my first year in the 10th we ate everything that was set in front of us...the portions were about right5 for a 100 lb. female on a diet.
One very notable thing about Emporia meals back in the '70s (8th here) was the unavailability of second portions. In short, it certainly wasn't an all-you-can-eat deal. I'm not sure that was all bad, though. Funny thing, I did not lose or gain weight at Emporia, and I was a 27 year old male not on a diet, and active(no need to try to convince any former residence corps of the active part). Oh, about 155 pounds BTW.
An Indy 6th corps friend, female, (with whom I was also in residence with for a while in my first year), weighing somewhat less than I did, gained quite a bit of weight her first few months in residence. I know this is true (besides the fact that she told me) because I saw her when she was came back to Indy on temporary LOA; she had to buy new clothes when she got to Indy. When I asked her why, she said that she was eating much more regularly in residence than she had before because the meals (along with a lot of other things) were so structured.
I did know someone very well who lost weight while we were at Emporia; about a hundred pounds I believe. But he was loving every minute of it, and obviously a lot better off, as he started, I believe, at over three hundred. He was my Indy 8th corps buddy and lightbearers partner, plus the one with whom I sang a duet to win an extra sandwich at the Texas farm, the famed "General Patton" some may remember.
Either way, I think the diet was a lot better than, for example, Bill Clinton's admitted fast food quadruple bypass fare.
At HQ in residence, things were a little different...seconds were usually there. And I could do things like pull off my solo pantry raid after returning from LEAD.
And, didn't Vince F*nnegan have his name written somewhere in the dome of the Anderson Library from some years gone by? Back when he wasn't with The Way? I heard that he'd been sent there by the Law for being bad, or something..
Man... That picture's wierd... I wonder if that's still there.
Priceless moment.... BoBo Thomas... at lunch... 1st block...Dave Bedard asked him to stand and quote CP...? Don't remember ... he couldn't either... and DB said "why can't you remember it?" Bo BO mumbled something and Dave in the most incredulous tone of voice possible screams..."Black Love??????"
everybody falls out... BoBo says "NO... lack of love sir"
DB says "thanks for clearing that up for us, wasn't sure what was going on"
Lack of love...Hmmph...How bout, I forgot because being on the spot is scary?
One time in Christian Communication:
Dave B*dard says: Kevin Nye stand up! Recite CC Principle# 7!
Kevin stands up, struggles with it, but doesn't have it all down.
DB yelling: Why can't you remember it?!?! Dave B*rk just said it two minutes ago! Are you deaf?!?!
(As a matter of fact Kevin did have a serious hearing loss, but was not in favor of blaming things on his hearing loss, and didn't like to confess the negative of said hearing loss with the hopes of being healed one day).
Kevin begins to stammer something and DB screams; "Answer me! Are-You- Deaf?!?!
Kev*n still doesn't want to say yes, because he knows that this is not why he can't recite it anyway. But if he says no, it wouldn't really be true, and if yes, it would seem as an excuse and he'd really get creamed. Rock and a hard place. And on Kevin's right is his gal pal (just really good friend, for she was married) Karin Morgan. Karin is fidgeting in her chair as Kevin is being interrogated, grilled, smoked! Her husband Max had his hand on her knee, trying to keep her in check. He knows what she's thinking...
DB keeps on screaming at the top of his lungs (that little nipper!), and finally Karin can stand the abuse no more because Kevin is her friend. So, she leaps to her feet and yells almost in a military fashion;
"Yes Dave! He is very hard of hearing! He lost alot of his hearing due to adult measles and he doesn't want to confess that his hearing is bad because he wants to be healed one day!!!"
And then slams back down in her seat next to Kevin as he sits down too and hugs him, kisses him on the cheek, and then hugs Max, burying her head in his shoulder and sobbed saying "I'm sorry I'm sorry", waiting for DB to rip into her. It was so quiet one could hear a pin drop, except for Karin's crying...
But DB didn't rip into her. He was speechless for a moment, and then quietly says; "Well then why didn't you say so?" And Kevin says; "Because like Karin said, I never want to confess that my ears are bad and I don't want to use the loss as an excuse." And DB said; "oh".
Now, that Karin was some kind of a friend, no? What a Sister! God rest her soul. She died a few years later of ovarian cancer. :(-->
My priceless corps moment is a little different, because I was not corps and it is not funny.
