My second post was concern for someone who was already getting pecked to death:
"It disheartens me to see people come here, try to make a decent point, fill in the missing pieces about a significant event, and they get derailed and picked to pieces, and mired down in the details of having to defend themselves against whatever some cyberbully decides to pick on.
This behavior actually mimicks what TWI did to us: strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel-- pick at one detail to the neglect of the main body of witness.
This happens way too often here these days, and it's too damn bad. That's the mildest way I can put it.
You know what HCW, those of us who were going to "get" the heart of what you wanted to share, GOT it. You have no obligation to explain yourself to people who truly don't give a damn about what you were trying to explain. Don't even try. Some folks here who think they are so enlightened (0N BOTH SIDES OF AN ISSUE), just hang out to tear folks down in order to build up their own egos.
There is the basic context of my second post which Satori found so personally offensive to himself.
You should have a concern for the individual and for truth.
But then again, you can't tell the difference between truth and falsehoods in your own head.
I can't expect you to have concern for anyone other than your own skin.
Festivus, by the way, is from Seinfeld. It was the Costanza family holiday. "Festivus for the rest of us."
I missed that episode but I love the concept. One of its elements is the "airing of grievances," where Mr. Costanza tells his family all the ways in which they have disappointed him in the past year.
One of Catcup's posts suddenly reminded of the Costanza family's airing of grievances.
To those of you who have never been pecked by a duck, believe me, they can hurt. :D-->
quote:Originally posted by rascal:
Your point is well taken Satori, (I don`t want to fight with you, you can think circles around me)
Fear not rascal, Satori has no more intelligence than anyone here. He is simply over educated, and way too imaginative. Like a lawyer, he has learned to be good with words. Like a lawyer, he dazzles with seemingly brilliant bullcrap, and distracts by diverting to side issues. He uses obscure and contrarian imaginings to confound good and wise things simply to prove his own superiorty.
If there is one thing I have learned in this life, it is that some men can say great and wonderful words that persuade men to follow any viewpoint even unto death.
With all their great imaginings and words, they are still dead wrong.
Do not fear their vain words, they only mean they have more to answer to God for. ;)-->
I would rather see the messenger welcomed and made to feel comfortable, rather than feeling under attack.
The guy is trying to tell a very difficult story, he is trying to tell about a woman who placed her faith and trust in an organization, who was hurt, and then cast out when she was persieved as a burden.
A life tossed away, that is the big picture....but it can`t be told because you are so busy trying to make hcw see culpabiliy....there is plenty to go around....
He is not ready for that, you are not going to make him see your effort to be *right* the tragic story degenerated into forum wars, and in the end.....the *truth* has once again been lost.....
Neither your purpose nor his has been served, and something important was lost, that, imo is the bigger picture.
Again, thank you HCW for your story. I think you have been quite detailed in the accounting of it, giving a number of details most people would never have noticed.
HCW said he was a city boy, well, I was born and bred a farm boy. From long before my birth, my dad used trailers for many things. His trailers were similiar to theTWI trailer in that they were made from old car rear axles and tires. You use the drive shaft as the forward frame to the trailer hitch, and weld on a couple steel angle bars to make an A frame for sturdiness.
Any competent backyard mechanic with the materials and a welder can make a good safe one in a few hours. To make it legal, you take it to a local license branch to be inspected to see it meets state laws.
Dad's trailers had about a 4x8 bed area, the sideboards were 10 or 12 inches high. he used them to haul coal, cordwood, furniture, roto tillers, anything you could imagine. He made a lot of money and saved a lot of money too with those trailers.
Trailers are useful but quirky devices that require things be done just exactly so, otherwise a hundred things can go very wrong very fast. Even when done right, things inside can shift around, and wind and road conditions can cause them to go out of control and take you with it.
From my dad's teaching and from a juvenile lifetime of feeling the sensations in the seat of my pants, I could tell exactly how a trailer was riding, but I also had a similiar experience to this story topic, I used the same corrective maneuver, and fortunately had no problems. It still put my adrenaline in overdrive though.
I have also seen right in front of my face, one of those 20 plus foot trailers like landscape teams use, swerve for no reason that I saw, go vertical standing on it's nose, and then roll itself and the truck towing it three times into the median. This was in steady easy traffic on a brand new very smooth road.
Does anyone recall, it used to say on many a highway sign:
Vehicles towing trailers
Speed limit 45 mph.
There was a reason for that.
