DISCLAIMER: THE TERMS USED AS CORPS NAZI, HITLER YOUTH CORPS etc. were used by me and my friends.....not in any way to be construed as "POLITICALLY INCORRECT" or genuinely or accurately trying to equate ADOLPH HITLER or the Nazi movement with TWI. We used them to associate and communicate a certain "mindset" to each other and friends during private conversations.
UGHHHH Sky, you just had to ask!!!!
For many years on staff my boss and dearest friend was a member of the Wierwille family. He would often refer to me as a member of "the hitler youth corps."
The Hitler Youth Corps or Corps-Nazi designations were used by normal "folk" to describe the complete and total sell out mind-set of some corps folks. The kind of corps folks that really did GET UP BY 6 went to bed at 11:59, got their aerobic points, abs 15 percent, witnessed 8 hours a day, did the "45 minute basics" and in general were "cookie cutter" Way Corps.
That is the "official" description, Corps Nazi were, in my opinion, ALWAYS ready to spout the company line, report any and all minor problems to their next higher leader, or write, call or visit lcm himself in person to make sure that THE HOUSEHOLD WAS CLEAN.
A corps person's first credo was THEY HAD NO FRIENDS WHEN IT CAME TO LCM. They were the ministry and the ministry was them. They didn't care about ANYONE'S FEELINGS....they cared about THE WAY INTERNATIONAL and towing the company line.
That said.....many corps-nazi/hitler youth corps, were exactly like me. People that REALLY DID believe all of that garbage, did all of those things.....and when we FINALLY figured out we were hopelessly entwined with a mind bending cult.....were emotionally brutalized to recognize what we had become.
quote:......they cared about THE WAY INTERNATIONAL and towing the company line.
That said.....many corps-nazi/hitler youth corps, were exactly like me. People that REALLY DID believe all of that garbage, did all of those things.....and when we FINALLY figured out we were hopelessly entwined with a mind bending cult.....were emotionally brutalized to recognize what we had become.
Radar, thanks for the "official" description. ;)-->
Year after year, twi's programs went sorely awry. I supposed there are hundreds more questions that I could ask. And, topping my list of questions would be one that went directly back to the corps program's founder, victor paul wierwille.
In the least common denominator, God's unconditional love was not at the onset of this corps training. The bickering and biting and devouring.....ultimately consumed one another. In order to survive within the corps....its like, the corps became cannibalistic.
Hmmmmmmm.....just like it says in Galatians 5:13-21 ;)-->
Far from any type of a spirit-filled walk with God, the senses take over completely. And, like in the animal kingdom.....the strong, the cunning survive. And, those with alligator-like instincts survive and thrive. :D-->
Go read some of Jardinero's recent posts. She and I are from the same place, the same time....and unfortunately...have similar tales to relate.
Yeah......we needed to conform to accend the twi corporate ladder.....but at that time, we did not see it as climbing a corporate ladder. I had no agenda but to "do" the will of the lord. However, by then, I really had no clue as to what the true agenda of God was......
Myself, as with Jardinero.....I know that both of us have done our best to go back to people we KNOW that we wronged......our troubling problem, we can not identify all of the wrongs we have done. I feel one hundred percent confident is saying that I and people such as I would love to rectify all wrongs, and ask forgiveness in situations I do not remember.
This is the foundation I was referring to .....in a recent post of mine regarding lcm.
All of these situations......this type of thing.......we are just human. It is the HUMAN admission of guilt, request for forgiveness that means something to me personally.
Thank you Sky..this thread is dual in its purpose. Exposing evil......obiviating pain and forgiveness for some.
I was in the Corps, and I was a really nice guy to the folks whom I had the priviledge to spend time with. And, alot of the people in my Corps, the Tenth, were also really wonderful people. Ex10, is one of them, and a sweeter gal is hard to find. But a few were real "di*kheads" as well. I know that as "leaders" many of us were "green" and made mistakes, but I also know that many of the people on "the field" recognized this and rolled with it, especially on our interim years.
I do remember a few who let the power of their position go to their heads, and that was too bad. I think of the verse, maybe in Timothy that, when pertaining to picking leaders, the "newly picked" should not "be a novice, lest being lifted up with pride", they do one hurtful thing or another. This of course happened, and it is too bad.
