My last year in residence Bob M had gone to Corps Coord. meeting. David Turk was left in charge I love him he was the best! Well one of the 10th corps guys fell asleep during aftermeeting on Sunday night. And when the meeting was over, everyone got up. But this guy kept sleeping Dave said lets all be quite so we don't disturb him. So we let him sleep. We even did chapel clean up around him. Near the end of cleaning up he woke up. It was funny!
My husband's wedding ring is in that pond somewhere. When our wedding party walked over the bridge to the ceremony, my maid of honor dropped the ring on the bridge and it rolled into the pond.
I never knew until I turned to her in the ceremony to accept the ring. She fake-handed it to me and whispered "I don't have the ring-- I lost the ring!" I pretended to put it on Geek's finger when the time came, and told him she lost it.
During pictures when we were scheduled to have one taken of our hands on the bible, Geek borrowed his brother's class ring and turned it around backwards, and it looked just like the ring I had bought him.
Geek went back several times over the years with a metal detector to see if it had been dropped in the areas surrounding the pond and never found it. :(--> Several years later, I bought him a replacement.
Falling asleep in meetings was oh so common and fodder for all kinds of pranks. Once during an early morning branch meeting in the "garden level" of Wierwille, we were in an inner room with no windows. One of the guys fell asleep during prayer, and stayed asleep during the meeting. When the meeting was over, we all snuck out of the room, and turned the light off so that it would be pitch dark, and then slammed the door really loud. The poor guy woke up to pitch darkness and ran out of the room real quick to find us all lined up outside in the lobby laughing at him!
Our last year in res in Emporia, the day before the graduating ceremonies, we were rehearsing "downstairs Wirewilly" library. It was mid afternoon and as we were preparing to go out around the pond to do the walk-thru on stage, JL says we have 10 minutes to hit the bathroom & then meet outside. Well the famous author of the "Puff the Cat" series, G@ry Spic@r says, "Let's drive down to the licquor store & get some beer!!". Sos off we go, tearing out the door, across the pond area to the auto shop, where his car was parked. We hop in, drive down to the licquor store (in a mall I believe), buy 2 quart bottles of Coors, suck it down on our drive back to campus, park the car, run back to the pond area, just in time to fall in line with the rest of the cult groupies. Everyone we got near looked at us surprisingly, as we had a distinct odor eminating from the inner man, but neither JL nor Dave B. were the wiser ...
I never knew until I turned to her in the ceremony to accept the ring. She fake-handed it to me and whispered "I don't have the ring-- I lost the ring!" I pretended to put it on Geek's finger when the time came, and told him she lost it.
I did this as a maid of honor, only I didn't lose the ring. I just left it downstairs in the BRC. The wedding was upstairs. I realized it when I was walking down the aisle. The first 3 minutes of the wedding I must have had a terrorized look on my face. I wanted to tell N*k M*xs*n to "Stop just a minute! I forgot the ring!!" Yeah right. Like that would have gone over well with him. When it came time to exchange the ring, I whispered "Don't have it" as I faked giving him a ring. The bride didn't catch on, and it was a jumbled moment....I felt horrible. The best man ran downstairs right after the ceremony and before the bride and groom greeted everyone in line and got the ring...whew! I guess I made a priceless moment in that wedding....maybe not.
well, vick, i remember a fire drill in the middle of the night towards the end of our last year in-rez when a couple of half nakee guys came out of the girls' rooms.
Reminded me of my all girls dorm in college. :)--> Of course, we all "covered" (literally) for the guys. :D-->
i remember people standing up against the posts in wierwille library to help them stay awake. it was so much better than the teaching watching them lean lean lean over.... stand up straight.... lean lean lean over.... stand up straight.... lean lean lean over.... CRASH into a bunch of desk chairs (with people sitting in them of course) .....
ps. i wasn't there for the engagement announcemnt but dear MM told me about it. i'll never forget it as long as i live.
Talk about memories of being whole time in residence, I was tired...
I was sent to Rome city for a few months and we were "preparing" for the advanced class. Everbody was working 12 hour shifts...A couple of guys needed a ride to New Knoxville to catch a ride on Veepee's jet that was leaving in the morning...I volunteered to drive them AFTER I completed my 12 hour shift --> I forget how many miles it was but on the ride back I was so tired that I became delerious...I found myself driving in some small town and had no idea where I was...I pulled over and parked and got some took me awhile to snap out of it, but when I did, I realized that I had driven almost 75 miles too far and had no recollection of driving for the last hour...I had to turn around and head back to Rome city...when I finally got back I was near total collapse...I staggered into my bed and fell into a deep sleep for 12 hours.
