Yes house, that is exactly what I thought. Being on such a short supply of smarts these days, somehow they have to spin it that you really don't need a brain. Somehow they have to explain to the "flock" why MOST of the people with any intellect left, long ago..
Well, if I were an advanced class grad, the phrases "eligible" for the "work-study" program in the upcoming advanced classes would not be a blessing - in fact, it would send me a huge red flag! In fact, I think I'd start looking for an excuse why my calendar was full those two weeks.
I imagine, they'll have the grads "serving" and "blessing" the new students. In other words, TWI will save money by putting the current A/C grads to work. I bet it will be "mandatory" for the grads to attend.
I thought they had staff for that?
Working the class is a real privilege in their opinion. And now with this "new light" of how you should want to do good works so you can be advanced to SOMEWHERE, well you should burn to go work it. -->
After decades of living in wayworld, these people are like an old rock band from the sixties that just keep singing the same songs over and over...their wayspeak is so practiced and normal that they probably spent a better part of an hour developing their yearly "theme". They certainly must fall back on "research that has already been proven", because they sure the hell aren't coming up with anything new on their own!...In fact, the current leaders don't have enough credibility of their own to even pretend to be discovering new earth shattering truths....they are caretakers of a defunct cult. They are the residual shadows of a bygone day...they are the ghosts of dead snakeoil salesmen, they market misery and rejoice in manipulation. They see life through the prism of myhological thought and blackmail the innocent with threats of misery both in this life and their necrodestination. They are the lice of this planet.
After decades of living in wayworld, these people are like an old rock band from the sixties that just keep singing the same songs over and over...their wayspeak is so practiced and normal that they probably spent a better part of an hour developing their yearly "theme". They certainly must fall back on "research that has already been proven", because they sure the hell aren't coming up with anything new on their own!...In fact, the current leaders don't have enough credibility of their own to even pretend to be discovering new earth shattering truths....they are caretakers of a defunct cult. They are the residual shadows of a bygone day...they are the ghosts of dead snakeoil salesmen, they market misery and rejoice in manipulation. They see life through the prism of myhological thought and blackmail the innocent with threats of misery both in this life and their necrodestination. They are the lice of this planet.
Walls with skin. Yet there still remains some who can be helped. But when will they let themselves be rescued.
Listening to doubletongued wayspeak, after being out for so long is truly bizarre. They really do have their own little language. Try talking like that at work! See what happens...
quote:.......they are caretakers of a defunct cult. They are the residual shadows of a bygone day...they are the ghosts of dead snakeoil salesmen, they market misery and rejoice in manipulation. They see life through the prism of mythological thought and blackmail the innocent with threats of misery both in this life and their necrodestination. They are the lice of this planet.
"The Promised Land of the Prevailing Word: Building Biblical Understanding"
Why is "The Promised Land of the Prevailing Word" even in there? Wouldn't "Building Biblical Understanding" be sufficient for a Biblical Research Ministry?
It seems like they threw two themes together, thus creating confusion and ambiguity.
When they do this Way-speak stuff, it just totally loses me.
quote:Why is "The Promised Land of the Prevailing Word" even in there? Wouldn't "Building Biblical Understanding" be sufficient for a Biblical Research Ministry?
It seems like they threw two themes together, thus creating confusion and ambiguity.
"The Promised Land of the Prevailing Word"...........martindale
"Building Biblical Understanding"....................rosie (with back to basics plug)
In not-so-subtle twittledumb terminology......the promised land part ties back to marty martindale's reign. He was the modern "joshua"......self-proclaimed.
And, the building biblical understanding stuff......helps set the stage for rosie to platform their new upcoming foundational class. And, the innies say in unison......yup, yup sounds good. --> ties martindale micromanagement to rosie regimentation. That's all.
I can see it now.. ole Rosie trotting down Wienerville road, and lo, a voice comes to her (supposedly) from heaven! (Guess all of those classes finally paid off..)
"Rosa-la, Josh my servant(?) is dead (or at least departed for now..) arise, and takes da peoples back over the promised bridge, for now and forever more".
"The Promised Land of the Prevailing Word: Building Biblical Understanding and Researching Ministry Truths as We Master The Principles of God's Word to Strengthen Our Lives with The Fruit of the Spirit and Prevailing in Our Culture in Our Day and Time."
Muwhahahaha! I can see it, Broadway style production, tuxedoes for the women, skirts for the men, lots of glitter and high stepping. Walking canes pumping, spotlights flashing! :D-->
quote:.......they are caretakers of a defunct cult. They are the residual shadows of a bygone day...they are the ghosts of dead snakeoil salesmen, they market misery and rejoice in manipulation. They see life through the prism of mythological thought and blackmail the innocent with threats of misery both in this life and their necrodestination. They are the lice of this planet.
WOW, houseisarockin.................WOW!
Amazingly descriptive! :)-->
I agree, but it was Hairy's quote so I'll pass it along. :D-->
Muwhahahaha! I can see it, Broadway style production, tuxedoes for the women, skirts for the men, lots of glitter and high stepping. Walking canes pumping, spotlights flashing! :D-->
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Yes house, that is exactly what I thought. Being on such a short supply of smarts these days, somehow they have to spin it that you really don't need a brain. Somehow they have to explain to the "flock" why MOST of the people with any intellect left, long ago..