Now, I do not know what The Way Corps personnel were like after let's say the 12fth Corps. I have read that during the nineties, there was incredible "Nazi-ism" that was nearly unheard of during my tenure as an active Corps trainee, and as a Corps grad. I suspect that it got worse and worse and worse as time went on. But alot of my Corps pals were really wonderful people who were also kind to the people with whom they were involved with out on "the field"...
When I was a wow in 1976 in California, there was a whole bunch of 6th Corps people there with us, and I remember that the majority of them wewre kind and wonderful to us WOWs and our "new people". There was Barry Kienholz, Randy and Valery Blair, Patty La Gaipa (Peterlags sister), soon to be Tenth Corps Tony Ruda, Nancy Jo Shaffer, Scott Faust, Bruce Knight,Dave Standage (from whatever Corps), and numerous others. Oh, Dennis Thornberry, one of the kindest men I have ever known. I mean, that guy was like Jesus to me, he was so loving and strong.
So, yeah, there were some morons, but we can, at least many of us, can remember the Joe Guarini's, Mark Gluckin's, Ken Bardin's and Donnie Fugit's.
Wierwille was not unaware of the "corps nazi" mindset. He was the author of it.
By 1979, he was already talking about being "dog soldiers" for the Lord -- acting like some Native American warriors who staked themselves to the ground and vowed to fight there until death if necessary. Even before that, he was fond of saying that faithful believers were like privates in the armed forces: when the sergeant tells them to jump, they don't ask how high, they just jump!
In the Corps, there was a two-fold approach to gaining blind loyalty, IMHO. One was to tell the Corps how incredibly special they were, a kind of exclusive club. Wierwille talked about how he would do anything for us, and we should be especially kind to one another (cp. with what the Bible says).
On the other hand, Wierwille, corps coordinators, or elder corps might insult or berate any corps at any time with little provocation. Corps were always being tested to prove their loyalty. At any moment, we might be called on to recite a retemory, do an extra chore, stay up later (and get up earlier), and answer a question to prove that we were paying attention. Wierwille was always expressing his disappointment with us.
I had mixed reactions to all this. On the one hand, I did not feel that the "caste system" was a godly thing, and was determined that I would never repeat such a thing against other believers. However, I felt that the in-residence strictness of the training was a way to build more diligent leadership, and as a dancer, hard work in and of itself did not bother me. Meantime, I was there under special dispensation (I was pregnant), so part of me didn't feel I was in a place to rock the boat too much. Lastly, knowing my intent was only to be Recognized Corps (only one in-res year), I figured I'd be done soon, anyway.
After my in-res year, I was quickly made aware that all Wierwille's claim about Corps love and loyalty was just crap. And we were being pressured to "jump when told to" even after graduating. I said no, and I left. Years later, reading on Waydale, I read that the corps techniques were being visited upon the regular believers.
The first corpse-grad [steve Strezpec] I ever met was the ‘corpse-program-director’, and a TWI Clergy. He was counseling engaged couples [in one case for over a year] promising to marry them. When I confronted him about the delays he told us that only corpse-grads could ever understand the marriage commitment, and as such that only corpse-grads would be allowed to get married by TWI clergy. So dragging these non-corps couples along through counseling was to convince them that they were not meant for each other. But it was okay to promise them that he would marry them.
I dont recall any non-corpse believer ever cursing me, or screaming at me. Only Corpse has insisted the God tells them things about me, that God has not told me in first. It was a number of corpse-grads that have insisted that I was not following God’s will in my life since I was not going corpse. I have always asked “why would God tell you something that He has not told me?”. I usually got yelled at.
I have served alongside of many fine wonderful believers, unfortunately few of them have been corpse-grads. Only a corpse-grad would ever care about what books I maintain in my library, but one Branch Coordinator [steve Mosquido] insisted that I burn books written by Cummins, or else I was no longer welcome in fellowship.
We have discussed this a few times here on GreaseSpot Caf?and yes I understand that former corpse-grads would say that it was the corpse-program and it’s leaders that made them into this destructive force among the faithful. Okay I can except that, though it still recognizes that in fact the most destructive force seen and felt by most of the faithful were corpse-grads.
I'm amazed at how the corpse resembled the SS and the old timer believer the SA. We both carried out the will of der leader but one of us, the masses, the foot soldiers were disposable, only the true salted ones were worthy of entering the holiest of holies, the promised land. The committed few...
