Yer Welcome Socks! Think they'd pay us the $250.00 consulting fee if they implement our ideas?? :D--> (Doubt It!)
quote:Fast forward to today and the internet and the fact that right now you can bet there's people racing to be the first one to get photos of Paris Hilton's last bowel movement on the internet and will probably make a small fortune selling downloads of the unedited photos for 9.95 a pop to pimply teenagers and emotionally impaired, coffee cranked old men really have to wonder.
ROTFLMAO!!! :D--> :D--> Good one!
SO true too!!!!!
Mr. Hammeroni... Good point on your part too. I was thinking of TWI in the corporate sense. I forgot that they claim not to have members in any standing. Which kinda makes you wonder how they can M&A anyone if they're not a member in the first place, true? :)-->
Hey Mr. 123.. no kidding. I think the problem was the he could not work "with" anybody. Or did not have the skills to do so. Of course that was not his job. His job was to dictate mandates, "do it, or die".
I don't know if anybody here has any fond memories of the guy.. he was somebodies baby once I suppose. But by the time they got through with him, you'd a thought he'd huffed a little too much paint thinner.
How in the world are you gonna be able to work with somebody like that, given that the are given almost the power of "the almighty" over you?
Makes me wonder what he's gonna do when he's off the payroll. Not many forced labor camps in the U.S. that he could run, and Nazi germany is no more. Maybe he could start his own cult. Might be tough going for a character with the charisma of a doorknob.
Gosh, it is amazing what involvment in twi will do to a person, I knew the Graml*chs before they were married, they were pretty nice people back in witchita when they simply ran a twig......what a shame that their continued involvement has molded them into heartless says so much about the group.
Yep. I think the big "rev" title, at least in very recent years, says everything, makes all the difference. Takes an otherwise unqualified huckster and turns him into a monster. I just wonder what it really cost him.
Sad in a way. If they put him out, he probably has nowhere to go. No friends, they were disposed of long ago. Family? probably doesn't have the guts to go reconcile with them. If he treated his family like folks around here, he has no family that would claim him.
Like the other good Nazi's- "I was just following orders". Who knows, maybe they are "grooming" him for a BOD position!
A title is only as good as the certifying organization-
or as BAD as the certifying organization.
WordWolf -- true. The *shocking* part is seeing him have the added power that comes with the title.
Frank123 -- I hear you loud and clear. I was in a wowvet home with CG (geez -- he even has the same initials as another famous C*ris G***), and he told me much the same thing. Perhaps the greatest sentence I heard from him (in retrospect) was -- "I can't deal with having you live in this house anymore". Even though I was good little wayfer at the time, he gave me one week to move out.
Mr Hammer -- Yea, you bring up a good point. I wonder if he could do anything else. --> I doubt it.
Wow, that's 12 regions for what, 3600 people? That's 300 people per region. TWIt used to have more than 300 people in the NYC area alone. TWIt used to have 300 people in the limb of Illinois alone.
When I first got involved there were seven regions, shortly increased to eight. That's when TWI was at the peak of their membership.
Twelve regions figures to about four states per region, and a lot of states don't have their own limb leaders. When I left about three years ago there were eleven states without in-state limb leaders due to tiny numbers. It's gotta be more now.
Looks like these are old timers who are living off TWIt's titties and they haven't figured out how to get rid of them but don't want them at HQ around the fox and her lover.
All RCs are living the high life instead of the dorm life. Their work week is something like MAYBE 20 hours. Not a bad gig if you can get it, but the price your conscience pays is astronomical.
JT, I'm just guessing since "things are better now" :D--> Most of the RC's I know are full time. I just assumed all of them were.
I know our RC went swimming every morning and his wife ran around doing errands for the house, took special community college classes and such that had absolutely nothing to do with running a region.
They didn't even have fellowships at one time, now they at least do that, but I'm sure they have them at other people's homes to give others an opportunity to "bless" the rest of the fellowship. Same with teaching, too - most likely.
So, if they have less paperwork since "things are better".
Less wc in their areas to "report back" to them.
No other "full time staff" having to fill out staff micromanagement reports for them.
No fellowship teachings (or maybe once a month).
They delegate branch meeting and limb meeting responsibilities.
The "field" believers do all the set up, clean up and stringing of the chairs.
They might teach one session at a class or merely "bless" them with their presence at one session. (And, since there's hardly any classes run anymore....)
They don't fill out blue forms.
They only write the letter for their newsletter once every other month (all other aspects of it are delegated).
What do they do?? I think 20 hours a week is too generous a guesstimate for how hard they work for TWIts. No wonder they continue wiping the brown stuff from rosie off their noses and passing it on to everyone else.
Please, correct me if I'm wrong. :D--> I'd love to be wrong in this case. What does an LC do these days that requires so much time?
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Yer Welcome Socks! Think they'd pay us the $250.00 consulting fee if they implement our ideas??
:D--> (Doubt It!)
:D--> Good one!
SO true too!!!!!
Mr. Hammeroni... Good point on your part too. I was thinking of TWI in the corporate sense. I forgot that they claim not to have members in any standing. Which kinda makes you wonder how they can M&A anyone if they're not a member in the first place, true?
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Ch*is Gr*amlich is a REV?!?!?!?!?
All I can say is OMG

Yup -- that's the guy.
