Yes, Satori, if you decide to try to take my life apart on this thread, or any other, you had damn well better have taken good notes.
Of course you don't want to argue when you're caught with your pants down. Any other time, you're game if you think you can get away with it and no one will call you on it.
I purposefully ignored your little "fib" on that other thread, but since you are establishing a pattern of lying here, I'm not letting you off the hook this time.
You're damn right I'm gonna take a stand here, you're NOT going to LIE about me AGAIN and get away with it.
Just more evidence that the truth only matters to you if it agrees with your purposes.
quote: posted February 07, 2005 00:12 by satori001 on PAGE 16 of the thread.
Please explain why this is not a "package statement." Or if it is,...
quote: posted February 07, 2005 12:48 by George Aar on page 17 of the thread
O.K., I've tried to stay uninvolved on this thread since I played the smarta$$ with you, but this statement just rubs me all kinda wrong:
quote: posted February 08, 2005 10:11 by satori001 on page 19
Another aside - Sorry to call you HCM - I noticed George wrote that but I didn't see I had posted it too. Could have been a subconscious slip. HCM - LCM, or just habit. Not intentional though, for what it's worth.
Keep talking satori. You are lying.
As I said before, you have lost whatever credibility you had built. Now you lie and stoop even lower.
1. I didn't call out the "majority think" term...
quote: Howard, I've learned this site can become a majority think in regards to twi.
houseisarockin did.
2. Everyone else here seems to understand I'm telling my story about what happened to ME at LEAD 104. My story, dedicated to and told for Rochelle.
You're " on" that after having already stomped on her grave and desecrated her memory.
You don't understand what bum-rush means, how can you possibly comprehend a figure of speech.
Uh, oh. There I go manifesting the ineffable greatness of being a "livin' TWI time-capsule" again.
quote:posted February 07, 2005 13:50 by satori001
I'm still interested in your account of the person you originally wanted to remember. She can't speak for herself now. It's up to you.
As soon as I DO, do what you suggest you SLAM me.
Originally posted by satori
She can't speak for herself now. It's up to you.
This is precisely that pattern that the cults use to gain control of people's minds. I can respect George. He labels himself "Curmudgeon" makes overtly smarta$$ remearks and has the decency to avoid this type of discourse in the name of respect. He's also smart enough to see the story winding down and asks pointed questions that MAKE SENSE.
I can respect that AND him for doing that.
How can I respect stuff like this?
quote:Divided attention raises the threshold of sensitivity to change. Period.
What? What in the world does THAT mean? The "threshold of sensitivty to change." THAT makes SENSE???
Maybe in satoriWorld, but not on earth. Sounds, to me, like "Prevailing in the prevailing world of prevailingness."
If YOU can explain that "threshold" thing, I MAY decide to adress your other questions. Probably not though. WHy should I talk to you when you LIE, and twist the words of others, apparently to appear as you have some sort of upperhand and "moral highground."
Wanted to point this out. It was worth being a little late for my lunch thing.
But don't people see that the "majority think" they subscribe to here is just as cultlike as the "group think" they denouce aobut TWI?
....Just as dangerous? AT LEAST as dangerous as the handling of "the evaluation" sheet? The result of the majority think can lead to the same result - - a CRASH that injures many? I don't get why people who claim to be soo passionately against cult like behavior fall so easily back into the same behavior.
I've observed new people coming in and there is a period of time the regulars allow them to praise twi. It's part of the process many have to go thru. I'm not in agreement we have to drop kick the whole works, as stated to you prior by me. And from my observation the times when the regulars pick up their aggressiveness against twi towards the newbies is when they think they recognize signs of what holds them bond to their personal chains. If one of us comes on just to tell the newbie their full of crap and nothing ever good could come of it then they'd be showing their rear ends for all their buds to view. No longer hidden are you once you hit Post Now.
As for "majority think", I think we are because we share experiences or believe in each other that have been and we are just simply in agreement in many ways. Some of us have had our hearts dealt with in ways unimagined because one day we came here and made ourselves known. There's a central goal in this particular forum. It's letting those who want to know, lurkers in and out of twi, what they are behind closed doors. We can't deny no matter how red faced we may get "any good" given us by God. I'm not flexible on that point.