In light of the social and psychological perspective, it is understandable that there are still a handful of members adhering to the present truth and that it's basic belief system will go on for another generation of two.
I'm guessing but twiland is laying it's existance and future on a child within their ranks, someone currently being raised up to be the MOG
During our 18 years [1979-1997] following The Way International, we did have a corpse-couple in our twig once.
It was a 35yr old corpse-grad lady who had married a 30yr old sailor. He was transfered to this area [Ct], but since they were un-equally yoked, they could no longer lead a fellowship, so they were told to attend mine.
We learned a lot. She ratted on us every week to the Limb Coordinator about whatever she thought we were doing wrong. We just kept running PFAL classes, despite her complaints.
Apparantly they had been down in Norfolk Virginia area and had been accustomed to being surrounded by corpse-grads. She was terribly upset as by living here she was the only corpse-grad in the area. She needed assistance grocery shopping, and finding stores, and just about all living independant skills. It upset her that we would commonly feed anyone who came to fellowship early. We have always enjoyed feeding a crowd and sharing food among a group of the faithful. She was also upset that we provided housing to other beleivers, either by renting them rooms, or by renting them apartments.
It is a shame that I dont recall his or her names, their last name was Oborsky? I think.
In all fairness to the corp folk that I've known through the years, MOST of you were good people. John G, thank you for the roofing lessons, it is one good thing I know I did :)-->
My first brush with corp was an inexperienced corp gal in Knoxville, she tried but the odds were stacked against her from the beginning.
My second corp person came from the 6th corp and I saw alot of heart, forgiveness and hope.
Then there were a bunch of LC's who were (imo) raising as much hell as I was (for the most part).
Then there was the dropped corp guy who really wanted to do right by god...and was tired of losing and took his wife and their kids through the program again.
Then there were the *other* corp, the ones who had jobs and families. The ones who had to balance baseball practice with twig and managed to do both. The ones who still tried to connect in some rooted context with the world around them and tried in some form or fasion to connect with real life.
I've known TWI nazis that were corps and TWI nazis that were not. I knew Radar when she was in high school. If she became a corps nazi, it wasn't because she didn't have a good heart.
We were all corrupted and we all served TWI's purpose. Some joined the corps and gave their lives. Others, like myself, gave money and time. I'm sure there's forgiveness for both.
i believe that the nastiest and most dangerous corps nazis were spawned in the early and mid 1990's. i can think of many who were heavily influenced by "leaders" such as "rev a. licked" who is just "so wonderful" now that he has left twi. i haven't forgotten you reverend. some of these punk couples went into the corps after very little experience in real life and we were "so blessed" to have them come back and confront us during ho ho relo and such. it's a vivid, hellish memory of my mind when we invited G&T G. to our house for a friendly ho ho meal and they "taught us" that we were not administering the rod of correction with enough severity to our bald headed little 6 month old girl.
g & t? i will never forget you either. please feel free to send me a check to reimburse us for the money we gave you thinking that you were actually going to minister love to god's people.
these twi nazis of the 1990's were willing mental and physical slaves to every sociopathic whim of lcm and other pussies such as "dregs ball shack", "bereft could kareless"(and his amazonian wife) and many others who have shrunken into anonymous silence lest somebody actually hunt them down and confront their sorry asses.
quote: At any moment, we might be called on to recite a retemory, do an extra chore, stay up later (and get up earlier),
Oh MY GOD!! What torture! What brainwashing! God forbid that someone challenges someone memorize a Bible verse! Or WORSE, "do an extra chore"! Or to get up earlier!
I guess Philemon 21,
"Having confidence in thy obedienceI wrote unto thee, knowing that thou wilt also do MORE THAN I SAY".
Is just BS.
Geez, sometime I just want to gag on some frickin Drano when I read some of the whimpy complaints that I see about some of the Way Corps training that we went through..
"Oh my God! I have been asked to recite a Bible verse! How Nazi like!...."
Shoot, that is just ridiculous. I thought it was good training...
Ya know, we were hardly challenged at all when you compare what some of our heroic Navy SEALS, Marines, Army, Airforce, and even US Coast Guard have been through. We should consider ourselves priviledged to haver been challenged at all. Our soldiers face the possibility of getting their heads chopped off, and us? Nuttin!
