Hope, I do know a couple of people who had letters printed in the rag, but most of those letters were written by corpse, wanna bees or staff members from what I could tell.
To me that says that they weren't really written from the heart but obligation letters like those we had to write in the classes and the greetings the limbs had to send in.
Someone can only read so many personal accounts on the web before they have to face the fact that that many people can't be lying. AND, if someone wants to know bad enough if it's true, they can prive topic someone and get validation.
I don't think I know about a Bennett lawsuit either. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
I can't believe WayDale was up a whole year before the lawsuits exposed martinfart. I can't believe how long I lurked before finally being set free!
The personal stories are phenomenal, exciting and excruciating to read. The "Night That Will Live in Infamy" thread about the suicide was heart wrenching and really showed me what an awful group of people I had given power over my life. I think the personal stories really helped me see that I wasn't alone and that I wasn't imagining things.
I was at HQ. When the crap went down at HQ after lcm's announcement, we were told the Lichts decided to leave. Shortly thereafter, we were told they apologized to lcm and were back. But then obviously they left for good shortly after that.
Just for the RECORD....the Allens were NOT FIRED from twi staff. Paul Allen confronted LCM and the trustees, including John Reynolds in an OSC conference room. He offered them and ultimatum, they declined, he went back to his unit, packed up his wife, and belongings and left. THEY NEVER LOOKED BACK.
When the Allens left, we were told they made accusations against the trustees and needed to leave as a result of that. We were never told what the accusations were. The Allens were made to look like the evil ones. Boy did rozilla and her bunch pull the wool over our eyes. They were trying to spoon-feed us the forgiveness BS line concerning Martinfail. David was a man after God's own heart, he sinned......Gawd!!! I wanna puke!!!
Hey TWI, the truth is out now. :D--> Did you change your story again since then???
"I was at HQ. When the crap went down at HQ after lcm's announcement, we were told the Lichts decided to leave. Shortly thereafter, we were told they apologized to lcm and were back. But then obviously they left for good shortly after that."
Thanks for clarifying. I suspect no one here in Michigan was ever informed of the "apology" if it ever even happened.
quote: And I had been outta TWI for nearly 9 years when I found this place.
How pathetic is that! -->
Ha! I was out for 17 years (mas o menos), and never knew what was going on, until I finally got the computer, found NO WAY OUT, and started reading some stories about folks that I knew personally. Leadership folks -- in prison for embezzlement, being sued for sexual indiscretion, etc., etc.
I had never kept up with what had been *happening*. I never knew pfal had been *scrapped*, and that a new revelation --> had taken it's place. First time I heard the term *fog years* was right here when I found this site from some link somewhere (I think it was from NO WAY OUT), and continued to read all the stuff that I had heard vaguely alluded to, but never *proven*. The personal stories hooked me, and I kept reading.
I had known only that "all was not a bed of roses" in twi, but beyond that -- nada, nothing, zilch, zero, zip. To find all this malcontent and open honesty about the *behind the scenes action*, made my day and validated everything I had suspected, but could not prove.
Twi is comprised of *technophobes*?? THANK GOD FOR TECHNOPHOBES!! :D-->
quote:I had known only that "all was not a bed of roses" in twi, but beyond that -- nada, nothing, zilch, zero, zip. To find all this malcontent and open honesty about the *behind the scenes action*, made my day and validated everything I had suspected, but could not prove.
dmiller......validated information is empowering, indeed!!
For me, even in the 80s......good people disappeared overnight. Reasons given ranged from minor differences to "possession." At times, it seemed like those closest to the trustees were the ones who were dropped from corps without warning and gotten "possessed by some daimon spirit."
Hearing personal accounts on the internet.......is like firing a warning shot over the bow of twi's battered ship. They have NOW been fairly warned!!
quote:Thanks for clarifying. I suspect no one here in Michigan was ever informed of the "apology" if it ever even happened.
The only reason I know about the apology is because when the L*chts first announced they could not support lcm and his "one time affair", an announcement was made in our department about the L*chts leaving. One foot in our department said "Oh good, now I won't have to smell her perfume in the auditorium on Sundays."
When the announcement was made that they apologized and decided to stay, we teased the guy about smelling perfume again....
