Kool-Aid Drinkers - Blind followers of twi who never question anything and always obey whatever the "present truth" for the day is. These are the people who would drink the poisoned kool-aid willingly.
In the late 1970s there was this group who followed a cult leader named Jim Jones. Notorious. He had a bunch of them commit suicide by drinking kool-aid laced with cyanide. Those who did so willingly were last. First they had to take care of the unwilling.
Since then, kool-aid drinkers has evolved into a condescending term for someone who does not question another's authority, no matter how absurd, illogical, hateful or hurtful an instruction the authority figure is demanding.
Hey I just looked really quick at that TWI phrases and was the term : FRUIT in there ?
Fruit as in new people ? Hi this is Tom and Nancy and they are my new friut in twig !!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hated that ! My FRUIT !!!!!!!!!!!!! --> Some people even got into fits because they were worried you might spoil their fruit and then they wouldn't look as good in front of the BC
I heard something similar in more than one place. "Seeing fruit" was used in reference to growth in a twig. I never saw it used to directly refer to people in the way Dougie referenced.
I've heard fruit used as indicators of your success (obedience) to whatever the current rules were - to include signing people up for classes and bringing them to fellowship.
If you are living according to twi(t) doctrine then you will be bringing people in droves to fellowship. Those people are called your "fruit". They tie it back to some scripture, but I can't recall it at the moment.
Fruit also is considered your material abundance, spiritual insight, and used as an excuse as to why the leadership picked on you (if they didn't see enough fruit in your life).
The definition of fruit depended on the sentence and situation.
I didn't read all of this but I thought an accurate description of "way brain" is appropriate.
WAY-BRAIN: a) may refer to the use of Way terms, the elitest way attitude, or any number of way doctrines or any other sililar twi-type charicteristics that an accuser may deem appropriate. b) @ The Grease Spot Cafe the term is used as the worst of insults. Mearly implying that one has "
way-brain" is worse than calling their mother a bad name.
oh and c)what everyone here has to some degree or another. ;)-->
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Gentle Servant
Graven image: any symbol used in worship or connected with a church.
Includes crosses, statues of saints, and so on.
Condemned at great length especially by lcm.
Is NEVER used of the statue of Timothy in the auditorium, the sculpture
of Elijah, Elisha and the bull in the auditorium, and is especially
never used of the ugly statuettes of vpw inflicted on the rank-and-file
in the 90's.
crucifix: condemned by twi. Jesus got off the cross and is now ascended.
Thus, the image of a crucifix or even a cross is depressing and old news.
"If they'd have shot Jesus Christ with a machinegun, they'd all be wearing
It's also been said a more honest symbol-if one were to use symbols-
would be an empty tomb.
Babylon Mystery Religion: a book by Ralph Woodrow, basically a user-friendly
version of Alexander Hislop's "The Two Babylons". Both books condemn the
Catholic Church for most of its practices. Some of the accusations are
legit, some were cobbled together by Hislop. Was carried in the way
bookstore and lcm, especially, based a lot of his anti-Catholic diatribes
on the contents.
the Babylon Connection: a book by Ralph Woodrow, which was NOT carried in the
way bookstore. Basically, it's a repudiation of his previous book and Hislop's
book, with citations from the Bible and history. Some people refuse to read it
and hang onto the previous book.
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Kool-Aid Drinkers - Blind followers of twi who never question anything and always obey whatever the "present truth" for the day is. These are the people who would drink the poisoned kool-aid willingly.
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Tom Strange
ya know... kind of ala Jonestown...
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Divine Design - the artist dept. that makes posters, decorates and such. Divine Design NEVER creates, only expresses, as only God can create.
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You will, no doubt, see some parallels with the JW cult.
WOW = Pioneer
The Blue Book = The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life
Mark and Avoid = disfellowshipped
Household = The Truth
Goey, you asked, what are dubs?
Jdubs. As in J-W's. Dub. Dubya. J Dubya. Dubs.
They are Jehovah's Witness Wayfers (more fattening, no doubt, since they are allowed to have incomes and, therefore, meals).