Shoot, we haven't see nothin....yet. It could get way worse if our economy collapses. What'll we do then? Go to the grocery store for Pop Tarts?
quote:I do remember a few who let the power of their position go to their heads, and that was too bad.
No. It wasn't "too bad". It was evil. And it was wrong. Those people did a world of hurt and there's no forgiveness until they realize it and make amends.
quote: quote: At any moment, we might be called on to recite a retemory, do an extra chore, stay up later (and get up earlier),
Oh MY GOD!! What torture! What brainwashing! God forbid that someone challenges someone memorize a Bible verse! Or WORSE, "do an extra chore"! Or to get up earlier!
I guess Philemon 21,
"Having confidence in thy obedienceI wrote unto thee, knowing that thou wilt also do MORE THAN I SAY".
Is just BS.
Geez, sometime I just want to gag on some frickin Drano when I read some of the whimpy complaints that I see about some of the Way Corps training that we went through..
So you've walked in everyone's shoes and you're comfortable with judging their life and walk before God? Sounds like the same corps .... that made me sick in TWI. We're not there anymore. At least I'm not. As to the economy collapsing, where did that come from?
Bringing up military training is totally non-sequitur. I paid my dues in the Army so I think I've earned the right to speak my mind. The purpose of military training is to teach you to kill the enemy in the most expeditious way possible. The stated purpose of Way Corps training was to raise up clergy to spread the Word. I'm still real unclear how public ridicule, sleep deprevation and forced route memorization accomplished that.
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the cruelty of the corps program hurt me very much as a result i think i was kinder to others
lesssee, watered garden, you were in Ft. Worth, right??? (I was in Albuquerque that same year) so I am thinkin' your wunnerful BC was a sewin' type o' gal, with a syrupy Southern accent and initials o
...It was. It DID happen A LOT. I'm thinking now that people being thrust into leadership roles they were not prepared for was more the norm than the exception. Even in "the old days" speak so fondly
Radar OReilly
DISCLAIMER: THE TERMS USED AS CORPS NAZI, HITLER YOUTH CORPS etc. were used by me and my friends.....not in any way to be construed as "POLITICALLY INCORRECT" or genuinely or accurately trying to equate ADOLPH HITLER or the Nazi movement with TWI. We used them to associate and communicate a certain "mindset" to each other and friends during private conversations.
UGHHHH Sky, you just had to ask!!!!
For many years on staff my boss and dearest friend was a member of the Wierwille family. He would often refer to me as a member of "the hitler youth corps."
The Hitler Youth Corps or Corps-Nazi designations were used by normal "folk" to describe the complete and total sell out mind-set of some corps folks. The kind of corps folks that really did GET UP BY 6 went to bed at 11:59, got their aerobic points, abs 15 percent, witnessed 8 hours a day, did the "45 minute basics" and in general were "cookie cutter" Way Corps.
That is the "official" description, Corps Nazi were, in my opinion, ALWAYS ready to spout the company line, report any and all minor problems to their next higher leader, or write, call or visit lcm himself in person to make sure that THE HOUSEHOLD WAS CLEAN.
A corps person's first credo was THEY HAD NO FRIENDS WHEN IT CAME TO LCM. They were the ministry and the ministry was them. They didn't care about ANYONE'S FEELINGS....they cared about THE WAY INTERNATIONAL and towing the company line.
That said.....many corps-nazi/hitler youth corps, were exactly like me. People that REALLY DID believe all of that garbage, did all of those things.....and when we FINALLY figured out we were hopelessly entwined with a mind bending cult.....were emotionally brutalized to recognize what we had become.
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A description of TWI's advanced programs is at:
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Radar, thanks for the "official" description.
Year after year, twi's programs went sorely awry. I supposed there are hundreds more questions that I could ask. And, topping my list of questions would be one that went directly back to the corps program's founder, victor paul wierwille.
In the least common denominator, God's unconditional love was not at the onset of this corps training. The bickering and biting and devouring.....ultimately consumed one another. In order to survive within the corps....its like, the corps became cannibalistic.
Hmmmmmmm.....just like it says in Galatians 5:13-21
Far from any type of a spirit-filled walk with God, the senses take over completely. And, like in the animal kingdom.....the strong, the cunning survive. And, those with alligator-like instincts survive and thrive.
