Catcup, you thrive on this stuff. I expect a nice card for Christmas.
There was no lie because I thought it was the truth. I confess, I just didn't pay close enough attention to you to get the facts right. You are in equal parts boring and annoying, so that's my excuse. I wrote from memory, and the facts were wrong because there was no way to check them at the time - it's just what I'd come to think.
Maybe it was all those times you mentioned being on staff - I began to think you were there when VPW showed up.
Meanwhile, go to town. The "lies" will get you plenty of sympathy.
In my opinion, you used that supposed stalking incident, and therefore used your offspring, for your own gratification. Can't prove it 'cuz you'd never admit it, but it just rings true. You seem to love to be at the center of a fuss. It might seem that I do too, but I don't, believe it or not.
Having a conversation with you is like trying to drive an overloaded pickup full of people, and towing a trailer, at highway speeds in with unpredictable crosswinds. I'm thinking I should pull over and let you walk the rest of the way. Given the inherent instability of the enterprise, it might be safer for all concerned.
quote: In my opinion, you used that supposed stalking incident, and therefore used your offspring, for your own gratification. Can't prove it 'cuz you'd never admit it, but it just rings true. You seem to love to be at the center of a fuss. It might seem that I do too, but I don't, believe it or not.
... all of this, without one shred of either evidence, having been there or known the individuals involved, or anything else solid to go on.
You're losing your touch my man. You're losing your touch.
quote: Garth, you are Garth, and there is no cure.
((grins)) Yep, and when you got it, you flaunt it! Thanks for the compliment, tho'. ... See, you can be nice.
quote: Having a conversation with you is like trying to drive an overloaded pickup full of people, and towing a trailer, at highway speeds in with unpredictable crosswinds.
... and then you have to go and blow it. -->
Repeat after me -- "Malvolence is NOT to be confused with principle".
Speaking of 'going right by you', if you can't see the malevolence (thanks for the spelling correction, by the way :)-->) in your post to HCW, then welcome to the Oldies act-alike contest. (In which case, I think you won :-)
It just goes right by you. And you don't see it. ...
... Or maybe you just don't care to. In which case, that would definitely fit with malevolence.
Get a grip. You have nothing on Catcup 'using' that stalking situation, thereby 'using' her offspring, except your own POV. Or HCW being 'coached', again except your own POV.
The reasoning of why you have this wish to demean them like this does 'go right by me', as I see no rationale nor benefit to it. So in that respect, you are right.
about her now than when this thread began 24 pages ago - outside the fact that this poor woman became horribly injured in a tragic accident, and afterward was treated despictably by a supposed Christian group.
What was she like? where did she grow up and come from originally? Did she ever share her life dreams and aspirations with anyone here? What did she like to talk about?
For what its worth, i think HCW had a great story to tell. Much respect to Rochelle, and all who were injured at the LEAD incident. HCW told HIS story, HIS own way, and the constant nitpicking and harrassing is sooo unattractive and embarrassing. Take from it what you will, dont force something thats not there...("i think your're being coached, blah blah blah")
Satori is used to being the big fish in a small pond, and i think Satori (whats your other screen name, again?)is digging into HCW to get some of that spotlight on himself/herself. At least HCW has the balls to share a story about himself, Satori, what have you ever done? what have you ever done on waydale or greasespot to leave yourself vulnerable? When have you ever posted that was something from the heart, postive, or healing to people here??? If you have, its few and FAAAAAAAAAAR between, my son.
Just ignore him, you will learn to over time. Remember the phrase "lunatic frindge"??...thats our Satori... maybe the "kinder, gentler" alter ego will pop out, but we shall see...
I went to see Don W at the trustee apartment, told him about my conversation w/JAL about LOA. I told Don how I felt in my heart that if I left the campus, I might wind up dead soon. He told me about Roche11e having been sent LOA with another good friend Kev1n Webst@r. He blamed Kev1n of some stuff that caused them both to be expelled from the program and left Rochelle depressed.
"...She was found dead in a hotel earlier today son. It was an apparent suicide."
I was devastated.
