"It's my pleasure to share with you that in the 2004-2005 year, we'll have the privilege of uniting around the theme The Promised Land of the Prevailing Word: Building Biblical Understanding"
"We read the Scriptures, we work the research that has already been proven in our ministry publications, and thereby we increase in the knowledge of God's Word"
I'm confused, are the scriptures now the ministry publications? This sounds right up Mike's alley ;)-->
Abi, I've noticed that the publications I've had available since my exit seem to have moved even deeper into dependences for them. Maybe because they had little new research and material coming out, but it has jumped out at me BIG time in the past year of reading them.
"we work the research that has already been proven in our ministry publications" interesting.. same stuff. Outside sources verboten. Cripe, they are setting their own flock up for stupidity.
Um, well guess I could have just said read Mr. H on this one, because that's exactly what they did.
If I was a teacher doing the same thing, they would run me out of town on a rail.
"Now students, we are here to study engineering, but you are "encouraged" to only read the second grade primer for math. After all, this is our "proven" publication. Simply ignore all of the other "ungodly" text books.."
Somehow, logical people will not tolerate this kind of nonsense in any other profession. I guess "religion" is exempt..
Religion is exempt is an accurate way to look at it. But it's for a godly reason. Since the scriptures are established and won't be changing then you could technically teach the same thing over and over for generations. But their publications are not the scriptures and if they were honest for one second and counted the thousands they have lost they would look to themselves and examine what they must be doing wrong. That would include some of that wrong teaching though, and that seems to be against their rules.
They have even engaged the corps in research and once completed made the proclamation they were right in the first place and just disregarded the research of their faithful ones.
quote: Because we profit as we hear the Word of truth of the gospel and as we follow through to the point where we know the grace of God in truth. That Word begins to bring forth fruit in our lives from that day forward. Fruit is profit—it is sustenance, it is advantage, it is godly advancement.
Typical TWI rhetoric that will be repeated over and over again to the innies and the definition of "fruit" will change depending on the motive of the day.
Profit and fruit will mean worldly success and blessings when they want you to give more money (but how many really have that in TWI?)
Fruit will mean new students and new people bringing money to TWI when they are pushing outreach.
Fruit will mean spiritual growth when they want you to sign up for their Advanced Class Specials and pay for that new taped foundational class.
They have the manipulation down to an art form and the innies are so used to it that they can read between the lines without even realizing it, thereby giving TWI what they want in their loyal followers.
My concern is that nothing at all is mentioned about a personal relationship with God or Jesus Christ. It's all about "knowledge" and "rightly dividing the word" - where is God in all this? Where is Jesus Christ? --> They remind me more and more of the Epicureans they made fun of...."we'll hear you again on this matter." Nothing but puffed up knowledge inspires them anymore. It's really sad. :(-->
I agree completely. I've noticed this publication is especially heavy with follow the publications UNTO GOOD WORKS BECAUSE OF GRACE. They have a serious hard on for grace it appears. My gawd, how they will turn that into a trap when it was the opposite of one when God gave it.
Hi,After leaving said ministry ,i started learning from other sources ,they are not the only ones teaching information.
Alot of their publications need to be updated as historical dig ect have come to light.Whatever happened to "as we learn further we will change in light of further material.
Just a nother bait and hook to keep innies thinking they have the only truth
I realize I'm going to contradict myself but that was the premise for doing new classes actually. The further depth, the new light, the generational change that needed the same scriptures viewed slightly more updated (whatever that was to mean). And I've stated once (that I recall) how I never blamed Craig for taking the scriptures deeper. And I'll face the wrath here of stating it once again. The man is not as ignorant as we may state him to be. He understood much more on his own than will ever be given credit for here. While I COMPETLEY UNDERSTAND that because his deeds WAY OUT WEIGH the other I still had to state it again.
So it appears opposite depending on how you look at it. They went further, or in some instances backwards, but now since Craig has been in hiding they've resorted back to what they had been teaching was no longer the present truth. And now they're putting together a new class. I guess they'll have to update their verbiage to accommodate such changes.
