quote:Aw, OnionEater, are ya gonna tell us? Pleez???
John was somewhat sheltered from the world growing up. He told me that he never even heard about the Beatles till after they broke up.
He informed us that there would be no "beer drinking" during our WOW year. Yea, right, by the end of the year he was having a drink. WE DROVE HIM NUTS poor guy. We had a very eventful year and I believe John learned far more from us than we did from him.
"For the youthful fellowshippers..." No oldies allowed? Except for Oldies? ;)-->
Youth Day - All 10 of them? :)-->
quote: You don't need expensive counselors when "The Way of Abundance and Power" can teach you how to live one day at a time and get control of your life. It can show you how to get out of your figurative prisons and lead a victorious life. You don't need family counseling when you know how to build and maintain a strong family, daily winning the spiritual competition by defeating your personal adversary. The teachings of this class will settle questions such as how to know you are really born again and how God can strengthen you every day. How can you not live a victorious life when you know your rights and privileges as God's son?
Yikes! This seems like a lawsuit waiting to happen! I guess it's a good thing that this seems so insane to me now.
JT, I know. Language is like, so totally awesome and all! It's got, you know, words and stuff and it's all so like, I dunno. It's hard to put in to words but language rocks!
quote:figurative prisons
Wassat? "Figurative" prisons. It sounds like ice skating. "Cons on Ice". Seriously, makes no sense. We know what they mean, sort of, but if you were in a figurative prison, would you be able to decipher the meaning? Are figurative prisons more shapely? Perhaps "Voluptuous prisons" would be better. Maybe people in figurative prisons need something that speaks to them. I dunno, again, words are all so like, "that". It's confusing.
quote:questions such as how to know you are really born again
The word "really" is a filler, one I use myself a lot and my little transmitter antennae always go ZWAT when I do because it's almost always misused. "really born again" reads "how to know you're born again, REALLY born again". You mean...like this? No! REALLY born again. As if you were kind of born again before but this WAP class is gonna do you one for real. REALLY for real. Picture someone poking at their stomach. "Is it really that big?"
What they probably meant was "how to really know that you're born again". But hey. Words. No biggie. And that still begs the question, can I know something but not really know it? How does that work? Will something I don't really know leak out if I tilt my head to the right too long?
And the whole "how to know" thing. I picture several people looking over a person on a table surrounded by equipment, wires, sensors, dressed in hospital whites.
"Is he born again?".....(poking at the subjects leg with a forceps)
"Hard to say. Well, maybe. We haven't done any tests yet.".....
"Okay, hook up the Knowogonometer, Nurse, bring it up to 110 Farzoids. Easy now. EASY!!!! You'll fry his spleen!!!! Back it off!!!! You'll blow his....GEEZ!!!!!.......Better...better...okay, clear. CLEAR!
(smoke clears, long silence....)
"Is he really born again?"
"Uh....he's, well....he's sputtering something, but...I think....hmmmm.....can't tell. He wasn't....
"...Let's try it again...Nurse, bring it up to 220 this time and, whoaaa!!! WHOA!!!! NOT THAT MUCH!!!! He's....Cut the....GEEEEZ!!!!...."
quote:You don't need expensive counselors when "The Way of Abundance and Power" can teach you how to live one day at a time and get control of your life...You don't need family counseling when you know how to build and maintain a strong family, daily winning the spiritual competition by defeating your personal adversary... How can you not live a victorious life when you know your rights and privileges as God's son?
That makes me want to puke. Nothing in there about chemical imbalances in the brain. Nothing about having depression exacerbated or self-esteem destroyed because you're trying to "do" what they say they teach. It DOES sound like a lawsuit waiting to happen. If I could figure out how to document it, I WOULD sue them.
May only be a technicality.. but- most people live one day at a time. Unless somehow you are more than one person, somehow mysteriously living in the past, present and future, or some such nonsense. Just HOW are they gonna show you how to do something that is so inherent to life to begin with?
It would make more sense if they just advertised how they expose the evils of eating bread and vegetables together at the same meal. I know at least one current region guy that would qualify as Da Teacher..