The truth about Roche11e is... Basically Kev1n W. said they had both been thrown out of the Corps. Roche11e was so distraught, that instead of leaving in the morning (sound familiar?), she insisted they leave then, that night, which was like 2 or 3 in the morning. She had been told to go live with her brother Al in Connecticutt. She had agreed to drop Kevin off at the limb of Indiana then come back and drive to CT. He said she was very depressed and the limb leaders didn't want her hanging around. They let her stay 2 or 3 days, then told her to go.
The Limb Coordinator knew she was depressed. They kicked her out to drive, alone, from Indiana to CT. She made it as far as Columbus, Ohio, checked into a hotel, ALONE at around 5 or 5pm. She had saved up her pain pills from her lead injury and took them all that evening.
They found her dead in the bathroom the next morning.
Anyone who knew Roche11e (as someone said earlier up this thread) knew she was never the same after that head injury.
No. Nobody, to my knowlege, got any type of specific professional counseling regarding trauma from the LEAD accident.
Ok, my bad.
I'd read this at the bottom of page 8,
but for some reason I thought there was going to be a follow-up on it.
Not sure why I got that impression.
I was going to wait for the end before recommending it be edited for inclusion
about her now than when this thread began 24 pages ago - outside the fact that this poor woman became horribly injured in a tragic accident, and afterward was treated despictably by a supposed Christian group.
What was she like? where did she grow up and come from originally? Did she ever share her life dreams and aspirations with anyone here? What did she like to talk about?
I'll echo his request.
What can those of you who knew her tell us of her?
"There was no lie because I thought it was the truth"
Let me get this straight: Just because you THINK a lie is the truth, that negates the LIE?
How about then, all those folks at TWI who believe they are being told the truth when being lied to? Aren't you quick to point out that it is STILL A LIE?
Aren't you putting your head in the sand in order to avoid your own responsibility?
Or maybe you've been telling lies so long now you believe them yourself.
And it was "inconvenient" for you to check your facts and get them straight before you posted something that was derrogatory about a person?
What about all the other people who read the lie you wrote and assumed you were telling the truth?
To me, you don't sound like someone who is concerned about the truth.
Your desire to cut someone else down in order to bolster your own ego won out over the truth.
I guess if it works for TWI, it's good enough for Satori, too.
Curiously, this is the second time this month I have run into people who are adamantly wrong about what they believe and insist they got the information from this site. When pressed, neither can come up with evidence from GSC of their claims. One is Satori, and the other one a "Wierwille Worshipper" I ran into on eBay.
It is just as easy to read carefully as NOT to. But if you don't, you just might be forming an inaccurate concept, and thus-- end up believing a lie-- and promulgating it.
Jennifer, I've no doubt you'll achieve your hearts desire. Welcome! :)-->
Howard, you seem a very quick study so probably this will be unnecessary but should I be assuming incorrectly then I give you this for consideration.
You stated you like distractions, as do I. But then I go a few trips around the world before I land where I started at times. Get my drift? In the distractions which abound here in the warm halls of The Spot do yourself a favor. Get to know the folks you chose to fight and love. We all have something we bring here, and you've engaged in how we define ourselves already (quick study again). I once thought I would never get along with a certain one here, I now consider him to be one of my favorite banter partners.
Who was Rochelle? She was the little sister to one of the TWI reverends.
Rochelle's family immigrated from Russia. They grew up in Chicago, I think - no father, mother in and out of institutions. From what Rochelle told me, her mother had severe psychiatric problems. Her brother was much older and had grown and left home and she was left alone with mom. From what she told me, it was a terribly unhappy situation.
Growing up was hard. She was very shy and reserved until you got know her. I first met her when she was still in High school during the summer at H.Q. She was visiting. So shy she wouldn't really talk to anyone. I again met her when she went in the corps and I was on staff. She remembered me from that summer at H.Q. I took her under my wing, we became friends. We spent many hours discussing things, her life, what she wanted to do with her life. She really blossomed in the corps. She had finally found the family she so desparately wanted. Being young (18-19), she had also discovered BOYS!!!!
