.
I am off for 4 days this weekend, thinking of visiting an old friend in need, in NC. Should be fun, guess I will update those travels too if you guys want to hear it.
I love the travel, sometimes the scheduele gets to me, up at wierd times and working odd times, etc, It can be taxing and I work hard and crash hard. If only I could sleep when I need. Oh well such is life being an old fart.
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'Ya gonna' be in Memphis??
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probably sometime, I flew over Memphis twice now. the thing is I never know where I am going to go yet. I am still reserve so I am at their beckon call,
yes sir,
will be there sir,
whaterver you say massa.
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Then let me know when you're going to be here.. a little bit of notice.. even a few hours would be helpful when you're dealing with three kids that have to be run hither to and yon. Write down my cell phone number. 901-486-0779. If I'm at the office and have the dnag thing turned off, I'll get my voice mail when I turn it on.
Looking forward to it!!!
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Well, you know my address. When you fly over Ohio, tell the pilot to drop down low so you can wave at me.
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here I sit in a Cleveland Hotel, and I don't have LindaZ's phone number,
oh well,
lesse, this week I was in Madison WI. and Omaha NE, drat, nobody to visit me.
and tonight in OH, beautiful OH.....
oh yeah,
well I am outta here in the mornin!!
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Linda Z
Damn! I never remembered to send you my number, did I? I'm slapping myself silly.
I'm gonna go send it now, so if you see this, check your e-mail!!
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Suz, great to see yer havin fun! You can call anytime yer in the area, cell will get me most times except late in the pm. Perhaps you need to encourage George to git his pilot's liscense so we can have a Greasespot party in the wild blue yonder, I'll bring plenty of pear juice fer tha flight
. I have new teeth now so please bring the peanuts, I like mine still in tha hull, it helps wif rufage fer tha landing jitters one mught acquire after too much pear juice.
If ya wanna stop over fer an overnight stay I can acquire front row parking accomadations for vehicles or planes. I live right across tha creek from Knob Creek International Airport. The county recently painte big white lines across the roads to mark deer crossings. They even now have city drinkin water. Hotel accomadations are right across the creek, travel to an fro are means of 4 wheel ATV's or mules, dependin on amount of luggage involved. The luxury suites range in size from school bus to volkswagon and whether knot security is involved; ie dogs,guns, and concrete block foundations.
You an Yours are always welcome here ! Littlehawk.
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went to Grand Rapids and saw Robin,
we had a LONG layover there, so enjoyed the work-out room (hot tub was cold
:(--> so couldn't enjoy it)
enjoyed the 1 2 3 deal they give crew
$1 draft beers $2 house wine $3 drinks
had lunch at the local smokey bones and didn't eat dinner.
left GRR and headed to DFW then off to CVG (across the river from Cincinnatti)Covington KY,
called 7390 but he wasn't available to visit me, so dinner with the crew, and later I enjoyed the hot tub!
then to ORD (chicago) and quite a day of working to YUL (Montreal) and back then to TOL and back (Toledo).
Got done with my 3 days of fun about 6pm so its home sweet home right now for two more days!
(laundry and ironing to get ready for 6 days on the road)
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Suz, ITs great to hear about your travels...thanks!!!
Tell us more...tell us more..
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lately since I am on RAP, which means I sit home and they call me, 2 hrs prior, then I go and do whatever they say,
yessir massah, whatever you want massah...
so I have been doing qt's, quick turns,
which they say will be a qt THEN....
for instance,
they called me for a qt, i go to somewhere insignificant since I am coming right back, and when I arrive back they send me to another one,
maybe with an hour in-between or 2.
then I am off on another one, then home again that night.
so nothing special or fun lately.
JUST learning how to bid for travel, but being back of the bus doesn't give me a whole lotta pull or anything.
when its lovely and spring I will put in for a Twin Cities overnight Vic, will let you know.
flyin low (2 days off 24th & 25th Feb)
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Because I am reserve I only find out maybe the day before where the heck I am even going!
So last week I get a call from Schedueling, they say I am going to GRR, then to MAD, Mrq, and back to MAD, but alas, it wasn't so!
the nice thing about the weather is that it changes flights, I know those of you who don't like to hear your flight is cancelled its a bitch, but for us it worked this time.
We went to IAD (Wash Dulles) and it ended up we got to spend the night and had a long wonderful layover. I got to walk down the street from the hotel and see historic Hernandon, VA. It was lovely, an old city about 8 miles from Alexandria, VA. Then after a late start the next afternoon (= no wake-up call and a casual day of whatever I choose) we went a flyin around and ended up in COLOMBUS, to late for me to call the bluzeman, but we talked later. CLM ended up being a short overnighter, got there late, left early, but the next day we went to Madison WI and got there at 3:30pm and didn't have to leave until 7am!
I got to do the treadmill, hot tub and lazzzzz
around the room, early to bed.
So sometimes its good, sometimes its short and just another room.
I still like the job, but then its only been 3 months, I don't see much changing except someday when I know my scheduele more than the night before......
keep sending them phone numbers and places where you live so I can visit you sometime!