Why don't they see that?
"You can change the label of the jab , but it don't change the PICK-les on the inside."
Oh yeah man. Thanks for pointing it out, I DO see how important this thread is. I'm amazed it's still going. I give credenc to its importance by the amount of time I've put into it the past few days.
I'm not surprised, and by the way I'm a woman should your man be in respect to a sex rather than a phrasing (of which I use myself).
I trust you realize that Kevin, as far as I know never once shirked any responsibility for his part in the crash. I was told it haunted him for years.
Bless his heart, and again yours as well.
I posted MY opinion, which is, as directly as I can put it,
I NEVER HAVE SPENT AN INSTANT BLAMING KEVIN. Nor will I EVER. It MAY be, and its becoming increasingly evident to me, that "you had to be there" to understand that thinking.
I understand "you had to be there." Trust me on that Howard!!!!!
Like a joke, perfect for that one moment in time when it was a truly gut splitting experience, loses its effect when even the best deliverer relates it to someone else. I'm thinking "you had to BE there" or have "been there" in other "there's" in your own life to "Gnosko" understand that concept. (???)
I covered this above.
I'm also thinking it falls into the category of God's wisdom being "foolishness" to man's wisdom.
I appreciate what you've said here. Hopefully, by doing so, the healing process will kick in again (since you said you'd done a lot of intraspection previously).
I didn't perceive Satori as attacking you, but merely stating that he saw some inconsistencies in your account about whether or not twi should shoulder any or all of the responsibility for the accident.
Also, Catcup, if you imagine that people are sending him private emails saying bad things about you, would you not agree that that sounds, in itself, a bit paranoid? This is not a criticism, just an observation. I do not know or care to know who you are, either, and I haven't kept up with you at all. But, that doesn't mean I don't value you as a poster. I do. You have some really good things to say.
So, stone away, but please realize HCW got a little huffy at Satori, first, and I saw him as trying to defend himself. No, I don't know or care to know, particularly, who Satori is either. Just that he also has some really good posts sometimes and he has his way of expressing himself that is different from some others.
All I'm saying, is that all of us get a bit sensitive sometimes, but let's, hopefully, all remain friends.
Disclaimer: I haven't read every word by every poster, so if I've missed some slights, I've chosen to just let them go.
quote:Divided attention raises the threshold of sensitivity to change. Period.
What? What in the world does THAT mean? The "threshold of sensitivty to change." THAT makes SENSE???
Maybe in satoriWorld, but not on earth. Sounds, to me, like "Prevailing in the prevailing world of prevailingness."
If YOU can explain that "threshold" thing, I MAY decide to adress your other questions. Probably not though. WHy should I talk to you when you LIE, and twist the words of others, apparently to appear as you have some sort of upperhand and "moral highground."
Wanted to point this out. It was worth being a little late for my lunch thing.
Alright, first you never define the "lie," so I don't know what you're saying. I said I noticed George had misspelled your handle, but didn't notice I had also done it. So? Where's the lie?
To the main question, the "threshold" statement was a little abstract. I'm sure Zixar could explain it better. It has to do with sensation and perception.
Low threshold of awareness:
If you are driving alone, without the radio on, attention focused, you may be aware of countless sensory stimuli related to the vehicle. You'll hear the engine, the tires sing on the pavement, slight changes in the surface of the road. You'll see the road to its horizon. You'll register vague changes in light, as clouds vary in density. You'll notice the smell of the air from the vents. You might taste the inside of your own mouth. You'll tweak the controls to set the perfect inside temperature. Your attention is working well below its peak, and processing as much as you allow it. Your threshold of awareness is very low - everything gets in.
High threshold:
But then you may begin to daydream. You're driving on "auto-pilot." Your attention resources are now largely turned inward. You may not notice the vehicle gradually drifting until you feel the rough surface of the shoulder's edge under your wheels. The weather may have changed, but you hadn't noticed until now. The car's interior may have "suddenly" gotten much cooler, or hotter, but you hadn't noticed until now. In other words, much more stimulation is required before you are consciously aware of it.
