The reason they never questioned the couple was because they were good buddies with JL and Pat.
When we went lightbearers the couple that I had trouble with were in the same group as I. You wouldn't beleive how the wife acted. She came on to the branch leader there. Big time. To me, she was a very evil person. No heart.
Anyways, after lightbearers, I said something to the elder corps about how I knew that the couple had not worked for her money. I ended up in Pat's apt again with the couple and my coordinator with the woman that turned me in. The lady also shared with everyone that I had this thing about my breasts that I could get any man I wanted because I thought all the guys looked at me.....and got railed on again.
I never said anything like that of course. She had come to me and stated that since my breasts were so big that I must have a lot of guys looking at them instead of at my face. Thats all that happened.
The next morning after being in Pat's office, JL called me into his office and told me that I could no longer be corps because I was possessed by devil spirits.
I asked him what spirits. He looked out the window and said I don't know. Its a generational thing with my family. He said that martindale told him I was out and if I fought it they would literally carry me out.
He couldn't even tell me what devil spirits I had!!!!!!
For years afterwards I believed that I must be possessed.
The funny thing about this stuff is that I came to the realization through these threads (a while back) that I had not actually been kicked out because of all this stuff.
I had been approached about what goes on at the coach with vpw. I was shocked that this was going on. There was no way I was going to be a part of that!!!!!!!!!!
That was the beginning of my end.
After I left I went back home to my seattle area. There was some 6th korks guys that were the leaders in that area that brought me back to life again.
Thanks you guys for being wild and crazy and showing me that I could have fun and that I was normal. You showed me that they were the ones that were abnormal. I will always have warm memories and well thoughts of you all!!!!
Yes, it is amazing when we look back at their actions (or lack of them ie: LCM not even eating breakfast with you injured souls) how that speaks volumes of their true callousness and despicable ways.
There are no words in my vocabularies (speaking two languages) that expresses what those people were all about. NO words.
I loved Dorothy's quote you wrote. Thank you.
As I read your posts about your previous LEAD experience, I suddenly realized why LEAD was so difficult for me in every way. I now suffer from asthma (not severe...but I have to keep on top of it) and I know now that it was undiagnosed for a long time. I know I suffered from it while I was in the Corps...but never told anyone. When I jogged my lungs would hurt so much, they would burn and burn and burn. When I went LEAD, it was so difficult for me that I decided that I never wanted to bear children. Having been told that bearing children would be one of the most challenging things physically a woman would probably do, I figured if it was any more difficult than LEAD, I did not want to have children. It left me afraid.
Tho', I am proud to say I have 3 lovely daughters, each of which were long and lengthy labours...yet I survived because I was surrounded by people would loved me and cared for me.
vickles, i am SO GLAD you figured it all out (but all those years of hurt and doubting) and soooooooooo glad you found some nice normal people. was alfie one of them ?
HCW: (lemme show ya somethin', shall we?) Thank you for your unique story while with LEAD 104. That was some crazy times, im glad my folks made it out okay...i had no idea it was that dangerous with all the hitch hiking, magical feats of believing, greenhorns in the wilderness expected to conquer nature type mentality with menial training. WTF?
LCM. Sounded like he came out in Ambassador 1 as damage control. Bedazzle ya with his "man-o-god" presence, so no one doesnt blow the whistle on the huge lack of proffesionalism, safety procedures, and total disregard to the well being of the injured, with money, proper care, etc.
It seems like every instance of injuries, death, sickness,negativity, ec, in the Way came from a "lack of believing", which brought nothing but fear, self loathing, and scrutiny from leadership, that would leave you racking your brain to find that fateful instance from when you "blew it", and "opened the door for the Adversary." This vicious cyle leaves the way follower on a path to forever prove his or her ability in believing to woo God's blessings on a daily basis, by listening to SNS tapes, way mag aricles, way books, fellowship, witnessing, and maybe having some personal bible study time, just maybe.
In present day Way World, your wreck would be your fault, since someone there would have been at fault for "giving the Adversary a toe hold", and unbelief would have caused the wreck. How do people still continue to subscribe to this garbage? It is the hoodoo voodoo mentality, that people can manipulate the threads of the universe, the whole spiritual realm, to obtain God's favor where He may or may not bless them with a wonderful life, if they just "believe".
Most people still "in", believe if they walk away, God will not "even spit in their direction", since the way is the ONLY true household, when you get past all the PC ...., the old timers still really believe this. Some kind of life, eh, living with a fear mentality is some potent stuff, but it is the only way they have to keep people subsribing to the same ol .......
quote:I knew Don Wierwille knew me personally and JAL was reading, at best, BS evaluations. Don actually "ordered" JAL to allow me to stay in residence.
too bad some of the other poor slobs didn't know someone. this is not directed at you, HCW, AT ALL. i'm just thinking about others shamed and thrown aside....
