Being in twi changed the way I think , about many many things... After I left my conversations with people would stop short because i was thinking in manner most people do not think..
including bible verses but also morals and some weird stuff.. so it stunted me .. that is why i was drawn to an off shoot hey now we all know and relate... again but it didnt work.. so i found GS and here I see a mix of people who may have been changed in some degree to what twi was to them and others not so much and another way to much more... and I found my balance I didnt feel like a stranger in a world living in a bubble like a secret of twi speak and think.. do no let that happen the normals would need to me to explain and I couldnt I didnt even understand myself...
twi makes a semi world for ya and when ya leave thaat world it takes adjusting at least it did for me... and the guilt and the thoughts of what ifI am wrong the self doubt twi teaches people is so damaging...the lack of dreams and goals all it it peeople here need a reason and the fact I was involved in twi didnt really seem a good enough reason... and I knew that so I lived like a secret life with people only sharing bits and pieces of what I was thinking about...
Greasespot allows people to know it is ok we were different from the world we live in today without twi.. and to become at peace and happy it helps to hear others say yea me to or remember that?
I thought I was the only one I seriously did I thought I was the only one who had issueswwith twi and that laid on my head two struggles the struggle to become real and genuine in my new world and the struggle to be ok with what I had learned in twi... Gs helps people do that I think. aalot
I have never found another place willing to accept people outside of the ingrained pfal or bible whatever lifestyle thing , and also at the same time accepting of it ya know? both parts of my life needs accepting because that is who I am now and who I was both need to be dealt with.
I voted for all of the above. As intended purposes - they are all good
But the bottom line is that people will use GS for their own purposes - intended or not.
It can be a place to provide information for closure or a forum to meet with friends, both old and new. It can be all the things in the list
It can also be a place that stirs up old emotions long forgotten, or a place that fosters anger, resentment and discord. It can be an avenue to seek and get attention, recognition and sympthy or a place to hide out while avoiding the world and it's harsh realities. It can be a place to exchange ideas for the better good, or a place to promote one' own's own ideas as the only possible and valid truth. A place to make an enemy or to meet a lover.
It all depends upon each person's own agenda and approach - no matter the intended purposes.
"Most of my fondest memories in TWI never really happened"
[This message was edited by Goey on September 10, 2003 at 12:31.]
added from a second What is the purpose of Greasespot? thread.
GS Discoverer posted May 22, 2004 22:54
What is the real purpose of this website? All I see is bashing, slamming and cut downs. If this ministry was really that bad why continue to talk about it. I know if I had a bad experience with a group (which I have) I might talk about for a little bit, but then its history! Why the constant talk??
Chat Room Repair Guy posted May 22, 2004
If you would take the time to read on the main Website you would see that:
"Our mission is to provide information that tells the other side of the story about The Way International and its trustees."
Now the question that arises for me is why in he heck are you here? What is YOUR agenda?
Are you one of glassy-eyed TWI psychophants folks who thinks telling the facts and truth about TWI is "bashing slamming and cutdowns"?
Were you ever even involved in TWI? I suspect you weren't and are just here to stir things up. From your posts that I have read you dont have much of a clue.
If you don't like it here, you know where the door is.
GS Regular posted May 22, 2004 23:30
Holy Grail, I don't need no stinkin Holy Grail posted May 22, 2004 23:41
I can think of several answers that might apply-
1) This is America, the Good Old USA, home of the brave and the one-finger salute. Asking an American why they bitc H is like asking a tic why it bites. Why? Because we can.
2) "If the ministry was really that bad" is a relative perception. Some people like what was taught but didn't like the nut cases running it. Some people didn't agree with what was taught or the nut cases running it. Some people didn't like being treated like severely retarded dogs with bibles. It goes to show one thing - if you screw enough people enough times and think you can get away with it you're not going to get much slack and you're going to hear about it.
3) Ask the mother who started MADD why she's so peeved about drunk drivers. When it happens to you, it's personal.