These are two extremes, just to demonstrate. Because attention is a limited commodity, the amount of stimulation required to register with us consciously varies with how we have allocated it.
The more divided our attention is, the greater the stimulus required before a change in the environment registers upon our awareness.
One more illustration of threshold: If you are sitting in a room, doing nothing, you may be aware of a 1 degree change in temperature. If you're watching the news, you may be aware after 2-3 degrees. If you're watching football, you may not be aware at all, until the commercial break, that the window is wide open and there is snow on your feet.
In the first instance, the threshold is a change of 1 degree. Very low.
The 2nd instance, 2-3 degrees. Somewhat higher.
The 3rd, a much higher change is required.
This is why TV commercials are so much louder than regular programming. They need additional stimulus to gain the same level of attention, because the subject alone doesn't command it.
Visual stimulation requires more attention than auditory. Logical thinking requires even more attention. Reading (which is both logical and visual), even more. Driving may require very little, or quite a lot, depending on circumstances.
In other words, "Divided attention raises the threshold of sensitivity to change."
If you would like any clarification, I'll do my best.
HCW, I have copied this entire thread into a Word document. I have also compiled a document of only those posts of yours regarding the actual topic of this thread.
I'm leaving you my e-mail address in a private topic so that I can send them to you. If you'd like to re-post your story you can use the document, break it into separate posts and edit it as you wish. Hopefully no one will post on that one in a derailment, but only support and nice memories about Rochelle, you and L.E.A.D. 104 Grrrrr...
I really like your signature. It sums up a lot of what is wrong with most of America today. I have never heard of walter Lippman. What are some more of his sayings?
There were certain details in some of HCW's posts to me that seemed very coincidental, as if he were being coached.
If I thought that coaching were coming from the CIA, or the devil, or the "WayGB," maybe that would be paranoid. But I think it might be coming from a Greasespotter or two. It would be naive to think it didn't happen, here and there.
No, not patronizing at all. The fact that HCW got "huffy" (not my choice of words, but accurate) is something many didn't notice. I appreciated WB's mentioning it.
Did you answer my question on the PT you sent to me?
Yeah, he's respectable. If he offers you a ride on his motor coach, turn him down. His heroes aren't very wholesome. I'm thinking he has a raincoat to match his hat.
Jennifer Nessle, well howdy. I'm not respectable, but I hang around from time to time. Our daughter's name is Jennifer too, so for starters that's great. :)--> This seems an odd place to say hello but it's as good as any. I won't get in the way of the conversation but I knew your mom and dad at a point long ago. Nice people. I'm proud that they're together and have kept that Light of their love burning - not an easy thing to do sometimes in this world. Be good.
That was a quote from Satori that I pulled from his own post. HE was wondering if people were talking to HCW about him behind his back, not ME. Here is the quote in it's entirety:
"By the way, it's s.a.t.o.r.i, not santori. I'm wondering if you haven't been getting email or private messages from a few weak-minded individuals attempting to "help" you understand my POV."
Thanks for your support, but watch your step here. Not everything is as it seems. Some of these folks would eat their young alive, not to mention you.
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As far as standing up, talking back. People did that a lot, especially after POP. People got "mad as hell, and we're not gonna take it anymore!" Of my personal pet peeves was the whole money thing. T
I never participated in it, but I always thought it sounded like "Outward Bound", which has been measurably more successful in achieving it's participant's goals.
Yes, but then there's the counter teaching: If you obey the MOG, God will bless you. So what do you do when the MOG orders you to act recklessly? Rhetorical question. SoCrates
Yes, Satori, if you decide to try to take my life apart on this thread, or any other, you had damn well better have taken good notes.
Of course you don't want to argue when you're caught with your pants down. Any other time, you're game if you think you can get away with it and no one will call you on it.
I purposefully ignored your little "fib" on that other thread, but since you are establishing a pattern of lying here, I'm not letting you off the hook this time.
