This was sort of a "book club" discussion on the blue book. A lot of people had strong opinions on it, and I actually changed my mind a few times because, get this, I was open to changing my mind.
The summary of this thread, and the threads which followed at GSCafe, can be found here:
Whaaaat? Raf is THE most objective, contributor to this hallowed forum, imho.
I'm sure he would say you have the right to disagree. And you do of course. We all have our unique perspectives and opinions. But I can't think of anyone fairer to VP's work than Mr. Olmeda.
Rumor has it that the inspiration for Fox News Channel's slogan came from lurkers reading Raf's posts. :-)
Hey Raf, I agree your a big trouble maker you ! How dare you have an opinion ! I'm gonna carry my bible to work and I don't care if people think I'm a jerk ! The Blue book wil sit at home ! Can I disagree to just disagree with your analysis of the BLUE book which always made me somewhat blue cause I thought I was alone in never really understanding it so thanks for your sharing and now I don't feel so alone ! Thank you your Revrenship ! :D--> I feel so freeeeeeeeee now ! :)-->
Some of these things I'm really proud of. Some of them, I'd retract today. The important thing to me was about the process of going over everything with a critical eye.
By "critical," I don't mean "negative." Critical means looking for the good and the bad in things. If a movie critic gives a movie four stars and a thumbs up, he's still a critic. So I don't see "criticism" as a negative thing, necessarily.
If anyone is still reading those posts, do so with a critical eye (the same eye I tried to use in reviewing the book in the first place).
but the fact is if you are King, then you have a kingdom.
Are we sure about that? In English, Kingdom stems from a meaning; a reign of a king. A man can be a king, but does he have the reign? In addition, the Greek behind "kingdom" means the "reign" part more-so than the king part if I read the books right.
a sick Christian in poverty no less victorious than a rich Christian in perfect health
Is that to say that every poverty stricken Christian with sickness may claim they are more than a conquerer? If that condition is also victorious, then is there no need to rise higher to victory?
Now, it is important to ask, what does VPW mean by "law?" Does he mean "general principle?" Or does he mean "an
edict which must be obeyed?" Or is it something even greater?
It is up to VPW to answer that question, so let's allow him to do so.
THIS MAY BE THE MOST INTERESTING FRAGMENT of the whole script above. What did he mean? And no answer.
In other words, from reviewing Dr. Wierwille's class and teaching plus several thousand hours in the scriptures, I too found a few minor discrepencies. But I realized that in the main contexts, most of what Dr. Wierwille taught was very reasonalble logic as long as people distinguished between grammar and symantics amd largely "idealism".
Even Jesus Christ taught in the realm of innacurcy from a technical and scriptural point of view. He used a parable to illustrate someone with consciousness in the grave trying to send a message up to the living.
(Actually, and this is in my writings on figures of speech; that's about the only use of the figure fable in the scripture.)
What Jesus stated for teaching purposes - grammatically - was unsubstantiated. No verse, no principle. So as a teacher, he took responsibility to speak in a way that technically was "wrong" to bring listeners up to par with God's will.
That's probably the greatest reason that many people get into trying to find discrepencies with Dr. Wierwille's writings. First, it's likely the best he knew to do. Second, allowing license to bend technicality with "idealism" to teach; then most of his teaching is fairly darn accurate.
If someone worked as hard to identify a figure, or ideal to give Dr. Wierwille the benefit of the doubt, the results would be much different. But most critics I've heard and read, always push the "envelope" to the extreme of technicality to try and prove something. Many times inserting their conclusion as superior.
So consider that - even Jesus Christ technically was inacurate, to teach the truth. Now how would you go about critiquing that? There are only two paths. Scratch and claw to tear him down and point to so-called accuracies, or, figure out how to show the overall profit of where he was headed.
If it was Jesus, would you have taken a crack at him for that, or supported him?