Guess his brown-nosin paid off, in a sad sort of way.
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Hey, don't let it shock you.
Remember? I've got several Doctorates.
A title is only as good as the certifying organization-
or as BAD as the certifying organization.
Once introductions are over, titles mean nothing, anyway-
either they reflect skill you'll see in action,
or they conceal incompetence and are a smokescreen.
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The rev Ch** Gr*ml**c !!! Mr nazi himself.
What he did to our area was a tragic thing,
When he was finished what had taken over 20 years to build was destroyed,wiped out gone no more...........
The greatest thing he ever said to me was "I
cannot work with you' Yeah baby thank you
taught me one thing ,they start shoveling crap I can stick it right back to them.
I am damn glad I am out of that abuse,poor escuse of an organization.
Oh of course it is an alleged statments
After all linder is listening>>..
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Hey Mr. 123.. no kidding. I think the problem was the he could not work "with" anybody. Or did not have the skills to do so. Of course that was not his job. His job was to dictate mandates, "do it, or die".
I don't know if anybody here has any fond memories of the guy.. he was somebodies baby once I suppose. But by the time they got through with him, you'd a thought he'd huffed a little too much paint thinner.
How in the world are you gonna be able to work with somebody like that, given that the are given almost the power of "the almighty" over you?
Makes me wonder what he's gonna do when he's off the payroll. Not many forced labor camps in the U.S. that he could run, and Nazi germany is no more. Maybe he could start his own cult. Might be tough going for a character with the charisma of a doorknob.
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Gosh, it is amazing what involvment in twi will do to a person, I knew the Graml*chs before they were married, they were pretty nice people back in witchita when they simply ran a twig......what a shame that their continued involvement has molded them into heartless says so much about the group.
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Yep. I think the big "rev" title, at least in very recent years, says everything, makes all the difference. Takes an otherwise unqualified huckster and turns him into a monster. I just wonder what it really cost him.
Sad in a way. If they put him out, he probably has nowhere to go. No friends, they were disposed of long ago. Family? probably doesn't have the guts to go reconcile with them. If he treated his family like folks around here, he has no family that would claim him.
Like the other good Nazi's- "I was just following orders". Who knows, maybe they are "grooming" him for a BOD position!
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WordWolf -- true. The *shocking* part is seeing him have the added power that comes with the title.
Frank123 -- I hear you loud and clear. I was in a wowvet home with CG (geez -- he even has the same initials as another famous C*ris G***), and he told me much the same thing. Perhaps the greatest sentence I heard from him (in retrospect) was -- "I can't deal with having you live in this house anymore". Even though I was good little wayfer at the time, he gave me one week to move out.
Mr Hammer -- Yea, you bring up a good point. I wonder if he could do anything else.
--> I doubt it.
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Consider it ABS.
To do this, they would have to let their people spend money on a computer. Less ABS? Don't think so. Cassette players are cheap.
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They certainly don't want to encourage anyone to go on the internet. I think that's why their site is so boring and vague.
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Wow, that's 12 regions for what, 3600 people? That's 300 people per region. TWIt used to have more than 300 people in the NYC area alone. TWIt used to have 300 people in the limb of Illinois alone.
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When I first got involved there were seven regions, shortly increased to eight. That's when TWI was at the peak of their membership.
Twelve regions figures to about four states per region, and a lot of states don't have their own limb leaders. When I left about three years ago there were eleven states without in-state limb leaders due to tiny numbers. It's gotta be more now.
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Looks like these are old timers who are living off TWIt's titties and they haven't figured out how to get rid of them but don't want them at HQ around the fox and her lover.
All RCs are living the high life instead of the dorm life. Their work week is something like MAYBE 20 hours. Not a bad gig if you can get it, but the price your conscience pays is astronomical.
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Are RCs usually full time? Either way, our LC worked about 35 hours per week for TWI with no pay.
Belle, are you sure it's only 20 hours? Not questioning you. It's just so much less than a LC.
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JT, I'm just guessing since "things are better now"
:D--> Most of the RC's I know are full time. I just assumed all of them were.
I know our RC went swimming every morning and his wife ran around doing errands for the house, took special community college classes and such that had absolutely nothing to do with running a region.
They didn't even have fellowships at one time, now they at least do that, but I'm sure they have them at other people's homes to give others an opportunity to "bless" the rest of the fellowship. Same with teaching, too - most likely.
So, if they have less paperwork since "things are better".
Less wc in their areas to "report back" to them.
No other "full time staff" having to fill out staff micromanagement reports for them.
No fellowship teachings (or maybe once a month).
They delegate branch meeting and limb meeting responsibilities.
The "field" believers do all the set up, clean up and stringing of the chairs.
They might teach one session at a class or merely "bless" them with their presence at one session. (And, since there's hardly any classes run anymore....)
They don't fill out blue forms.
They only write the letter for their newsletter once every other month (all other aspects of it are delegated).
What do they do?? I think 20 hours a week is too generous a guesstimate for how hard they work for TWIts. No wonder they continue wiping the brown stuff from rosie off their noses and passing it on to everyone else.
Please, correct me if I'm wrong.
:D--> I'd love to be wrong in this case. What does an LC do these days that requires so much time?
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Belle, if that is all true, I wonder who is the next to feel the axe..
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