She was a typical young woman seeing the possibilities and potentials life had to offer, with a family (corps) for the first time in her life. She was growing up, had come out of her shell and loved God with all her heart. There was something about her that drew others to her. She had a great sense of humor and was a loving young lady. She was growing up.
Her world was shattered when they threw her out.
Who was she? A wonderful young woman, loved by her brother, others and God. No different than any of us really.
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As far as standing up, talking back. People did that a lot, especially after POP. People got "mad as hell, and we're not gonna take it anymore!" Of my personal pet peeves was the whole money thing. T
I never participated in it, but I always thought it sounded like "Outward Bound", which has been measurably more successful in achieving it's participant's goals.
Yes, but then there's the counter teaching: If you obey the MOG, God will bless you. So what do you do when the MOG orders you to act recklessly? Rhetorical question. SoCrates
Tom, maybe we need to work the Aramaic.
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Garth, you are Garth, and there is no cure.
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There was no lie because I thought it was the truth. I confess, I just didn't pay close enough attention to you to get the facts right. You are in equal parts boring and annoying, so that's my excuse. I wrote from memory, and the facts were wrong because there was no way to check them at the time - it's just what I'd come to think.
Maybe it was all those times you mentioned being on staff - I began to think you were there when VPW showed up.
Meanwhile, go to town. The "lies" will get you plenty of sympathy.
In my opinion, you used that supposed stalking incident, and therefore used your offspring, for your own gratification. Can't prove it 'cuz you'd never admit it, but it just rings true. You seem to love to be at the center of a fuss. It might seem that I do too, but I don't, believe it or not.
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Having a conversation with you is like trying to drive an overloaded pickup full of people, and towing a trailer, at highway speeds in with unpredictable crosswinds. I'm thinking I should pull over and let you walk the rest of the way. Given the inherent instability of the enterprise, it might be safer for all concerned.
Edited by satori001Link to comment
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... all of this, without one shred of either evidence, having been there or known the individuals involved, or anything else solid to go on.
You're losing your touch my man. You're losing your touch.
((grins)) Yep, and when you got it, you flaunt it! Thanks for the compliment, tho'. ... See, you can be nice.
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... and then you have to go and blow it.
Repeat after me -- "Malvolence is NOT to be confused with principle".
Come on, you can do it.
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Garth, it's spelled malevolence, and there is no malevolence in that post.
You're like oldiesman with a different personality. It just goes right by you.
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Speaking of 'going right by you', if you can't see the malevolence (thanks for the spelling correction, by the way
:)-->) in your post to HCW, then welcome to the Oldies act-alike contest. (In which case, I think you won :-)
It just goes right by you. And you don't see it. ...
... Or maybe you just don't care to. In which case, that would definitely fit with malevolence.
Get a grip. You have nothing on Catcup 'using' that stalking situation, thereby 'using' her offspring, except your own POV. Or HCW being 'coached', again except your own POV.
The reasoning of why you have this wish to demean them like this does 'go right by me', as I see no rationale nor benefit to it. So in that respect, you are right.
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Get your attaboys while they're hot, Garth.
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WordWolf, the resident expert on summaries has declined to provide one, so here's what I've got so far:
Did I miss much?
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Well, I think this post from yet ANOTHER of the many women Satori has ....ed off over the years says it best.
From November 2001:
"Dear Little Man with Big Words....Bite Me!"
I laughed for a week.
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So who was Rochelle?
I must confess as to not knowing anything more
about her now than when this thread began 24 pages ago - outside the fact that this poor woman became horribly injured in a tragic accident, and afterward was treated despictably by a supposed Christian group.
What was she like? where did she grow up and come from originally? Did she ever share her life dreams and aspirations with anyone here? What did she like to talk about?
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Is my what the German spelling? My weenie? No. Weenie won't work, you'd need more letters.
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For what its worth, i think HCW had a great story to tell. Much respect to Rochelle, and all who were injured at the LEAD incident. HCW told HIS story, HIS own way, and the constant nitpicking and harrassing is sooo unattractive and embarrassing. Take from it what you will, dont force something thats not there...("i think your're being coached, blah blah blah")
Satori is used to being the big fish in a small pond, and i think Satori (whats your other screen name, again?)is digging into HCW to get some of that spotlight on himself/herself. At least HCW has the balls to share a story about himself, Satori, what have you ever done? what have you ever done on waydale or greasespot to leave yourself vulnerable? When have you ever posted that was something from the heart, postive, or healing to people here??? If you have, its few and FAAAAAAAAAAR between, my son.