When I was on staff at HQ, Joe C. informed me that I'd be running video during the tues night corps meeting. I objected, reminding him that I wasn't corps (I'd gotten that smart already). He said it was all cleared with the leadership and I would do it.
Well anyway, things were going just fine, VPW was leading the meeting and soon after it started, he asked a guy to stand and give a report on a class he had attended. The class was run by non-twi people and it was about tracking. Tracking as in following animal tracks.
The guy gave a very nice talk on what he had learned. He liked the class a lot and was highly favorable of it. Then he made the mistake of saying it was more valuable to him than Lead. VPW went ballistic. He ripped into the guy for a good 5 minutes. Said he had a prideful spirit, said he didn't deserve to be corps, etc, etc... I think VPW ended it by ordering the guy out of the BRC and out of the corps.
I had never heard such an attack on another person in my whole life. Not at home, not in school, not in the Army, not in the workplace.
At that moment, I realized that I was in a cult run by a sick man. It was a couple of years before I got out, but nonetheless that moment was a crystalizing point in time.
Well anyway, things were going just fine, VPW was leading the meeting and soon after it started, he asked a guy to stand and give a report on a class he had attended. The class was run by non-twi people and it was about tracking. Tracking as in following animal tracks.
The guy gave a very nice talk on what he had learned. He liked the class a lot and was highly favorable of it. Then he made the mistake of saying it was more valuable to him than Lead. VPW went ballistic. He ripped into the guy for a good 5 minutes. Said he had a prideful spirit, said he didn't deserve to be corps, etc, etc... I think VPW ended it by ordering the guy out of the BRC and out of the corps.
Jim.......I was there too.
Wierwille went ballistic......because many of the corps seated up front with vpw were LEAD staff and had specifically gone to this tracker school to learn some things. All was fine until Dxvid Dxwxxd said that this tracker guy's class was better than LEAD.
Yes, wierwille had a ....y fit, yelling and pointing and stomping back and forth, and glaring at David......said he was possessed!!! Another stunning memory that one doesn't tell wierwille that SOMEONE ELSE'S CLASS is better than veepee corps stuff!!!
David wasn't possessed........sheeeesh. This 8th corps guy loved the outdoors, he built his own cabin, he was well equipped in all types of outdoor situations.....and is now a successful businessman.
If anyone was possessed in that meeting.....wierwille got my vote. :D-->
Not even in Vietnam-era boot camp in the Army. There was harassment and intimidation, but nothing like the soul-scathing abuse I saw that evening. Think about it. The worst thing they can tell you in boot camp is that you're stupid, uncoordinated, fat, lazy, sloppy, etc. VPW, the man of God for our time, told this guy, in front of about 100 of his peers, that he was posessed. I still shake my head in disbelief.
David wasn't possessed........sheeeesh. This 8th corps guy loved the outdoors, he built his own cabin, he was well equipped in all types of outdoor situations.....and is now a successful businessman.
I knew he wasn't possessed. And I would hope that most of the people there knew that he wasn't possessed. That was part of the insanity of the whole thing. David had a great time at the class. It suited him better than Lead and he made the mistake of being truthful about it. And then, in an instant, the wrath of VPW strikes him like a bolt of lightning.
David did NOTHING to warrant such ripping, scathing, verbal abuse that night. NOTHING! Wierwille just didn't want to hear it.
As best I remember, the book The Tracker was written by Tom Brown....and later, he took enterprising steps towards seminars for those who wanted to learn foundational and advanced techniques in tracking. This tracker book was suggested reading for corps.
Maybe wierwille had visions of running his own "advanced tracking seminar".... until David endorsed Tom Brown's. :D-->
I knew he wasn't possessed. And I would hope that most of the people there knew that he wasn't possessed. That was part of the insanity of the whole thing. David had a great time at the class. It suited him better than Lead and he made the mistake of being truthful about it. And then, in an instant, the wrath of VPW strikes him like a bolt of lightning. true. This incident in 1980/81 was more telling of wierwille than anything else.
I had far more respect for David that night........and alot less for wierwille.
One of the most priceless Corps moments for me was when TheEvan mooned the Texas Tomato Tyrant from a moving bus on the way back from watching a movie.
