Seeing another poster's "handle" reminded me of another acronym: SOGWAP: son of God with all power. Uses "all nine"* manifestations "all the time."
*To Refiner: in addition to Tongues, Interpretation, and Prophecy (Sometimes, collectively, TIP), there are Word of Knowledge, Word of Wisdom, Discerning of Spirits, Faith (always read "Believing"), Gifts of Healing(s) and Working of Miracles, as per 1 Cor. 12:8-10).
"Churchianity"...most often called "Christen-dumb" by LCM.
"would you be blessed to": Wayspeak. In English, "I want you to do the following..." Could have gone the rest of my life without ever hearing those words again...blech!
How about "available"? Would it be "available " for you to ______(fill in the blank with any unpleasant task imaginable). To be asked if it was "available" or if you would be "blessed" was never a request, always a command.
EOB - Executive Office Building, where the higher-ups had their offices along with accounting and legal.
BRC - Biblical Research Center, The first TWI building, used for Sunday Night Teaching until the auditorium was built.
OSC - Outreach Services Center, Bookstore to include tape duplicating and printshop, A/V shop, shipping and receiving, child care and storage.
Way Woods - Wooded area away on the other side of Wierwille road used for campfires and such.
Corps Chalet - Log house originally built for VPW to retire to, taken over by LCM and wife, now occupied by wife.
The Barn - Original Weirwille farm barn, no animals now, just motorcycles and meeting place for staff hunters.
The Pond - Filthy duck pond used to "baptize" people on their birthday.
The Farmhouse - The original Weirwille farm home.
Ambassador One - A Convair 580 (I think) that was used by VPW and staff. Sold around 1978.
Acts 2? - Cessna Centurian used for staff travel. Current status unknown.
Closed Corporation - A meeting where the subjects discussed were not to be made known outside of the attendees.
Locked Box - a subject or discussion not to be brought up or revealed again.
Book of Life - Database of all people active and past active in TWI.
There's lots more, but I'm gettin tired.... Anyone remember the cute name of the department that did haircuts? How about the real name of the creek called the River Jordan? What did we call the theater in New Bremen or Minster that Way Productions used? What about the Kip Farm, Squeaky Clean, and Lead?
Way CofE, The Way College of Emporia: a former college campus bought by TWI as a root training location for The Way Corps. TWI 'members' were also given the chance to take some of the classes as Way CofE students. A two year degree was offered, though not recognized nor accredited by anyone outside of TWI.
L.E.A.D. (aka LEAD): an 'outward bound' type of program. In the early days the corps in residence were required to hitch hike to and from the LEAD site. (from Emporia, Kansas to either Tinney, NM or Moab, UT)... They were given $10 when they started and were expected to return with $10. We were to 'believe God' for rides and food. LEAD is an acronym for Leadership, Education, Adventure and Direction.
Reflections: the hair cutting/makup class taken by the corps in residence. Also the name of the department at root locales where folks got their haircut.
Howard Allen: (HA) longtime cronie of veepee's. Past BOT/BOD member.
Searching (click "find") for "tongues" in this forum yields a lot of stuff because that's what we all did (or pretended we did).
vpw taught speaking in tongues was normal Christian behavior. In fact, in the 80's, before he was revealed as an immoral sexual predator, a Christian who's who dictionary credited him with "normalizing speaking in tongues as part of the Christian lifestyle."
I saw this in a Christian bookstore shortly after he died but then later, when I looked again, he'd been removed.
"EOB - Executive Office Building, where the higher-ups had their offices along with accounting and legal."
I always remembered the EOB as the Ermal Owens Building (Ermal being the first VP of The Way). The name was probably changed during the "de-Wierwilleization" of TWI.
ROA - Rock of Ages, annual get together at HQ in Ohio. TWI "members" brought tents and camped in the field for the week. Originally a time of reuniting with old TWI friends not seen for awhile, later replaced by manditory teachings and more teachings, or so I've been told since I left after POP.
POP - Passing of the Patriarch. Paper written by C... G..., about the last weeks of Vee Pee's life, since CS was Vee Pee's driver and butler type servant. POP ultimately caused many Corpse and other members of TWI to leave or begin the process of leaving as it was the first indication that TWI was far from perfect and would only get worse.
Tripped Out - early terminology for Greasespot by Midnight. One who has chosen to depart from the household.