So, MD, you are equating criticism of VP's teachings to criticism of Jesus Christ himself. As absurd as this is, it doesn't surprise me. I will however say that, if you take a look at the claims made in PFAL from a broader perspective, rather than blindly following VP's cookie trail, you will begin to see it breakdown. And not in just a few minor discrepancies. There are numerous definitions and "laws" stated in PFAL that are not just not scriptural.
Some are even contradicted within the immediate context of the verses Weirwille used as proof texts.
If you would like to see some explicit and numerous examples, you can access another of Waydale thread, PFAL REVIEW at my old home page.
a sick Christian in poverty no less victorious than a rich Christian in perfect health
Is that to say that every poverty stricken Christian with sickness may claim they are more than a conquerer? If that condition is also victorious, then is there no need to rise higher to victory?
I dunno about all of this.
It is kind of easy to make this kind of assessment sitting back in your easy chair in the good old U.S.A.
What about Christians in other parts of the world, our brothers and sisters- beaten, impoverished, kept illiterate- and worse? Is this all their fault because they somehow lack the power, or don't have "the magic keys"? I don't think so. Are they somehow less spiritual in God's eyes? Remember- they are BRETHREN, trying to do the best they can in the circumstances that they find themselves in.
Apparently, prosperity, as it has been defined- or alluded to, does not carry the guarantee of being filthy rich, or even being treated "nicely". The only thing that differs between us and them is CIRCUMSTANCES. Will I have to die for my beliefs? Probably not- but some of them- very likely. They are more than conquerers- the circumstances do not determine their beliefs or actions.
THIS MAY BE THE MOST INTERESTING FRAGMENT of the whole script above. What did he mean? And no answer.
What? The portion you quoted is IMMEDIATELY followed by the answer you claim is not there, in detail.
I do not propose that my conclusions are superior. I only propose that they are MINE. You may not realize this, but this thread was a lengthy discussion, not just me spouting off at the mouth. I was also quite willing to listen and adjust my views accordingly. I am not a better teacher than VPW. I am merely different, with different viewpoints. And I think you should consider those viewpoints. If you disagree with them, that's just dandy with me. As long as you're thinking, I'm happy.
You've come to the conclusion that much of what VPW taught was accurate. You'd probably be surprised to learn that I have come to a similar conclusion. But that would take away from your ability to criticize me as a "critic" who tries to establish his own conclusions as "superior."
"PROVE all things. Hold fast to that which is good."
Why don't you tell me how to do that without reasonably assessing what's right and what's wrong with what you've been taught?
This thread is part of a big picture on these forums.
I get the impression that a few people respected VPW but that many people thought he had something sneaky up his sleeve.
Best I can tell, 98% of his class is correct. A vast majority. Maybe it seems like a lot of error because if he covered a 1000 verses and 2000 comments, even 50 aspects pointed out by people in a contradictive way would seem like a lot if that portion was rehearsed again, and again, and again.
My curiousity lies less in where people disagreed because that can't amount to too big of a mountain.
But how many people believe he was an energized minister for God with a pure-hearted ministry?
Because, I gather from the Word that Apollos was quite a man, yet needed some doctrinal correction - expounding more clearly.
In the aftermath of his teaching, I wonder what people dwelt on - his errors, or just moved on.
There's at least two ways to go after a man's teachings.
One thing must be made clear though, from where I'm at. Since 1983, I've heard reams and scores of complaints and accusations against Dr. Wierwille. But really, I never saw any evidence of someone proving ACCORDING TO THE WORD that he was corrupt in any way.
The Word does have a standard and verses about how to verify something bad, but also yet about how and why to conceal certain kinds of bad.
But really, I never saw any evidence of someone proving ACCORDING TO THE WORD that he was corrupt in any way.
Okay, let's start with something simple:
Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery.
Wierwille not only committed adultery, he condoned it, and in the Christian Family and Sex class, failed to teach against it. That he did so routinely and damaged lives and families for it is quite documented.
Is that "according to the Word" enough for you?