4) I left the Way about 15 years ago. I tend to not talk about it a lot. When I do, this is a good place to do it.
The real purpose of this site is what Goey stated. If you think it's something else, say on.
:)-->A la prochaine posted May 22, 2004 23:45
Wonder 1,
What Goey and Socks said...that goes ditto for me!
If this ministry was really that bad why continue to talk about it. I know if I had a bad experience with a group (which I have) I might talk about for a little bit, but then its history! Why the constant talk??
Paw, you have done a good work out here in "creating" (I just love to use that word cause I can) an environment for those previously or even currently involved in the Way to get whatever it is they need.
I think everyone that comes out here has their own purpose. We all take our trips to the areas of the community that we feel comfortable in, and we all have our own way of coming to terms with our lives as we know it now with regard to the influence the Way had on us bringing us to this point.
Unfortunately from what I have found, and mainly in the dating and social realm, It's hard to fit in. I am so different in my ways of thinking (and very verbal about it I might add) that I lose boyfriends and have difficulty making friends with people. I am not saying I don't have friends I do but we aren't like minded. My last boyfriend dumped me and told me I needed to be deprogrammed from the error in doctrine that I received from the Way. I won't even go into that story but he broke my heart like no other, and my past affiliation with the Way was sited. I guess not thinking Water baptism was necessary made me evil.
Many have found churches but I find this the most difficult task. So coming out here gives me companionship with people that have similar backgrounds and it has helped me catch up with old friends, and acquaintances. That's my purpose for being out here but like I said, there are probably as many purposes as there are members.
Judging by the size of the membership I would say it's doing GSC is providing something necessary
To me, GSC is the juke-and-jive joint a couple of miles out of town on the road from “here to there”. Parking lot full of Harley’s, pick-em-up trucks, sports cars, sedans, WOW-mobiles, even a couple of mini-vans - kinda looks like a used car lot offering a bit of everything. Inside you can find a seat in one of a variety of different places. Saddle up to the bar on a stool; grab a booth on the periphery; take a seat at one of the tables in the center; go listen to the live music, or sit near the juke box and choose your favorite songs, old or new; grab someone for a spin around the dance floor; or venture back into the pool room if you’re looking for real excitement and ready for a brawl. You see old friends and meet new ones. Depending upon your mood, you may stay put in one place tonight, or you may enjoy meandering around, enjoying the ambiance and flavor of each section. Fun place grab your morning cup of coffee, or enjoy your lunch away from the office, or come and relax after a long day, whether it was good or bad or neutral. You can always find engaging conversation on just about any topic, some lighthearted, other more serious. People know where you came from, can understand why you think and feel the way you do, and accept and appreciate you for being you. If you need help with a problem, someone’s there to lend an ear, a helping hand, and a shoulder to cry on. If you want to celebrate, they always welcome a round for the house. If you just want to chill, this is the place to be. It’s a comfortable place where you like to hang out. Sometimes you stay for just a bit, other times they have to kick you out when it’s time to close, or direct you to the cots in the back if you have nowhere else to go. Relax, prop your feet up, and rest awhile. Y’all come back again, ya hear?
I think you covered it all.<BR><BR>This is a social arena, where regulars DO <BR>interact, old friendships are renewed, and new<BR>friendships start.<BR><BR>However, IMHO, the most vital functions of the <BR>GSC are its role in assisting people in leaving<BR>twi, or in never getting involved in twi,<BR>and in offering a place to communicate, and<BR>possibly assistance in recovery, for those who<BR>successfully escape twi.<BR><BR>As I see it, everything else, fun though it is,<BR>is a secondary consideration.