Not only Evan, but at least 7 other korks, including, horror of horrors, a moon of the female persuasion!! Dey all MUSTA been damn pozazzed!!! And to top it off, it was captured on film...ACK!!
Hope, I was there... were you in the other block with Evan and Catcup?? I thought you were with me at Emporia first..maybe not.
That scene with MMK's fiance was the most surreal thing I experienced in res. He is standing in front of the whole RomeCity body at dinner, telling us how happy he is to be getting married to such a wonderful woman and all; her parents there for the engagement announcement and all. He has a heart attack right at the front table and we all go on prayer alert, setting up schedules for 24 hour, etc.
I think we got the news he didn't make it sometime around 10 pm that evening. It was not your everyday wayworld thing; ambulance screaming up to the door at RC and loading the guy up and was definitely culture-shock time at wayville.
Kat - I was there - and you're right - it was the most surreal thing that happened when I was in-rez.
MMK's dad was there - BA was reading a poem. In the middle of it, he grunted and fell. We all thought it was a joke because he had made a comment on how old he was. I remember laughter, then silence when we realized he wasn't faking it.
I don't think the moment was "priceless", but you can bet I'll never forget it.
oldies-- yeah, seems like the first one went in when it was REALLY evil, black and a semi-swamp/toxic-waste dump. I know it was cleaned and enlarged and this and that many times over in later years but I do know that the the first time it was cleaned, in the spring of our first year there, some unbelievably gross stuff was mucked out. I seem to remember Diane DeB. Sch******t driving backhoe when it was being cleaned. We could go swimming that year, May, June and July and it was not bad but ya did need to shower up right still had a slightly funked tang to it...not for wearing to Sun. Night Service.... :D--> :P--> -->
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There were moments in the Corps, just like WOW stories, that were golden. Please feel free to add your "pearls of great price" ... At the beginning our first year in residence in Emporia, one day aft
Alfa, Remember that ROA run we made in my red 68 Mustang? I believe you and I both dodged a few real and imagined cows going through Nevada the first night. You had come up with a 'shortcut' that h
Lifted Up
In the fall of 1979, the corps women had a get together in the Wierwille home. We men decided to pull a raid and swipe the big plate of nchos we knew they would have. We couldn't have done it without
omg! i remember it well!
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Lifted Up
One very notable thing about Emporia meals back in the '70s (8th here) was the unavailability of second portions. In short, it certainly wasn't an all-you-can-eat deal. I'm not sure that was all bad, though. Funny thing, I did not lose or gain weight at Emporia, and I was a 27 year old male not on a diet, and active(no need to try to convince any former residence corps of the active part). Oh, about 155 pounds BTW.
An Indy 6th corps friend, female, (with whom I was also in residence with for a while in my first year), weighing somewhat less than I did, gained quite a bit of weight her first few months in residence. I know this is true (besides the fact that she told me) because I saw her when she was came back to Indy on temporary LOA; she had to buy new clothes when she got to Indy. When I asked her why, she said that she was eating much more regularly in residence than she had before because the meals (along with a lot of other things) were so structured.
I did know someone very well who lost weight while we were at Emporia; about a hundred pounds I believe. But he was loving every minute of it, and obviously a lot better off, as he started, I believe, at over three hundred. He was my Indy 8th corps buddy and lightbearers partner, plus the one with whom I sang a duet to win an extra sandwich at the Texas farm, the famed "General Patton" some may remember.
Either way, I think the diet was a lot better than, for example, Bill Clinton's admitted fast food quadruple bypass fare.
At HQ in residence, things were a little different...seconds were usually there. And I could do things like pull off my solo pantry raid after returning from LEAD.
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J0nny Ling0
Sounds superb Igotout. Was my wife with you all?
And, didn't Vince F*nnegan have his name written somewhere in the dome of the Anderson Library from some years gone by? Back when he wasn't with The Way? I heard that he'd been sent there by the Law for being bad, or something..
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Al Poole
Man... That picture's wierd... I wonder if that's still there.