I think that thing was crafted VERY carefully. Probably had to pass the bar in front of a TEAM of lawyers. I still see no results guaranteed. Only that our class "can" teach you how to get anything good that you could possibly want. Doesn't work? Your fault. Some secret sin or other such nonsense. Maybe you shoulda tried those "expensive" counselors to begin with.
Or, when you have REAL bad problems, they have a little "exit interview"- tell you to "go figure it out yourself".
They claim that they are looking for people that are looking for answers. Why then are they not really providing them? You know, lasting answers. Apparently they cannot.
"You don't need family counseling when you know how to build and maintain a strong family, daily winning the spiritual competition by defeating your personal adversary."
A reasonable person may actually agree with this. The problem is, where is the claim that their class will really give this to you? I find this omission disturbing.
True, if you know everything, you obviously would not need counselling.
But the big disclaimer is already posted on this "wonderful for da believers" web site- "not owned or operated by da vey international".
quote: But the big disclaimer is already posted on this "wonderful for da believers" web site- "not owned or operated by da vey international".]
True, but they've said it and have it written in other places and I remember a small scandal with a girl who was placed on anti-depressants in my area.
They would come back with the argument that they can tell us what to do, but they can't make us do it and that IF we followed what they taught we wouldn't need those expensive counselors. It's b.s. and I think enough documentation would be grounds for a very good lawsuit, but I'm no lawyer and I don't even play one on tv.
I agree Belle. Enough documentation would help. But I can almost hear the stupid back pedalling and denial- "oh, well, our followers just get a little excited".. "Never really said it, never recommended it, never.." on and on.
Makes me wonder- what then do they actually DO? "Well, that's a little more complicated.."
Just checked da "wonderful for da believers" site again.. got a message on the message boards- "under construction, our programmer cannot fix it if you try to access it in any way, please refrain from accessing it". What in da world is up with that??? Makes as much sense as the folks that are left in that organization.
Remember it is a volunteer operation, and I think I remember too that the administrator described himself there as a father, and as having a real job to tend to, as well as taking college courses.
I know that when I was hit with a number of my own much simpler computer reconstruction issues late last summer it put me behind 3 months in posting here.
It's been only a few weeks that the site has been "down."
And remember too that he was relatively invaded by GreaseSpotters after having a calm peacful slow startup period for about a whole year. You gotta figure he has policy and software permission issues as well as security to consider. Let's also not forget that dollar costs may be involved too.
Oh, it's new and spiffy-looking alright, and they've done a fine job of keeping the riff-raff out. -->
I especially like the look of this:
This forum is not a debating platform. This is not a place to engage in political, philosophical, or religious debates. There are other places on the Internet for those activities. Users who engage in debates or argumentative discourse will have their posts edited, deleted or perhaps access to the message boards denied. Users who wish to discuss their questions and concerns about the Word of God or The Way ministry may contact their local ministry coordinator or email the webmaster.
Yup, let's make sure that any nasty "questions" are funelled through the "leaders". Gotta protect our people from thinking, doncha know.
Here's another feature, just in case they unwittingly let a troublemaker register:
Moderators control the boards. They start new topics. If you want to start a new topic, but are not a moderator, you can suggest your idea as a reply in any forum topic for that moderator to consider. The moderators can also fix spelling, edit sentence structure, edit for content, move or delete posts. If you wish to become a moderator, you can email the webmaster.
They fix spelling too...wow! And some of you guys complain about the spelling police here on GS!
Several of us were over there a while back, and while a few pointed questions were asked, none of us were rude or insulting, yet posts and threads were deleted.
Yet "innies" have complete access to come to GS. John Linder is registered here, Harve Platig had his letter printed here. "Innies" and TWI sympathizers can posts their opinions, question our motives and intents, rip us all new assholes for having the opinions that we do, yet the folks at Family Tables can't allow any open dialog or any opinions that are not officially sanctioned by TWI, despite their non-affiliation.