(those of you who want to that is,,,lol, like everyone would want me to visit them) Ha
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they did it again,
I was in Seattle visiting my family and alas!!
the company called me, (AE) and sent me East.
first I went to RDU (Raleigh Durham, NC) and flew all day, I was promised to go home at the end of the flyin day,
it ended up I went to several places and ended up in Newark.
What a joy for me to get to see Plot and family. We visited and walked in the park, a nice diversion for a girl who usually only sees hotel rooms and airports.
Left NJ for NY then flew all day to go to Bangor ME, which I didn't get to see my friend Chris while there, disappointing, but ME was lovely to see in the day and Chris will feel better by the next time I get to do this east coast gig again.
Today I sit back in RDU and when I arrived since several AE flights were here I got to see 2 of the girls I went to flight school with!!
that was fun, the three of us catching up.
Anyway tonight I will be in RI, to bad I don't have anyone to visit there.....
then FINALLY I will end up back in Chicago Monday. whew,
thinkin I was going to do a quick gig for one day, and here I am on a 6 day trip!
well such is life.
all is well,
still lovin the job,
flyins travels continues...
pray that the week of April I can drop so we
can do our grand canyon thingy (please)
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Bob told me you called yesterday and was in South Carolina...what part? I LOVE South Carolina!!!!!
I'm sorry I missed you but Bob says he had fun talking with you. Not too often I see a big smile on his face as this one. That means he really likes you...
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I like Bob Bob Bob, Bob Bob urannnn too!!
Actually I was in Raleigh Duraham NC, not SC.
now to update my next set of travels, just found out.
Today, 01Apr,I am going to Harrisburg PA and I get to see my friend Laura (Rellinger)Bolin. I don't leave until like 4pm tomorrow (2nd).
then I get to go to Cedar Rapids IA, (is that close enough for you to visit Vic?) WHAHOOO
oh sorry, for those of you who know love IA...
then home again. (Chicago home)
Then I am off to my vacation at the Grand Canyon. I am guessing Z will update on all our fun at the canyon. So no more updates for a week at least for the 3 of you that are watching!!!
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Sorry that cedar rapids was just too far for me to drive. I'm hoping that sometime you will be able to get a little closer.
As I said before, Lacross, Minneapolis, or Rochester will be a good place. Looking forward to seeing you again.
What are some of your experiences of traveling all over the place? I love to hear your stories.
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here I am TRYING like hell to get off so I can head to the Grand Canyon for a planned vacation,
Drat and Double Drat
I got re-assigned to go to an overnight w/my fellow room-mate, class-mate from Flight Academy training!!
we were flying the CRJ, Canadian made plane, it is our only plane that has 2 FA's. it was a blast to work with a bud,
anyway we got to Little Rock AR and surprisingly its LOVELY!!!
our Captian and FO and us girls went walking along the river and finally landed in a lousy food but nice place to hang, have a brew in the hot sunshine and just talk. They even had live music, a guy who sounded like John Mayer, good music, just fun. The Captian had to leave after 3+ hrs at the place to go do his taxes so the FO who is a wonderful black man from London with a great accent, went with us girls to just walk along the river and hang in the sunshine.
We even saw drumroll PLEASE

Maybe all of you out there in gsland KNOW that there really is a Little Rock, the town is named after, but I didn't.
Its more of a joke than Plymouth Rock!!!
anyway we walked along and enjoyed the sunshine, lovely breeze, and hanging.
Little Rock is a lovely town. We took a trolly car thru the old part of town and they tell you what the old buildings are.
there was a free museum but we didn't make it AND
we wanted to do the Clinton Library ($7) but we ran out of time, its limited on Sundays when its open. So heckaroony, I hope to go back sometime and enjoy such a lovely part of the South.
On my ride home I sat next to a guy who is from
CONWAY!!!! oh ArkieRon come out come out wherever you are!!!!
still trying to get the hell out of town and those dirty rats re-assigned me again tonight to go back to Cedar Rapids....
but at least I will be DONE tomorrow mornin and I can hop that flight to Phoenix and have Zshot rescue me!!!
fingers and toes crossed I can get away with it tomorrow!
no new updates until the week of the 10th now.
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I loved loved loved living in Little Rock and miss it.
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The Grand Canyon (not to be compared to watching a baby be born at all!!!
:D--> but now I have seen both!)
What do you say to the Grand Canyon?? Diane, Zshot and me, drive up to the canyon at sunrise, watch the sun come over the hills, breathless!! The sun shining on the different rocks, showing different colors EVERYWHERE, Every view is breathtaking, speachless, awesome!!
Hard to describe, me and Z decided it must have been God's artistic moment. And what an ARTIST!!! so many colors, so many views, I of course was the geek tourist taking more pictures of the was just amazing I must say.
And kewlness of all kewlness, we saw a longhorned sheep sunbathing at one of the lookout points!!
Anyway spent two days there, looking, gawking and hiking-well only went down 1100 feet-1 1/2 miles cause Z is out of shape
:D-->. (the upward climb--a whole nother story!) The mule trains went by us as we step to the side, (the mountain side butofcourse) and watch them pass. the whole canyon is just an amazing thing. Our cabin in Flagstaff was sweet, Flagstaff reminds me of Eastern Washington with the Pondersosa Pines, the hills, the mountians, the weather. LOVED Flagstaff.