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Working the class is a real privilege in their opinion. And now with this "new light" of how you should want to do good works so you can be advanced to SOMEWHERE, well you should burn to go work it.
Sunesis, let's not miss it together.
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With the wc training in Gunnison and a smaller staff they probably do need volunteers. And there's a sucker born every day isn't there!
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quote "...we work the research that has already been proven in our ministry publications..."
Is that in contrast to the research that has not been proven in their "ministry" publications?
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After decades of living in wayworld, these people are like an old rock band from the sixties that just keep singing the same songs over and over...their wayspeak is so practiced and normal that they probably spent a better part of an hour developing their yearly "theme". They certainly must fall back on "research that has already been proven", because they sure the hell aren't coming up with anything new on their own!...In fact, the current leaders don't have enough credibility of their own to even pretend to be discovering new earth shattering truths....they are caretakers of a defunct cult. They are the residual shadows of a bygone day...they are the ghosts of dead snakeoil salesmen, they market misery and rejoice in manipulation. They see life through the prism of myhological thought and blackmail the innocent with threats of misery both in this life and their necrodestination. They are the lice of this planet.
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Walls with skin. Yet there still remains some who can be helped. But when will they let themselves be rescued.
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Houseisarockin - I'm game!
Listening to doubletongued wayspeak, after being out for so long is truly bizarre. They really do have their own little language. Try talking like that at work! See what happens...
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WOW, houseisarockin.................WOW!
Amazingly descriptive!
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"The Promised Land of the Prevailing Word: Building Biblical Understanding"
Why is "The Promised Land of the Prevailing Word" even in there? Wouldn't "Building Biblical Understanding" be sufficient for a Biblical Research Ministry?
It seems like they threw two themes together, thus creating confusion and ambiguity.
When they do this Way-speak stuff, it just totally loses me.
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"The Promised Land of the Prevailing Word"...........martindale
"Building Biblical Understanding"....................rosie (with back to basics plug)
In not-so-subtle twittledumb terminology......the promised land part ties back to marty martindale's reign. He was the modern "joshua"......self-proclaimed.
And, the building biblical understanding stuff......helps set the stage for rosie to platform their new upcoming foundational class. And, the innies say in unison......yup, yup sounds good.
--> ties martindale micromanagement to rosie regimentation. That's all.
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I can see it now.. ole Rosie trotting down Wienerville road, and lo, a voice comes to her (supposedly) from heaven! (Guess all of those classes finally paid off..)
"Rosa-la, Josh my servant(?) is dead (or at least departed for now..) arise, and takes da peoples back over the promised bridge, for now and forever more".
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Hey, at least that would explain a lot. The mind picture of ole Rose "trotting" is rather interesting, to say the least.
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Come to think of it, that would sound good in a vey "believers meeting". Maybe I should copyright it..
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skyrider, your explanation makes sense, but if true, it just shows that God's Word is not the focus, but who's running what when. Wow what a shock.
So in its own twisted TWI way it makes sense that it makes no sense.
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Each theme since 200 has started off with "The Promised Land of the Prevailing Word: ..."
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skyrider 2009
........the theme will be...
"The Promised Land of the Prevailing Word: Building Biblical Understanding and Researching Ministry Truths as We Master The Principles of God's Word to Strengthen Our Lives with The Fruit of the Spirit and Prevailing in Our Culture in Our Day and Time."
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Ewwwwwww! That was hard to read, even! Gag me!
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A theme needs a SONG!
"Everything's Coming Up Rosie's"
I had a dream, a dream about you, baby.
It's gonna come true, baby.
They think that we're through, but baby,
You'll be swell! You'll be great!
Gonna have the whole world on a plate!
Starting here, starting now,
honey, everything's coming up Rosie's!
Clear the decks! Clear the tracks!
You've got nothing to do but relax.
Blow a kiss. Take a bow.
Honey, everything's coming up Rosie's!
Now's your inning. Stand the world on it's ear!
Set it spinning! That'll be just the beginning!
Curtain up! Light the lights!
You got nothing to hit but the heights!
You'll be swell. You'll be great.
I can tell. Just you wait.
That lucky star I talk about is due!
Honey, everything's coming up Rosie's for me and for you!
You can do it, all you need is a hand.
We can do it, Mama is gonna see to it!
Curtain up! Light the lights!
We got nothing to hit but the heights!
I can tell, wait and see.
There's the bell! Follow me!
And nothing's gonna stop us 'til we're through!
Honey, everything's coming up roses and daffodils!
Everything's coming up sunshine and Santa Claus!
Everything's gonna be bright lights and lollipops!
Everything's coming up Rosie's for me and for you!
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Hope R.
Dang it Johnnie - now all I can think of is Ethel Merman....
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Muwhahahaha! I can see it, Broadway style production, tuxedoes for the women, skirts for the men, lots of glitter and high stepping. Walking canes pumping, spotlights flashing!
"We prevail, we advance!
Our men know who wears the pants!
Starting here, starting soon!
Baby everything's com-ing up
New classes com-ing up
Everyone throwww-ing up.......(big drum roll!!)
Everyone pony's up Rosie's for me and for
da da daaaa da da da daaaaa da da da da
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I agree, but it was Hairy's quote so I'll pass it along.
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ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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With the face of Rosie and the hair of Don King.
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