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Trefor Heywood
I have to ask - what is this kool-aid stuff?
And those lists of definitions are so right-on!
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In the late 1970s there was this group who followed a cult leader named Jim Jones. Notorious. He had a bunch of them commit suicide by drinking kool-aid laced with cyanide. Those who did so willingly were last. First they had to take care of the unwilling.
Since then, kool-aid drinkers has evolved into a condescending term for someone who does not question another's authority, no matter how absurd, illogical, hateful or hurtful an instruction the authority figure is demanding.
TRIVIA NOTE: It wasn't Kool-Aid at Jonestown. It may have been "Flavor-Aid," a competitive knock-off.
Don't drink the Kool-Aid.
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Hey I just looked really quick at that TWI phrases and was the term : FRUIT in there ?
Fruit as in new people ? Hi this is Tom and Nancy and they are my new friut in twig !!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hated that ! My FRUIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!
--> Some people even got into fits because they were worried you might spoil their fruit and then they wouldn't look as good in front of the BC
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I never heard the "fruit" thing. Might it have been a local expression
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I heard something similar in more than one place. "Seeing fruit" was used in reference to growth in a twig. I never saw it used to directly refer to people in the way Dougie referenced.
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I've heard fruit used as indicators of your success (obedience) to whatever the current rules were - to include signing people up for classes and bringing them to fellowship.
If you are living according to twi(t) doctrine then you will be bringing people in droves to fellowship. Those people are called your "fruit". They tie it back to some scripture, but I can't recall it at the moment.
Fruit also is considered your material abundance, spiritual insight, and used as an excuse as to why the leadership picked on you (if they didn't see enough fruit in your life).
The definition of fruit depended on the sentence and situation.
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Tom Strange
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Yes -- it was common to hear this. Gotta stand up for yourself, and make sure everyone knows you are out there witnessing, you know.
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Almost like rewards in Heavan don't count, but those in twig did.
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I didn't read all of this but I thought an accurate description of "way brain" is appropriate.
WAY-BRAIN: a) may refer to the use of Way terms, the elitest way attitude, or any number of way doctrines or any other sililar twi-type charicteristics that an accuser may deem appropriate. b) @ The Grease Spot Cafe the term is used as the worst of insults. Mearly implying that one has "
way-brain" is worse than calling their mother a bad name.
oh and c)what everyone here has to some degree or another.
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"third-aid". twi term. The idea was that, before any medical attention was
given like an aspirin, you would pray, then ask someone else to pray
(steps 1 and 2).
This has nothing to do with the 100% reimbursements the bot/bod has for
LARGE amounts of medical attention.
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"piffle": GSC term. Another name for PFAL.
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"empties": twi-speak. A person not born again, who does not have
Holy Spirit, thus, empty inside. Usually in the context of them being
scum, not even worth saying "hello" to.
"in the household": twi-speak for twi. The Household supposedly was
twi Christians and ONLY twi Christians. Other Christians were second-
class at BEST, and empties didn't even count. Was eventually
tacked on to sentences and definitions without rhyme or reason.
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"Weenie Roast".
GSC term.
An informal get-together for people of the GSC and anyone who feels like
showing up with them, or without them if they were really inclined.
The event includes a cookout, a general get-together and shooting the breeze.
The event is notorious for lacking any required activities, mainstage teachings,
witnessing assignments, or face-melting sessions.
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Gentle Servant
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Gentle Servant
[quote ='tonto'
" Good point, Gentle Servant. Welcome to the cafe...let me buy you a cuppa."
ie: "needs and wants parallel"
Thanks T,
I'd love a cup.
Also it would definitely serve the purpose of explaining away why your financial needs weren't
being met when in reality your finances were being siphoned off by headquarters. Then
they could turn around and say your faith was too small or that you just need to get your
needs and wants parallel which really means if you think you need something nice-think again.
And send us your money so we can have the nicer things.
love yall,
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NEEDS AND WANTS PARALELL.-----------HMMMM!------- I thought parallel lines never met.
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BTW----------Welcome to GS, "GS". I'm pretty new here myself but the waitstaff and customers sure know how to make a person feel welcome.
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