The day we left the canyon we went to Sedona.
Damn, what a beautiful town, sitting at the foot of the mountians, surrounded by their own mountians, mini canyon style. Sedona with the red clay surrounding it, and of course since its April still mucho-greeno, the main town on a curvey, hillside and every view surrounding you is beauty!! just wonderful.
We took Diane to Phoenix and went to visit some old friends of mine in Phoenix, they had oranges growing in the back yard, yum, fresh off the tree oranges and lemons, my my.
my friends took me and Z out to dinner at an all you can eat Chinese food, it was good to see them and their new lovely house in oldfolkstown (sun city west, surprise) all built for the 55+ crowd.
Phoenix is a very busy city!!
Left Tuscon and headed down to Zshots part of the world. Sierra Vista
It sets at the bottom of the State of AZ, in the valley of the mountians. Its a quiet town, and easy to navigate thru, nice and sweet. Ft Huachuacha where Z works is LOVELY. It sits right at the bottom of the mountians, amongst trees, green, hills. The fort of the old Buffalo Soldiers (sing along chilins, Buffalo Soldiers, in the heart of la la)
Anyway it is a beautiful work setting. The base is still a woking base for military and of course civy's such as Zshot.
I took the flight out of Tuscon and had to detour to Dallas to get to Chicago (eww-Dallas) and got to take my first jump seat flight!!
(whole nother story there, but it was fun and that part was free!- plus the guy brought me food from first class!)
all in all a wonderful trip, I am tired, a little sore (the hike up the "hill" is a workout) lots of driving and seeing the lovely state of Arizona. The cactus were AWESOME!!
The look like soldiers guarding the hills of Arizona.
Such a pretty time of the year to visit AZ, I highly recommend that if any of you haven't ever seen the canyon to do it, its speachless of describing the textures, colors, scenes, sky, stars, views, the green of the mountians, (remember April and early-before the mobs of people and before everything turns brown)
So someday when I get my pictures back I will have my trusty companion of posting pictures Daryl post them for me.
I am back on call now, so my travels will continue to be just work, which will seem boring compared to the canyon.
hopefully I won't get my hands slapped TOOOOO bad for calling in sick to do this trip
hey I planned this with Z I believe back in September, I can't help it if a little JOB got in the way!!!
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ok ok, new update,
just got my next sequence
I start by going to Memphis, sorry Sudo, to late to visit,
then I end up the next day in Colombus, looking forward to seeing WasWay and Bluzeman,
then I am off to another part of TN, Knoxville to be exact,
Damn I can't find JezusFreaky's phone number!!!
anybody know my old NJ friend and can alert her to my arrival at the Knoxville Holiday Inn Select ???? 865 522 2800
This living here and there makes it most difficult to keep phone numbers for everwhere around the USA,
she sent me her number but I believe its under my Verizon email in Seattle, no help here.
COLLEEN FIND ME!!! I will be there 3pm the 12th and don't leave until the next mornin!!
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At least it was good chatting with you today, Suz. I'm still getting used to being able to make free long distance phone calls with cell phones.
Hope to catch you next visit!! Take care!!
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Wonderful trip to the Grand Canyon.....sounds lovely.
I'm glad you got to do it.
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Just to add something else to Suz's visit.
It was a real pleasure finally getting to meet Suz "face to face". She is a very wonderful lady.
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Linda Z
Keep posting your adventures, Suz. It's fun to hear about your travels and the people you're seeing.
Yeah, the Grand Canyon is really something. God's handiwork, for sure.
Love ya,
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This last trip I didn't get to see anyone, drat anyway,
getting into Memphis was to late to visit Sudo and I called him and he and I agreed it was much to late,
no biggie, next time, Memphis was warm and lovely. would love to see the city someday, well the sites anyway.
Then off to Colombus, actually the hotel was in Delaware, I called my youngest to tell him I was in the state of his birth, he thought that was cool.
WasWay and Jazzman were also to busy to see me, well MAYBE next time,
then to Knoxville TN, was there a goodly amount of time, but I have JezusFreaky's number in Seattle so I couldn't see her, and dammed if I can remember her last name, I knew her ex last name, not this one.
well maybe someday I will have all my info organized.
I did try to call a Woodall in the phone book to SEE if Virginia and Glenn possibly moved back there, but guessing wayworld made them sell it and give the money to the greater cause...yeah, the greater cause (sadly but who knows). Last I heard they were still in anyway.
Home now (Chicago home) on call. Helped a Captian get his car towed out of our employee parking lot. So we are going to get back to the airport. He too is on call.
This not having a life of your own is most miserable.
I am off for 4 days this weekend, thinking of visiting an old friend in need, in NC. Should be fun, guess I will update those travels too if you guys want to hear it.
I love the travel, sometimes the scheduele gets to me, up at wierd times and working odd times, etc, It can be taxing and I work hard and crash hard. If only I could sleep when I need. Oh well such is life being an old fart.
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