By the second time they left, no announcement was made. They never made anymore announcements to our departments until D*an and Edn* S*iler decided to leave HQ. They got their housing assignment at HQ to live in Founders Hall. Their daughter was gone at college. I don't blame them one bit for not wanting to live in a freakin dorm room. I'm sure there was probably more to it than that. But an annoucement was made that they said they wanted to go back on the field. It was not a happy announcement. Our cabinet man didn't want to answer any questions regarding it. It was not presented as a good thing. From what I understand now, they left twi. Good for them.
The Bennett case was a child custody case filed in the state of Colorado, in the late 90s or 2000. It was discussed SOME on Waydale and Gspt, but since it was a child custody case, people were (surprisingly) kind.
It went something like this, J Bennett and his wife were in residence in the way corps at Camp Gunnison, they also had some children there with them. Pa*l Mos*que*a was the corps coordinator, it was during summer the summer. LCM and Wayne Clapp were both there.
J Bennett found out that Mrs. Bennett and LCM were having sex (I don't know ANY of the particulars,) BLEW HIS STACK....went to Wayne Clapp, who confronted lcm (anyone that knows THE TRUE FACTS...please chime in here.) J Bennett was immediately packed up and deposited in Gunnison, Mrs. Bennett stayed on grounds. J Bennett filed for divorce and custody.....lcm was named as in the suit. I know for sure that BiLL Gr**ne & Ri*co Spagetti flew out there for the hearings.
Mr & Mrs Bennett had been twig coordinators in the DC limb the year before I moved there, 1998. They were loved and well respected. As soon as this whole mess came down, J Bennett (bless his heart) called back to DC and told most of the folks what had happened. Within ONE WEEK, four couples (most of them HFC's) had quit and hit the high road.
The was quite a bit of fallout from this in wayworld. Wayne Clapp had finally had it, and turned in his resignation. Pa*l and B*v took a field assignment .....step one in their road to freedom.
J Bennett told his story at least once on Waydale, and another time here at Gspot....I occasionally see him in the blue box. I have no idea how or where he and his children are. Somewhere peaceful and happy I hope.
quote:J Bennett found out that Mrs. Bennett and LCM were having sex (I don't know ANY of the particulars,) BLEW HIS STACK....went to Wayne Clapp, who confronted lcm (anyone that knows THE TRUE FACTS...please chime in here.) J Bennett was immediately packed up and deposited in Gunnison, Mrs. Bennett stayed on grounds. J Bennett filed for divorce and custody.....lcm was named as in the suit. I know for sure that BiLL Gr**ne & Ri*co Spagetti flew out there for the hearings.
Radar......wasn't this the "incident" from that 1998 advanced class at hq?
From what I remember.....Mrs. Bennett and other inresidence corps were brought in from gunnison to be branch coordinators for the new students at this large hq class. Not all the corps were needed, and Mr. Bennett stayed back in gunnison with his kids and other corps to help there.
It was a corps "brother" of Mrs. Bennetts'.....who went and confronted lcm that same night (after seeing her distraught and hearing about the sex with lcm). This was the guy who was sent packing and driven to the Dayton bus station.....this corps guy made lots of phone calls. Lots of way followers believed him and exited twi!!
Maybe someone will show up on this forum with........a first-hand account of it?
You're right about the other corps guy. It was this other corps guy who found out hhis own wife was in loy's stable and also fooled around some besides this.
This other guy Cxxxx Dxxxn, was the one who "ripped loy a new one" .
The CD's went as a couple to that Advanced class. The JB's didn't. J did, but not the wife...she stayed in Gunnison with their children.
After the storm was over in loy's office (with 9 mil's exposed the D's were accompanied to collect their stuff and then drivenunder supervision to a hotel in Dayton to wait for the plane *home* the next morning. Their stuff at Gunnison was packed up for them...and every single thing they had wa picked through looking for a note of some kind in loy's handwriting.
Their computer was returned to them with its hard drive re-formatted!
JB was given a ticket on a bus back to Gunnison. The bus stopped all along the way at it's usual stops. Those at Gunnison therefore had plenty of time to work with his wife and tell her whatever they wanted to tell her....and moved her and the children quietly off campus for a while. When he returned, she was not there....but they did try to speak over the phone....and she refused to talk to him!