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Radar OReilly
Go read some of Jardinero's recent posts. She and I are from the same place, the same time....and unfortunately...have similar tales to relate.
Yeah......we needed to conform to accend the twi corporate ladder.....but at that time, we did not see it as climbing a corporate ladder. I had no agenda but to "do" the will of the lord. However, by then, I really had no clue as to what the true agenda of God was......
Myself, as with Jardinero.....I know that both of us have done our best to go back to people we KNOW that we wronged......our troubling problem, we can not identify all of the wrongs we have done. I feel one hundred percent confident is saying that I and people such as I would love to rectify all wrongs, and ask forgiveness in situations I do not remember.
This is the foundation I was referring to .....in a recent post of mine regarding lcm.
All of these situations......this type of thing.......we are just human. It is the HUMAN admission of guilt, request for forgiveness that means something to me personally.
Thank you Sky..this thread is dual in its purpose. Exposing evil......obiviating pain and forgiveness for some.
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J0nny Ling0
I was in the Corps, and I was a really nice guy to the folks whom I had the priviledge to spend time with. And, alot of the people in my Corps, the Tenth, were also really wonderful people. Ex10, is one of them, and a sweeter gal is hard to find. But a few were real "di*kheads" as well. I know that as "leaders" many of us were "green" and made mistakes, but I also know that many of the people on "the field" recognized this and rolled with it, especially on our interim years.
I do remember a few who let the power of their position go to their heads, and that was too bad. I think of the verse, maybe in Timothy that, when pertaining to picking leaders, the "newly picked" should not "be a novice, lest being lifted up with pride", they do one hurtful thing or another. This of course happened, and it is too bad.
Now, I do not know what The Way Corps personnel were like after let's say the 12fth Corps. I have read that during the nineties, there was incredible "Nazi-ism" that was nearly unheard of during my tenure as an active Corps trainee, and as a Corps grad. I suspect that it got worse and worse and worse as time went on. But alot of my Corps pals were really wonderful people who were also kind to the people with whom they were involved with out on "the field"...
When I was a wow in 1976 in California, there was a whole bunch of 6th Corps people there with us, and I remember that the majority of them wewre kind and wonderful to us WOWs and our "new people". There was Barry Kienholz, Randy and Valery Blair, Patty La Gaipa (Peterlags sister), soon to be Tenth Corps Tony Ruda, Nancy Jo Shaffer, Scott Faust, Bruce Knight,Dave Standage (from whatever Corps), and numerous others. Oh, Dennis Thornberry, one of the kindest men I have ever known. I mean, that guy was like Jesus to me, he was so loving and strong.
So, yeah, there were some morons, but we can, at least many of us, can remember the Joe Guarini's, Mark Gluckin's, Ken Bardin's and Donnie Fugit's.
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the cruelty of the corps program hurt me very much
as a result i think i was kinder to others
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Wierwille was not unaware of the "corps nazi" mindset. He was the author of it.
By 1979, he was already talking about being "dog soldiers" for the Lord -- acting like some Native American warriors who staked themselves to the ground and vowed to fight there until death if necessary. Even before that, he was fond of saying that faithful believers were like privates in the armed forces: when the sergeant tells them to jump, they don't ask how high, they just jump!
In the Corps, there was a two-fold approach to gaining blind loyalty, IMHO. One was to tell the Corps how incredibly special they were, a kind of exclusive club. Wierwille talked about how he would do anything for us, and we should be especially kind to one another (cp. with what the Bible says).
On the other hand, Wierwille, corps coordinators, or elder corps might insult or berate any corps at any time with little provocation. Corps were always being tested to prove their loyalty. At any moment, we might be called on to recite a retemory, do an extra chore, stay up later (and get up earlier), and answer a question to prove that we were paying attention. Wierwille was always expressing his disappointment with us.
I had mixed reactions to all this. On the one hand, I did not feel that the "caste system" was a godly thing, and was determined that I would never repeat such a thing against other believers. However, I felt that the in-residence strictness of the training was a way to build more diligent leadership, and as a dancer, hard work in and of itself did not bother me. Meantime, I was there under special dispensation (I was pregnant), so part of me didn't feel I was in a place to rock the boat too much. Lastly, knowing my intent was only to be Recognized Corps (only one in-res year), I figured I'd be done soon, anyway.