Maybe they ought to just hold onto their announcements and replay them ever few years, it does seem they circle enough to profit from them.
""The purpose of Biblical research is to establish, develop, or discover information so that others may be taught and benefited by the instruction."
Seems to imply that the individual doing the research shouldn't expect much in return for themselves - they are simply to give. I'm all for giving, but a healthy individual sets boundaries on giving and should expect to benefit also.
How insightful! Agreed it isn't meant for the individual. How many times you remember hearing "we can't teach on that yet, as it hasn't been opened up by the mog!"
From Harv,
"They really showed us that the keys are already ours and that we have the materials in our ministry storehouse to each be very successful at working God’s Word."
implies one has to have the ministry and their materials in order to do good Biblical research.
They contradict themselves on that one, because they state you don't have to be intelligent to research it, then lay out specs required to be worthy of such a task. They make you unsure if you're facing front or back don't they?
and Romans,
Well, it seems that they have done an awful lot of teachings on abundant sharing this past year.
"Well, it seems that they have done an awful lot of teachings on abundant sharing this past year."
That's the ONE CONSTANT that will NEVER change. They will always have to reinforce the idea that giving money to them is somehow equivalent to godliness. No matter what, they MUST keep the cash flowing in, reliably and dependably. What better way than to convince people that God requires it as a condtion of righteousness in "The Household".
Innies, I ask for yourself, not for me, that you weigh each word given you regarding grace INTO good works. I'm not saying you don't do good works, or that the Bible doesn't state we are to walk as Jesus Christ did, doing good works. I'm saying be mindful of twi doctrine slowly adding to your understanding that it will be vital for your salvation, etc. based on your good works. And that it should be automatic for you since God gave you grace. Grace is being used with a different twist to back up their mind control of you.
quote:Originally posted by houseisarockin:
"Why build Biblical understanding? Because we profit as we hear the Word of truth of the gospel and as we follow through to the point where we know the grace of God in truth. That Word begins to bring forth fruit in our lives from that day forward. Fruit is profit—it is sustenance, it is advantage, it is godly advancement."
quote:Originally posted by houseisarockin:
Tied giving directly into their receiving growth and advancement. (in M*ynihan's article on believer's example.
quote:Originally posted by houseisarockin:
From an article titled "Grace unto Good Works" by R*co M*gnelli:
Closing statement pretty much says what the article did. I'd thought they were going in the direction of making works equal to receipt of anything advancing. I'd seen this word show up a few times...advancement. That would enable them to expect works from their fold. And they'd have the necessary scripture to back them up.
It may be just me but it looks like that's where they're going.
Closing statement:
God, because of His love for us, gave us the gift of salvation through grace. God's grace is unmerited divine favor. It is not given because we do good works, but by grace we are sufficient to perform every good work thru Christ Jesus, our lord. God's grace is like a consistent and favorable breeze that allows us to move forward and steadily advance in life. It isn't something that we work for, but it is something that we work with to move ahead, going where we desire to go with God and doing the things we desire to do for God. It is His supply through grace that will continue to provide the direction, encouragement, strength, and resources we need. Let's continue to grow in God's grace through a study and application of His Word and abound to every good work.
Again, nothing about your personal relationship or loving, caring, taking care of others. Nothing about doing "unto the least of these" and nothing about the true Christian walk. It's all about what benefits TWI.
1) Re-read and master OUR research and only look at the scriptures in the light we tell you to.
2) Pray for what we tell you to pray for: US, the BOD, WD, the upcoming classes, new money/people, the lawsuits...
3) Bring more people and their money to TWI. No sense in sharing anything you know with them if they aren't going to pay for it. If they don't want to get involved with TWI, don't waste your time, they don't deserve anything.
4) Give US your money, your time and your life. "Your life is not your own." it belongs to us - every minute and every red cent.
5) Stay in the household and don't waste your time with those God rejectors who refuse to come to our meetings and take our classes. It's not safe outside the walls of our group! Those people are evil, so only spend time with those who have current nametags.
They no longer build people up. They SEEM to, but there's always a hook in it - such as teaching that we have grace, but that grace is there so we can DO MORE for TWI. If you don't DO what we tell you to do, then you're wasting grace and God isn't happy about that.