o.k. wordwolf why do people need assistance leaving twi? if they dont want to come than stop coming NOW! no one is being held captive, no one is FORCED to come to twig! i left once ,decided to come back a few years later, got kicked out a few years after that ,than decided to come back cuase i want to here the bible that is taught!! i plan on staying BUT if i decide to leave i'll just stop going. and what it this stupid recovery stuff you make sound as if drugs are given to people---koolaid or something(i wouldnt mind takin a shot of white lightning!!!) what are they recovering from ? hearing someone read from the bible!!!!!escape from WHO!?! themselves !!! this stuff you typed here is SO untrue!!! and it says that i along with the other people in twi are bad and evil people. i really dont appreciate this at all for you have no idea what you are talking about. did you EVER attend a way fellowship????? and if not than what gives you the right to post this stuff??? if you did and you quit did people have to rescue you??? if you didnt than you are spreading false rumores and possibly hurting others. it really HURTS me to have people spread these lies!!! i try to help those that want to know GOD!! thats what life is all about , loving GOD and keeping HIS comandments the bible says that is the first duty of man, and to hear you accuse me of doing wrong to people is wrong. I AM THE WAY MINISTRY and so is anyone else who comes to fellowship,there is NO ministry without those of us who come to fellowship!!! we are THE WAY MINISTRY!!!
Paw, you have done a good work out here in "creating" (I just love to use that word cause I can) an environment for those previously or even currently involved in the Way to get whatever it is they need.
I think everyone that comes out here has their own purpose. We all take our trips to the areas of the community that we feel comfortable in, and we all have our own way of coming to terms with our lives as we know it now with regard to the influence the Way had on us bringing us to this point.
Unfortunately from what I have found, and mainly in the dating and social realm, It's hard to fit in. I am so different in my ways of thinking (and very verbal about it I might add) that I lose boyfriends and have difficulty making friends with people. I am not saying I don't have friends I do but we aren't like minded. My last boyfriend dumped me and told me I needed to be deprogrammed from the error in doctrine that I received from the Way. I won't even go into that story but he broke my heart like no other, and my past affiliation with the Way was sited. I guess not thinking Water baptism was necessary made me evil.
Many have found churches but I find this the most difficult task. So coming out here gives me companionship with people that have similar backgrounds and it has helped me catch up with old friends, and acquaintances. That's my purpose for being out here but like I said, there are probably as many purposes as there are members.
Judging by the size of the membership I would say it's doing GSC is providing something necessary
dear free at last : keep looking for people that you fit in with, most of the peolpe that i meet are usually into drinking or football or things i am not . i play drums and listen to rock music much of the time, i like going to the movies but am not a sitcom watcher. i like riding motorcycles and working on and taking my hot rod car to the racetrack. not many people i know are into this stuff. but i do have a few friends that i hang with so dont give up keep looking and never lower your standards for anyone . the bible that i learned from going to fellowship and applying in my life has REALLY ben of benifit in my line of work. i work construction and have very high standards because i work as if i am doing the job for GOD, and the companies i'v worked for LOVE that!!! they are ALWAYS looking for people with HIGH standards,not only is the job done right the first time thereby saving the company money cuase you dont have to go back and do the job over but the client is very immpressed and many times will hire us again even if our bid is higher.i thankful for the bible i learned it has enabled me to work in these very high paying jobs and i have gotten calls from other companies over the years by what people have said about me. hope this helps you,GOD bless you
I come here to find out when we're going drinking... and where!<BR><BR>... big hitter, the lama...
wow talk about drinkin. a friend and i were at an asphalt stock car race track about 30 years ago and someone passed a cup to him with white lightinig in it and he took a sip and he said we better go its gonna rain he just heard it thunder !!!!
Life is just too short to let yourself get that worked up. It ain't healthy
That is, of course, if you really are as worked up as you appear to be.
Personally, I don't really understand how you could possibly be associated with the same organization that is being discussed here and not understand what people need to heal from. Have you taken a little time to read some of the things I suggested on the home page? Were you around when the way taught "the one true household"? Do you recall what they said would happen if you ever ventured outside the "hedge of protection"? Take a few minutes and listen to the latest podcast, "Through The Fog". It's on the home page. This stuff is not fabricated. There are people here who did much more than simply "go to twig". There are people here who were branch leaders, limb leaders, trunk leaders, etc. Do you really think they are making this stuff up? Why would they want to do that? Did you know Wierwille was a chronic alcoholic who drank incessantly? Did you know he was a sexual predator who preyed on young Corps women? Did you know he used the ABS to buy a fleet of motorcycles and classic cars for his personal enjoyment?
