This quote by Mandii put into words something I have been trying to put my finger on for a long, long time.
"I personally will always miss the sweet times of real friends that we had in TWI. But the cost of the amount of control over my life to have those fleeting moments is not something I would ever surrender to again. "
Thank you Mandii for such a powerful choice of words!
The face of evil is not like on the movie of the week: snarling, drooling, an evil glint in the eye. The face of evil is smiling, confident, but lying with impugnity. The face of evil is convinced he is entitled.
This is a great one from Goey in the Doctrinal Forum:
quote:What I am saying though is that TWI's research was so pathetic and VPW's logic and reasoning so demonstrably faulty, that any hard core beliefs based upon that alone should be re-examined.
quote:I've got peace like a river, Joy like a fountain, Love for my savior in my soul...
Every time I would hear that song, it reminded me fo "100 bottles of beer on the wall."
by Imbus :D-->
quote: Summer school, 1971, first morning on the way to the BRC for some breakfast. Mist coming off the pond, birds chirping. Slight nip in the air and a sweet quaint atmosphere permeating the place, rural, pastoral. Seeing others slowly walking up and in from various spots around the grounds and then suddenly... "Beautiful Ohio" hit the air. Scared the crap out of me, first time.
thanks Socks
quote:That buzzkill bombed the
evening in record time and sent the normal people fleeing as if Yoko
Refiner on his initial observations while reading PFAL for the first time:
quote:Actually this particular subject, which the good doctor calls RIGHTLY DIVIDING appears to be one that he is very personally partial to, believing that every letter of every word in the Bible was placed specifically in just that position it occupies by God Himself, so that Wierwille, 3000 years later, could correctly interpret the profound significance of its being there.
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now I see
How bout this one: "Odd that VP would hear God telling him to shut up, but not to keep his pants zipped."......A quote from Jim ... Simply classic! I couldn't stop laughing!
After laughing out loud in the library and receiving a couple of dubious looks I decided to post this one here. Thanks Waysider
The following exchange happened when discussing the assignments for the year, and the "make-work" nature of the reshuffling.... Just Thinking: "This is different from rearranging deck chairs on the
I am gonna cheat just a little, because this is regarding Greasespot's predecessor- I think it was from Verbalkint--
"Waydale-- where the men are all strong, the women are beautiful and the children above average."
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This gave me a good laugh.
Our wonderful Kit Sober wrote this in response to a thread which asked - what would you choose to be written on your tombstone- she said--
"See you soon".
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Lots of funny stuff. Hope there's more. Thanks for sharing.
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This quote by Mandii put into words something I have been trying to put my finger on for a long, long time.
"I personally will always miss the sweet times of real friends that we had in TWI. But the cost of the amount of control over my life to have those fleeting moments is not something I would ever surrender to again. "
Thank you Mandii for such a powerful choice of words!
When I grow up I wanna be a catapult
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Kit Sober
From Zixar on Dot Matrix's infinity thread:
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Dot Matrix
On Catcup's Is it just me?
The face of evil is not like on the movie of the week: snarling, drooling, an evil glint in the eye. The face of evil is smiling, confident, but lying with impugnity. The face of evil is convinced he is entitled.
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Some folks seemed to like this statement of mine (can you add your own statements to this list?):
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Dot Matrix
I will add it because it is good!
Raf said
Of course no one has a corner on truth, although some people are attempting to corner the market on lies. "
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This from CKnapp on a thread about "The Unforgivable Sin"
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Dot Matrix
Kinda need the context here:
Socks said:
"But if the calling destroys the vessel it lives in, what's really going on?"
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Linda Z
Some wise and tender words from Littlehawk:
"Perhaps we all need to hold hands a little more often as we recall our former Wayfer days."
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that was really nice. i just found it. the joke before was cute too
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Kit Sober
Igotout started this, and others have pitched in. Funny
You might be in a cult if...
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Dot Matrix, you ROCK!
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This is a great one from Goey in the Doctrinal Forum:
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I finally made the list!
BTW, that "buzzkill" I was referring to was when people were having a good time, then
some twi moglet arrived and declared it would be a meeting and started passing out
Socks said the following on a Doctrinal thread, about vpw:
"Wishing he was the man he knew to be was an ominous statement for him to make.
Being the man he knew he shouldn't be affected his life's work."
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The following exchange happened when discussing the assignments for the year,
and the "make-work" nature of the reshuffling....
Just Thinking:
"This is different from rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic how?"
My 3 Cents:
"Because they didn't use string to line up the chairs on the Titanic."
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"Actually Veepee was P.T. Barnum and lcm was Moe Howard." by Uncle Hairy
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Another great UncleHairy quote:
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Refiner on his initial observations while reading PFAL for the first time:
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Kit Sober
A nice story by Dave Anderson A true "chick" story
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TheSongRemainsTheSame offered the following rewrite of the
"but he taught me The Word" slogan....
"I do not care if he was a womanizer, a plagiarist, and whether he was
a DR or TEACHER or operated the other 4 gift ministries.
I do not care he hurt people and told lies and lived a tax-free live
off the abs of those who actually believed his words and all the
allegations of sexual abuse, and, and, and...
Besides the aforementioned and all those who have come forward a
testimony the OBVIOUS, Victor the Trickster and womanizer, a
plagiarist, and installed LCM,
and that's good enough for me."
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thank you kit and dave
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