After my in-res year, I was quickly made aware that all Wierwille's claim about Corps love and loyalty was just crap. And we were being pressured to "jump when told to" even after graduating. I said no, and I left. Years later, reading on Waydale, I read that the corps techniques were being visited upon the regular believers.
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The first corpse-grad [steve Strezpec] I ever met was the ‘corpse-program-director’, and a TWI Clergy. He was counseling engaged couples [in one case for over a year] promising to marry them. When I confronted him about the delays he told us that only corpse-grads could ever understand the marriage commitment, and as such that only corpse-grads would be allowed to get married by TWI clergy. So dragging these non-corps couples along through counseling was to convince them that they were not meant for each other. But it was okay to promise them that he would marry them.
I dont recall any non-corpse believer ever cursing me, or screaming at me. Only Corpse has insisted the God tells them things about me, that God has not told me in first. It was a number of corpse-grads that have insisted that I was not following God’s will in my life since I was not going corpse. I have always asked “why would God tell you something that He has not told me?”. I usually got yelled at.
I have served alongside of many fine wonderful believers, unfortunately few of them have been corpse-grads. Only a corpse-grad would ever care about what books I maintain in my library, but one Branch Coordinator [steve Mosquido] insisted that I burn books written by Cummins, or else I was no longer welcome in fellowship.
We have discussed this a few times here on GreaseSpot Caf?and yes I understand that former corpse-grads would say that it was the corpse-program and it’s leaders that made them into this destructive force among the faithful. Okay I can except that, though it still recognizes that in fact the most destructive force seen and felt by most of the faithful were corpse-grads.
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I'm amazed at how the corpse resembled the SS and the old timer believer the SA. We both carried out the will of der leader but one of us, the masses, the foot soldiers were disposable, only the true salted ones were worthy of entering the holiest of holies, the promised land. The committed few...
In light of the social and psychological perspective, it is understandable that there are still a handful of members adhering to the present truth and that it's basic belief system will go on for another generation of two.
I'm guessing but twiland is laying it's existance and future on a child within their ranks, someone currently being raised up to be the MOG
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During our 18 years [1979-1997] following The Way International, we did have a corpse-couple in our twig once.
It was a 35yr old corpse-grad lady who had married a 30yr old sailor. He was transfered to this area [Ct], but since they were un-equally yoked, they could no longer lead a fellowship, so they were told to attend mine.
We learned a lot. She ratted on us every week to the Limb Coordinator about whatever she thought we were doing wrong. We just kept running PFAL classes, despite her complaints.
Apparantly they had been down in Norfolk Virginia area and had been accustomed to being surrounded by corpse-grads. She was terribly upset as by living here she was the only corpse-grad in the area. She needed assistance grocery shopping, and finding stores, and just about all living independant skills. It upset her that we would commonly feed anyone who came to fellowship early. We have always enjoyed feeding a crowd and sharing food among a group of the faithful. She was also upset that we provided housing to other beleivers, either by renting them rooms, or by renting them apartments.
It is a shame that I dont recall his or her names, their last name was Oborsky? I think.
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Christian charity at it's best. Carry on.
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In all fairness to the corp folk that I've known through the years, MOST of you were good people. John G, thank you for the roofing lessons, it is one good thing I know I did
My first brush with corp was an inexperienced corp gal in Knoxville, she tried but the odds were stacked against her from the beginning.
My second corp person came from the 6th corp and I saw alot of heart, forgiveness and hope.
Then there were a bunch of LC's who were (imo) raising as much hell as I was (for the most part).
Then there was the dropped corp guy who really wanted to do right by god...and was tired of losing and took his wife and their kids through the program again.
Then there were the *other* corp, the ones who had jobs and families. The ones who had to balance baseball practice with twig and managed to do both. The ones who still tried to connect in some rooted context with the world around them and tried in some form or fasion to connect with real life.
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Well said Herbie.
I've known TWI nazis that were corps and TWI nazis that were not. I knew Radar when she was in high school. If she became a corps nazi, it wasn't because she didn't have a good heart.
We were all corrupted and we all served TWI's purpose. Some joined the corps and gave their lives. Others, like myself, gave money and time. I'm sure there's forgiveness for both.
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but yeah it's all screwed up
very bad to make people more important than others
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Keb' Mo, Just Like You...
