After talking to my son just now, 120 was an was the option he wanted to go with, but changed his mind thinking that "fractoral" was something real that he didn't know about.
Obviously this was a typo.
It was the only math question he missed on the test, too.
That's probably a misspelling of "fractal geometry" which is sufficiently advanced that the average Army recruit would never come in contact with it. There was absolutely no mention of "fractoral" on Wolfram's Math World site, and they should know. Wolfram makes Mathematica, one of the most sophisticated pieces of mathematical software on the market.
I'd go with factorial. It's the only thing that makes sense.
We thought the same thing, but the paper said, "fractoral".
It's an Army pre-exam, too. Like my son's gonna have a chance to refute anything. LOL
I am the first one to admit here, that I kamt spel! Spelling used to be my forte in school - but then I had a "circulatory event" and that left...together with a few other subtle things. So I use a spell checker, but we don't have one here. I'm NOT talking about this board where thoughts are more important and some of us don't catch mistakes.......
BUT this appears to be a document that was seems it was a "test" of some kind...and for the Army, no less...and it contained distracting spelling errors. That is inexcusable!
Maybe it's not spelling,as in my case...lots of times it's the keystrokes. I never had a course in this...I taught myself, and that's always dangerous...
The number of spelling errors in newspapers, and other things really makes me mad - when it comes from "professionals" because it shows sloppy work. And if we accept it we promote it.
quote: The number of spelling errors in newspapers, and other things really makes me mad - when it comes from "professionals" because it shows sloppy work. And if we accept it we promote it.
(that's the end of my soap box for today)
Ha!! :D--> :D--> Good point! Am thinking this test was designed/implemented by the same folks who built those "controversial" voting machines down in Florida!
Hanging chads, mis-spelled words, etc., etc. --brought to you all by the lunatic liberals who have added one more "plank" to their platform of ---
Will they ever learn there is such a thing as "ethics" in professionalism?? -->
I wonder if this was a new version of the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery)? I made the mistake of taking it in high school since all my ROTC buddies were doing it. I got the 99th percentile on every single section and recruiters were calling me for over a YEAR... -->
Does your son have good color vision? If so, electronics and medicine would be good "fields" to get into.
Can you son "pick up" new langquages quickly? If so, then maybe a lingquest.
The simple answer for your son is, he should try to get into something that he will enjoy and be good at.
If I were to suggest a branch of the service, I would suggest the Air Force. Of course I will also give you a bias career field... (Don't laugh) Military Intelligence.
Was one of the questions "What is the meaning of 'is'"?
Zix, I got all in the 98-99 percentiles also in all catagories except for the clerical section. I deliberately did not as good on that one so I wouldn't get stuck behind a desk pushing papers. I was actually picked out of the bunch to go into the intelligence field. That is one thing I still haven't figured out.
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Odds are the teacher meant the factorial of 5, which is 120. (5!=1x2x3x4x5=120.)
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I'm so glad you're on right now!
We thought the same thing, but the paper said, "fractoral".
It's an Army pre-exam, too. Like my son's gonna have a chance to refute anything. LOL
On a search in Yahoo and Google, there is a mention of "fractoral geometry" and something else...but that's it.
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After talking to my son just now, 120 was an was the option he wanted to go with, but changed his mind thinking that "fractoral" was something real that he didn't know about.
Obviously this was a typo.
It was the only math question he missed on the test, too.
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That's probably a misspelling of "fractal geometry" which is sufficiently advanced that the average Army recruit would never come in contact with it. There was absolutely no mention of "fractoral" on Wolfram's Math World site, and they should know. Wolfram makes Mathematica, one of the most sophisticated pieces of mathematical software on the market.
I'd go with factorial. It's the only thing that makes sense.
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Thank you so much, Zix.
We thought we had gone daffy...found something we couldn't figure out. LMAO!
My son says, "Thanks!"
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I thought a fractoral was something that belonged on a fish!!!
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This really fries my gizzard!
I am the first one to admit here, that I kamt spel! Spelling used to be my forte in school - but then I had a "circulatory event" and that left...together with a few other subtle things. So I use a spell checker, but we don't have one here. I'm NOT talking about this board where thoughts are more important and some of us don't catch mistakes.......
BUT this appears to be a document that was seems it was a "test" of some kind...and for the Army, no less...and it contained distracting spelling errors. That is inexcusable!
Maybe it's not spelling,as in my case...lots of times it's the keystrokes. I never had a course in this...I taught myself, and that's always dangerous...
The number of spelling errors in newspapers, and other things really makes me mad - when it comes from "professionals" because it shows sloppy work. And if we accept it we promote it.
(that's the end of my soap box for today)
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:D--> Good point! Am thinking this test was designed/implemented by the same folks who built those "controversial" voting machines down in Florida!
Hanging chads, mis-spelled words, etc., etc. --brought to you all by the lunatic liberals who have added one more "plank" to their platform of ---
Will they ever learn there is such a thing as "ethics" in professionalism??
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I wonder if this was a new version of the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery)? I made the mistake of taking it in high school since all my ROTC buddies were doing it. I got the 99th percentile on every single section and recruiters were calling me for over a YEAR...
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Feel better krys?
Zix, it was the pre-test to see if the Army even wanted him to continue with the recruiting process.
He took the ASVABs this morning...and got a PERFECT SCORE!!!!!!!!!
Woo hoo! I'm so proud of my boy!
Anybody have any suggestions as to what field he should choose?
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Zix......thats quite an accomplishment...but all I can say is Go Navy!
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CW -- perfect score?
What fields are available??
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Is "home field" an option??
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I think he should dispute that one question he got wrong and then they can correct it too.
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Unless the question is deliberate, testing the applicant's ability to adapt to garbled information...
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A career in the military....
Does your son have good color vision? If so, electronics and medicine would be good "fields" to get into.
Can you son "pick up" new langquages quickly? If so, then maybe a lingquest.
The simple answer for your son is, he should try to get into something that he will enjoy and be good at.
If I were to suggest a branch of the service, I would suggest the Air Force. Of course I will also give you a bias career field... (Don't laugh) Military Intelligence.
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zix, my 4th grader had a (multiple choice)question on a science test. which animal hybernates all winter?
"bear" was the correct answer. but his science book said a bear will come out on warm days to look for food.
so he didn't choose it.
i think that was confusing.
sorry choo choo
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he'll need to "dumb down" his answers so he's in step with his teachers....
No, some standardized tests have contradictory information.
I took one where one question was based entirely on scenarios in the
previous question, where the most common answer was zero, as in
"this never happens".
So, we filled in "this has never happened to me"
and then the next question asks
"what do you usually do when this happens?"
without a "n/a" option.
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WW -- was NOTHING an option??
Or were you expected to choose the "least intrusive" answer?
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Probably what you mean by "least intrusive".
However, even the "least intrusive" answer contradicted what
you just filled in immediately preceding it.
A lot of people noticed it, too. They all had one question
for the proctor, and it was at the approximate time they
each reached the second question.
Sort of like:
1) "How often do you beat your wife?"
Uh, never, I like her. I don't even call her names.
2) "When you beat your wife, how quickly does she recover?"
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Was one of the questions "What is the meaning of 'is'"?
Zix, I got all in the 98-99 percentiles also in all catagories except for the clerical section. I deliberately did not as good on that one so I wouldn't get stuck behind a desk pushing papers. I was actually picked out of the bunch to go into the intelligence field. That is one thing I still haven't figured out.
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it means you're intelligent
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