HEY YOU ! They say it was your BIRTHDAY !!!!!!????????? Hey "HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY" and HAPPY Day after your birthday and happy freakin new age of whatever too ! Someone left your cake out in the rain and I just don't know if I can take it cause it took so long to bake and I'll never have that recipe again ! Good thing too eh ? Parsley you you are wonderful and may you age joyously and I would say wisely but you are already a wise one you are ! :D--> :)-->
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Parsley -- You have a great day today.
Happy Birthday!!
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Happy Birthday.
Wanna make a bet?
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Raf, your karma changed!
Parsley, I hope that your loved ones absolutely spoil you today!
And Cindy! and the !ettes all agree.
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Tom Strange
happening day young lady!
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it's her birthday!!!!
oh really!!!!
Gotta go.
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It was yesterday. Sorry I forgot to add the day
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Happy belated, parsley! Hope yesterday was fun and today's even better!
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Tom Strange
shellon, would you edit mine to read:
"belated" happening day young lady!
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hee hee hee hahaha funny strange man.
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Love you, P!
Happy, happy all week long!!!!
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THE HAPPIEST, PASLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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It seems like just yesterday she turned 21.....
or meebe it was just yesterday......hmmm
anyway you sweet thang I shur hope it was the bestest!! Why, because I loves you thats why...And because you deserve the BEST Lady,
Happy Days are here again,
Happy Birthdays too
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Shellon -- Yesterday?? as on the 5th???? Today is the 7th.
Now how do I do a "belated" Happy Birthday two days later?
OH -- I KNOW -- 2 days later, means it is TWICE BELATED, therefore established
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So, if I chime in, the establishing will be established. Cool.
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HEY YOU ! They say it was your BIRTHDAY !!!!!!????????? Hey "HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY" and HAPPY Day after your birthday and happy freakin new age of whatever too ! Someone left your cake out in the rain and I just don't know if I can take it cause it took so long to bake and I'll never have that recipe again ! Good thing too eh ? Parsley you you are wonderful and may you age joyously and I would say wisely but you are already a wise one you are !
Edited by dougie73Link to comment
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Tom Strange
doogie! you exceeded the two bowl limit without sharing again...
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Yeah Tom so sorry and will quit my Bogart sharing ways !
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I'm so embarrassed!!! I missed this page!!!
Happy birthday, and many, many more!!!
May you be well, prosperous and at peace!!!
Lives with his cat in Franklin Park, Illinois
"Imagination is more important than knowledge"
-Albert Einstein
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Happy belated birthday!!!
I have really enjoyed our times of chat!!!!
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Hi Parsley
Happy Birthday yes May is a Month of birthdays
with love Roy
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golley gee whiz! thanks every body!! I was spoiled senseless, and the fun ain't over - tomorrow combo mother's day/b'day! whew hoo!
hugs all around
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I am really really late. So here's what....have another birthday weekend on me? ok?
This way I'll get to wish you a Happy Birthday too!
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Happy Birthday Gorgeous : )
These May Babies got all the good stuff : )
I sure love You!!!
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