You're damn right I'm gonna take a stand here, you're NOT going to LIE about me AGAIN and get away with it.
Just more evidence that the truth only matters to you if it agrees with your purposes.
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Keep talking satori. You are lying.
As I said before, you have lost whatever credibility you had built. Now you lie and stoop even lower.
1. I didn't call out the "majority think" term...
houseisarockin did.
2. Everyone else here seems to understand I'm telling my story about what happened to ME at LEAD 104. My story, dedicated to and told for Rochelle.
You're " on" that after having already stomped on her grave and desecrated her memory.
You don't understand what bum-rush means, how can you possibly comprehend a figure of speech.
Uh, oh. There I go manifesting the ineffable greatness of being a "livin' TWI time-capsule" again.
As soon as I DO, do what you suggest you SLAM me.
This is precisely that pattern that the cults use to gain control of people's minds. I can respect George. He labels himself "Curmudgeon" makes overtly smarta$$ remearks and has the decency to avoid this type of discourse in the name of respect. He's also smart enough to see the story winding down and asks pointed questions that MAKE SENSE.
I can respect that AND him for doing that.
How can I respect stuff like this?
What? What in the world does THAT mean? The "threshold of sensitivty to change." THAT makes SENSE???
Maybe in satoriWorld, but not on earth. Sounds, to me, like "Prevailing in the prevailing world of prevailingness."
If YOU can explain that "threshold" thing, I MAY decide to adress your other questions. Probably not though. WHy should I talk to you when you LIE, and twist the words of others, apparently to appear as you have some sort of upperhand and "moral highground."
Wanted to point this out. It was worth being a little late for my lunch thing.
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See page 8 for a brief overview of what came of Rochelle.
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I'm done here.
My apologies to Rochelle for the mess this memorial thread turned out to be.
She deserves to be treated with more respect.
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I appreciate what you've said here. Hopefully, by doing so, the healing process will kick in again (since you said you'd done a lot of intraspection previously).
I didn't perceive Satori as attacking you, but merely stating that he saw some inconsistencies in your account about whether or not twi should shoulder any or all of the responsibility for the accident.
Also, Catcup, if you imagine that people are sending him private emails saying bad things about you, would you not agree that that sounds, in itself, a bit paranoid? This is not a criticism, just an observation. I do not know or care to know who you are, either, and I haven't kept up with you at all. But, that doesn't mean I don't value you as a poster. I do. You have some really good things to say.
So, stone away, but please realize HCW got a little huffy at Satori, first, and I saw him as trying to defend himself. No, I don't know or care to know, particularly, who Satori is either. Just that he also has some really good posts sometimes and he has his way of expressing himself that is different from some others.
All I'm saying, is that all of us get a bit sensitive sometimes, but let's, hopefully, all remain friends.
Disclaimer: I haven't read every word by every poster, so if I've missed some slights, I've chosen to just let them go.
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To the main question, the "threshold" statement was a little abstract. I'm sure Zixar could explain it better. It has to do with sensation and perception.
Low threshold of awareness:
If you are driving alone, without the radio on, attention focused, you may be aware of countless sensory stimuli related to the vehicle. You'll hear the engine, the tires sing on the pavement, slight changes in the surface of the road. You'll see the road to its horizon. You'll register vague changes in light, as clouds vary in density. You'll notice the smell of the air from the vents. You might taste the inside of your own mouth. You'll tweak the controls to set the perfect inside temperature. Your attention is working well below its peak, and processing as much as you allow it. Your threshold of awareness is very low - everything gets in.
High threshold:
But then you may begin to daydream. You're driving on "auto-pilot." Your attention resources are now largely turned inward. You may not notice the vehicle gradually drifting until you feel the rough surface of the shoulder's edge under your wheels. The weather may have changed, but you hadn't noticed until now. The car's interior may have "suddenly" gotten much cooler, or hotter, but you hadn't noticed until now. In other words, much more stimulation is required before you are consciously aware of it.