OK--I know, that's a lot of questions.
Just one more though----- Do you still tithe/ABS and where does the money go?
What do you think the purpose of GS is? I think about this on a regular basis. These are some of the purposes that I come up with. Agree or give me some new possibilities.
To me its a place to .... my decision to leave the Way
........get my formerly brainwashed mind healed a bit more
........find out what happenned to the Way after I left
........find and fellowship with ex Wayfers, knowing all we learned during and after our Way days/weeks/years/decades
O.k. Shiftthis, I'll take a shot at clearing this up a little bit for you.
Once upon a time, I too believed that "I AM THE WAY MINISTRY and so is anyone else who comes to fellowship, there is NO ministry without those of us who come to fellowship!!! We are THE WAY MINISTRY!!!" as you put it. The fact is that even after my 15 years of faithful service, I'm not welcome at the way and I did nothing to be unwelcome about, nor did thousands of others.
I also believed Howard Allen when he said there were no strangers at the way and that we'd ALWAYS be welcome at HQ.
All of a sudden after 15 faithful years with the way, I was told not to come to HQ after my son and I'd been marked and avoided. I was told there were armed guards there with pictures of me and my 13-year-old son and we would not be allowed on grounds. This was the first I'd heard of any accusation against us EVER. There was no coming to us with 2 or 3 witnesses. There was no wise counsel offered us for our supposed crime. I was told we were devil-possessed and not allowed to even go fellowship somewhere that wasn't in-residence, which is where we were thrown out from. We were thrown out as soon as I was told about the accusations, which were false, by the way. I was given one hour to pack up and leave "their " campus - told this by Paul Mosqueda, the family corps coordinator at the time. He told me to go to town and get my "piece of dangt" son from the school and other things I can't repeat right now.
When I called HQ and asked to speak with lcm in an attempt to get to the bottom of the obvious mixup that accused us falsely, I was given to Michael Fort, the then-trunk coordinator, who told me about the armed guards and told me to go find a good counselor somewhere, that the way wasn't a teaching, fellowship and COUNSELING ministry, in such a mocking tone of voice I'll never forget it. He had once been someone I considered a wonderful example of a man of God. All of a sudden he told me I wasn't welcome at the way. He told me to call back in 3 months and let them know what I'd done to rectify the homosexuality in myself and my son (which was nonexistent). After 3 months I called back, really looking forward to being allowed to attend twig again and was told that my name was on a list and that I was to write HQ, not call them, and then they would decide after reading what I wrote if I would be allowed back to twig.
Clearly, no matter what I wrote, it wouldn't have been good enough. Fortunately, I noticed that at the time and didn't waste my time trying to figure out what the heck they wanted to read. But it took years for me to stop hoping that was them every time the phone rang, telling me they figured out their mistake and we could come back to twig. Years, I tell you. So no, maybe nobody physically forced me to do anything but leave the Indiana campus, which is a whole other talk show, but I was absolutely controlled by them for quite some time, even after I physically left the way.
What gives me the right to post this stuff is it's MY story - so it's mine to tell. You have the right to skip over it and not read it. By the way, I was in the way for 15 years. It was almost 5 years later that I discovered Waydale and that's the first real support I ever got and man, it was GOOD. When GreaseSpotCafe opened, it continued the fine work and you can see by the people that come back here day after day, we must be getting something out of it.
I, for one, really don't appreciate you accusing the GS population of making up stories that are untrue. Nobody here said you and other people in twi are evil, we've talked about leadership that abused the followers. We also discuss the hope of the abusers to face what they've done and who they've done it to, and sometimes you'll even see a post where someone hopes and prays the abuser will repent and move on with their lives too.