Household - the inner sanctum of the Body of Christ, that is, TWI. Those who walk with God and know and do the rightly-divided word of God that only TWI has. Those is the Household are the blessed and chosen ones as opposed to the simply born again generic believer who is spiritually inferior to and not as blessed as those in the Household.
Lift List - list of people to pray for by speaking in tongues as you picture them. The lift list is composed of people you don't know and who don't know you (like LCM and the BOT), who are more important than you, and of TWI properties you seldom or never spend any time at. Thus there is little time to pray for people and situations in your actual life.
On Probation - When TWI person is kept from attending the fellowships of the Household due to falling short in important areas of life such as the cleanliness of your home or how much money you are giving, or because you asked too many questions. Or maybe they think you are a homo, or your festus is a homo, or you won't give away your pet or sell your home.
A while back, there was a thread started by Orange Cat which was like Ambrose Bierce's "Devil's Dictionary". I tried looking for it before, but couldn't find it. If someone were kind enough to, it might be good for a laugh or two. :D-->
It's amazing what can happen when you put the right search words in :D-->. (Originally posted by Orange Cat. fare thee well.)
quote: an oldie
(From an ancient thread with contributions by many pioneering WayDalers ... back by popular demand)
Rightly Divided Word - Whatever VPW's or LCM's current views are on the Bible, Politics, Science, Law, Music, Automobiles, Sex, Relationships, Foreign Relations, Art, Math, Drugs, Astronomy, Genetics, Psychology, Landscaping
grease spot - an independent thinker
grease spot by midnight - how quickly one realizes the benefits of being a
grease spot
God's Household (members of) - those who are not grease spots
Auschwitz - German run holiday camp for Jews in Poland
Adultery - meaning unknown
Biblical Research - a collection of material plagiarized from eclectic sources by VPW circa 1943.
Bless you - a greeting, usually synonymous with the question "Will you sponsor me for the Corps?"
The Word - The King James Version of the Bible with substantial, interlinear, and ad hoc modifications, translations, interpretations, corrections, paraphrases and proper emphasis as supplied by the late Victor Paul Wierwille.
Athletes of the Spirit - A program wherein TWI spent thousands of dollars in a futile attempt to teach dancing to a rhythm impaired preacher.
Doctor, Dr. - an honorific (title) used to convey the impression of respectability and authority without having the burden of proving either.
witnessing - the act of attempting to persuade people to join you in hiding from and alienating yourself to former friends, family, and the rest of the world in general.
leadership - the guy you're afraid is going to ask you what you did yesterday or are planning to do tomorrow.
new believer - (an ancient term now out of use) - someone who is just beginning to enjoy the benefits of fellowship with twi.
Renewing Your Mind - Changing your thinking until it is consistent with the thinking of LCM and/or VPW.
Way Corps - A four year program sponsored by the Way International wherein a believer could have his/her mind renewed more intensively. See also renewed mind.
Sexual Abuse - 1). The terminology those with an unrenewed mind use to describe
the privilege of taking care of the needs of the Man of God For Our Time. (See Also Adultery, Renewing your Mind); 2). The terminology used by those who have rejected the clear Biblical Doctrine of the "Locked Box." (See also Biblical Research) 3). A good example of the language used by those who allow Devil
Spirits in their life.
Administration - A method of dividing the Bible into the parts that count and those that are inconvenient for the renewal of the mind.
Jesus Christ - 1) a shadowy individual who lived in a previous administration whose words can be largely ignored because they only applied to the administration in which he lived. 2) an individual who in traditional Christianity plays an exaggerated role. 3) Not God
Man of God - 1) and individual who also is not God, but is the next best thing 2) only one Man of God is allowed at a time 3) Not the pope 4) Way more important than the pope.
President (of TWI) - A man who undertakes the management of our spiritual affairs as a method of bettering his temporal ones. (from Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary definition of clergyman)
Phallic Symbol - Any item that is not parallel to the ground. ie. church steeples, stop signs, war monuments, light houses, flag pole, sky scrapers, tall people, etc.
tithe - a financial commitment to twi which causes God to 'spit' in your direction - other gestures vary accordingly in price.
Pet (major) - an object, typically four footed and furry mistakenly believed by the world to give and receive affection and lower stress levels. In reality pets (major) inappropriately consume the resources and affections due the President. No pets (major) allowed.