What I am saying is you can know all the rules and be well experienced with trailers and can still have an accident a dozen different ways. I don't know how much experience Kevin had with trucks and trailers, but in my opinion when everything went wrong, he did everything right. There were just too many things working against him, both man made and natural.
As to Kevin being distracted with the paperwork? How many times have I seen women driving down the interstate putting on their makeup? How many times have I seen men doing the same while reading a book or newpaper? Or how many times have I seen both men and women doing 70 with a phone glued to their ears, or eating a gooey cheeseburger? And there are many other examples.
Distractions while driving is a common problem that seems to get worse all the time. I'm not making excuses, I am saying just about everyone does it at times.
One person here has asked a couple times, "wasn't it against the law to haul those people in the pickup bed?" Back in the early '80s, probably half the states had such laws, and half not. High population citified states likely would have had the law by then.
The rural population states would tend to resist it until forced by insurance or the feds. Country folks, many times teach a child of 8 or 10 to drive a tractor or truck on the farm for needful things. They also teach kids how to be safe with said tractors, trucks, trailers and various dangerous machineries.
A thing I've noticed here is that most of the judgements are being made from our twenty something plus additional years of hindsight, opinions and prejudices. Have we forgotten what it was like when we were young, full of energy and indestructible?
In our youths, we tended to do many things that would make us shudder today. Those of us who became hippies did even more and those of who were adventurous did some really totally stupid things. Also in those days, there were a lot less rules and regulations simply because america was the land of the free.
It seems to me like I was cool with satori001 until I made a statement to the effect that I didn't blame Kevin Smith for the wreck.
Prior to that there was just George who wanted me to "get on with it." I could get with the fact that all he wanted then was to hear the story. SO I told him to shut up the same way I would tell a buddy over a beer.
He went off to argue on another thread in respect. I saw that as a respectable act. He didn't come back to argue until it was clear that the story was winding down. He fired a salvo... cool. It was a blast, but a respectFULL, respectABLE one.
I've known this story for 23 YEARS, I knew telling it here would cause outrage. When it started coming up I was prepared for it. I even set the stage for it...
quote: If TWI was 1% the ministry that say they are, God's ministry, they would never have allowed the memory of what happened that hot day in October to be forgotten.
The arguing started when Oldie commended all who attended and endured LEAD (on page 2). The first shot
quote: Nobody would question that, so your real point is that you are missing the point.
was satori. How can one say he is not being personal when he uses the PERSONAL pronoun, in 2nd person, YOU?? If one intends NOT for his words to be taken PERSONALLY he must use 3rd person pronouns (get it?). YOU, is personal, by definition. On cannot argue it away by saying something like, "because I didn't know it was a lie, that makes it NOT a lie."
No, That statement, by definition, makes one IGNORANT.
Intentionally making an untrue statement makes one a liar. Evidently one believes that the operative word "intentional" carries the power and weight of truth. No, it doesn't.
Perhaps it would be more respectABLE for one to say, "I'm sorry to disparage you with what I thought was true. I was wrong."
quote: oldiesman, you may be incapable of understanding... an insult. It is a judgement that carries Romans 2:1 "consequences" for lack of a better word. On cannot judge the capablities of another, apparently because another does not agree with HIM.
Another's opinion is as valid as any other opinion... Opinions are like... well we all have an opinion at times.
MY, educated, opinion, as a witness, is that even if we had brand new, all state of the art equipment; we STILL would have chosen to take the shiny new pickup with the state of the art trailer, over the custom, air-conditioned motorcoach.
WE CHOSE to take the pickup, there was a perfectly fine bus available. We rode the BUS to the airport; They didn't buy, or rent one... we used the one they already had.
Besides, a factory manufactured trailer most likely would have been heavier, which would have caused it, under the same factors to whip up & over at a slightly different down angle. The heavier trailer, by the laws of physics would create an exponentially higher amount of force and speed, which would mutliply the force of impact and....
The heavier trailer probably would have hit the people who were not thrown from the bed and squashed them like bugs, killing them instantly before bouncing onto whomever was in its path.
Hmmm.... 900lbs x 45mph = X amounf of force hitting a 125lb girl or 165lb guy.... no contest.
Even though on that day the thought of blaming Kevin never crossed my mind, I've grown to understand why. I'm reminded of it everytime I look into the eye of one of my childern.