I understand it's a tough read some days, but I suggest you go back and apologize to those you've insulted and accused of lying. And as others have suggested to you around here, please read more and post less until you get a good solid understanding about what people have been through at the hands of twi leadership.
Lastly, this is a web site designed for the "other side of the story" to be told about twi. It's not the way's site, designed to make the way look good. It's a place where we who've experienced the ugly side can vent and meet up with others that have been impacted by the way. It's not a Christian site, either.
I too wonder if you tithe or ABS to twi and if so, is it 10%? 15%? 18%? Do they still say the tithe is out of style as it was what the OT believers gave, that as believers in the Grace Administration, how much more we should be giving? And, if I may ask, where does the money go? Does it further the outreach of the word? Does it help the widows and the needy in twi - or are the widows and needy still discarded like Mrs. Wierwille was?
o.k. wordwolf why do people need assistance leaving twi? if they dont want to come than stop coming NOW! no one is being held captive, no one is FORCED to come to twig! i left once ,decided to come back a few years later, got kicked out a few years after that ,than decided to come back cuase i want to here the bible that is taught!! i plan on staying BUT if i decide to leave i'll just stop going. and what it this stupid recovery stuff you make sound as if drugs are given to people---koolaid or something(i wouldnt mind takin a shot of white lightning!!!) what are they recovering from ? hearing someone read from the bible!!!!!escape from WHO!?! themselves !!! this stuff you typed here is SO untrue!!! and it says that i along with the other people in twi are bad and evil people. i really dont appreciate this at all for you have no idea what you are talking about. did you EVER attend a way fellowship????? and if not than what gives you the right to post this stuff??? if you did and you quit did people have to rescue you??? if you didnt than you are spreading false rumores and possibly hurting others. it really HURTS me to have people spread these lies!!! i try to help those that want to know GOD!! thats what life is all about , loving GOD and keeping HIS comandments the bible says that is the first duty of man, and to hear you accuse me of doing wrong to people is wrong. I AM THE WAY MINISTRY and so is anyone else who comes to fellowship,there is NO ministry without those of us who come to fellowship!!! we are THE WAY MINISTRY!!!
shiftthis, thanks for posting. I thank God for freedom of religion in America, where folks are free to choose who they fellowship with. Its great to have you here... please keep on posting , I'd like to hear your viewpoint on things.
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I LOVE your answer!
Dot Matrix
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Steve Lortz
I guess I'm just gregarious (hopefully not to be confused with egregious). Greasespot is a community in which I enjoy participating.
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Being in twi changed the way I think , about many many things... After I left my conversations with people would stop short because i was thinking in manner most people do not think..
including bible verses but also morals and some weird stuff.. so it stunted me .. that is why i was drawn to an off shoot hey now we all know and relate... again but it didnt work.. so i found GS and here I see a mix of people who may have been changed in some degree to what twi was to them and others not so much and another way to much more... and I found my balance I didnt feel like a stranger in a world living in a bubble like a secret of twi speak and think.. do no let that happen the normals would need to me to explain and I couldnt I didnt even understand myself...
twi makes a semi world for ya and when ya leave thaat world it takes adjusting at least it did for me... and the guilt and the thoughts of what ifI am wrong the self doubt twi teaches people is so damaging...the lack of dreams and goals all it it peeople here need a reason and the fact I was involved in twi didnt really seem a good enough reason... and I knew that so I lived like a secret life with people only sharing bits and pieces of what I was thinking about...
Greasespot allows people to know it is ok we were different from the world we live in today without twi.. and to become at peace and happy it helps to hear others say yea me to or remember that?
I thought I was the only one I seriously did I thought I was the only one who had issueswwith twi and that laid on my head two struggles the struggle to become real and genuine in my new world and the struggle to be ok with what I had learned in twi... Gs helps people do that I think. aalot
I have never found another place willing to accept people outside of the ingrained pfal or bible whatever lifestyle thing , and also at the same time accepting of it ya know? both parts of my life needs accepting because that is who I am now and who I was both need to be dealt with.