These are two extremes, just to demonstrate. Because attention is a limited commodity, the amount of stimulation required to register with us consciously varies with how we have allocated it.
The more divided our attention is, the greater the stimulus required before a change in the environment registers upon our awareness.
One more illustration of threshold: If you are sitting in a room, doing nothing, you may be aware of a 1 degree change in temperature. If you're watching the news, you may be aware after 2-3 degrees. If you're watching football, you may not be aware at all, until the commercial break, that the window is wide open and there is snow on your feet.
In the first instance, the threshold is a change of 1 degree. Very low.
The 2nd instance, 2-3 degrees. Somewhat higher.
The 3rd, a much higher change is required.
This is why TV commercials are so much louder than regular programming. They need additional stimulus to gain the same level of attention, because the subject alone doesn't command it.
Visual stimulation requires more attention than auditory. Logical thinking requires even more attention. Reading (which is both logical and visual), even more. Driving may require very little, or quite a lot, depending on circumstances.
In other words, "Divided attention raises the threshold of sensitivity to change."
If you would like any clarification, I'll do my best.
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Waterbuffalo, Satori posted that, back about February 07, 2005 17:51, as the crow flies.
HCW, I'm sorry about what happened. I understand why you're trying to work it out and I hope doing this helps.
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HCW, I have copied this entire thread into a Word document. I have also compiled a document of only those posts of yours regarding the actual topic of this thread.
I'm leaving you my e-mail address in a private topic so that I can send them to you. If you'd like to re-post your story you can use the document, break it into separate posts and edit it as you wish. Hopefully no one will post on that one in a derailment, but only support and nice memories about Rochelle, you and L.E.A.D. 104 Grrrrr...
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I really like your signature. It sums up a lot of what is wrong with most of America today. I have never heard of walter Lippman. What are some more of his sayings?
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There were certain details in some of HCW's posts to me that seemed very coincidental, as if he were being coached.
If I thought that coaching were coming from the CIA, or the devil, or the "WayGB," maybe that would be paranoid. But I think it might be coming from a Greasespotter or two. It would be naive to think it didn't happen, here and there.
By the way, you're very perceptive.
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Oh brother. Come down from the ceiling now. It's feeding time.
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A la prochaine
I think Waterbuffalo was just speaking from the heart. Perceptive yes, but I found he/she was just being honest more than anything else.
It almost sounds like you are patronizing her/him.
Just my perception
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welcome to Greasepot Jennifer Nessle
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No, not patronizing at all. The fact that HCW got "huffy" (not my choice of words, but accurate) is something many didn't notice. I appreciated WB's mentioning it.
Did you answer my question on the PT you sent to me?
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Nice to meet you too. There are quite a few respectable folks here and hope you make many friends.
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Yeah, he's respectable. If he offers you a ride on his motor coach, turn him down. His heroes aren't very wholesome. I'm thinking he has a raincoat to match his hat.
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Hi Jennifer. Glad you're here.
I know your parents from my corps and staff experiences. Nice people and, like them, I never fit the mold of twi's bullies either.
If the table conversation isn't to your liking......try another table.
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Jennifer Nessle, well howdy. I'm not respectable, but I hang around from time to time. Our daughter's name is Jennifer too, so for starters that's great.
:)--> This seems an odd place to say hello but it's as good as any. I won't get in the way of the conversation but I knew your mom and dad at a point long ago. Nice people. I'm proud that they're together and have kept that Light of their love burning - not an easy thing to do sometimes in this world. Be good.
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That was a quote from Satori that I pulled from his own post. HE was wondering if people were talking to HCW about him behind his back, not ME. Here is the quote in it's entirety:
"By the way, it's s.a.t.o.r.i, not santori. I'm wondering if you haven't been getting email or private messages from a few weak-minded individuals attempting to "help" you understand my POV."
Thanks for your support, but watch your step here. Not everything is as it seems. Some of these folks would eat their young alive, not to mention you.
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So... anybody seen Craig in the bushes lately? I'm sort of joking, but I am curious about that incident. What ever happened?
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Jennifer you made my day. Thanks.
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