Pet (minor) - an object, typically minute, consuming reasonably small levels of waste products the President is not interested in. Examples - cockroaches, head lice, smallish mice. One pet (minor) allowed.
Free Will - Foreign concept to those of the renewed mind. Sometimes rumored to exist in the outside world, where it may even extend to choosing to become/remain pregnant or determining one's own finances. Those who have left to search for this rumored concept have for unknown reasons not returned.
disciple - a follower with the discipline to refrain from thinking
homo - anyone who criticizes The Way International
obey - to do as ordered; used of children, dogs and Way disciples
present truth - new law
Board of Trustees - rulers of the twi corporation whose loyalties are to themselves, whose ethics are self-service, whose morals are im
Way Corps - 2 usages 1) in residence corps: slaves 2) corps in the field: what the Gestapo was to Germany, the KGB to Russia and the KKK to blacks.
Abundant Sharing - 1) a system whereby 15 % of your income travels to Ohio never to be seen again.
2) The system whereby twi leadership dictates to you what to do with your money but forbids you to ask what they do with it after you give it to them.
Owe no man anything - a verse interpreted to mean you may not owe the bank a mortgage payment but you can owe the landlord a rent check. Owe no man anything does not extend to abundant sharing, you still owe that.
motor coach - a transportation and recreational vehicle for the MOG - sleeps dozens if not hundreds
Questions - a sign of 1) a new believer (usage now rare) 2) disobedience. "Hold your questions to the end of the class/administration when they will still not be addressed"
Abundant Living - 1) for ex-presidents includes a reputedly 2 million dollar log home complete with maid service 2) for staffers: subsistence.
Counterfeit - any successful endeavor whose success cannot be traced to VPW/LCM
Stringing Chairs - a process by which chairs are aligned just so; a time consuming, useless, elaborate procedure used to occupy the time of the slave labor.
Fiery Dart - a point of logic too strong for twi leadership to refute which must therefore be categorically denied. The cumulative effect of being presented with an adequate number of fiery darts transforms one into a greasespot (independent thinker) often by midnight.
Positive Believing: The ability to willfully harbor positive beliefs and memories about VPW and TWI. Talented believers are able to Positive Believe, in spite of the Great Lunging Oceans of shocking and irrefutable proof of horrifying and sadistic human carnage, suffering and wreckage caused by this gifted con artist and his cult.
Analogous with "Renewing Your Mind:" One "Renews Your Mind" by systematically expelling negative facts about TWI and VPW from one's thinking.
Example: "Cheryl was able to Renew Her Mind against the hearsay and unproven rumors about Craig's extramarital affairs with married women. She has great positive believing!"
Financial needs (staff salaries) - 2 usages (yours and theirs) 1) "all YOUR financial needs will be met" translation: You will earn $1.75 an hour . Basic premise - if you can't afford it then you don't need it. 2) The BOT's financial needs - their humble status as servants requires they live like kings so proper glory is rendered unto God. By definition their needs and wants are always parallel therefore they always receive abundantly.
"attention to detail" -- an intensely focused methodology used to investigate, uncover and confront any sign of substandard adherence to present truth policies. Can be used with the field-tested and approved (and highly successful) "genuine spiritual suspicion" technique of smoking out transgressors from the genuine household of God.
The correct and proper reading of John 10:10 literally according to usage in light of present truth is...
The Adversary comes to play havoc with your schedule but I have come that you may be micromanaged by your corps overseers and that more than abundantly.
Fountain of Living Waters - a grave marker.
Resurrection Sunday - Easter but twi can't simply call it that 'cause everybody else does.
Hypocrite - one who professing virtues that he does not respect, secures the advantage of seeming to be what he despises. Ambrose Bierce
WayGB - those unfortunate souls who defend the indefensible by seeking to silence those who would but speak.
Waybrain - an oxymoron.
Bless Patrol. The practice of having young, sleep deprived, cult practitioners mindlessly pace up and down benign empty lots at midnight in small town Kansas or Ohio in order to... to... well, never did know that one.
Way Builder, a person or person's who's talents or lack thereof were abused in the construction of religious structures or artifacts. i.e. pyramids, W.O.W. Auditorium.
Corps Spouse, a man or woman who was considered "outside the household" managed to, with the help of the adversary, "Steal" away one of the "chosen ones".
A common response from a person with a blazon "S" on there name tag would be "If there was anyone worth a s#!t in his or her Corps they would be married to them now, would they not!