The CD's are now divorced. Mr. D has re-married but I'm not sure about Mrs. D.
Maybe that sheds a little more light on this picture?
Now after a story like that, how in H would the BOT expect anyone to trust them? It appears they pushed the "dirt" under the carpet and still let Puke Martinfail be the prez. They should be ashamed.
I was on Staff in 1998. I remember the couple who came to HQ to be Branch Study Group coordinators left in the midddle of the thing. It seemed kind of odd that Puke Martinfail didn't spew about how the adversary was working through them to cause such an uproar at an Advanced Class. Remember when everybody had to be a special spiritual alert at a root locale when an AC was going on? What a freakin joke!!! Puke Martinfail was probably farking women in between the sessions.
quote:This other guy Cxxxx Dxxxn, was the one who "ripped loy a new one" .
I'm pretty impressed with CD. I didn't know he had big cajones like that. It takes a lot to stand up to a big bully like Puke Martinfail. It's too bad that his marriage didn't work out. I hope he's happy now. He is a good guy.
You have really helped me to connect more of the dots! And, twi even took the time to re-format D's hard drive? Unbelievable!
It just keeps getting deeper and deeper for twi. Someday, more stories will uncover even THESE details.
And, Wayfer Not!
quote:Now after a story like that, how in H would the BOT expect anyone to trust them? It appears they pushed the "dirt" under the carpet and still let Puke Martinfail be the prez. They should be ashamed.
I was on Staff in 1998. I remember the couple who came to HQ to be Branch Study Group coordinators left in the midddle of the thing. It seemed kind of odd that Puke Martinfail didn't spew about how the adversary was working through them to cause such an uproar at an Advanced Class. Remember when everybody had to be a special spiritual alert at a root locale when an AC was going on? What a freakin joke!!! Puke Martinfail was probably farking women in between the sessions.
.......they SHOULD be ashamed........howard, martyfart, rosie, donnna, reynolds, sheeeesh.........spiritual welfarers, crouching in the shadows.....looking for their next meal.
Thanks so much for setting the Co Law suit info straight, I was hoping you would.
That is a line that was used at EVERY WOW TRAINING from 1975 - 1994. It is a UNIVERSAL, all encompassing truth....and works for believer and unbeliever alike. In other words, no one can communicate to a cult member better than an EX CULT MEMBER.
All I have is my story of deliverance.....which may offer someone currently in bondage to a cult a glimmer of hope, an idea on how to leave and re-establish life in life, the way GOD truly designed it to be lived.
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Hope, I do know a couple of people who had letters printed in the rag, but most of those letters were written by corpse, wanna bees or staff members from what I could tell.
To me that says that they weren't really written from the heart but obligation letters like those we had to write in the classes and the greetings the limbs had to send in.
Someone can only read so many personal accounts on the web before they have to face the fact that that many people can't be lying. AND, if someone wants to know bad enough if it's true, they can prive topic someone and get validation.
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I don't think I know about a Bennett lawsuit either. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
I can't believe WayDale was up a whole year before the lawsuits exposed martinfart. I can't believe how long I lurked before finally being set free!
The personal stories are phenomenal, exciting and excruciating to read. The "Night That Will Live in Infamy" thread about the suicide was heart wrenching and really showed me what an awful group of people I had given power over my life. I think the personal stories really helped me see that I wasn't alone and that I wasn't imagining things.
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I was at HQ. When the crap went down at HQ after lcm's announcement, we were told the Lichts decided to leave. Shortly thereafter, we were told they apologized to lcm and were back. But then obviously they left for good shortly after that.
When the Allens left, we were told they made accusations against the trustees and needed to leave as a result of that. We were never told what the accusations were. The Allens were made to look like the evil ones. Boy did rozilla and her bunch pull the wool over our eyes. They were trying to spoon-feed us the forgiveness BS line concerning Martinfail. David was a man after God's own heart, he sinned......Gawd!!! I wanna puke!!!
Hey TWI, the truth is out now.
:D--> Did you change your story again since then???
[Edited to clarify who the forgiveness was for.]
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instead of Bennett, was it J B*rnes lawsuit???