When they do something wrong and I know they know they know better, and they know I know they know better; they look me right in the eye, like I know they know they know better... and at that moment, we both know all of that right then, IN the MOMENT all of life freezes for an instant.
I say "WHY?????? Did you DOOOO that????????
They say, "I dun-no?" (parents??? familiar???)
quote: from page 1:
My mind fades up from black to a chorus of moans and crying and shouting. I looked over at Kevin; he was bleeding from his head and hands.
He looked at me, our eyes locked... In A MOMENT ! I saw the same look on his face, in his eyes, that I see in my children today. I'm sure I had the same look on my face, eyes as he.
Romans 7
v:18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.
19 For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.
20 Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.
21 I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.
Donnie & Kevin Smith grew up as outdoorsy types. I'm not sure if they grew up on a farm but they were very qualified to run LEAD.
Somebody had the skills to build the trailer. It was well built and sturdy. Nobody took the time to carefully pack the trailer load. We were only "drivin' down the road a piece."
It is was highly likely that, when the trailer hit the ground after the wind assisted hop to the left when we came back onto the road, the load (about 800lbs = 30 backpacks/suitcase 2 about 25lbs each. Mine was 40lbs, I weighed it before we left. I had "extra" state of the art gear, extra pair of padded climbing pants, military issue compass, special forces survival knife [which I wore on my belt for the trip] a waterproof flashlight, manganese fintstone {for starting fires] PLUS the extra outfit I wore at the last campfire everbody "hated" on me about }
The load probably shifted on impact throwing the trailer to the left causing the unexpected fishtailing.
Thank you Sunesis, for showing us some of the person that Rochelle was. I weep for her because she so deserved the better she desired and never got.
They stripped her of her dignity, her faith, and her (believed) family. They took away her reason for living and in such, her humanity and worth. She died in a stark sterile remote hotel room feeling she had been crushed to nothingness by TWI.
Satori, this is where your anger at TWI shood be focused. It wasn't the accident, because accidents happen. It is what they did with the people after the accident that is reprehensible.
While it appeared like I had been run off I was actually in my basement combing throught my boxes trying to find my photo album that has pictures from LEAD 104. I have a nice picture of Rochelle I wanted to post with the follow up.
I couldn't find them... I did, however find the negatives & had a reprint of it made. If somebody has a space on a website, I'll send it to you you can put it up and link to it from the thread.
Or if anybody can tell me another way to get it on the thread....
I'm sure the trailer was well built, anyone who would know how to do one, would now how it had to be done right.
Yes, a loosepacked load could go airborn with a bump and shift possibly to the rear. A trailer load must have a 10% or 200 lb. weight bias to the front or the trailer will fishtale badly.
With Kevin, I'll agree he was a good lead man on your say so. Only he could relate his experience with trucks and trailers. I do know he reacted properly to the situation once it came into being.
Even though you stated he was close to the edge of the road, it was the gust of wind which blew you off the road. It is very likely that no matter where he was in the lane, the wind would have blown him off the road. Having towed a number of trailers and owned several vans including two '67 VW splitwindow vans, I know what the wind can do.
With all my experience, the wind still surprises me at times.
As well as (as I ask for the 4th time -->) is it legal to transport passengers in the back of a pick-up truck in the state of New Mexico?
OK, the homemade trailer part intrigues me because back in the mid 80's I believe it was, my father was travelling down a highway with a load of wood in a homemade trailer.
As he was travelling, he crossed a bridge and there was a bump in the road where the abuttment was on the bridge. When the trailer hit the bump, the trailer flew off the hitch. The load of wood he was transporting (these were small pieces to be used for burning only, I'm not talking about huge beams)tumbled out of the trailer and buried an innocent hitch hiker standing at the side of the highway.
The yound man was killed. This was devastating to my father.
Anyhow, shortly after this my father had to attend a 2 day inquest and his trailer was confiscated as well as the hitch of the vehicle at the time of the accident.
My uncle also was called in as well to testify because he was the one who had built the trailer.
I do not have all the details of the accident, but I know that the hitch was tested and retested under extreme stress tests to see if it was defective. It wasn't.
Yet, I know for a fact that laws were changed after this to make sure that certain specs are enforced regarding trailers.
I'm wondering if any legal investigations were done at the time of the LEAD accident?
I realize an inquest is normally done because a life was lost. I would imagine nothing like this had to be done.