Way Productions, An oftentimes talented group that was usually overseen by someone that neither new who the Way was or what a production was.
Athlete of the Spirit, A person, usually in a leadership position who was judged by his peers by his ability on how many of his or her flock he or she could get into the missionary position.
"Bless Patrol", A group of elite ninjas' that protected the root from terrorist and government attacks. Early records show that they witnessed more fornication in bushes than a Forest Ranger.
Confrontation, A term used freely, usually to show superiority over another, i,e "I confronted my W.O.W. family over their overuse of toilet paper".
Seed Boy, A person that the eminent leader was jealous of.
Man of God, Early record indicate that Jesus Christ was the man of God, but as time went by The Man of God was replaced by a German American in 1970, Then the term referred to anyone who dictated power over more than 3 persons.
Gift, A monetary or purchased item given from the heart.
Later leaders would "hint" during fellowship or meetings in not so subtle term what they wanted, or Branch leaders would "let on" what The Man of Gods need and it would be a "measure of your spirituality" on how YOU gave.
Gunnison, An Indian term for "Cold as Hell and no one dares to Escape"
Colorado, Indian term for "Geek Leaders"
Dropped From Active Corps, A term used by Pharaoh regarding Moses, i,e, Get them G@# D%#mn frogs of my face and drop Moses from active corps!
Sunday Hook-up:
A meeting (usually set for mid-day to mess up a whole Sunday) where a group of people dress up in "Best Dress", (Mandatory suits and ties, dresses and heels) to sit in a extremely hot small room (because God dictated the temperature), to listen to a bad phone connection with bad speakers for a minimum of two hours. This event consisted of trying to listen to songs, imagining what was going on thousands of miles away, and jumping up and down and clapping as people supposedly came and left a stage in a field in Ohio. This usually contained an hour of "The greatest teaching on the face of the earth". Afterwards sometimes followed by another "short" expository telling us what we just heard. For this privilege people got to give not only 15% of their income, but extra money to help defray the cost of the AC's phone bill.
"Move The Word" - Never really defined, but used by leaders to manipulate, control and condemn, i.e. "Your aren't Moving The Word" or "The Word isn't Moving in this branch because of You."
Leaders who were successful in getting others to "Move the Word" were lauded and rewarded with higher positions where they could get other leaders to get other people to "Move the Word."
A distinction made between the 2 major TWI epochs. TWI I was ruled over by an autocratic, self-appointed mouthpiece for God who claimed exclusive insight into the Bible and the workings of God?s mind. The other epoch (TWI II) was ruled over by an autocratic, self-appointed mouthpiece for God who claimed exclusive insight into the Bible and the workings of God?s mind.
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Gentle Servant
Seeing another poster's "handle" reminded me of another acronym: SOGWAP: son of God with all power. Uses "all nine"* manifestations "all the time."
*To Refiner: in addition to Tongues, Interpretation, and Prophecy (Sometimes, collectively, TIP), there are Word of Knowledge, Word of Wisdom, Discerning of Spirits, Faith (always read "Believing"), Gifts of Healing(s) and Working of Miracles, as per 1 Cor. 12:8-10).
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Right. The WayGB is a GSC term for the unnamed "thought police" of twi. Besides
policing their ranks for subversives, they also read the GSC posts and chatroom,
and maintain files on posters here in an attempt to "out" current followers
("innies") who post here anonymously.
SIT: Speaking in tongues/speak in tongues. (Already explained.)
"other Christians". All Christians except twi are to be viewed as utter incompetents
who are shackled by their denominations' traditions and teachings. Also referred to
as "churchianity".
"would you be blessed to": Wayspeak. In English, "I want you to do the following..."
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"Churchianity"...most often called "Christen-dumb" by LCM.
"would you be blessed to": Wayspeak. In English, "I want you to do the following..." Could have gone the rest of my life without ever hearing those words again...blech!
How about "available"? Would it be "available " for you to ______(fill in the blank with any unpleasant task imaginable). To be asked if it was "available" or if you would be "blessed" was never a request, always a command.
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Adultery: a subject barely addressed in twi. See John Schoneheit's paper, in the
GSC documents section. Behind the scenes, it was said by leaders that it was fine
so long as you were "spiritual enough to handle it".