What we've done with Wierwille's works is no different from what he did with Bullinger's: took what he liked, discarded what he didn't. The only difference is, we were not all taught by Bullinger, so Wierwille had no need to document where he thought Bullinger was wrong.
But when you listen to ANY Christian minister, you do the same thing: you consider what he says that is right, but you also identify that which is wrong. You do this routinely, but you criticize us for doing the same with Wierwille. Why is that?
Why do you get to say that Wierwille is "98%" right? Is it because you've identified the 2% that is wrong? What gives you the right?
And speaking of Appollos, doesn't the Bible specifically say where and how he was wrong? So what's wrong with doing that with Wierwille's works?
You protest too much. You also failed to answer my question: how do we "prove all things" without identifying what's right and what's wrong?
I get the impression that a few people respected VPW but that many people thought he had something sneaky up his sleeve.
Understatement of the year. Yes, I respected him. Personally, I had no reason not to. I had no idea of what he "had up his sleeve". Now to find out of his "activities" in the motor coach, the virtual and actual rape of MY sisters in the Lord- I feel, well, betrayed. Add to this the activities of good old Loy Martindale. While I was being berated over forgetting some kind of arcane protocol, or otherwise SMALL fault, good ole Loy was happily humping anything female at headquarters he could get his hands on, all with the full knowledge and consent of those who are now in power. It astounds me that anybody wishes to fellowship with them.
Do I trust them any more? I'll let you answer that question.
I've heard some arguments that "well, he may have been a rotten guy, but he sure was good with the bible". I think ninety-eight percent right on is a rather LARGE over-estimate. A person can't wallow in as much sin as these two guys did and not end up with some real yuck sticking to you on the inside. Proverbs says something to the effect of the adulterer being "unstable in ALL his ways". I wouldn't believe that the sun rises every morning on these guys words alone.
Reminds me of the prostitute in proverbs- just does what she wants, wipes her mouth, and says, "well, nothing really happened". "Well, I can still teach the bible.. that oughta fix everything.."
All things, at least for me, have to be independantly verified. As far a PFAL is concerned, I have spent enough time, worked it over enough to my satisfaction to know what I think works and want to keep, and have already thrown out what looks like hooey.
Both Wierwille AND Martindale were sexual predators. I would like to see it documented in the word where this is the right thing to
"conceal". And those in charge just kept letting an army of ladies keep right marching in the ole motorcoach, suspecting nothing until too late.
All who were aware of it were duty bound to cry "rape" as loud as they could. The few that did got their walking orders. Those that kept their mouths shut kept their jobs. Sadly,I never knew about this stuff. Would have saved me lots of time- but that "the ministry" if you can call it that- "be not blamed"- they just learned to live with evil.
As far as being energized- seems the worse ole Craig got, the less and less he got "energized". Pretty soon, ministry failures couldn't be HIS problem. Obviously, it was THE PEOPLE! Perhaps he had a genuine ministry at one time, I don't know. Sure forfeited it for a few pleasures.
I guess the real point is, you really can't separate the man, his character, and the message. All three must be known to really give a valid assessment. That is what you are finding here- I think folks are questioning EVERYTHING- and rightfully so.
Personally, I think the part that was good was "lifted" from other men's ministries, men who had character that was beyond reproach. Bullinger, Stiles, Kenyon, the list goes on and on.
NOT that it really needs to be said but I will say it anyway..
Thank you Raf for a very balanced look at this work.. For me IT was very helpful, giving me pause to reexamine some of the stuff that was taught and I took too much to heart. IT was also nice to see some of my questions that I had from the very begining of joining TWI addressed.
Mostly i want to thank you for a blanced look at what we were taught.. not just a trashing of it but a genuine look at what lines up with the bible and what doesn't.
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Tom Strange
Raffy wrote a blue book?
... confusion will be my epitath...
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This was sort of a "book club" discussion on the blue book. A lot of people had strong opinions on it, and I actually changed my mind a few times because, get this, I was open to changing my mind.