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As far as standing up, talking back. People did that a lot, especially after POP. People got "mad as hell, and we're not gonna take it anymore!" Of my personal pet peeves was the whole money thing. T
I never participated in it, but I always thought it sounded like "Outward Bound", which has been measurably more successful in achieving it's participant's goals.
Yes, but then there's the counter teaching: If you obey the MOG, God will bless you. So what do you do when the MOG orders you to act recklessly? Rhetorical question. SoCrates
You can call me santori all you want, HCM
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My second post was concern for someone who was already getting pecked to death:
"It disheartens me to see people come here, try to make a decent point, fill in the missing pieces about a significant event, and they get derailed and picked to pieces, and mired down in the details of having to defend themselves against whatever some cyberbully decides to pick on.
This behavior actually mimicks what TWI did to us: strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel-- pick at one detail to the neglect of the main body of witness.
This happens way too often here these days, and it's too damn bad. That's the mildest way I can put it.
You know what HCW, those of us who were going to "get" the heart of what you wanted to share, GOT it. You have no obligation to explain yourself to people who truly don't give a damn about what you were trying to explain. Don't even try. Some folks here who think they are so enlightened (0N BOTH SIDES OF AN ISSUE), just hang out to tear folks down in order to build up their own egos.
There is the basic context of my second post which Satori found so personally offensive to himself.
You should have a concern for the individual and for truth.
But then again, you can't tell the difference between truth and falsehoods in your own head.
I can't expect you to have concern for anyone other than your own skin.
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Festivus, by the way, is from Seinfeld. It was the Costanza family holiday. "Festivus for the rest of us."
I missed that episode but I love the concept. One of its elements is the "airing of grievances," where Mr. Costanza tells his family all the ways in which they have disappointed him in the past year.
One of Catcup's posts suddenly reminded of the Costanza family's airing of grievances.
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I do intend to follow up on Rochelle, and I will.
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And so Satori proceeded to continue to try to rip people apart with no apparent concern for anyone other than himself.
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In other words, Catcup, I recognized your virtually baseless inuendo for what it was. You are one of the prime manipulators here, if not the only one.
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gawd, catcup and satori, can you take your arguments elsewhere?
I don't think what your fighting about has anything to do with this thread. Can you PM each other or start a new thread?
Maybe a new thread called, inhouse fighting?..
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Sorry vickles. I keep thinking it's over, and then another one comes along. How can I not respond to what she wrote? Really, how?
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To those of you who have never been pecked by a duck, believe me, they can hurt.
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Again, thank you HCW for your story. I think you have been quite detailed in the accounting of it, giving a number of details most people would never have noticed.
HCW said he was a city boy, well, I was born and bred a farm boy. From long before my birth, my dad used trailers for many things. His trailers were similiar to theTWI trailer in that they were made from old car rear axles and tires. You use the drive shaft as the forward frame to the trailer hitch, and weld on a couple steel angle bars to make an A frame for sturdiness.
Any competent backyard mechanic with the materials and a welder can make a good safe one in a few hours. To make it legal, you take it to a local license branch to be inspected to see it meets state laws.
Dad's trailers had about a 4x8 bed area, the sideboards were 10 or 12 inches high. he used them to haul coal, cordwood, furniture, roto tillers, anything you could imagine. He made a lot of money and saved a lot of money too with those trailers.
Trailers are useful but quirky devices that require things be done just exactly so, otherwise a hundred things can go very wrong very fast. Even when done right, things inside can shift around, and wind and road conditions can cause them to go out of control and take you with it.
From my dad's teaching and from a juvenile lifetime of feeling the sensations in the seat of my pants, I could tell exactly how a trailer was riding, but I also had a similiar experience to this story topic, I used the same corrective maneuver, and fortunately had no problems. It still put my adrenaline in overdrive though.
I have also seen right in front of my face, one of those 20 plus foot trailers like landscape teams use, swerve for no reason that I saw, go vertical standing on it's nose, and then roll itself and the truck towing it three times into the median. This was in steady easy traffic on a brand new very smooth road.
Does anyone recall, it used to say on many a highway sign:
Vehicles towing trailers
Speed limit 45 mph.
There was a reason for that.
What I am saying is you can know all the rules and be well experienced with trailers and can still have an accident a dozen different ways. I don't know how much experience Kevin had with trucks and trailers, but in my opinion when everything went wrong, he did everything right. There were just too many things working against him, both man made and natural.