Priceless moment.... BoBo Thomas... at lunch... 1st block...Dave Bedard asked him to stand and quote CP...? Don't remember ... he couldn't either... and DB said "why can't you remember it?" Bo BO mumbled something and Dave in the most incredulous tone of voice possible screams..."Black Love??????"
everybody falls out... BoBo says "NO... lack of love sir"
DB says "thanks for clearing that up for us, wasn't sure what was going on"
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J0nny Ling0
Lack of love...Hmmph...How bout, I forgot because being on the spot is scary?
One time in Christian Communication:
Dave B*dard says: Kevin Nye stand up! Recite CC Principle# 7!
Kevin stands up, struggles with it, but doesn't have it all down.
DB yelling: Why can't you remember it?!?! Dave B*rk just said it two minutes ago! Are you deaf?!?!
(As a matter of fact Kevin did have a serious hearing loss, but was not in favor of blaming things on his hearing loss, and didn't like to confess the negative of said hearing loss with the hopes of being healed one day).
Kevin begins to stammer something and DB screams; "Answer me! Are-You- Deaf?!?!
Kev*n still doesn't want to say yes, because he knows that this is not why he can't recite it anyway. But if he says no, it wouldn't really be true, and if yes, it would seem as an excuse and he'd really get creamed. Rock and a hard place. And on Kevin's right is his gal pal (just really good friend, for she was married) Karin Morgan. Karin is fidgeting in her chair as Kevin is being interrogated, grilled, smoked! Her husband Max had his hand on her knee, trying to keep her in check. He knows what she's thinking...
DB keeps on screaming at the top of his lungs (that little nipper!), and finally Karin can stand the abuse no more because Kevin is her friend. So, she leaps to her feet and yells almost in a military fashion;
"Yes Dave! He is very hard of hearing! He lost alot of his hearing due to adult measles and he doesn't want to confess that his hearing is bad because he wants to be healed one day!!!"
And then slams back down in her seat next to Kevin as he sits down too and hugs him, kisses him on the cheek, and then hugs Max, burying her head in his shoulder and sobbed saying "I'm sorry I'm sorry", waiting for DB to rip into her. It was so quiet one could hear a pin drop, except for Karin's crying...
But DB didn't rip into her. He was speechless for a moment, and then quietly says; "Well then why didn't you say so?" And Kevin says; "Because like Karin said, I never want to confess that my ears are bad and I don't want to use the loss as an excuse." And DB said; "oh".
Now, that Karin was some kind of a friend, no? What a Sister! God rest her soul. She died a few years later of ovarian cancer.
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My priceless corps moment is a little different, because I was not corps and it is not funny.
When I was on staff at HQ, Joe C. informed me that I'd be running video during the tues night corps meeting. I objected, reminding him that I wasn't corps (I'd gotten that smart already). He said it was all cleared with the leadership and I would do it.
Well anyway, things were going just fine, VPW was leading the meeting and soon after it started, he asked a guy to stand and give a report on a class he had attended. The class was run by non-twi people and it was about tracking. Tracking as in following animal tracks.
The guy gave a very nice talk on what he had learned. He liked the class a lot and was highly favorable of it. Then he made the mistake of saying it was more valuable to him than Lead. VPW went ballistic. He ripped into the guy for a good 5 minutes. Said he had a prideful spirit, said he didn't deserve to be corps, etc, etc... I think VPW ended it by ordering the guy out of the BRC and out of the corps.
I had never heard such an attack on another person in my whole life. Not at home, not in school, not in the Army, not in the workplace.
At that moment, I realized that I was in a cult run by a sick man. It was a couple of years before I got out, but nonetheless that moment was a crystalizing point in time.
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OMG, igotout.
Top floor anderson. I remember writing my name in toothepaste along with J*hn Z*ka, after our first year. Dang.....
Who knew John would be the library guru.
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not even in the Army, Jim ?
wierwille was very abusive but then he could be like the spouse who brings on the tears and the "i love you's"
ps. talk about ego, what a friggin bastard baby
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Jim.......I was there too.
Wierwille went ballistic......because many of the corps seated up front with vpw were LEAD staff and had specifically gone to this tracker school to learn some things. All was fine until Dxvid Dxwxxd said that this tracker guy's class was better than LEAD.
Yes, wierwille had a ....y fit, yelling and pointing and stomping back and forth, and glaring at David......said he was possessed!!! Another stunning memory that one doesn't tell wierwille that SOMEONE ELSE'S CLASS is better than veepee corps stuff!!!