The summary of this thread, and the threads which followed at GSCafe, can be found here:
10 Good things about the blue book
and here:
10 problems with the blue book.
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Rafael's excellent commentary on the Blue Book is also online in its original form at THE BLUE BOOK
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I don't know about excellent. Heartfelt. Fun. "excellent?" Nah...
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Excellent it is. Rafael's just being modest.
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I read what you wrote. I disagree with your interpretations even more than some of VPW's.
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Whaaaat? Raf is THE most objective, contributor to this hallowed forum, imho.
I'm sure he would say you have the right to disagree. And you do of course. We all have our unique perspectives and opinions. But I can't think of anyone fairer to VP's work than Mr. Olmeda.
Rumor has it that the inspiration for Fox News Channel's slogan came from lurkers reading Raf's posts. :-)
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Care to list any specifics? If not, that's cool. Feel free to disagree. No prob. God Bless You and be well.
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Hey Raf, I agree your a big trouble maker you ! How dare you have an opinion !
I'm gonna carry my bible to work and I don't care if people think I'm a jerk ! The Blue book wil sit at home ! Can I disagree to just disagree with your analysis of the BLUE book which always made me somewhat blue cause I thought I was alone in never really understanding it so thanks for your sharing and now I don't feel so alone ! Thank you your Revrenship !
:D--> I feel so freeeeeeeeee now !
Edited by dougie73Link to comment
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Some of these things I'm really proud of. Some of them, I'd retract today. The important thing to me was about the process of going over everything with a critical eye.
By "critical," I don't mean "negative." Critical means looking for the good and the bad in things. If a movie critic gives a movie four stars and a thumbs up, he's still a critic. So I don't see "criticism" as a negative thing, necessarily.
If anyone is still reading those posts, do so with a critical eye (the same eye I tried to use in reviewing the book in the first place).
And prayer.
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chinson's daughter
hahahahaha!!Very good Raf!!!Hey repeat after me *snort* laugh!!!!lol!!!just playin thanks 4 the fun at my mums wedding!!!You like Jenna!!!
Jessica(chinson's oldest)
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It was a fun wedding. Tell Jenna (and Zach and Josh and Kat) that I said hi.
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Hot damn.
The opening post in this thread is a great post.
Very informative and great work Reverend Raf.
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Are we sure about that? In English, Kingdom stems from a meaning; a reign of a king. A man can be a king, but does he have the reign? In addition, the Greek behind "kingdom" means the "reign" part more-so than the king part if I read the books right.
Is that to say that every poverty stricken Christian with sickness may claim they are more than a conquerer? If that condition is also victorious, then is there no need to rise higher to victory?
THIS MAY BE THE MOST INTERESTING FRAGMENT of the whole script above. What did he mean? And no answer.
In other words, from reviewing Dr. Wierwille's class and teaching plus several thousand hours in the scriptures, I too found a few minor discrepencies. But I realized that in the main contexts, most of what Dr. Wierwille taught was very reasonalble logic as long as people distinguished between grammar and symantics amd largely "idealism".
Even Jesus Christ taught in the realm of innacurcy from a technical and scriptural point of view. He used a parable to illustrate someone with consciousness in the grave trying to send a message up to the living.
(Actually, and this is in my writings on figures of speech; that's about the only use of the figure fable in the scripture.)
What Jesus stated for teaching purposes - grammatically - was unsubstantiated. No verse, no principle. So as a teacher, he took responsibility to speak in a way that technically was "wrong" to bring listeners up to par with God's will.
That's probably the greatest reason that many people get into trying to find discrepencies with Dr. Wierwille's writings. First, it's likely the best he knew to do. Second, allowing license to bend technicality with "idealism" to teach; then most of his teaching is fairly darn accurate.
If someone worked as hard to identify a figure, or ideal to give Dr. Wierwille the benefit of the doubt, the results would be much different. But most critics I've heard and read, always push the "envelope" to the extreme of technicality to try and prove something. Many times inserting their conclusion as superior.