As to Kevin being distracted with the paperwork? How many times have I seen women driving down the interstate putting on their makeup? How many times have I seen men doing the same while reading a book or newpaper? Or how many times have I seen both men and women doing 70 with a phone glued to their ears, or eating a gooey cheeseburger? And there are many other examples.
Distractions while driving is a common problem that seems to get worse all the time. I'm not making excuses, I am saying just about everyone does it at times.
One person here has asked a couple times, "wasn't it against the law to haul those people in the pickup bed?" Back in the early '80s, probably half the states had such laws, and half not. High population citified states likely would have had the law by then.
The rural population states would tend to resist it until forced by insurance or the feds. Country folks, many times teach a child of 8 or 10 to drive a tractor or truck on the farm for needful things. They also teach kids how to be safe with said tractors, trucks, trailers and various dangerous machineries.
A thing I've noticed here is that most of the judgements are being made from our twenty something plus additional years of hindsight, opinions and prejudices. Have we forgotten what it was like when we were young, full of energy and indestructible?
In our youths, we tended to do many things that would make us shudder today. Those of us who became hippies did even more and those of who were adventurous did some really totally stupid things. Also in those days, there were a lot less rules and regulations simply because america was the land of the free.
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It seems to me like I was cool with satori001 until I made a statement to the effect that I didn't blame Kevin Smith for the wreck.
Prior to that there was just George who wanted me to "get on with it." I could get with the fact that all he wanted then was to hear the story. SO I told him to shut up the same way I would tell a buddy over a beer.
He went off to argue on another thread in respect. I saw that as a respectable act. He didn't come back to argue until it was clear that the story was winding down. He fired a salvo... cool. It was a blast, but a respectFULL, respectABLE one.
I've known this story for 23 YEARS, I knew telling it here would cause outrage. When it started coming up I was prepared for it. I even set the stage for it...
The arguing started when Oldie commended all who attended and endured LEAD (on page 2). The first shot
was satori. How can one say he is not being personal when he uses the PERSONAL pronoun, in 2nd person, YOU?? If one intends NOT for his words to be taken PERSONALLY he must use 3rd person pronouns (get it?). YOU, is personal, by definition. On cannot argue it away by saying something like, "because I didn't know it was a lie, that makes it NOT a lie."
No, That statement, by definition, makes one IGNORANT.
Intentionally making an untrue statement makes one a liar. Evidently one believes that the operative word "intentional" carries the power and weight of truth. No, it doesn't.
Perhaps it would be more respectABLE for one to say, "I'm sorry to disparage you with what I thought was true. I was wrong." an insult. It is a judgement that carries Romans 2:1 "consequences" for lack of a better word. On cannot judge the capablities of another, apparently because another does not agree with HIM.
Another's opinion is as valid as any other opinion... Opinions are like... well we all have an opinion at times.
MY, educated, opinion, as a witness, is that even if we had brand new, all state of the art equipment; we STILL would have chosen to take the shiny new pickup with the state of the art trailer, over the custom, air-conditioned motorcoach.
WE CHOSE to take the pickup, there was a perfectly fine bus available. We rode the BUS to the airport; They didn't buy, or rent one... we used the one they already had.
Besides, a factory manufactured trailer most likely would have been heavier, which would have caused it, under the same factors to whip up & over at a slightly different down angle. The heavier trailer, by the laws of physics would create an exponentially higher amount of force and speed, which would mutliply the force of impact and....
The heavier trailer probably would have hit the people who were not thrown from the bed and squashed them like bugs, killing them instantly before bouncing onto whomever was in its path.
Hmmm.... 900lbs x 45mph = X amounf of force hitting a 125lb girl or 165lb guy.... no contest.
Even though on that day the thought of blaming Kevin never crossed my mind, I've grown to understand why. I'm reminded of it everytime I look into the eye of one of my childern.
When they do something wrong and I know they know they know better, and they know I know they know better; they look me right in the eye, like I know they know they know better... and at that moment, we both know all of that right then, IN the MOMENT all of life freezes for an instant.
I say "WHY?????? Did you DOOOO that????????
They say, "I dun-no?" (parents??? familiar???)
He looked at me, our eyes locked... In A MOMENT ! I saw the same look on his face, in his eyes, that I see in my children today. I'm sure I had the same look on my face, eyes as he.
Romans 7
v:18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.
19 For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.
20 Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.
21 I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.
Blame anybody you want. I was there.
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Oh, good.
I thought you'd said everything you were going to.
Glad there's more to be said.