I know what you mean UH... I had this old rusted out VW Microbus and one time I was driving back to Emporia from somewhere with my sister and a few other corps folk in the back and all of a sudden we were off the shoulder driving through a field beside the highway somewhere in Kansas... I woke up pretty quickly... and they made me let someone else drive...
was driving back from kork brother's wedding in Stockton, CA at about midnite, wedding was at 3pm followed by reception so you do the math re: the BAC. My friend Larr* B*oth was already fast asleep(passed out??) and I was on I-5 south of Stockton when I awoke with a start to find myself driving in the "infield" which was quite wide and level on that portion of road. Doin' about 70, wheels pointed straight ahead, only minor bouncing and shaking.
The adrenaline rush kept me wide-eyed for another 15 miles or so where I proceeded to nod off again. I pulled off freeway, parked on on-ramp for about an hour, woke up and drove back to where we were staying the night(what was left of it) LB wakes up about half an hour after I got back on freeway and asks if he missed anything??? I said nah, nothin'...
Remember that ROA run we made in my red 68 Mustang? I believe you and I both dodged a few real and imagined cows going through Nevada the first night. You had come up with a 'shortcut' that had us in the middle of open range.
Yep, your car with you, me, and the Abel*a bros...and my crazy-azz short cut across some of the most desolate country in the whole USA. Brilliant!!!, to quote the Guiness ads. I hope you aren't holding it against me.. :D-->
I think we did 120 over Tioga pass, US 6 across southern NV and hooked up with US 50 in Utah and then I-70 from Utah on out to Ohi-uhh. And very few stops, either, right???
Glad we lived through that and all else, as well. Please do not take any shortcuts suggested by alfakat!!!
yep...decided at da rock to go. Got sent to Albuquerque...great place and good folks, for the most part. You guys had to "suffer" without the benefit of any more shortcuts.... ;)-->
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There were moments in the Corps, just like WOW stories, that were golden. Please feel free to add your "pearls of great price" ... At the beginning our first year in residence in Emporia, one day aft
Alfa, Remember that ROA run we made in my red 68 Mustang? I believe you and I both dodged a few real and imagined cows going through Nevada the first night. You had come up with a 'shortcut' that h
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In the fall of 1979, the corps women had a get together in the Wierwille home. We men decided to pull a raid and swipe the big plate of nchos we knew they would have. We couldn't have done it without
My last year in res we cleaned out the pond and a bunch of us jumped into the mud. Wow was that ever fun ??!!??
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My last year in residence Bob M had gone to Corps Coord. meeting. David Turk was left in charge I love him he was the best! Well one of the 10th corps guys fell asleep during aftermeeting on Sunday night. And when the meeting was over, everyone got up. But this guy kept sleeping Dave said lets all be quite so we don't disturb him. So we let him sleep. We even did chapel clean up around him. Near the end of cleaning up he woke up. It was funny!
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My husband's wedding ring is in that pond somewhere. When our wedding party walked over the bridge to the ceremony, my maid of honor dropped the ring on the bridge and it rolled into the pond.
I never knew until I turned to her in the ceremony to accept the ring. She fake-handed it to me and whispered "I don't have the ring-- I lost the ring!" I pretended to put it on Geek's finger when the time came, and told him she lost it.
During pictures when we were scheduled to have one taken of our hands on the bible, Geek borrowed his brother's class ring and turned it around backwards, and it looked just like the ring I had bought him.
Geek went back several times over the years with a metal detector to see if it had been dropped in the areas surrounding the pond and never found it.
:(--> Several years later, I bought him a replacement.
Falling asleep in meetings was oh so common and fodder for all kinds of pranks. Once during an early morning branch meeting in the "garden level" of Wierwille, we were in an inner room with no windows. One of the guys fell asleep during prayer, and stayed asleep during the meeting. When the meeting was over, we all snuck out of the room, and turned the light off so that it would be pitch dark, and then slammed the door really loud. The poor guy woke up to pitch darkness and ran out of the room real quick to find us all lined up outside in the lobby laughing at him!
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My passive mind has sparked once again ...
Our last year in res in Emporia, the day before the graduating ceremonies, we were rehearsing "downstairs Wirewilly" library. It was mid afternoon and as we were preparing to go out around the pond to do the walk-thru on stage, JL says we have 10 minutes to hit the bathroom & then meet outside. Well the famous author of the "Puff the Cat" series, G@ry Spic@r says, "Let's drive down to the licquor store & get some beer!!". Sos off we go, tearing out the door, across the pond area to the auto shop, where his car was parked. We hop in, drive down to the licquor store (in a mall I believe), buy 2 quart bottles of Coors, suck it down on our drive back to campus, park the car, run back to the pond area, just in time to fall in line with the rest of the cult groupies. Everyone we got near looked at us surprisingly, as we had a distinct odor eminating from the inner man, but neither JL nor Dave B. were the wiser ...
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I remember a fire drill in the middle of the night....some came out almost the middle of winter that is.
Well it doesn't sound too funny but I remember laughing...hehe
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George Aar
Geeze Tom,
You run to town, pound down 2 quarts of beer and still make it in time for the meeting in ten minutes?