Abortion: (see adultery). According to twi, a subject the Bible neither endorses nor
condemns. twi claimed to have no policy on abortion. However, the implications of
what they DID say were that it was not against the Bible, therefore permissible.
They teach that, until the child takes his/her first breath, he/she is not
technically alive, and it's not murder. (By implication, there's nothing wrong with
"killing" him/her at before that.) Some people see a connection between twi's
stance on adultery and on abortion, since abortion's a "convenient" way for an
serial adulterer to cover his/her tracks. Women who were currently in the way corpse
were pressured in various ways to NOT carry a child to term, since it would be a
distraction and inconvenience to the program.
"Hunt Close"-a book on training hunting dogs. It basically advocates rewarding the
dog for doing what you want, and pummelling him when he misbehaves. vpw recommended
this book for people raising dogs, and people raising children.
"Myth of the Six Million"-a book claiming the Holocaust was wildly exaggerated.
Recommended by vpw and carried in the way bookstore.
"The Thirteenth Tribe"-a book claiming that modern "Jews" are in no way connected
genetically to Jews in the Bible.
"Judean"-term used in twi to refer to Jews.
Antisemitism: A doctrine not officially endorsed by twi. However, seemed to fit
harmoniously with vpw's statements about the Holocaust, recommended books, etc.
"Bless Patrol": on-grounds twi personnel designated for security.
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EOB - Executive Office Building, where the higher-ups had their offices along with accounting and legal.
BRC - Biblical Research Center, The first TWI building, used for Sunday Night Teaching until the auditorium was built.
OSC - Outreach Services Center, Bookstore to include tape duplicating and printshop, A/V shop, shipping and receiving, child care and storage.
Way Woods - Wooded area away on the other side of Wierwille road used for campfires and such.
Corps Chalet - Log house originally built for VPW to retire to, taken over by LCM and wife, now occupied by wife.
The Barn - Original Weirwille farm barn, no animals now, just motorcycles and meeting place for staff hunters.
The Pond - Filthy duck pond used to "baptize" people on their birthday.
The Farmhouse - The original Weirwille farm home.
Ambassador One - A Convair 580 (I think) that was used by VPW and staff. Sold around 1978.
Acts 2? - Cessna Centurian used for staff travel. Current status unknown.
Closed Corporation - A meeting where the subjects discussed were not to be made known outside of the attendees.
Locked Box - a subject or discussion not to be brought up or revealed again.
Book of Life - Database of all people active and past active in TWI.
There's lots more, but I'm gettin tired.... Anyone remember the cute name of the department that did haircuts? How about the real name of the creek called the River Jordan? What did we call the theater in New Bremen or Minster that Way Productions used? What about the Kip Farm, Squeaky Clean, and Lead?
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Mark and Avoid/M & A: started by lcm in his 1989/1990 "line in the sand".
It's the process of kicking out a dissenter and trying to pretend they don't
exist. It's based on a twisting of one verse in Romans.
(In the Jehovah's Witnesses, this is called being "disfellowshipped".)
Christmas: Trick question. Jesus was born in September. The holiday named for
attending mass in honour of his birth (Christ Mass, like Candlemas) was, according
to lcm, named instead for the killing of the innocents by Herod, the massacre.
Therefore, lcm has called it "Christ massacre", among other things.
Like most holidays, it was renamed-in this case, Household Holiday, or "Ho-Ho".
Easter: Known in twi as Resurrection Sunday.
Uncle Harry Day/Burn the Chaff Day: named after vpw's brother Harry. It was
started as a day to destroy anything interfering between you and God, which is
set afire. Can include books as well as slips of paper with personal issues
written on them, or anything you can idolize, really.
Cancer: as explained by vpw in his pfal advanced class, cancer involves the
presence of a devil, as it "has a life of its own". (So does a fungus.) This made
it a major embarassment when vpw got cancer, so his illness and cause of death
were kept a secret from the rank and file.
(corrected Harry's connection.)
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Uncle Harry was VPW's brother.
By the way, great thread WordWolf.
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Tom Strange
Way CofE, The Way College of Emporia: a former college campus bought by TWI as a root training location for The Way Corps. TWI 'members' were also given the chance to take some of the classes as Way CofE students. A two year degree was offered, though not recognized nor accredited by anyone outside of TWI.