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"I was at HQ. When the crap went down at HQ after lcm's announcement, we were told the Lichts decided to leave. Shortly thereafter, we were told they apologized to lcm and were back. But then obviously they left for good shortly after that."
Thanks for clarifying. I suspect no one here in Michigan was ever informed of the "apology" if it ever even happened.
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Ha! I was out for 17 years (mas o menos), and never knew what was going on, until I finally got the computer, found NO WAY OUT, and started reading some stories about folks that I knew personally. Leadership folks -- in prison for embezzlement, being sued for sexual indiscretion, etc., etc.
I had never kept up with what had been *happening*. I never knew pfal had been *scrapped*, and that a new revelation
--> had taken it's place. First time I heard the term *fog years* was right here when I found this site from some link somewhere (I think it was from NO WAY OUT), and continued to read all the stuff that I had heard vaguely alluded to, but never *proven*. The personal stories hooked me, and I kept reading.
I had known only that "all was not a bed of roses" in twi, but beyond that -- nada, nothing, zilch, zero, zip. To find all this malcontent and open honesty about the *behind the scenes action*, made my day and validated everything I had suspected, but could not prove.
Twi is comprised of *technophobes*?? THANK GOD FOR TECHNOPHOBES!!
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dmiller......validated information is empowering, indeed!!
For me, even in the 80s......good people disappeared overnight. Reasons given ranged from minor differences to "possession." At times, it seemed like those closest to the trustees were the ones who were dropped from corps without warning and gotten "possessed by some daimon spirit."
Hearing personal accounts on the internet.......is like firing a warning shot over the bow of twi's battered ship. They have NOW been fairly warned!!
More "shots" just might sink em!
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The only reason I know about the apology is because when the L*chts first announced they could not support lcm and his "one time affair", an announcement was made in our department about the L*chts leaving. One foot in our department said "Oh good, now I won't have to smell her perfume in the auditorium on Sundays."
When the announcement was made that they apologized and decided to stay, we teased the guy about smelling perfume again....
By the second time they left, no announcement was made. They never made anymore announcements to our departments until D*an and Edn* S*iler decided to leave HQ. They got their housing assignment at HQ to live in Founders Hall. Their daughter was gone at college. I don't blame them one bit for not wanting to live in a freakin dorm room. I'm sure there was probably more to it than that. But an annoucement was made that they said they wanted to go back on the field. It was not a happy announcement. Our cabinet man didn't want to answer any questions regarding it. It was not presented as a good thing. From what I understand now, they left twi. Good for them.
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Radar OReilly
The Bennett case was a child custody case filed in the state of Colorado, in the late 90s or 2000. It was discussed SOME on Waydale and Gspt, but since it was a child custody case, people were (surprisingly) kind.
It went something like this, J Bennett and his wife were in residence in the way corps at Camp Gunnison, they also had some children there with them. Pa*l Mos*que*a was the corps coordinator, it was during summer the summer. LCM and Wayne Clapp were both there.
J Bennett found out that Mrs. Bennett and LCM were having sex (I don't know ANY of the particulars,) BLEW HIS STACK....went to Wayne Clapp, who confronted lcm (anyone that knows THE TRUE FACTS...please chime in here.) J Bennett was immediately packed up and deposited in Gunnison, Mrs. Bennett stayed on grounds. J Bennett filed for divorce and custody.....lcm was named as in the suit. I know for sure that BiLL Gr**ne & Ri*co Spagetti flew out there for the hearings.
Mr & Mrs Bennett had been twig coordinators in the DC limb the year before I moved there, 1998. They were loved and well respected. As soon as this whole mess came down, J Bennett (bless his heart) called back to DC and told most of the folks what had happened. Within ONE WEEK, four couples (most of them HFC's) had quit and hit the high road.
The was quite a bit of fallout from this in wayworld. Wayne Clapp had finally had it, and turned in his resignation. Pa*l and B*v took a field assignment .....step one in their road to freedom.
J Bennett told his story at least once on Waydale, and another time here at Gspot....I occasionally see him in the blue box. I have no idea how or where he and his children are. Somewhere peaceful and happy I hope.
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thank you radar dearest
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Radar......wasn't this the "incident" from that 1998 advanced class at hq?