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Thanks, Paw, I do want options!!!! Coffee with 1/2 & 1/2 is available anytime you get thru Memphis. I might even take you to Beale Street.
Thanks again. hee hee
The decisions we make today form our future.
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I voted for all of the above. As intended purposes - they are all good
But the bottom line is that people will use GS for their own purposes - intended or not.
It can be a place to provide information for closure or a forum to meet with friends, both old and new. It can be all the things in the list
It can also be a place that stirs up old emotions long forgotten, or a place that fosters anger, resentment and discord. It can be an avenue to seek and get attention, recognition and sympthy or a place to hide out while avoiding the world and it's harsh realities. It can be a place to exchange ideas for the better good, or a place to promote one' own's own ideas as the only possible and valid truth. A place to make an enemy or to meet a lover.
It all depends upon each person's own agenda and approach - no matter the intended purposes.
"Most of my fondest memories in TWI never really happened"
[This message was edited by Goey on September 10, 2003 at 12:31.]
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A la prochaine
Hi Goey!
Nice to read your words again!
'til the next time...
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A la prochaine
oops...double post
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Tom Strange
I come here to find out when we're going drinking... and where!
... big hitter, the lama...
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Voted for 'All of the above' with special emphasis on 1, 2, and 4.
Funny thing - TWI shoulda been our 'Cheers',
instead it was more like 'Survivor'.
I'd a settled for a Seinfeld!!!
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Psalm 71 one
Well, geee, Why ditcha put the choice I needed to check, Paw?
* To start foodfights and be generally ornery
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Ginger Tea
Nice to see you....
An aside to CW `~
I've been home only a few days a week for months ~ unless I took a break for a health pause ~ it's been hectic BUT I haven't forgotten (((YOU))) ~
I'll be in touch soon!
That message was good news, btw!
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Kit Sober
added from a second What is the purpose of Greasespot? thread.
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Do you remember the House of His Healing Presence in the way Woods?
For those that needed it, GreaseSpot is like that.
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Yes, I remember the fresh flowers and kerosine lamp...benches made out of split logs or something...and a lift list..
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Paw, you have done a good work out here in "creating" (I just love to use that word cause I can) an environment for those previously or even currently involved in the Way to get whatever it is they need.
I think everyone that comes out here has their own purpose. We all take our trips to the areas of the community that we feel comfortable in, and we all have our own way of coming to terms with our lives as we know it now with regard to the influence the Way had on us bringing us to this point.
Unfortunately from what I have found, and mainly in the dating and social realm, It's hard to fit in. I am so different in my ways of thinking (and very verbal about it I might add) that I lose boyfriends and have difficulty making friends with people. I am not saying I don't have friends I do but we aren't like minded. My last boyfriend dumped me and told me I needed to be deprogrammed from the error in doctrine that I received from the Way. I won't even go into that story but he broke my heart like no other, and my past affiliation with the Way was sited. I guess not thinking Water baptism was necessary made me evil.
Many have found churches but I find this the most difficult task. So coming out here gives me companionship with people that have similar backgrounds and it has helped me catch up with old friends, and acquaintances. That's my purpose for being out here but like I said, there are probably as many purposes as there are members.
Judging by the size of the membership I would say it's doing GSC is providing something necessary
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polar bear
Dear Free-Perhaps finding someone with common interests would be more benificial to you.