Everything they teach is a backhanded compliment, so to speak. House, I bet if you go through that rag you'll see that every single teaching is about giving money, giving time or witnessing to get people to get involved with TWI. That's all they've been teaching about for years.
I can't remember a teaching in my last 4 years in TWI that didn't mention abundantly sharing, doing more in service to the household or witnessing and bringing people to fellowship. Many teachings incorporated more than one or all three of these "goals". You'd think they would get tired of the same old rote "exhortations" after a while. -->
I wish the innies would realize that and that there is so much more love, quality of friendships and family, freedom, abundance and peace outside the walls of TWI. The fellowship with God is so much sweeter and unconditional. It's the kind of relationship He wants to have, not scared children or children just doing what they're supposed to do. It's much nicer to do things because you WANT to and not because someone has pounded into your head that you're supposed to want to do those things.
"Our teachers did a great job of debunking the myth that you need to be an "intellectual" to do good Biblical research. They really showed us that the keys are already ours and that we have the materials in our ministry storehouse to each be very successful at working God’s Word."
Typical. "No brains required. Just study (and you better sure as he** obey) our material".
Obvious to them that no intellect is required- they have been close to succeeding chasing off all the intellectuals.
Ministry "storehouse" smells more like an outhouse to me.. somebody please flush..
I wonder if they still consider Uncle Loy's publications on the same par as scripture, part of their "outhouse" of resources in the bookstore. Wouldn't suprise me.
They no longer build people up. They SEEM to, but there's always a hook in it - such as teaching that we have grace, but that grace is there so we can DO MORE for TWI. If you don't DO what we tell you to do, then you're wasting grace and God isn't happy about that.
Wasting the grace wherewith you were called to serve the mighty fox. How do they handle that aspect I wonder, they use to teach against idolatry.
Everything they teach is a backhanded compliment, so to speak. House, I bet if you go through that rag you'll see that every single teaching is about giving money, giving time or witnessing to get people to get involved with TWI. That's all they've been teaching about for years.
I wish the innies would realize that and that there is so much more love, quality of friendships and family, freedom, abundance and peace outside the walls of TWI. The fellowship with God is so much sweeter and unconditional. It's the kind of relationship He wants to have, not scared children or children just doing what they're supposed to do. It's much nicer to do things because you WANT to and not because someone has pounded into your head that you're supposed to want to do those things.
"Our teachers did a great job of debunking the myth that you need to be an "intellectual" to do good Biblical research. They really showed us that the keys are already ours and that we have the materials in our ministry storehouse to each be very successful at working God’s Word."
Typical. "No brains required. Just study (and you better sure as he** obey) our material".
Obvious to them that no intellect is required- they have been close to succeeding chasing off all the intellectuals.
Actually when first I read that sentence I thought it could well have been taken as a slam. Debunking the myth that you need to be an "intellectual." Does that mean their team is short on supply so they have to make that attribute seem less important? Shall they ever learn they can only run ahead and change the road signs for so long and eventually people are going to actually notice it!
I wonder if they still consider Uncle Loy's publications on the same par as scripture, part of their "outhouse" of resources in the bookstore. Wouldn't suprise me.
I noticed no effort to hide this publication. It was referred to in this magazine, and if it got through the fine filter of allowance it must be considered acceptable publication for today's present truth.
"Our teachers did a great job of debunking the myth that you need to be an "intellectual" to do good Biblical research. They really showed us that the keys are already ours and that we have the materials in our ministry storehouse to each be very successful at working God’s Word."
Typical. "No brains required. Just study (and you better sure as he** obey) our material".
Obvious to them that no intellect is required- they have been close to succeeding chasing off all the intellectuals.
Actually when first I read that sentence I thought it could well have been taken as a slam. Debunking the myth that you need to be an "intellectual." Does that mean their team is short on supply so they have to make that attribute seem less important? Shall they ever learn they can only run ahead and change the road signs for so long and eventually people are going to actually notice it!
Of COURSE that's what it means!