So consider that - even Jesus Christ technically was inacurate, to teach the truth. Now how would you go about critiquing that? There are only two paths. Scratch and claw to tear him down and point to so-called accuracies, or, figure out how to show the overall profit of where he was headed.
If it was Jesus, would you have taken a crack at him for that, or supported him?
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So, MD, you are equating criticism of VP's teachings to criticism of Jesus Christ himself. As absurd as this is, it doesn't surprise me. I will however say that, if you take a look at the claims made in PFAL from a broader perspective, rather than blindly following VP's cookie trail, you will begin to see it breakdown. And not in just a few minor discrepancies. There are numerous definitions and "laws" stated in PFAL that are not just not scriptural.
Some are even contradicted within the immediate context of the verses Weirwille used as proof texts.
If you would like to see some explicit and numerous examples, you can access another of Waydale thread, PFAL REVIEW at my old home page.
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I dunno about all of this.
It is kind of easy to make this kind of assessment sitting back in your easy chair in the good old U.S.A.
What about Christians in other parts of the world, our brothers and sisters- beaten, impoverished, kept illiterate- and worse? Is this all their fault because they somehow lack the power, or don't have "the magic keys"? I don't think so. Are they somehow less spiritual in God's eyes? Remember- they are BRETHREN, trying to do the best they can in the circumstances that they find themselves in.
Apparently, prosperity, as it has been defined- or alluded to, does not carry the guarantee of being filthy rich, or even being treated "nicely". The only thing that differs between us and them is CIRCUMSTANCES. Will I have to die for my beliefs? Probably not- but some of them- very likely. They are more than conquerers- the circumstances do not determine their beliefs or actions.
I wonder who really is richer.
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What? The portion you quoted is IMMEDIATELY followed by the answer you claim is not there, in detail.
I do not propose that my conclusions are superior. I only propose that they are MINE. You may not realize this, but this thread was a lengthy discussion, not just me spouting off at the mouth. I was also quite willing to listen and adjust my views accordingly. I am not a better teacher than VPW. I am merely different, with different viewpoints. And I think you should consider those viewpoints. If you disagree with them, that's just dandy with me. As long as you're thinking, I'm happy.
You've come to the conclusion that much of what VPW taught was accurate. You'd probably be surprised to learn that I have come to a similar conclusion. But that would take away from your ability to criticize me as a "critic" who tries to establish his own conclusions as "superior."
"PROVE all things. Hold fast to that which is good."
Why don't you tell me how to do that without reasonably assessing what's right and what's wrong with what you've been taught?
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This thread is part of a big picture on these forums.
I get the impression that a few people respected VPW but that many people thought he had something sneaky up his sleeve.
Best I can tell, 98% of his class is correct. A vast majority. Maybe it seems like a lot of error because if he covered a 1000 verses and 2000 comments, even 50 aspects pointed out by people in a contradictive way would seem like a lot if that portion was rehearsed again, and again, and again.
My curiousity lies less in where people disagreed because that can't amount to too big of a mountain.
But how many people believe he was an energized minister for God with a pure-hearted ministry?
Because, I gather from the Word that Apollos was quite a man, yet needed some doctrinal correction - expounding more clearly.
In the aftermath of his teaching, I wonder what people dwelt on - his errors, or just moved on.
There's at least two ways to go after a man's teachings.
One thing must be made clear though, from where I'm at. Since 1983, I've heard reams and scores of complaints and accusations against Dr. Wierwille. But really, I never saw any evidence of someone proving ACCORDING TO THE WORD that he was corrupt in any way.
The Word does have a standard and verses about how to verify something bad, but also yet about how and why to conceal certain kinds of bad.
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Okay, let's start with something simple:
Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery.
Wierwille not only committed adultery, he condoned it, and in the Christian Family and Sex class, failed to teach against it. That he did so routinely and damaged lives and families for it is quite documented.
Is that "according to the Word" enough for you?