Hello my old friend
It's been awhile
All our old clothes
Are back in style
We went our separate ways,
Only to return
To face a lesson
We failed to learn
We didn't understand the truth
We were blinded by the eyes of youth
But time kept on moving
And a change has come
You think that I don't know
Where you're coming from
'Cause I feel just like you
And I cry just like you
But I heal just like you
And under my skin
I'm just like you
You gave your love and your innocence
And they took away your confidence
Well you're not those women
I'm not those men
Put your arms around me
I am your friend
You and everybody else
When I get hurt
I cry for help
And I've got secrets
That god only knows
And god knows I feel...
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When I get hurt
I cry for help
And I've got secrets
That god only knows
And god knows I feel...
I hope, one day to be able to ask for help
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i believe that the nastiest and most dangerous corps nazis were spawned in the early and mid 1990's. i can think of many who were heavily influenced by "leaders" such as "rev a. licked" who is just "so wonderful" now that he has left twi. i haven't forgotten you reverend. some of these punk couples went into the corps after very little experience in real life and we were "so blessed" to have them come back and confront us during ho ho relo and such. it's a vivid, hellish memory of my mind when we invited G&T G. to our house for a friendly ho ho meal and they "taught us" that we were not administering the rod of correction with enough severity to our bald headed little 6 month old girl.
g & t? i will never forget you either. please feel free to send me a check to reimburse us for the money we gave you thinking that you were actually going to minister love to god's people.
these twi nazis of the 1990's were willing mental and physical slaves to every sociopathic whim of lcm and other pussies such as "dregs ball shack", "bereft could kareless"(and his amazonian wife) and many others who have shrunken into anonymous silence lest somebody actually hunt them down and confront their sorry asses.
grasshopper never forgets
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J0nny Ling0
Oh MY GOD!! What torture! What brainwashing! God forbid that someone challenges someone memorize a Bible verse! Or WORSE, "do an extra chore"! Or to get up earlier!
I guess Philemon 21,
"Having confidence in thy obedienceI wrote unto thee, knowing that thou wilt also do MORE THAN I SAY".
Is just BS.
Geez, sometime I just want to gag on some frickin Drano when I read some of the whimpy complaints that I see about some of the Way Corps training that we went through..
"Oh my God! I have been asked to recite a Bible verse! How Nazi like!...."
Shoot, that is just ridiculous. I thought it was good training...
Ya know, we were hardly challenged at all when you compare what some of our heroic Navy SEALS, Marines, Army, Airforce, and even US Coast Guard have been through. We should consider ourselves priviledged to haver been challenged at all. Our soldiers face the possibility of getting their heads chopped off, and us? Nuttin!
Shoot, we haven't see nothin....yet. It could get way worse if our economy collapses. What'll we do then? Go to the grocery store for Pop Tarts?
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I knew some wonderful corps in the 80s. Most left TWI, and the few that remained seemed to have changed.
I got to experience corps nazis in the nineties, and they trained nazi HFCs, too.
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I met both good and bad Corps people. They did seem to get worse in the nineties, but there were still good and bad.
I do wonder at the mindset of those who deplore the Way Corps while admiring the man who set the standards for their behavior, VP Wierwille.
If abusive "Corps-Nazis" were removed and disciplined when their abuse was reported that would be one things, but it didn't happen often did it?
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what are you saying lingo?
oak what/who are you talking about? they "seemed" to get worse? huh? seemed to get worse?
they were gutless pieces of crap because they didn't have the balls to do what was right but they did have the balls to torture the good people.
in my narrow book the only ones that were good were the ones who left and made full restitution to the poor bastards they .... over
and i haven't seen too much of that
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oak the lightbulb went off i get what you you are saying
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Jonny Lingo said:
No. It wasn't "too bad". It was evil. And it was wrong. Those people did a world of hurt and there's no forgiveness until they realize it and make amends.
So you've walked in everyone's shoes and you're comfortable with judging their life and walk before God? Sounds like the same corps .... that made me sick in TWI. We're not there anymore. At least I'm not. As to the economy collapsing, where did that come from?
Bringing up military training is totally non-sequitur. I paid my dues in the Army so I think I've earned the right to speak my mind. The purpose of military training is to teach you to kill the enemy in the most expeditious way possible. The stated purpose of Way Corps training was to raise up clergy to spread the Word. I'm still real unclear how public ridicule, sleep deprevation and forced route memorization accomplished that.
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