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To me, GSC is the juke-and-jive joint a couple of miles out of town on the road from “here to there”. Parking lot full of Harley’s, pick-em-up trucks, sports cars, sedans, WOW-mobiles, even a couple of mini-vans - kinda looks like a used car lot offering a bit of everything. Inside you can find a seat in one of a variety of different places. Saddle up to the bar on a stool; grab a booth on the periphery; take a seat at one of the tables in the center; go listen to the live music, or sit near the juke box and choose your favorite songs, old or new; grab someone for a spin around the dance floor; or venture back into the pool room if you’re looking for real excitement and ready for a brawl. You see old friends and meet new ones. Depending upon your mood, you may stay put in one place tonight, or you may enjoy meandering around, enjoying the ambiance and flavor of each section. Fun place grab your morning cup of coffee, or enjoy your lunch away from the office, or come and relax after a long day, whether it was good or bad or neutral. You can always find engaging conversation on just about any topic, some lighthearted, other more serious. People know where you came from, can understand why you think and feel the way you do, and accept and appreciate you for being you. If you need help with a problem, someone’s there to lend an ear, a helping hand, and a shoulder to cry on. If you want to celebrate, they always welcome a round for the house. If you just want to chill, this is the place to be. It’s a comfortable place where you like to hang out. Sometimes you stay for just a bit, other times they have to kick you out when it’s time to close, or direct you to the cots in the back if you have nowhere else to go. Relax, prop your feet up, and rest awhile. Y’all come back again, ya hear?
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o.k. wordwolf why do people need assistance leaving twi? if they dont want to come than stop coming NOW! no one is being held captive, no one is FORCED to come to twig! i left once ,decided to come back a few years later, got kicked out a few years after that ,than decided to come back cuase i want to here the bible that is taught!! i plan on staying BUT if i decide to leave i'll just stop going. and what it this stupid recovery stuff you make sound as if drugs are given to people---koolaid or something(i wouldnt mind takin a shot of white lightning!!!) what are they recovering from ? hearing someone read from the bible!!!!!escape from WHO!?! themselves !!! this stuff you typed here is SO untrue!!! and it says that i along with the other people in twi are bad and evil people. i really dont appreciate this at all for you have no idea what you are talking about. did you EVER attend a way fellowship????? and if not than what gives you the right to post this stuff??? if you did and you quit did people have to rescue you??? if you didnt than you are spreading false rumores and possibly hurting others. it really HURTS me to have people spread these lies!!! i try to help those that want to know GOD!! thats what life is all about , loving GOD and keeping HIS comandments the bible says that is the first duty of man, and to hear you accuse me of doing wrong to people is wrong. I AM THE WAY MINISTRY and so is anyone else who comes to fellowship,there is NO ministry without those of us who come to fellowship!!! we are THE WAY MINISTRY!!!
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wow talk about drinkin. a friend and i were at an asphalt stock car race track about 30 years ago and someone passed a cup to him with white lightinig in it and he took a sip and he said we better go its gonna rain he just heard it thunder !!!!
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Take a chill pill,dude.
Life is just too short to let yourself get that worked up. It ain't healthy
That is, of course, if you really are as worked up as you appear to be.
Personally, I don't really understand how you could possibly be associated with the same organization that is being discussed here and not understand what people need to heal from. Have you taken a little time to read some of the things I suggested on the home page? Were you around when the way taught "the one true household"? Do you recall what they said would happen if you ever ventured outside the "hedge of protection"? Take a few minutes and listen to the latest podcast, "Through The Fog". It's on the home page. This stuff is not fabricated. There are people here who did much more than simply "go to twig". There are people here who were branch leaders, limb leaders, trunk leaders, etc. Do you really think they are making this stuff up? Why would they want to do that? Did you know Wierwille was a chronic alcoholic who drank incessantly? Did you know he was a sexual predator who preyed on young Corps women? Did you know he used the ABS to buy a fleet of motorcycles and classic cars for his personal enjoyment?
OK--I know, that's a lot of questions.
Just one more though----- Do you still tithe/ABS and where does the money go?
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To me its a place to .... my decision to leave the Way
........get my formerly brainwashed mind healed a bit more
........find out what happenned to the Way after I left
........find and fellowship with ex Wayfers, knowing all we learned during and after our Way days/weeks/years/decades
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O.k. Shiftthis, I'll take a shot at clearing this up a little bit for you.