It's their website, and they can do whatever they want, but it points out the cowardly nature of those involved in TWI.
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My mom knew that word, and I did "catch it" for using it! So much for Wayspeak....
Aw, OnionEater, are ya gonna tell us? Pleez???
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John B WOW family 1979.
My daughter is sitting on John's knee. The Onion is on the right side second row.
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John was somewhat sheltered from the world growing up. He told me that he never even heard about the Beatles till after they broke up.
He informed us that there would be no "beer drinking" during our WOW year. Yea, right, by the end of the year he was having a drink. WE DROVE HIM NUTS poor guy. We had a very eventful year and I believe John learned far more from us than we did from him.
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Some thoughts on the site:
"For the youthful fellowshippers..." No oldies allowed? Except for Oldies?
Youth Day - All 10 of them?
Yikes! This seems like a lawsuit waiting to happen! I guess it's a good thing that this seems so insane to me now.
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JT, I know. Language is like, so totally awesome and all! It's got, you know, words and stuff and it's all so like, I dunno. It's hard to put in to words but language rocks!
Wassat? "Figurative" prisons. It sounds like ice skating. "Cons on Ice". Seriously, makes no sense. We know what they mean, sort of, but if you were in a figurative prison, would you be able to decipher the meaning? Are figurative prisons more shapely? Perhaps "Voluptuous prisons" would be better. Maybe people in figurative prisons need something that speaks to them. I dunno, again, words are all so like, "that". It's confusing.
The word "really" is a filler, one I use myself a lot and my little transmitter antennae always go ZWAT when I do because it's almost always misused. "really born again" reads "how to know you're born again, REALLY born again". You mean...like this? No! REALLY born again. As if you were kind of born again before but this WAP class is gonna do you one for real. REALLY for real. Picture someone poking at their stomach. "Is it really that big?"
What they probably meant was "how to really know that you're born again". But hey. Words. No biggie. And that still begs the question, can I know something but not really know it? How does that work? Will something I don't really know leak out if I tilt my head to the right too long?
And the whole "how to know" thing. I picture several people looking over a person on a table surrounded by equipment, wires, sensors, dressed in hospital whites.
"Is he born again?".....(poking at the subjects leg with a forceps)
"Hard to say. Well, maybe. We haven't done any tests yet.".....
"Okay, hook up the Knowogonometer, Nurse, bring it up to 110 Farzoids. Easy now. EASY!!!! You'll fry his spleen!!!! Back it off!!!! You'll blow his....GEEZ!!!!!.......Better...better...okay, clear. CLEAR!
(smoke clears, long silence....)
"Is he really born again?"
"Uh....he's, well....he's sputtering something, but...I think....hmmmm.....can't tell. He wasn't....
"...Let's try it again...Nurse, bring it up to 220 this time and, whoaaa!!! WHOA!!!! NOT THAT MUCH!!!! He's....Cut the....GEEEEZ!!!!...."
It's scarey business. Scarey.
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Kinda like the inquisitions they had trying to find who was or was not a witch. They figured that only a witch could breath under water and live.
Unfortunately, they had to go through a lot of "good guys" trying to find out who was the witch "in da camp".
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That makes me want to puke. Nothing in there about chemical imbalances in the brain. Nothing about having depression exacerbated or self-esteem destroyed because you're trying to "do" what they say they teach. It DOES sound like a lawsuit waiting to happen. If I could figure out how to document it, I WOULD sue them.
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May only be a technicality.. but- most people live one day at a time. Unless somehow you are more than one person, somehow mysteriously living in the past, present and future, or some such nonsense. Just HOW are they gonna show you how to do something that is so inherent to life to begin with?
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If you come up with anything, I'll be more than happy to join your lawsuit.
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It would make more sense if they just advertised how they expose the evils of eating bread and vegetables together at the same meal. I know at least one current region guy that would qualify as Da Teacher..
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"unlike more expensive methods, our snake oil actually will perform as snake oil".
"as an added benefit, it is cheap"- ha.