L.E.A.D. (aka LEAD): an 'outward bound' type of program. In the early days the corps in residence were required to hitch hike to and from the LEAD site. (from Emporia, Kansas to either Tinney, NM or Moab, UT)... They were given $10 when they started and were expected to return with $10. We were to 'believe God' for rides and food. LEAD is an acronym for Leadership, Education, Adventure and Direction.
Reflections: the hair cutting/makup class taken by the corps in residence. Also the name of the department at root locales where folks got their haircut.
Howard Allen: (HA) longtime cronie of veepee's. Past BOT/BOD member.
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The Way Style Sheet
a sheet of terms to make sure you type The Way terms correctly
always make sure "The" is capitalized before "Way" ok ?
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Kit Sober
There is a treasue of speaking in tongues over in the archive forum: Speaking in tongues by accident
Searching (click "find") for "tongues" in this forum yields a lot of stuff because that's what we all did (or pretended we did).
vpw taught speaking in tongues was normal Christian behavior. In fact, in the 80's, before he was revealed as an immoral sexual predator, a Christian who's who dictionary credited him with "normalizing speaking in tongues as part of the Christian lifestyle."
I saw this in a Christian bookstore shortly after he died but then later, when I looked again, he'd been removed.
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Quoth Jim:
"EOB - Executive Office Building, where the higher-ups had their offices along with accounting and legal."
I always remembered the EOB as the Ermal Owens Building (Ermal being the first VP of The Way). The name was probably changed during the "de-Wierwilleization" of TWI.
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what was the OSC again ? when i worked there, legal was in there
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Ex: see Jim's post. OSC was a pretty huge warehouse, with some office space, as I recall.
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ROA - Rock of Ages, annual get together at HQ in Ohio. TWI "members" brought tents and camped in the field for the week. Originally a time of reuniting with old TWI friends not seen for awhile, later replaced by manditory teachings and more teachings, or so I've been told since I left after POP.
POP - Passing of the Patriarch. Paper written by C... G..., about the last weeks of Vee Pee's life, since CS was Vee Pee's driver and butler type servant. POP ultimately caused many Corpse and other members of TWI to leave or begin the process of leaving as it was the first indication that TWI was far from perfect and would only get worse.
Tripped Out - early terminology for Greasespot by Midnight. One who has chosen to depart from the household.
Household - the inner sanctum of the Body of Christ, that is, TWI. Those who walk with God and know and do the rightly-divided word of God that only TWI has. Those is the Household are the blessed and chosen ones as opposed to the simply born again generic believer who is spiritually inferior to and not as blessed as those in the Household.
Lift List - list of people to pray for by speaking in tongues as you picture them. The lift list is composed of people you don't know and who don't know you (like LCM and the BOT), who are more important than you, and of TWI properties you seldom or never spend any time at. Thus there is little time to pray for people and situations in your actual life.
On Probation - When TWI person is kept from attending the fellowships of the Household due to falling short in important areas of life such as the cleanliness of your home or how much money you are giving, or because you asked too many questions. Or maybe they think you are a homo, or your festus is a homo, or you won't give away your pet or sell your home.
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CG short for the devil
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out about, (chat) was it something i said ?
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One I remember being used jokingly at Gunnison as an interim year Corps assigment That came to pass with LCM and RFR.
Stump Coordinator- as opposed to twig, branch, limb or TRUNK Coordinator. It meant to take a healthy functioning growing group and destroy it.
Bowl Patrol- Nickname for the crews that serviced the toilets at the Rock of Ages or other large events.
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TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames
A while back, there was a thread started by Orange Cat which was like Ambrose Bierce's "Devil's Dictionary". I tried looking for it before, but couldn't find it. If someone were kind enough to, it might be good for a laugh or two.
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TheManOfa Thousand ScreenNames
It's amazing what can happen when you put the right search words in
:D-->. (Originally posted by Orange Cat. fare thee well.)
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ex, I just popped in and popped out. Sorry, I'm not used to the chat room, it was sort of an experiment.
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For those of you who never read "Passing of the Patriarch" or Schoenheit's
paper on adultery, or lots of other stuff,
I just wanted to post the reminder that they're archived and accessible
off the GSC's main page.
Along with many other neat documents I recommend you read, and audio clips I
recommend you listen to (like dm-mrs lcm-explaining that someone died because
their family left twi and so on.)
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Thank you, thank you, thank you! If I'm laughing this hard than I must have been in a cult! :-) THAT is a true translation according to abusage.
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