Who says you didn't learn a lot of practical stuff in the Corps...
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I did this as a maid of honor, only I didn't lose the ring. I just left it downstairs in the BRC. The wedding was upstairs. I realized it when I was walking down the aisle. The first 3 minutes of the wedding I must have had a terrorized look on my face. I wanted to tell N*k M*xs*n to "Stop just a minute! I forgot the ring!!" Yeah right. Like that would have gone over well with him. When it came time to exchange the ring, I whispered "Don't have it" as I faked giving him a ring. The bride didn't catch on, and it was a jumbled moment....I felt horrible. The best man ran downstairs right after the ceremony and before the bride and groom greeted everyone in line and got the ring...whew! I guess I made a priceless moment in that wedding....maybe not.
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I guess the !'s wedding wasn't the only one with a "spiritual ring", huh Rev. Raf?
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well, vick, i remember a fire drill in the middle of the night towards the end of our last year in-rez when a couple of half nakee guys came out of the girls' rooms.
Reminded me of my all girls dorm in college.
:)--> Of course, we all "covered" (literally) for the guys.
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J0nny Ling0
Ex 10. You gotta PT me and tell me which one of my 10 Corps brothers they were. Maybe just some initials woulds suffice. I's jes dyin ta know!
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Well, it wasn't Jonny Lingo!!!!! heh heh.
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J0nny Ling0
Dammitt! Probly T B*rns or J S*mmers...sumbitches...
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Al Poole
ex 10, wouldn't your Dad have loved belle's picture... and location????
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i remember people standing up against the posts in wierwille library to help them stay awake. it was so much better than the teaching watching them lean lean lean over.... stand up straight.... lean lean lean over.... stand up straight.... lean lean lean over.... CRASH into a bunch of desk chairs (with people sitting in them of course) .....
ps. i wasn't there for the engagement announcemnt but dear MM told me about it. i'll never forget it as long as i live.
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Talk about memories of being whole time in residence, I was tired...
I was sent to Rome city for a few months and we were "preparing" for the advanced class. Everbody was working 12 hour shifts...A couple of guys needed a ride to New Knoxville to catch a ride on Veepee's jet that was leaving in the morning...I volunteered to drive them AFTER I completed my 12 hour shift
--> I forget how many miles it was but on the ride back I was so tired that I became delerious...I found myself driving in some small town and had no idea where I was...I pulled over and parked and got some took me awhile to snap out of it, but when I did, I realized that I had driven almost 75 miles too far and had no recollection of driving for the last hour...I had to turn around and head back to Rome city...when I finally got back I was near total collapse...I staggered into my bed and fell into a deep sleep for 12 hours.
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Tom Strange
I know what you mean UH... I had this old rusted out VW Microbus and one time I was driving back to Emporia from somewhere with my sister and a few other corps folk in the back and all of a sudden we were off the shoulder driving through a field beside the highway somewhere in Kansas... I woke up pretty quickly... and they made me let someone else drive...
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Walking by the Spirit ...
All corps, active, LOA, DOA, Sunset, Mini, Pre, Special, and future alike, learned driving by the Spirit. It was mandatory ...
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was driving back from kork brother's wedding in Stockton, CA at about midnite, wedding was at 3pm followed by reception so you do the math re: the BAC. My friend Larr* B*oth was already fast asleep(passed out??) and I was on I-5 south of Stockton when I awoke with a start to find myself driving in the "infield" which was quite wide and level on that portion of road. Doin' about 70, wheels pointed straight ahead, only minor bouncing and shaking.
The adrenaline rush kept me wide-eyed for another 15 miles or so where I proceeded to nod off again. I pulled off freeway, parked on on-ramp for about an hour, woke up and drove back to where we were staying the night(what was left of it) LB wakes up about half an hour after I got back on freeway and asks if he missed anything??? I said nah, nothin'...
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Remember that ROA run we made in my red 68 Mustang? I believe you and I both dodged a few real and imagined cows going through Nevada the first night. You had come up with a 'shortcut' that had us in the middle of open range.
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Jim -- I have thought you might be "that" Jim!
Yep, your car with you, me, and the Abel*a bros...and my crazy-azz short cut across some of the most desolate country in the whole USA. Brilliant!!!, to quote the Guiness ads. I hope you aren't holding it against me..
I think we did 120 over Tioga pass, US 6 across southern NV and hooked up with US 50 in Utah and then I-70 from Utah on out to Ohi-uhh. And very few stops, either, right???
Glad we lived through that and all else, as well. Please do not take any shortcuts suggested by alfakat!!!
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Hell no. It was all an adventure. Did you go out WOW that year and not come back with us?
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yep...decided at da rock to go. Got sent to Albuquerque...great place and good folks, for the most part. You guys had to "suffer" without the benefit of any more shortcuts....
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bringing this up again (burp) for THEwonderfulEVAN
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