Just ignore him, you will learn to over time. Remember the phrase "lunatic frindge"??...thats our Satori... maybe the "kinder, gentler" alter ego will pop out, but we shall see...
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Ok, my bad.
I'd read this at the bottom of page 8,
but for some reason I thought there was going to be a follow-up on it.
Not sure why I got that impression.
I was going to wait for the end before recommending it be edited for inclusion
elsewhere, but someone beat me to it.
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I'll echo his request.
What can those of you who knew her tell us of her?
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Satori's words, folks:
"There was no lie because I thought it was the truth"
Let me get this straight: Just because you THINK a lie is the truth, that negates the LIE?
How about then, all those folks at TWI who believe they are being told the truth when being lied to? Aren't you quick to point out that it is STILL A LIE?
Aren't you putting your head in the sand in order to avoid your own responsibility?
Or maybe you've been telling lies so long now you believe them yourself.
And it was "inconvenient" for you to check your facts and get them straight before you posted something that was derrogatory about a person?
What about all the other people who read the lie you wrote and assumed you were telling the truth?
To me, you don't sound like someone who is concerned about the truth.
Your desire to cut someone else down in order to bolster your own ego won out over the truth.
I guess if it works for TWI, it's good enough for Satori, too.
That's all I needed to know.
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Curiously, this is the second time this month I have run into people who are adamantly wrong about what they believe and insist they got the information from this site. When pressed, neither can come up with evidence from GSC of their claims. One is Satori, and the other one a "Wierwille Worshipper" I ran into on eBay.
It is just as easy to read carefully as NOT to. But if you don't, you just might be forming an inaccurate concept, and thus-- end up believing a lie-- and promulgating it.
Apologies to HCW and Rochelle.
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Jennifer, I've no doubt you'll achieve your hearts desire. Welcome!
Howard, you seem a very quick study so probably this will be unnecessary but should I be assuming incorrectly then I give you this for consideration.
You stated you like distractions, as do I. But then I go a few trips around the world before I land where I started at times. Get my drift? In the distractions which abound here in the warm halls of The Spot do yourself a favor. Get to know the folks you chose to fight and love. We all have something we bring here, and you've engaged in how we define ourselves already (quick study again). I once thought I would never get along with a certain one here, I now consider him to be one of my favorite banter partners.
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To my dearest Krysilis for those dangerous ducks.
Get the Duck, Before they get you
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A la prochaine
You just forgot to mention the 'weenie'/'weinie' wars.
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Ya gotta love those ducks, dabobbady!
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Who was Rochelle? She was the little sister to one of the TWI reverends.
Rochelle's family immigrated from Russia. They grew up in Chicago, I think - no father, mother in and out of institutions. From what Rochelle told me, her mother had severe psychiatric problems. Her brother was much older and had grown and left home and she was left alone with mom. From what she told me, it was a terribly unhappy situation.
Growing up was hard. She was very shy and reserved until you got know her. I first met her when she was still in High school during the summer at H.Q. She was visiting. So shy she wouldn't really talk to anyone. I again met her when she went in the corps and I was on staff. She remembered me from that summer at H.Q. I took her under my wing, we became friends. We spent many hours discussing things, her life, what she wanted to do with her life. She really blossomed in the corps. She had finally found the family she so desparately wanted. Being young (18-19), she had also discovered BOYS!!!!
She was a typical young woman seeing the possibilities and potentials life had to offer, with a family (corps) for the first time in her life. She was growing up, had come out of her shell and loved God with all her heart. There was something about her that drew others to her. She had a great sense of humor and was a loving young lady. She was growing up.
Her world was shattered when they threw her out.
Who was she? A wonderful young woman, loved by her brother, others and God. No different than any of us really.
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I feel so bad for her.
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