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Sometimes the best way is to let it one has to be right or wrong. No one has to have the last word.
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would make you the better person for it.
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I do think that is the root of the problem, vickles.
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I'm behind your assessment 100%
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Donnie & Kevin Smith grew up as outdoorsy types. I'm not sure if they grew up on a farm but they were very qualified to run LEAD.
Somebody had the skills to build the trailer. It was well built and sturdy. Nobody took the time to carefully pack the trailer load. We were only "drivin' down the road a piece."
It is was highly likely that, when the trailer hit the ground after the wind assisted hop to the left when we came back onto the road, the load (about 800lbs = 30 backpacks/suitcase 2 about 25lbs each. Mine was 40lbs, I weighed it before we left. I had "extra" state of the art gear, extra pair of padded climbing pants, military issue compass, special forces survival knife [which I wore on my belt for the trip] a waterproof flashlight, manganese fintstone {for starting fires] PLUS the extra outfit I wore at the last campfire everbody "hated" on me about
The load probably shifted on impact throwing the trailer to the left causing the unexpected fishtailing.
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You guys beat me to it!
...the same way I did when I didn't repond to you Satori001.
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Thank you Sunesis, for showing us some of the person that Rochelle was. I weep for her because she so deserved the better she desired and never got.
They stripped her of her dignity, her faith, and her (believed) family. They took away her reason for living and in such, her humanity and worth. She died in a stark sterile remote hotel room feeling she had been crushed to nothingness by TWI.
Satori, this is where your anger at TWI shood be focused. It wasn't the accident, because accidents happen. It is what they did with the people after the accident that is reprehensible.
Edited by dabobbadaLink to comment
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While it appeared like I had been run off I was actually in my basement combing throught my boxes trying to find my photo album that has pictures from LEAD 104. I have a nice picture of Rochelle I wanted to post with the follow up.
I couldn't find them... I did, however find the negatives & had a reprint of it made. If somebody has a space on a website, I'll send it to you you can put it up and link to it from the thread.
Or if anybody can tell me another way to get it on the thread....
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I'm sure the trailer was well built, anyone who would know how to do one, would now how it had to be done right.
Yes, a loosepacked load could go airborn with a bump and shift possibly to the rear. A trailer load must have a 10% or 200 lb. weight bias to the front or the trailer will fishtale badly.
With Kevin, I'll agree he was a good lead man on your say so. Only he could relate his experience with trucks and trailers. I do know he reacted properly to the situation once it came into being.
Even though you stated he was close to the edge of the road, it was the gust of wind which blew you off the road. It is very likely that no matter where he was in the lane, the wind would have blown him off the road. Having towed a number of trailers and owned several vans including two '67 VW splitwindow vans, I know what the wind can do.
With all my experience, the wind still surprises me at times.
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A la prochaine
The home-made trailer part intrigues me.
As well as (as I ask for the 4th time
-->) is it legal to transport passengers in the back of a pick-up truck in the state of New Mexico?
OK, the homemade trailer part intrigues me because back in the mid 80's I believe it was, my father was travelling down a highway with a load of wood in a homemade trailer.
As he was travelling, he crossed a bridge and there was a bump in the road where the abuttment was on the bridge. When the trailer hit the bump, the trailer flew off the hitch. The load of wood he was transporting (these were small pieces to be used for burning only, I'm not talking about huge beams)tumbled out of the trailer and buried an innocent hitch hiker standing at the side of the highway.
The yound man was killed. This was devastating to my father.
Anyhow, shortly after this my father had to attend a 2 day inquest and his trailer was confiscated as well as the hitch of the vehicle at the time of the accident.
My uncle also was called in as well to testify because he was the one who had built the trailer.
I do not have all the details of the accident, but I know that the hitch was tested and retested under extreme stress tests to see if it was defective. It wasn't.
Yet, I know for a fact that laws were changed after this to make sure that certain specs are enforced regarding trailers.
I'm wondering if any legal investigations were done at the time of the LEAD accident?
I realize an inquest is normally done because a life was lost. I would imagine nothing like this had to be done.
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i'm very very sorry al a. your poor dad....
i don't know the answer to your question. i'm guessing things were not so strict back then but i do not know
love, ex
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It is no longer legal to transport anyone in the back of a pick-up. That law changed around 1996
FYI - I have emailed the Lincoln counrty authorities to find out what is on record regarding this accident....let you all know what I find out.
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