What we've done with Wierwille's works is no different from what he did with Bullinger's: took what he liked, discarded what he didn't. The only difference is, we were not all taught by Bullinger, so Wierwille had no need to document where he thought Bullinger was wrong.
But when you listen to ANY Christian minister, you do the same thing: you consider what he says that is right, but you also identify that which is wrong. You do this routinely, but you criticize us for doing the same with Wierwille. Why is that?
Why do you get to say that Wierwille is "98%" right? Is it because you've identified the 2% that is wrong? What gives you the right?
And speaking of Appollos, doesn't the Bible specifically say where and how he was wrong? So what's wrong with doing that with Wierwille's works?
You protest too much. You also failed to answer my question: how do we "prove all things" without identifying what's right and what's wrong?
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Understatement of the year. Yes, I respected him. Personally, I had no reason not to. I had no idea of what he "had up his sleeve". Now to find out of his "activities" in the motor coach, the virtual and actual rape of MY sisters in the Lord- I feel, well, betrayed. Add to this the activities of good old Loy Martindale. While I was being berated over forgetting some kind of arcane protocol, or otherwise SMALL fault, good ole Loy was happily humping anything female at headquarters he could get his hands on, all with the full knowledge and consent of those who are now in power. It astounds me that anybody wishes to fellowship with them.
Do I trust them any more? I'll let you answer that question.
I've heard some arguments that "well, he may have been a rotten guy, but he sure was good with the bible". I think ninety-eight percent right on is a rather LARGE over-estimate. A person can't wallow in as much sin as these two guys did and not end up with some real yuck sticking to you on the inside. Proverbs says something to the effect of the adulterer being "unstable in ALL his ways". I wouldn't believe that the sun rises every morning on these guys words alone.
Reminds me of the prostitute in proverbs- just does what she wants, wipes her mouth, and says, "well, nothing really happened". "Well, I can still teach the bible.. that oughta fix everything.."
All things, at least for me, have to be independantly verified. As far a PFAL is concerned, I have spent enough time, worked it over enough to my satisfaction to know what I think works and want to keep, and have already thrown out what looks like hooey.
Both Wierwille AND Martindale were sexual predators. I would like to see it documented in the word where this is the right thing to
"conceal". And those in charge just kept letting an army of ladies keep right marching in the ole motorcoach, suspecting nothing until too late.
All who were aware of it were duty bound to cry "rape" as loud as they could. The few that did got their walking orders. Those that kept their mouths shut kept their jobs. Sadly,I never knew about this stuff. Would have saved me lots of time- but that "the ministry" if you can call it that- "be not blamed"- they just learned to live with evil.
As far as being energized- seems the worse ole Craig got, the less and less he got "energized". Pretty soon, ministry failures couldn't be HIS problem. Obviously, it was THE PEOPLE! Perhaps he had a genuine ministry at one time, I don't know. Sure forfeited it for a few pleasures.
I guess the real point is, you really can't separate the man, his character, and the message. All three must be known to really give a valid assessment. That is what you are finding here- I think folks are questioning EVERYTHING- and rightfully so.
Personally, I think the part that was good was "lifted" from other men's ministries, men who had character that was beyond reproach. Bullinger, Stiles, Kenyon, the list goes on and on.
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NOT that it really needs to be said but I will say it anyway..
Thank you Raf for a very balanced look at this work.. For me IT was very helpful, giving me pause to reexamine some of the stuff that was taught and I took too much to heart. IT was also nice to see some of my questions that I had from the very begining of joining TWI addressed.
Mostly i want to thank you for a blanced look at what we were taught.. not just a trashing of it but a genuine look at what lines up with the bible and what doesn't.
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I second that ... it was a noble effort.
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For the curious,
before there was the GSC, there was Waydale.
As long ago as Waydale was material that disproved the ridiculous claim that pfal was "God-Breathed."
According to pfal, for something to be "God-Breathed", it has to be free of errors.
The Blue Book has a lot of errors. This should not be very shocking, because the Blue Book never claims the Blue Book was "God-Breathed."
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