Once upon a time, I too believed that "I AM THE WAY MINISTRY and so is anyone else who comes to fellowship, there is NO ministry without those of us who come to fellowship!!! We are THE WAY MINISTRY!!!" as you put it. The fact is that even after my 15 years of faithful service, I'm not welcome at the way and I did nothing to be unwelcome about, nor did thousands of others.
I also believed Howard Allen when he said there were no strangers at the way and that we'd ALWAYS be welcome at HQ.
All of a sudden after 15 faithful years with the way, I was told not to come to HQ after my son and I'd been marked and avoided. I was told there were armed guards there with pictures of me and my 13-year-old son and we would not be allowed on grounds. This was the first I'd heard of any accusation against us EVER. There was no coming to us with 2 or 3 witnesses. There was no wise counsel offered us for our supposed crime. I was told we were devil-possessed and not allowed to even go fellowship somewhere that wasn't in-residence, which is where we were thrown out from. We were thrown out as soon as I was told about the accusations, which were false, by the way. I was given one hour to pack up and leave "their " campus - told this by Paul Mosqueda, the family corps coordinator at the time. He told me to go to town and get my "piece of dangt" son from the school and other things I can't repeat right now.
When I called HQ and asked to speak with lcm in an attempt to get to the bottom of the obvious mixup that accused us falsely, I was given to Michael Fort, the then-trunk coordinator, who told me about the armed guards and told me to go find a good counselor somewhere, that the way wasn't a teaching, fellowship and COUNSELING ministry, in such a mocking tone of voice I'll never forget it. He had once been someone I considered a wonderful example of a man of God. All of a sudden he told me I wasn't welcome at the way. He told me to call back in 3 months and let them know what I'd done to rectify the homosexuality in myself and my son (which was nonexistent). After 3 months I called back, really looking forward to being allowed to attend twig again and was told that my name was on a list and that I was to write HQ, not call them, and then they would decide after reading what I wrote if I would be allowed back to twig.
Clearly, no matter what I wrote, it wouldn't have been good enough. Fortunately, I noticed that at the time and didn't waste my time trying to figure out what the heck they wanted to read. But it took years for me to stop hoping that was them every time the phone rang, telling me they figured out their mistake and we could come back to twig. Years, I tell you. So no, maybe nobody physically forced me to do anything but leave the Indiana campus, which is a whole other talk show, but I was absolutely controlled by them for quite some time, even after I physically left the way.
What gives me the right to post this stuff is it's MY story - so it's mine to tell. You have the right to skip over it and not read it. By the way, I was in the way for 15 years. It was almost 5 years later that I discovered Waydale and that's the first real support I ever got and man, it was GOOD. When GreaseSpotCafe opened, it continued the fine work and you can see by the people that come back here day after day, we must be getting something out of it.
I, for one, really don't appreciate you accusing the GS population of making up stories that are untrue. Nobody here said you and other people in twi are evil, we've talked about leadership that abused the followers. We also discuss the hope of the abusers to face what they've done and who they've done it to, and sometimes you'll even see a post where someone hopes and prays the abuser will repent and move on with their lives too.
I understand it's a tough read some days, but I suggest you go back and apologize to those you've insulted and accused of lying. And as others have suggested to you around here, please read more and post less until you get a good solid understanding about what people have been through at the hands of twi leadership.
Lastly, this is a web site designed for the "other side of the story" to be told about twi. It's not the way's site, designed to make the way look good. It's a place where we who've experienced the ugly side can vent and meet up with others that have been impacted by the way. It's not a Christian site, either.
I too wonder if you tithe or ABS to twi and if so, is it 10%? 15%? 18%? Do they still say the tithe is out of style as it was what the OT believers gave, that as believers in the Grace Administration, how much more we should be giving? And, if I may ask, where does the money go? Does it further the outreach of the word? Does it help the widows and the needy in twi - or are the widows and needy still discarded like Mrs. Wierwille was?
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shiftthis, thanks for posting. I thank God for freedom of religion in America, where folks are free to choose who they fellowship with. Its great to have you here... please keep on posting , I'd like to hear your viewpoint on things.
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