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I think that thing was crafted VERY carefully. Probably had to pass the bar in front of a TEAM of lawyers. I still see no results guaranteed. Only that our class "can" teach you how to get anything good that you could possibly want. Doesn't work? Your fault. Some secret sin or other such nonsense. Maybe you shoulda tried those "expensive" counselors to begin with.
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Or, when you have REAL bad problems, they have a little "exit interview"- tell you to "go figure it out yourself".
They claim that they are looking for people that are looking for answers. Why then are they not really providing them? You know, lasting answers. Apparently they cannot.
Edited by Mr. HammeroniLink to comment
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"You don't need family counseling when you know how to build and maintain a strong family, daily winning the spiritual competition by defeating your personal adversary."
A reasonable person may actually agree with this. The problem is, where is the claim that their class will really give this to you? I find this omission disturbing.
True, if you know everything, you obviously would not need counselling.
But the big disclaimer is already posted on this "wonderful for da believers" web site- "not owned or operated by da vey international".
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True, but they've said it and have it written in other places and I remember a small scandal with a girl who was placed on anti-depressants in my area.
They would come back with the argument that they can tell us what to do, but they can't make us do it and that IF we followed what they taught we wouldn't need those expensive counselors. It's b.s. and I think enough documentation would be grounds for a very good lawsuit, but I'm no lawyer and I don't even play one on tv.
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I agree Belle. Enough documentation would help. But I can almost hear the stupid back pedalling and denial- "oh, well, our followers just get a little excited".. "Never really said it, never recommended it, never.." on and on.
Makes me wonder- what then do they actually DO? "Well, that's a little more complicated.."
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Just checked da "wonderful for da believers" site again.. got a message on the message boards- "under construction, our programmer cannot fix it if you try to access it in any way, please refrain from accessing it". What in da world is up with that??? Makes as much sense as the folks that are left in that organization.
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Mr Ham,
Remember it is a volunteer operation, and I think I remember too that the administrator described himself there as a father, and as having a real job to tend to, as well as taking college courses.
I know that when I was hit with a number of my own much simpler computer reconstruction issues late last summer it put me behind 3 months in posting here.
It's been only a few weeks that the site has been "down."
And remember too that he was relatively invaded by GreaseSpotters after having a calm peacful slow startup period for about a whole year. You gotta figure he has policy and software permission issues as well as security to consider. Let's also not forget that dollar costs may be involved too.
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I just tried to log in, and this is what I got:
You have specified an incorrect or inactive username, or an invalid password.
I know my user name and I know my password, therefore I can only guess that they have *de-activated* me.
So long Family Tables -- see ya all at the Bema.
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The forums are back 'up'.
I was just there.
Looking good.
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Oh, it's new and spiffy-looking alright, and they've done a fine job of keeping the riff-raff out.
I especially like the look of this:
Yup, let's make sure that any nasty "questions" are funelled through the "leaders". Gotta protect our people from thinking, doncha know.Here's another feature, just in case they unwittingly let a troublemaker register:
They fix spelling too...wow! And some of you guys complain about the spelling police here on GS!Several of us were over there a while back, and while a few pointed questions were asked, none of us were rude or insulting, yet posts and threads were deleted.
Yet "innies" have complete access to come to GS. John Linder is registered here, Harve Platig had his letter printed here. "Innies" and TWI sympathizers can posts their opinions, question our motives and intents, rip us all new assholes for having the opinions that we do, yet the folks at Family Tables can't allow any open dialog or any opinions that are not officially sanctioned by TWI, despite their non-affiliation.
It's their website, and they can do whatever they want, but it points out the cowardly nature of those involved in TWI.
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You wrote: "Oh, it's new and spiffy-looking alright, and they've done a fine job of keeping the riff-raff out."
I guess I gotta admit it: I'm kinda thankful they DO let the riff-raff in HERE.
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Don't remind us, Mike. Don't remind us.
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Hey Mike -- I jut tried to log in again, and got the same response. Guess I am "riff-raff", and worthy of being kept out.
Meebe I finally got my *Grease Spot By Midnight* badge of honor!!
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