From what I remember.....Mrs. Bennett and other inresidence corps were brought in from gunnison to be branch coordinators for the new students at this large hq class. Not all the corps were needed, and Mr. Bennett stayed back in gunnison with his kids and other corps to help there.
It was a corps "brother" of Mrs. Bennetts'.....who went and confronted lcm that same night (after seeing her distraught and hearing about the sex with lcm). This was the guy who was sent packing and driven to the Dayton bus station.....this corps guy made lots of phone calls. Lots of way followers believed him and exited twi!!
Maybe someone will show up on this forum with........a first-hand account of it?
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I can help a little skyrider.
You're right about the other corps guy. It was this other corps guy who found out hhis own wife was in loy's stable and also fooled around some besides this.
This other guy Cxxxx Dxxxn, was the one who "ripped loy a new one" .
The CD's went as a couple to that Advanced class. The JB's didn't. J did, but not the wife...she stayed in Gunnison with their children.
After the storm was over in loy's office (with 9 mil's exposed the D's were accompanied to collect their stuff and then drivenunder supervision to a hotel in Dayton to wait for the plane *home* the next morning. Their stuff at Gunnison was packed up for them...and every single thing they had wa picked through looking for a note of some kind in loy's handwriting.
Their computer was returned to them with its hard drive re-formatted!
JB was given a ticket on a bus back to Gunnison. The bus stopped all along the way at it's usual stops. Those at Gunnison therefore had plenty of time to work with his wife and tell her whatever they wanted to tell her....and moved her and the children quietly off campus for a while. When he returned, she was not there....but they did try to speak over the phone....and she refused to talk to him!
The CD's are now divorced. Mr. D has re-married but I'm not sure about Mrs. D.
Maybe that sheds a little more light on this picture?
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Now after a story like that, how in H would the BOT expect anyone to trust them? It appears they pushed the "dirt" under the carpet and still let Puke Martinfail be the prez. They should be ashamed.
I was on Staff in 1998. I remember the couple who came to HQ to be Branch Study Group coordinators left in the midddle of the thing. It seemed kind of odd that Puke Martinfail didn't spew about how the adversary was working through them to cause such an uproar at an Advanced Class. Remember when everybody had to be a special spiritual alert at a root locale when an AC was going on? What a freakin joke!!! Puke Martinfail was probably farking women in between the sessions.
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I'm pretty impressed with CD. I didn't know he had big cajones like that. It takes a lot to stand up to a big bully like Puke Martinfail. It's too bad that his marriage didn't work out. I hope he's happy now. He is a good guy.
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You have really helped me to connect more of the dots! And, twi even took the time to re-format D's hard drive? Unbelievable!
It just keeps getting deeper and deeper for twi. Someday, more stories will uncover even THESE details.
And, Wayfer Not!
.......they SHOULD be ashamed........howard, martyfart, rosie, donnna, reynolds, sheeeesh.........spiritual welfarers, crouching in the shadows.....looking for their next meal.
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Let's COUNT the lawsuits......the ones that were filed when martindale, an authoritative-figure & "minister," sexually assaulted married women.
1. Bennett lawsuit.......married corps woman at 1998 hq advanced class
2. Allen lawsuit.........married corps woman on hq staff
3. Parker lawsuit........married corps woman on hq staff
4. Any others???
Hmmmmmmmmm........there seems to be a pattern here.
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There's the one about the ABS the guy asked for back, but it's not about sex.
There's the other lawsuits about copyright infringement and basic bully tactics.
I don't know how those people sleep at night. I wonder if they even believe in God and that they'll have to answer for these things one day.
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as to the Co Bennett case, Steve Daniels was in the courtroom too...was the incoming RC
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Radar OReilly
Thanks so much for setting the Co Law suit info straight, I was hoping you would.
That is a line that was used at EVERY WOW TRAINING from 1975 - 1994. It is a UNIVERSAL, all encompassing truth....and works for believer and unbeliever alike. In other words, no one can communicate to a cult member better than an EX CULT MEMBER.
All I have is my story of deliverance.....which may offer someone currently in bondage to a cult a glimmer of hope, an idea on how to leave and re-establish life in life, the way GOD truly designed it to be lived.
Thanks for the thread.
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Radar........another gem.
Thanks for sharing your many stories with us. (((((radar)))))
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