In 1989, when 80% of the membership present as of 1989 walked away, the WOW program
applications plummeted accordingly. They proudly trumpeted the verses ad nauseum about
God not being constrained to save by many or by few. Gotta try that spin control and
make it look like we WANTED it this way.....
(Similarly, the seminar on Biblical stuff for writers was all about submitting articles
for their magazine right after the writing staff for the magazine walked off....
they started using LOTS of pictures and illustrations per page, too....
WordWolf, we've speculated that they've changed things they do and say based on our observations and thoughts here. I bet were the best damage control they've ever known.
Well, if I were an advanced class grad, the phrases "eligible" for the "work-study" program in the upcoming advanced classes would not be a blessing - in fact, it would send me a huge red flag! In fact, I think I'd start looking for an excuse why my calendar was full those two weeks.
I imagine, they'll have the grads "serving" and "blessing" the new students. In other words, TWI will save money by putting the current A/C grads to work. I bet it will be "mandatory" for the grads to attend.
"Work-study"- another euphemism for "slavery". The last I remember, what that means is to go to the event, pay almost full admission price for the "blessing" of being able to "study"(?) and work your rear off for the week to put on the event. And you had better be "blessed" about it. Sounds to me like a recipe for insanity.
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Abi, I've noticed that the publications I've had available since my exit seem to have moved even deeper into dependences for them. Maybe because they had little new research and material coming out, but it has jumped out at me BIG time in the past year of reading them.
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Um, well guess I could have just said read Mr. H on this one, because that's exactly what they did.
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Religion is exempt is an accurate way to look at it. But it's for a godly reason. Since the scriptures are established and won't be changing then you could technically teach the same thing over and over for generations. But their publications are not the scriptures and if they were honest for one second and counted the thousands they have lost they would look to themselves and examine what they must be doing wrong. That would include some of that wrong teaching though, and that seems to be against their rules.
They have even engaged the corps in research and once completed made the proclamation they were right in the first place and just disregarded the research of their faithful ones.
They are hopeless.
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must be away...will finish my replies in a bit...
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I agree completely. I've noticed this publication is especially heavy with follow the publications UNTO GOOD WORKS BECAUSE OF GRACE. They have a serious hard on for grace it appears. My gawd, how they will turn that into a trap when it was the opposite of one when God gave it.
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I realize I'm going to contradict myself but that was the premise for doing new classes actually. The further depth, the new light, the generational change that needed the same scriptures viewed slightly more updated (whatever that was to mean). And I've stated once (that I recall) how I never blamed Craig for taking the scriptures deeper. And I'll face the wrath here of stating it once again. The man is not as ignorant as we may state him to be. He understood much more on his own than will ever be given credit for here. While I COMPETLEY UNDERSTAND that because his deeds WAY OUT WEIGH the other I still had to state it again.
So it appears opposite depending on how you look at it. They went further, or in some instances backwards, but now since Craig has been in hiding they've resorted back to what they had been teaching was no longer the present truth. And now they're putting together a new class. I guess they'll have to update their verbiage to accommodate such changes.
Maybe they ought to just hold onto their announcements and replay them ever few years, it does seem they circle enough to profit from them.
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For years we wore our "cult" status as a purple heart you know.
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Remember when it was cool to be considered in their cult though? We were kind of messed up weren't we!
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Again BINGO!!!!!
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Well I think you've seen my font enough, thanks for your reading time.
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Innies, I ask for yourself, not for me, that you weigh each word given you regarding grace INTO good works. I'm not saying you don't do good works, or that the Bible doesn't state we are to walk as Jesus Christ did, doing good works. I'm saying be mindful of twi doctrine slowly adding to your understanding that it will be vital for your salvation, etc. based on your good works. And that it should be automatic for you since God gave you grace. Grace is being used with a different twist to back up their mind control of you.
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Again, nothing about your personal relationship or loving, caring, taking care of others. Nothing about doing "unto the least of these" and nothing about the true Christian walk. It's all about what benefits TWI.
1) Re-read and master OUR research and only look at the scriptures in the light we tell you to.
2) Pray for what we tell you to pray for: US, the BOD, WD, the upcoming classes, new money/people, the lawsuits...