David wasn't possessed........sheeeesh. This 8th corps guy loved the outdoors, he built his own cabin, he was well equipped in all types of outdoor situations.....and is now a successful businessman.
If anyone was possessed in that meeting.....wierwille got my vote.
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Hey Skyrider, I'm curious about the guy you're talking about, was that David DeWa*d by any chance?
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Cowgirl.....yes, he's the one.
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Not even in Vietnam-era boot camp in the Army. There was harassment and intimidation, but nothing like the soul-scathing abuse I saw that evening. Think about it. The worst thing they can tell you in boot camp is that you're stupid, uncoordinated, fat, lazy, sloppy, etc. VPW, the man of God for our time, told this guy, in front of about 100 of his peers, that he was posessed. I still shake my head in disbelief.
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I knew he wasn't possessed. And I would hope that most of the people there knew that he wasn't possessed. That was part of the insanity of the whole thing. David had a great time at the class. It suited him better than Lead and he made the mistake of being truthful about it. And then, in an instant, the wrath of VPW strikes him like a bolt of lightning.
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David did NOTHING to warrant such ripping, scathing, verbal abuse that night. NOTHING! Wierwille just didn't want to hear it.
As best I remember, the book The Tracker was written by Tom Brown....and later, he took enterprising steps towards seminars for those who wanted to learn foundational and advanced techniques in tracking. This tracker book was suggested reading for corps.
Maybe wierwille had visions of running his own "advanced tracking seminar".... until David endorsed Tom Brown's.
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skyrider true. This incident in 1980/81 was more telling of wierwille than anything else.
I had far more respect for David that night........and alot less for wierwille.
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One of the most priceless Corps moments for me was when TheEvan mooned the Texas Tomato Tyrant from a moving bus on the way back from watching a movie.
Evan......wanna elaborate?
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Evan is in Africa at the moment, I believe.
Not only Evan, but at least 7 other korks, including, horror of horrors, a moon of the female persuasion!! Dey all MUSTA been damn pozazzed!!! And to top it off, it was captured on film...ACK!!
Awaiting Evan to return and fill in details....
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Hope R.
Now there's a film I'd like to see!
Where in Africa? Is it a Missionary thing?
Hey - were either of you in Rome City when MMK announced her engagement? That's one of those "did this really happen?" stories.
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Nope, by that time I had been moved to Emporia. Perhaps someone who was at Rome City that block could relay the incident.
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Hope, I was there... were you in the other block with Evan and Catcup?? I thought you were with me at Emporia first..maybe not.
That scene with MMK's fiance was the most surreal thing I experienced in res. He is standing in front of the whole RomeCity body at dinner, telling us how happy he is to be getting married to such a wonderful woman and all; her parents there for the engagement announcement and all. He has a heart attack right at the front table and we all go on prayer alert, setting up schedules for 24 hour, etc.
I think we got the news he didn't make it sometime around 10 pm that evening. It was not your everyday wayworld thing; ambulance screaming up to the door at RC and loading the guy up and was definitely culture-shock time at wayville.
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Do any of you 6 corps folks remember the poor soul who got thrown into that cold filthy dirty swamp on their birthday?
Some people actually thought that was funny.
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Hope R.
Kat - I was there - and you're right - it was the most surreal thing that happened when I was in-rez.
MMK's dad was there - BA was reading a poem. In the middle of it, he grunted and fell. We all thought it was a joke because he had made a comment on how old he was. I remember laughter, then silence when we realized he wasn't faking it.
I don't think the moment was "priceless", but you can bet I'll never forget it.
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Hope R.
Oldies - do you mean the pond in Emporia? Lots of people got tossed into that from time to time. It was gross.
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oldies-- yeah, seems like the first one went in when it was REALLY evil, black and a semi-swamp/toxic-waste dump. I know it was cleaned and enlarged and this and that many times over in later years but I do know that the the first time it was cleaned, in the spring of our first year there, some unbelievably gross stuff was mucked out. I seem to remember Diane DeB. Sch******t driving backhoe when it was being cleaned. We could go swimming that year, May, June and July and it was not bad but ya did need to shower up right still had a slightly funked tang to it...not for wearing to Sun. Night Service....
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