HCW: go to your signature area in your profile for greasespot. you have to find a pic on the Web, find a pic you want, and right click on it. go to properties. copy the whole address of the pic. paste the whole address in your signature area. then put IMG in brakets around it. Here is what mine looks should then post the pic when you make a post.
it should look like that, just put the other bracket before the "I" and after the "G" and you can post a pic, mine is my signature, so it does automatically.
quote: I knew Don Wierwille knew me personally and JAL was reading, at best, BS evaluations. Don actually "ordered" JAL to allow me to stay in residence.
It was always the "WHO YOU KNEW" mentality. That mentality was rampant in TWI.
That's the way the 'system' was set up.
And I was under some delusion that TWI really cared about me and the fact that really loved God that that really mattered to them.
Awwww damn (((vickles)))) I am so sorry, I went through a similarly devistating experience. ... being unjustly accused of possession by the ptb`s, not knowing HOW it had happened, not having any earthly idea of how to fix it......I simply wanted to die(and nearly did) rather than contaminate the body of Christ with my evil....not believing that there would be life for me outside of twi....I felt that death was inevitable.....I had no Alfa cat to pick me up.
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As far as standing up, talking back. People did that a lot, especially after POP. People got "mad as hell, and we're not gonna take it anymore!" Of my personal pet peeves was the whole money thing. T
I never participated in it, but I always thought it sounded like "Outward Bound", which has been measurably more successful in achieving it's participant's goals.
Yes, but then there's the counter teaching: If you obey the MOG, God will bless you. So what do you do when the MOG orders you to act recklessly? Rhetorical question. SoCrates
The reason they never questioned the couple was because they were good buddies with JL and Pat.
When we went lightbearers the couple that I had trouble with were in the same group as I. You wouldn't beleive how the wife acted. She came on to the branch leader there. Big time. To me, she was a very evil person. No heart.
Anyways, after lightbearers, I said something to the elder corps about how I knew that the couple had not worked for her money. I ended up in Pat's apt again with the couple and my coordinator with the woman that turned me in. The lady also shared with everyone that I had this thing about my breasts that I could get any man I wanted because I thought all the guys looked at me.....and got railed on again.
I never said anything like that of course. She had come to me and stated that since my breasts were so big that I must have a lot of guys looking at them instead of at my face. Thats all that happened.
The next morning after being in Pat's office, JL called me into his office and told me that I could no longer be corps because I was possessed by devil spirits.
I asked him what spirits. He looked out the window and said I don't know. Its a generational thing with my family. He said that martindale told him I was out and if I fought it they would literally carry me out.
He couldn't even tell me what devil spirits I had!!!!!!
For years afterwards I believed that I must be possessed.
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I would think that one would require first hand knowledge rather than going into the cookie jar you know.
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The funny thing about this stuff is that I came to the realization through these threads (a while back) that I had not actually been kicked out because of all this stuff.
I had been approached about what goes on at the coach with vpw. I was shocked that this was going on. There was no way I was going to be a part of that!!!!!!!!!!
That was the beginning of my end.
After I left I went back home to my seattle area. There was some 6th korks guys that were the leaders in that area that brought me back to life again.
Thanks you guys for being wild and crazy and showing me that I could have fun and that I was normal. You showed me that they were the ones that were abnormal. I will always have warm memories and well thoughts of you all!!!!
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WHAT ??????????? OHMYGOD VICKLES YOU POOR THING !!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS SO F'D UP !!!!! OHMYGOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm so sorry holy crap
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A la prochaine
Thank you for your reply.
Yes, it is amazing when we look back at their actions (or lack of them ie: LCM not even eating breakfast with you injured souls) how that speaks volumes of their true callousness and despicable ways.
There are no words in my vocabularies (speaking two languages) that expresses what those people were all about. NO words.
I loved Dorothy's quote you wrote. Thank you.
As I read your posts about your previous LEAD experience, I suddenly realized why LEAD was so difficult for me in every way. I now suffer from asthma (not severe...but I have to keep on top of it) and I know now that it was undiagnosed for a long time. I know I suffered from it while I was in the Corps...but never told anyone. When I jogged my lungs would hurt so much, they would burn and burn and burn. When I went LEAD, it was so difficult for me that I decided that I never wanted to bear children. Having been told that bearing children would be one of the most challenging things physically a woman would probably do, I figured if it was any more difficult than LEAD, I did not want to have children. It left me afraid.
