put your mouse in fromt of the address itself. (Mot the word address) then left click and hold while moving your mouse across the words at the end of the address let up on your finger. Then hit "control" and the letter "C" on your keyboard. C will "copy" the picture.
Then go into your post and click on that green piture at the top of the post area. And a box will drop down
"Image URL"
put your pointer arrow into the white box then hit "control" and the letter "V"
That will copy the address into the little box that you just got off the picture. Then click okay -- then post.
uh sheeesh you don't know that you are actually talking to mrs. putor stupid? HA HA Know how many times I messed up the whole system trying to post things? thats why I e-mail to those that know what they are doing. What do I do to let people into my yahoo photos? maybe that would work.
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Happy Birthday Michael !!!
Congratulations on your music and success!!!
Wyte .... I am sure you were a major inspiration in his life. Now, he is inspiring others with his music.
Music can be so many things, healing, joyful, inspirational, invigorating, encouraging ... what a great accomplishment.
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Congrats and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your son Wyte!!

Meebe that there councelor could take "lessons" from Michael on being a success, since he obviously is not!
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Tom Strange
hope he had a happening day!
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Sister Dove:
Ahemmm...Doves do not "crow" it's undignified.
But you may sing about him all you want.
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That's Better !!!!
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Wyte -- I tried to get to that photo you wanted, but Yahoo says it is "inaccessible"
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D. I just sent it again to you thru mu e-mail, I hope you see it this time.
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Dot Matrix
Trying to post it for you let's see...

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Dot Matrix
Dovey in the e-mail you had eend to me I put the pointer right on the picture itself
Then I right clicked holding my finger down on the right side of the mouse.
A list will come up for you and it will have the word "properties"
Click on the word "properties"
There will be a bunch of stuff. About the thrid line down it will say "address"
And read like this http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/e189d204/bc...hbCwjABSNPu13By
Copy it. You know how to copy?
put your mouse in fromt of the address itself. (Mot the word address) then left click and hold while moving your mouse across the words at the end of the address let up on your finger. Then hit "control" and the letter "C" on your keyboard. C will "copy" the picture.
Then go into your post and click on that green piture at the top of the post area. And a box will drop down
"Image URL"
put your pointer arrow into the white box then hit "control" and the letter "V"
That will copy the address into the little box that you just got off the picture. Then click okay -- then post.
Good luck and happy birthday!
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uh sheeesh you don't know that you are actually talking to mrs. putor stupid? HA HA Know how many times I messed up the whole system trying to post things? thats why I e-mail to those that know what they are doing. What do I do to let people into my yahoo photos? maybe that would work.
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Dot Matrix
It was there all day after I posted it yesterday! where did it go?
Let me try again.
Okay, I deleted the email after I posted later last night, maybe that made it vanish.
Did you delete it? Because I posted the address to the picture to the email you sent. Does that place still exist?
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Dot I am trying to make my photo album available to some of you in here so when I do maybe you can post it from thier.
Thank you all so much for your help.
Until the day I learn how to post thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!
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