3) Bring more people and their money to TWI. No sense in sharing anything you know with them if they aren't going to pay for it. If they don't want to get involved with TWI, don't waste your time, they don't deserve anything.
4) Give US your money, your time and your life. "Your life is not your own." it belongs to us - every minute and every red cent.
5) Stay in the household and don't waste your time with those God rejectors who refuse to come to our meetings and take our classes. It's not safe outside the walls of our group! Those people are evil, so only spend time with those who have current nametags.
They no longer build people up. They SEEM to, but there's always a hook in it - such as teaching that we have grace, but that grace is there so we can DO MORE for TWI. If you don't DO what we tell you to do, then you're wasting grace and God isn't happy about that.
Everything they teach is a backhanded compliment, so to speak. House, I bet if you go through that rag you'll see that every single teaching is about giving money, giving time or witnessing to get people to get involved with TWI. That's all they've been teaching about for years.
I can't remember a teaching in my last 4 years in TWI that didn't mention abundantly sharing, doing more in service to the household or witnessing and bringing people to fellowship. Many teachings incorporated more than one or all three of these "goals". You'd think they would get tired of the same old rote "exhortations" after a while.
I wish the innies would realize that and that there is so much more love, quality of friendships and family, freedom, abundance and peace outside the walls of TWI. The fellowship with God is so much sweeter and unconditional. It's the kind of relationship He wants to have, not scared children or children just doing what they're supposed to do. It's much nicer to do things because you WANT to and not because someone has pounded into your head that you're supposed to want to do those things.
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From Harv-aroo:
"Our teachers did a great job of debunking the myth that you need to be an "intellectual" to do good Biblical research. They really showed us that the keys are already ours and that we have the materials in our ministry storehouse to each be very successful at working God’s Word."
Typical. "No brains required. Just study (and you better sure as he** obey) our material".
Obvious to them that no intellect is required- they have been close to succeeding chasing off all the intellectuals.
Ministry "storehouse" smells more like an outhouse to me.. somebody please flush..
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I wonder if they still consider Uncle Loy's publications on the same par as scripture, part of their "outhouse" of resources in the bookstore. Wouldn't suprise me.
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Actually when first I read that sentence I thought it could well have been taken as a slam. Debunking the myth that you need to be an "intellectual." Does that mean their team is short on supply so they have to make that attribute seem less important? Shall they ever learn they can only run ahead and change the road signs for so long and eventually people are going to actually notice it!
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I noticed no effort to hide this publication. It was referred to in this magazine, and if it got through the fine filter of allowance it must be considered acceptable publication for today's present truth.
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This stuff sounds like gobledy gook to me. Same old TWI gobledy-gook.
Edited by outandaboutLink to comment
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Of COURSE that's what it means!
In 1989, when 80% of the membership present as of 1989 walked away, the WOW program
applications plummeted accordingly. They proudly trumpeted the verses ad nauseum about
God not being constrained to save by many or by few. Gotta try that spin control and
make it look like we WANTED it this way.....
(Similarly, the seminar on Biblical stuff for writers was all about submitting articles
for their magazine right after the writing staff for the magazine walked off....
they started using LOTS of pictures and illustrations per page, too....
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WordWolf, we've speculated that they've changed things they do and say based on our observations and thoughts here. I bet were the best damage control they've ever known.
And that really should tell them something!
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Well, if I were an advanced class grad, the phrases "eligible" for the "work-study" program in the upcoming advanced classes would not be a blessing - in fact, it would send me a huge red flag! In fact, I think I'd start looking for an excuse why my calendar was full those two weeks.
I imagine, they'll have the grads "serving" and "blessing" the new students. In other words, TWI will save money by putting the current A/C grads to work. I bet it will be "mandatory" for the grads to attend.
I thought they had staff for that?
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"Work-study"- another euphemism for "slavery". The last I remember, what that means is to go to the event, pay almost full admission price for the "blessing" of being able to "study"(?) and work your rear off for the week to put on the event. And you had better be "blessed" about it. Sounds to me like a recipe for insanity.
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