Tho', I am proud to say I have 3 lovely daughters, each of which were long and lengthy labours...yet I survived because I was surrounded by people would loved me and cared for me.
What a switch.
Ya, I wondered that too.
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vickles, i am SO GLAD you figured it all out (but all those years of hurt and doubting) and soooooooooo glad you found some nice normal people. was alfie one of them ?
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excie, Yes as a matter of fact our alfie was one of them....
I'm getting mixed up on the threads and meant to post that in the other one so that HCW would be the focus...I'm sorry howard!!!!
This has opened up so many cans of worms for me...Howard thanks for sharing this stuff...its time for healing once again.
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yeah my dearest vickles i'm getting confused too with the threads
i believe i recall (? ha ) when you said something about alfakat. not surprised. what a lovely man
but anyway. i'm very very sad for your years of heartache. if it's any comfort i went through some similar kind of stuff and felt very alone
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yes, but I don't know if you could actually put our alfie as normal would you?

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that's why i like him so much
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Just kidding alfakat, you are a wonderful man!!!
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He is most definitely not normal, Vick. Nor is Mrs. Alfie for that matter (who I love dearly)!
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HCW: (lemme show ya somethin', shall we?) Thank you for your unique story while with LEAD 104. That was some crazy times, im glad my folks made it out okay...i had no idea it was that dangerous with all the hitch hiking, magical feats of believing, greenhorns in the wilderness expected to conquer nature type mentality with menial training. WTF?
LCM. Sounded like he came out in Ambassador 1 as damage control. Bedazzle ya with his "man-o-god" presence, so no one doesnt blow the whistle on the huge lack of proffesionalism, safety procedures, and total disregard to the well being of the injured, with money, proper care, etc.
It seems like every instance of injuries, death, sickness,negativity, ec, in the Way came from a "lack of believing", which brought nothing but fear, self loathing, and scrutiny from leadership, that would leave you racking your brain to find that fateful instance from when you "blew it", and "opened the door for the Adversary." This vicious cyle leaves the way follower on a path to forever prove his or her ability in believing to woo God's blessings on a daily basis, by listening to SNS tapes, way mag aricles, way books, fellowship, witnessing, and maybe having some personal bible study time, just maybe.
In present day Way World, your wreck would be your fault, since someone there would have been at fault for "giving the Adversary a toe hold", and unbelief would have caused the wreck. How do people still continue to subscribe to this garbage? It is the hoodoo voodoo mentality, that people can manipulate the threads of the universe, the whole spiritual realm, to obtain God's favor where He may or may not bless them with a wonderful life, if they just "believe".
Most people still "in", believe if they walk away, God will not "even spit in their direction", since the way is the ONLY true household, when you get past all the PC ...., the old timers still really believe this. Some kind of life, eh, living with a fear mentality is some potent stuff, but it is the only way they have to keep people subsribing to the same ol .......
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Oh yeah Vickles;
I forgot to answer your other question.
I got to stay in the Corps because I cashed in a little equity from my apprentice year on Staff @ HQ.
I knew Don Wierwille knew me personally and JAL was reading, at best, BS evaluations. Don actually "ordered" JAL to allow me to stay in residence.
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thanks thelema
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HEY! how do you post pictures like that??? Let me know OK?
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ps. howard, i love the stuff you said about your church
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HCW: go to your signature area in your profile for greasespot. you have to find a pic on the Web, find a pic you want, and right click on it. go to properties. copy the whole address of the pic. paste the whole address in your signature area. then put IMG in brakets around it. Here is what mine looks should then post the pic when you make a post.
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damn, IMG][/img
it should look like that, just put the other bracket before the "I" and after the "G" and you can post a pic, mine is my signature, so it does automatically.
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Damn crafty, bro.
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A la prochaine
I would have to agree with Sister EXCIE here.
It was always the "WHO YOU KNEW" mentality. That mentality was rampant in TWI.
That's the way the 'system' was set up.
And I was under some delusion that TWI really cared about me and the fact that really loved God that that really mattered to them.
How I was wrong.
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Awwww damn (((vickles)))) I am so sorry, I went through a similarly devistating experience. ... being unjustly accused of possession by the ptb`s, not knowing HOW it had happened, not having any earthly idea of how to fix it......I simply wanted to die(and nearly did) rather than contaminate the body of Christ with my evil....not believing that there would be life for me outside of twi....I felt that death was inevitable.....I had no Alfa cat to pick me up.
I knew there was a reason I liked that guy.
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A la prochaine
Your lead experience made mine look like a walk in the part in ways.
I'm sorry those bastards did such a thing to you. They have certainly shown their true colours in these testimonials.
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